

"Live, live, live..."

Xia Ren suddenly woke up from the nightmare and opened his eyes.

In the dream, he seemed to return to that battlefield, and everyone died without warning, and then the figure of Ig, the father of all snakes, raged, one after another fell, and finally it was his turn.

He saw Zhu Youqian kneeling in front of him, his body no longer looked like a human being at all, holding the bloody book in both hands, staring at him with eyes, lips moving, repeating those three words:


Xia Ren knew that it wasn't for herself, but for the glass of Tiansi Temple beside her.

He gasped for breath, but his heartbeat still couldn't calm down. Guilt, sadness, anger, sadness...all kinds of emotions filled his mind, and even made him unable to accept the fact that he had woken up.

Because waking up meant that he had to face this desperate reality.



It's been a long time.

The sky was blue and the sun was a little harsh.

The children's laughter and running around came from my ears.

Xia Ren sat up from the grass and looked around.

Chapter 579 The goal is the stars and the sea 【Complete】

Xia Ren woke up and found that he was already on the floating island in the clouds.

Zhou Yuan did not imprison him, but gave him all the magic tomes that could be collected, including the Necronomicon, the R'lyeh Text, the Apocalypse of Glaaki, and the King in Yellow, and set him free, but he did not explain the reason.

Because of the previous accident, Xia Ren hated Zhou Yuan to the bone, and he would certainly not miss the opportunity to improve his strength and take revenge.

Half a month passed like this, and Xia Ren's sanity was overwhelmed by the magic code. He would occasionally walk out of the room, wandering around on the floating island, and accidentally saw the orphanage and the orphanage in the orphanage at this time. As a teacher, Ping Shiqing lives carefree.

She was well protected by Zhou Yuan, and she didn't know about all the changes in the surface world. Xia Ren wanted to go up and say a few words, but suddenly remembered that she had been forgotten by the other party, so she gave up immediately.

With a lot of knowledge pouring into his mind, he successively unlocked the talisman of holding demons and holding ghosts, the talisman of summoning and testing the earth, the talisman of Taiyin Corpse Dissection and Transformation, and the talisman of ascending the mysterious realm in a short period of time.

However, the last volume of Xuanjun's Seven Chapters Secret Scripture, Zhengyijiang Shengwei League, has never been unlocked.

After completing all the magic tomes, Zhou Yuan found Xia Ren again and brought him to another area on the island—a temple.

There, Xia Ren met the woman who once appeared in his dream, Keshila.

As if guided by the dark, the strong mating instinct ignited the two, but at the last moment, relying on the remaining reason, Xia Ren reined in the precipice and interrupted the breeding ceremony.

Zhou Yuan originally wanted to use the offspring born by the two as a sacrifice to awaken something, but now he can only use another method.

He sacrificed the blood of Xia Ren and Kexila, and awakened the outer god who had always been regarded as the moon, but was actually the voice of the celestial body-Gheroth.The pale moonlight is gone, and the earth is covered with copper rust. The "moon" opens its giant eyes, looking down at the human beings on the ground, and the human beings enter the countdown to extinction.

At the same time, Keshila's aura leaked, attracting the Star Family who had been searching for her. On the other side, Sinny Grant, the doctor and all the top forces launched an attack on Zhou Yuan.

The mighty melee was extremely tragic, and finally Zhou Yuan died in battle, and the floating island maintained by his mind disappeared. In the chaos, Jiufeng snatched the dying Xia Ren back from the hands of the family of the stars.

The order of the human world has already completely collapsed, and there are doomsday-like scenes everywhere. All human beings who looked up and saw Gherlos were all crazy. Only tens of millions of survivors hid in the shelters set up by the Foundation headquarters and the Superman Association. middle.

Although Zhou Yuan has been killed, the demise of mankind is inevitable. The outer god Gehros will wake up completely soon. At that time, all the sealed old gods on the blue star will also break through their shackles and gain freedom.

Grant was seriously injured in the battle. Before he died, he gave the Book of Eibon that he kept to Xia Ren. In the end, he failed to find the steeple on the seaside of the Dreamland.

Xia Ren opened the first page of the book, and saw a poem called Twilight Pilgrimage:

In Sybril lost in the long past

Underneath Omidares, Mount Terror

Before the big glaciers came

Magician walks the path led by the Shantak bird

descend into the bottomless darkness

enter the cave

since the birth of the earth

It was not once illuminated by the bright sun

Into the sleeping abyss of Tsatogua

And the crazy mud-hole where the gods lie

There is only one, Eibon, who returns with his sanity

The black demon god who descended from the sky has fallen asleep today

but it will wake up

we know the truth

because we witnessed

The bleak pages of his "book"...

The last chapter of Xuanjun's seven chapters secret scriptures will be unlocked at this time as soon as the holy prestige is descended.

Xia Ren looked at the sky, stared straight at the waking Outer God, and knew everything.

Together with Jiufeng, he went to the endless deep sea and found the islands.

Jiufeng also returned to his hometown for the first time.

The residents on the island have existed since ancient times. They have passed on for countless generations. They have always strictly abided by the rules of their ancestors, never leaving the island, and never interfering with the world outside the island. Until today, they have long forgotten own history, but did not forget the mission.

The residents held a final dinner, and then, the next day, the ceremony began.

The island cracked open, revealing several statues of gods holding chains. The residents sacrificed all their power to wake up the statues, and the chains were pulled up. The legendary city of Lalaiye emerged from the abyss.

But the first thing to surface was a temple.

It was a temple built on the top of the city of R'lyeh. There was only one bluestone throne in the temple, and there was a lazy man on the throne.

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