"The Aurors have come! The Ministry of Magic has indeed killed many of my followers. They locked me in New York, imprisoned me, and tortured me!" Grindelwald continued to provoke the emotions of the wizards.

"And the famous dark witch hunter, an accomplice of the Ministry of Magic! He also pointed his wand at our compatriots and brutally killed them."

"Just because they pursue freedom and truth!"

Following Grindelwald's words, the wizards in the field all looked at Chen Yi who was 'surrounded' by them in the center with hatred.

"You're going to be angry, you're going to have a desire for revenge, it's only natural!"

Finally, someone couldn't help attacking Chen Yi, and a young female wizard with a face full of hatred drew out her wand and aimed at him behind Chen Yi.

The magic energy that shone with green light hit Chen Yi viciously, but Chen Yi seemed to have a pair of eyes on the back of his head. With a slight wave of his left hand, the green spell went back the same way and hit the witch's arm. chest.

ah!The wizards around all screamed, and someone hurriedly stepped forward to check the status of the female wizard, and then said in disbelief: "Oh my god, she's dead!"

His words caused another exclamation, and more people looked at Chen Yi with hatred.

Chen Yi walked to the central stone platform on his own and stood beside Grindelwald.Grindelwald looked at Chen Yi gloomyly, not knowing what he was trying to do.

"Pure-blood wizards! To be honest, I can understand your belief in pursuing freedom! Because I also despise what the Ministry of Magic has done!"

Hearing his words, the faces of the Aurors on the periphery of the venue were a little ugly.

"So, I decided to give you a chance to survive and leave here within one minute, otherwise..." Chen Yi's eyes suddenly became sharp, he looked around at the wizards present, and said slowly: "Just Let's all die here!"


"How dare he?"

Chen Yi's words blew up the atmosphere at the scene, and the wizards condemned Chen Yi's arrogance one after another.

Ignoring the reactions of the wizards, Chen Yi looked at his watch as if he was timing them.

Grindelwald laughed. He didn't expect Chen Yi to be so conceited, to think of making enemies with so many pure-blood wizards at the same time, but this just happened to push the pure-blood wizards to his side.

"My countrymen, do you see? This is the face of the Ministry of Magic! They don't care about our lives at all! Go ahead, countrymen! Spread the word about what the Ministry of Magic is doing and tell people what the Ministry of Magic really looks like !"

The wizards, including Credence the Obscure, turned into black mist and left here after hearing Grindelwald's words.

Chen Yi didn't stop these wizards from leaving. He kept looking at the watch in his hand, and the time hadn't come yet. He said that a minute is a minute.

Besides, the more people choose to side with Grindelwald, the better. These are Chen Yi's experiences.

Seeing that the people had almost left, Grindelwald took out the Elder Wand and waved it around. The ice blue flame suddenly rose and surrounded the stone platform. He decided to get rid of the stumbling block Chen Yi here!

The icy blue flames quickly spread to the auditorium. Seeing this, the Aurors standing around the venue wanted to use Apparition to escape, but in the end only Newt and the others managed to escape.

Seeing this, Chen Yi laughed, pointed to the blue flames around him and said, "Grindelwald, is this the show you prepared for me?"

Grindelwald said gloomily, "It's not over yet!"

As soon as he finished speaking, several figures suddenly appeared on the stone platform. It was actually Grindelwald's subordinates who went down and returned, including Credence, who was deliberately let go twice by Chen Yi. Chen Yi also put some thought into it.

As soon as these people appeared, they aimed their wands at Chen Yi. Grindelwald looked at Chen Yi with pity and said, "Now, does the famous black witch hunter have any last words to say?"

Hearing his words, Chen Yi had an unscrupulous smile on his face.

"Mr. Grindelwald, are you looking down on me? Or did you say that having so many wastes gave you confidence? It seems that you don't know anything about power!"

"Don't cry if you don't see the coffin!" Grindelwald snorted coldly: "Do it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, several lethal spells hit Chen Yi.

"Magic Shield! Ice Wall!" The two skills came out smoothly, and they would attack his attacker's crotch, and then Chen Yi aimed his wand at Grindelwald's men.

"Lightning chain!"

A dazzling chain of light shot out from Chen Yi's hand, instantly linking those people together, they were thrown to the ground by Chen Yifang before they even had a chance to resist, and they didn't know whether they were alive or dead.

"You still want to run? Do you really think you can escape under my nose?" Chen Yi looked at an empty place with a sneer. Credence's ability can fool other people but not Chen Yi. The red name on his head made it hard for Chen Yi not to notice it.

"Die!" Chen Yi calmly pointed at the air, and Credence, who was still bloody, was killed by the surging magic power, and his broken body fell to the ground strangely from the air.

"No!" Grindelwald roared, these are his confidants, especially the death of Credence made his eyes tear.

Grindelwald waved his wand angrily, and countless ice-blue flames formed a huge flame dragon, flying in the air and swooping down towards Chen Yi.And the skull that released the blue flames seemed unable to withstand the huge force, cracks appeared on the skull, and more ice-blue flames spewed out along the cracks.

With Grindelwald's magic out of control, the ice-blue flame dragon broke through the stone chamber in an instant, and the Aurors outside looked in shock at the dragon raging in the air and the two fighting in the flames.

Chapter 46 Arrives!Elven King Igabela

"Hahaha! This is the most interesting way! If you want to play, just play bigger, Contract Summon · Elven King Igabela!" Facing the giant dragon rushing towards him, Chen Yiyi was not afraid, and shouted out with a big smile. that name!

As Chen Yi's voice fell, a huge magic circle appeared out of thin air in front of Chen Yi, and with the appearance of the magic circle, there was also a terrifying aura that made one's heart palpitate.

And the one who feels this most deeply is Grindelwald who is facing the magic circle. At this time, the strongest dark wizard of this century is full of fear.

The flame dragon in the air also seemed to feel the danger, and dared not continue to approach it for a long time.

"That...what...?" Theseus murmured in shock, looking at the magic circle in front of Chen Yi.

The expressions of the others were similar to those of Theseus, and Newt was also shocked to see the magic circle emitting a terrifying aura in the air. He could feel a powerful being trying to enter this world through the magic circle!

"Ha ha......"

A pleasant chuckle came to everyone's ears, and then a woman with outstanding grace stepped out of the magic circle. With her appearance, people seemed to feel that the magic power in the air seemed to be more active.

And this was not their illusion, because Chen Yi sensed that the four elements of ice, fire, light and darkness were jumping for joy!They are surrendering!

Chen Yi stared blankly at the woman in front of him. Her graceful body and icy blue skin gave off a strange beauty. There was a cross floating behind her, and balls representing the four attributes of ice, fire, light and darkness surrounded it slowly. Rotate slowly.

She is the king of the elemental spirits, Igabela!

But having said that, Igabela is really tall. Since Chen Yi's physical age is only 16 years old, and his height is only 1.7 meters, he can only reach her chest when standing in front of Igabela, but she Not only does her height not affect her beauty, but it also makes her look majestic.

Sensing Chen Yi's gaze, Igabela pulled a strange smile on his face: "Contractor, what's your name?"

Cough, cough, aware of his situation, Chen Yi hastily introduced himself seriously: "My name is Chen Yi, nice to meet you, can I just call you Igabela?"

"Igabela? It's been a long time since I've heard someone call my concubine like that..." There was a look of memory in Igabela's eyes.

"Then what do other people usually call you?" Chen Yi asked curiously.

Hearing Chen Yi's words, Igabela smiled lightly, and slowly uttered a domineering word: "King!"


Emotional Igabela is still a queen fan, should I also call her 'king'?Chen Yi was a little confused.

As if seeing what Chen Yi was thinking, Igabela chuckled lightly: "You can call me Igabela from now on, I'm sure!"

"Hey, good Igabela."

Chen Yi chuckled, I didn't expect this queen to be quite approachable~

Ignoring Chen Yi's 'smirk', Igabela's eyes turned cold, and he looked at Grindelwald not far away and the several flaming dragons hovering around him.

"Chen Yi, are they enemies?" Igabela asked.

"That's right!" Chen Yi stood beside Igabela, put his hands in his pockets, and said the most indifferent words in the most indifferent tone: "Let this world experience the real power!"

Feeling the arrogance in Chen Yi's heart, Igabela also put on a bloodthirsty smile on her face: "Obey! Contractor!" As an elf queen who has fought for countless years, killing has already been engraved into her instinct!

Looking at several giant dragons constantly flying in the sky, Igabela gave them an accurate evaluation: "Glamorous!"

I saw Igabela waved his bare hand forward, and a huge light blade appeared out of thin air, cutting off a giant dragon's wings devastatingly.

The giant dragon struggled to fall from the sky, but Igabela frowned, feeling the power in her body, and muttered to Chen Yi: "Contractor, the magic power you provided me is a bit weak... .”

Chen Yi smiled and said: "Yes, but I promise, next time I will definitely provide magic power that satisfies you!"

"Really? Then I look forward to your next summoning, and I hope that one day..." Igabela suddenly stopped, and then said silently in her heart: "I hope that one day you can summon me permanently , I never want to go back to that dying world..."

"Someday what?" Chen Yi asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing, some things are too early for you now."

Igabela didn't answer Chen Yi's question, and looked at the frightened enemy in the distance again. Even if Chen Yi's magic power was not enough, it was enough to deal with these ants!

She stretched out one hand forward, and countless energy rays converged on her palm. The next moment, a dazzling light beam suddenly shot at the two remaining flame dragons in the air.

As if a red-hot knife was inserted into the cream, the two giant dragons were directly shot through by the beam, and both died.

Seeing that the trump card he was proud of was easily solved with a snap of his fingers, Grindelwald knelt on the ground with blank eyes and muttered in his mouth.

"It's impossible...it's impossible..."

Chen Yi walked slowly in front of the distraught Grindelwald with a victorious posture, and asked jokingly, "Mr. Grindelwald, do you have any last words?"

"It's impossible! You don't understand anything! You don't know what I'm pursuing! You will ruin the future of wizards!" Seeing Chen Yi looking down at him, Grindelwald's anger was instantly ignited, and he refused at all. Acknowledge your failure.

Seeing him like this, Chen Yi lit a cigarette and took a deep breath, exhaling...

"Are you angry? If anger is useful, there are no losers in the world..." Chen Yi said lightly, and pointed his wand at Grindelwald's head at the same time.

"Wait..." When Theseus saw this scene, he was about to step forward to stop it, when a huge light blade suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, smashed on a building, and cut it in half.If he had taken another step forward just now, he would have been cut in half!

Seeing that terrifying existence looking at him with indifferent eyes, Theseus swallowed back what he wanted to say. He had never felt death so close.

"If you want to blame it, blame us for having different positions!" After finishing Grindelwald with an elemental bomb, Chen Yi said silently in his heart.

"Ding, congratulations to the adventurer for killing the plot boss Gellert Grindelwald, and getting the Black Dragon Staff*1, experience value 2200000 points, and gold coins*40000"

"Ding, congratulations to the adventurer's level upgrade, the current level is lv.32 (820000/840000), acquired skills: Wave Burst*1, Necromancer's Resentment*1" The experience of killing Grindelwald almost made Chen Yi go straight to the third level Level, after a moment of emotion, Chen Yi turned his attention to the two skills he acquired this time.

Wave burst, the skill of the blind man, can instantly burst the wave power condensed in the body, knocking away the surrounding enemies.

The Resentment of the Necromancer is a necromancer's skill, which can summon countless undead hands on the ground in front of him. This is the first time Chen Yi has acquired the skill of this profession. He felt a cold power appearing in his body. It is estimated that this is the power from the undead.

"Ding, congratulations to the adventurer for completing the job change task, the task reward: job integration!"

Another system prompt came. Following the system prompt, Chen Yi obviously felt that he had become different. If it turned out that he only released his skills passively under the control of the system, then he now feels as if Mastered those skills.

He has a deeper understanding of these skills. With the success of the job change, professional BUFF skills such as killing intent wave and attribute transformation are also successfully activated. With the passive superposition of these skills, Chen Yi has become much stronger again!

Chapter 47 Igabela's Expectation

After counting the gains this time, Chen Yi looked at Igabela who was standing quietly beside him.There is no in-game time limit for summoning skills in the system, and the time Igabela can retain is entirely determined by Chen Yi's mana.With Chen Yi's mana at this time, Igabela can be kept for more than an hour.

Sensing Chen Yi's gaze, Igabela asked softly: "Contractor, are you going to send me back?"

Chen Yi felt a little reluctance in her tone, thought for a while and shook his head and said, "I'll send you back when I run out of mana, let's leave here first."

Chen Yi stretched out his hand to Igabel, motioning for her to hold him.

Seeing Chen Yi's outstretched hand, Igabela hesitated for a moment, and put his hand on it.Feeling the warmth of Chen Yi's hands, Igabela's cold eyes became softer.

The figures of the two disappeared in an instant, leaving behind a group of Aurors with lingering fears looking at each other speechlessly.

Theseus came to Newt with an ugly face. He knew that his younger brother was very knowledgeable about magical animals. The woman just now was obviously not human, so he wanted to find the answer from Newt.

Hearing Theseus' inquiry, Newt hesitated and said: "She may be a mythical creature. I have never seen such an existence, and there is no record of such a creature even in the materials I have read."

Mythical creature?Is it the existence in the myth?Theseus frowned and looked at the direction where Chen Yi left, feeling that the world was suddenly strange...

Chen Yi took Igabela to the edge of the city, and found that she was looking at the distant forest frequently, so he asked, "Are you going to the forest?"

"Yes!" Igabela replied calmly, but Chen Yi obviously saw a glint of excitement in her eyes.

When the two came to the woods, Chen Yi's heart was gradually calmed down by the natural tranquility. When Igabela arrived here, he couldn't stop looking around, and when he saw some grass and wild flowers, he would squat down and touch them.

At this time, the proud elf queen seemed to have turned into a curious little girl, and this huge contrast opened Chen Yi's eyes.

Noticing her gaffe, Igabela walked slowly to Chen Yi, and said softly: "I don't see these vibrant plants anymore in my hometown. The last time I saw these lovely lives was when I When I was a child..."

"Then how old are you now~" Chen Yi asked desperately.

Igabela looked at Chen Yi with a half-smile: "What? Do I look old?"

"No!" Chen Yi shook his head again and again, and Igabela's eyes aroused a strong desire to survive in him.

"You look so young, how can anyone think you are old, you are so beautiful, I am very moved!"

There was a strange smile on the corner of Igabela's mouth, and she stretched out her hand to caress Chen Yi's head.

"Are you moved? Many people have said this to me before... Do you know what happened to them afterwards?" Igabela's eyes showed blood, and he said slowly: "Later... ...they were all killed by me~"

Seeing the blood in Igabela's eyes, Chen Yi's face turned green. Feeling the hand caressing his head, as if his head would be scratched off by her in the next moment, Chen Yi panicked a lot at the moment.

"Heh.....hehe..., sister Igabela doesn't want to kill me too?" Chen Yi asked tremblingly.

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