She is lying.

How could a kindergarten teacher let a student leave with an unknown senior boy?What should I do if something happens without the consent of the parents?

"Go on."

He didn't expose each other.

Sun Aihong nodded: "When I rushed home in a hurry, I saw Xinxin playing alone in the room, holding that puppet that I don't know where it came from, and calling it brother, I thought it was a little girl at the time. The children play house, so they don't care too much."

She seemed to be recalling something horrible, her voice trembling: "At first glance, I felt that the doll of unknown origin was full of evil, but Xinxin liked it, so I didn't care about it, that is, from that day on, Xinxin always encounters accidents, trips for no reason when she is walking, and when she is at home, things on the table suddenly fall down and hit her when no one is touching them, and once I even took her to go grocery shopping over time, bowing her head to choose She disappeared in a short while, but fortunately, she was found in time, and when she was found, she was almost locked in the warehouse. I asked her why she went in, and she said that her brother was calling her."

"I thought of that doll at the time, and I quickly threw it away when I got home. No matter how much Xinxin made a fuss, she didn't soften her heart, but when she woke up the next day, she saw Xinxin was still sleeping with that doll in her arms."

"I was terrified. It is impossible for Xinxin to sneak out in the middle of the night to pick up the doll. Then how did it appear? After that, I threw it farther and farther each time. I even tried to burn it with fire, but even when I saw the doll turned into Ashes, it was able to appear next to my daughter intact the next day. Until yesterday, when I took Xinxin out to play, she accidentally ran into the middle of the road, and you know what happened after that. "

Xinxin was hospitalized, and the gauze wrapped around her head was caused by her car accident.

And the scream that attracted Xia Ren was also due to seeing the doll reappear in the hands of her daughter.

"It seems that she threw the doll downstairs at that time, but when I went to look at it, the doll disappeared again. The system probably gave a reminder at the same time."

However, according to Sun Aihong's description, the puppet looked like a containment object, but the system only said that a type of infected body was found. Does the infected body have this ability?

And the infected body in the hospital, is it the same as the infected body in the room?

He recovered from his chaotic thoughts, and was surprised to find that Sun Aihong had unknowingly leaned on his shoulder while taking advantage of the opportunity of chatting, and at the same time had put his hands around his arms.

Sister, what are you trying to do?

"Ms. Sun, I'm a decent person." He tried to pull back his encircled arm without moving, but was met with resistance.

"Xia Ren."

Called the name directly.

Sun Aihong raised her head, a layer of mist was already brewing in her eyes, "You don't know how distressed I, a mother, is when Xinxin looks like these days."

Two lines of tears flowed down after she said that, matching her delicate face, she looked extraordinarily lovely and pitiful.

Xia Ren "..."

"You don't know that Xinxin's father's attitude towards me has become worse and worse in the past few years since he had a child..."

She began to talk about all kinds of unhappiness between herself and her husband, and her words were full of meanings of marriage failure.

Xia Ren understood, he was not an idiot, and the situation in front of him couldn't be easier to understand.

But as an honest gentleman, how could he be seduced by the beauty in front of him?

"Ms. Sun, if you want to keep me, just say so, I am willing!"

Before the words could be uttered, they were forcibly choked in the throat.

Because there is a third person present.

Maybe not a human being.

A little boy of seven or eight years old had already stood beside the sofa at some point, his complexion was strangely pale, his eyes were deathly cold, and he was watching them silently.

The little boy's face was less than half a meter away from Xia Ren, so close at hand.

Infected body!

Chapter 15 Maliciousness without reason

A chill emanated from Xia Ren's spinal cord and went straight to Tianling Gai.His head was blank, his body was stiff, cold sweat was breaking out on his forehead, and his back was chilly.

However, before he could react, something happened suddenly!

To Xia Ren's surprise, the accident did not come from the little boy, but from Sun Aihong beside him!

While Xia Ren was in a daze, she grabbed Xia Ren's palm with both hands, trying to reach into the open skirt.



Xia Ren's strength was enormous, even though the incident happened suddenly, he was prepared for it, and the arms of the two held on in mid-air for a while, no matter how hard Sun Aihong tried, he couldn't move an inch.

Looking at each other, Xia Ren shifted his gaze from the infected body to Sun Aihong's face, and blinked.

"Ms. Sun, what are you doing?"

"Don't you want to touch it?"

"...I don't want to." But the swallowing action still betrayed him.


Sun Aihong was stunned for a moment, then her expression became grim, she clasped her finger on his forearm, and swiped vigorously.

Xia Ren suffered from pain and stood up from the sofa. Seeing the triumphant smile on her face, she suddenly felt bad.

The little boy was still standing there, but Sun Aihong didn't seem to be able to see. In front of Xia Ren, she sneered and took out her mobile phone to call the police.

With a crying voice, she pretended to be extremely panicked: "Hey, the police station? Hurry up and save me, a man is going to rape me!"

There were a few screams in the middle, which was very realistic.

Xia Ren opened his mouth and remained motionless.

"He's at my house, hurry up!" Sun Aihong hung up the phone with a snap.

"Fairy dance?"

Xia Ren asked.

Sun Aihong didn't answer, she sat down on the sofa calmly, and at the same time, she didn't forget to tear off her neckline and mess up her hair, creating an appearance of being bullied.

"Aren't you running?"

Seeing that Xia Ren was still motionless, she tilted her head and asked.

"Won't I be more guilty of running away?" Xia Ren asked back.

"You're not very old, but you're quite calm." Sun Aihong sneered.

She picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip: "It's just that even if you don't run away, you won't be able to get away with the crime of breaking into a house and committing rape."

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