"Thanks for the pointer."

Before leaving, Xia Ren suddenly remembered that he almost forgot something, turned around and said to the middle-aged couple: "By the way, I saw a young man coming out of your house in the corridor just now, you should take a look at it." Nothing is missing, if you do, call the police."

He had already been seen by the other party, reminding them to call the police again at this time can avoid a lot of misunderstandings.

After the middle-aged couple heard these words, their faces changed drastically, but at this time Xia Ren had already boarded the elevator and didn't see it.

Their eyes darkened, and the man put his hand on the doorknob, unable to turn it.

"The lock has never been opened, the young man just now is lying?"

The woman suggested: "Should I go down and find a reason to stop him first?"

"Need not."

The man thought for a while, then took out the key and opened the door, "From his reaction, he probably doesn't know about us, and he hasn't called the police yet, so don't worry."

They came to the kitchen, put the purchased vegetables aside, and then stood in front of a large freezer, removed the carton covered by the freezer, and opened the freezer door

In the freezing freezer, a thin body covered with frost was curled up in a corner.

not moving at all.

The man looked at his wife and asked:

"Tell me, this person has been dead for such a long time. How did that girl named Ping Shiqing see it?"

Chapter 30 Countdown to Death ([-]rd update)

When I came out of the community, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon.

I have been running on the road today, and before I had time to eat, Xia Ren randomly found a restaurant and ordered a bowl of noodles.

While eating noodles, he opened the phone map.

According to the information so far, it is unlikely that someone intentionally killed Fang Bin. There have been two major changes in his state, one after the death of his wife Rong Rong, and the other when he went to the police station to check and monitor. unsuccessful.

Combining these two clues, it can be deduced that some accident must have happened on his way to the hospital in the early hours of that morning, and this accident was closely related to his wife's death.

There are two hospitals relatively close to Fang Bin's home, one is Nancheng Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, and the other is Jupiter City Maternal and Child Health Hospital.

Among them, the Maternal and Child Health Hospital was the closest, and Fang Bin was absolutely in a hurry when his wife had already broken the amniotic fluid. He had no reason to choose another traditional Chinese medicine hospital that was less professional and far away from his home.

After dinner, Xia Ren planned several routes on the map that Fang Bin was most likely to take, called a Didi, and planned to take it again.

Especially when he arrived at the intersection, he would tell the driver to drive slowly and carefully observe whether there is surveillance at the intersection.

The Didi driver didn't understand what he wanted to do, but it was a big order after all, and even though the beautiful female passenger had strange requests, he still followed suit.

Fang Bin's family lives in Nancheng District, a little closer to the city center, far away from the suburbs. The traffic planning here is very developed, and almost every intersection is monitored. It is even more difficult to find a vacant area for monitoring.

He can look for it slowly, but Yu Jingjing can't wait. What she suffers from is not an ordinary illness, but she is indeed possessed by a ghost. The situation is very critical. If there is no progress before tonight, then wait until tomorrow, Jingjing Her parents will take her to the capital for treatment. At that time, Xia Ren will be beyond her reach, and when she is quiet, she can only die coldly!

Xia Ren absolutely cannot tolerate such a result happening!

The noon sun was hanging overhead, and the time passed by. Although the air conditioner was turned on in the car, Xia Ren began to feel anxious inside.

The last section of the road on the map is about to be finished. Didi shows that it has driven more than 40 kilometers, and the time has reached [-] o'clock in the afternoon due to traffic jams, but there is still no road section that is not monitored!

"Why, I have walked all the intersections between Fang Bin's house and the hospital marked on the map, but I still can't find it. Didn't he go to the Maternal and Child Health Hospital?"

However, Nancheng District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine is too far away, and it will take more time to walk along the road to the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

"Little girl, where are you going?"

Didi driver couldn't help asking.

Seeing this passenger directing him around for nearly two hours, although it is good to be able to make money, after all, the curiosity in his heart still cannot be suppressed.

This question awakened Xia Ren.

He always wanted to solve the problem by himself, and always ignored the existence of ordinary people around him. Since he couldn't find it, it meant that the intersection might be remote, and it wasn't even marked on the map. He was not very familiar with Nancheng District. , it is not surprising that such a situation occurs.

But Didi often runs back and forth, and the driver definitely knows more than him.

"Master, do you know of a shortcut from Shengtian Community to the Maternal and Child Health Hospital?"

"Go to Erxian Bridge first, and then take Chenghua Avenue, it's direct."

The driver answered without thinking.

"No, I'm talking about the kind of very remote path that can't be found on the map."

"This is..."

The driver slowed down, thought for a while, and said, "By the way, Jingzi Street, it's the shortest way to go from there, but that street is quite old, and it's going to be demolished. Now it's closed to traffic during the day, and you can only go there at night."

"This is it!"

Xia Ren was so excited that he almost jumped up from his seat.

"Master, please go to the street you just mentioned!"

"Well... okay." The driver nodded blankly.

What an incomprehensible passenger.

After paying the money at the place, Xia Ren got off the car.

Jingzi Street belongs to the old street in the 80s and [-]s. Many buildings are still of brick and tile structure, but the walls are mottled and most of them have collapsed.The asphalt-paved street is not wide, and it is difficult for two cars to walk side by side. The signboards of the shops on both sides of the road have a strong atmosphere of the times.Looking up, there are modern high-rise buildings all around, but this place seems out of place, as if derailed from the world.

Such an intersection, not surprisingly, is not monitored.

Just the same...and no one.

Whether it's residents or shops, everything that can be moved inside has been removed, and what can't be moved is piled aside like garbage.

The whole street is not long, and Xia Ren walked through it in 10 minutes.

"Fang Bin and his wife, what happened here?"

He wanted to find someone to ask, but here was himself.

"Is the clue just broken like this?"

Xia Ren was not reconciled, he continued walking along the road, and it took about five or six minutes before he could see pedestrians.

Not far ahead is a food wholesale market. Although the temperature is high now, there is still an endless stream of people coming and going inside.

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