More importantly, Li Quan thought of a reasonable argument.It can not only explain the weird performance of his practice, but also prevent people from suspecting the reason why he doesn't touch women.

Li Quan only said that the poison of Yin Gu in his body has not been completely eliminated. That day, he met an old fairy who taught him the cure method, so he needs to meditate every day, and he can't get close to women during this period.

An Xinhe firmly believed in such an explanation.I thought that the master didn't like me so I was blowing the cold wind outside alone, and after playing last night, I knew that the master didn't hate me because of the yin, and the knot in my heart was untied.

For An Xinhe, what's more important is that now she's curled up in the man's arms and found the feeling of heartbeat she had two days ago...

"Master, get up quickly. It's time for you to practice."

An Xinhe woke up with her mischievous big hand, and her heart was pounding.Knowing that Li Quan can't indulge in lust, he suppressed his body's needs and beat Li Quan's chest coquettishly.

"Oh, let me sleep a little longer."

Today's An Xinhe is surprisingly fresh, she was still so charming and charming without the rain and dew last night, half sitting on the bed, afraid of arousing the evil fire of the master, she has not worn the clothes made of Liuyun yarn for a long time, now she is wearing a plain underwear, with two hands With a small waist, she pouted angrily, like an angry little girlfriend.



Li Quan, who played with the little pitiful, started today's practice again. After that, he went for a run, and then drank a sip of tea at the small tea stand.He continued to practice at night, and sometimes he would sleep with his arms around the poor little one.

This is Li Quan's life for the next few days.

Such a day is pleasant, but after a few days, the housekeeper An Fu came to the door with a mountain of ledgers in his arms!

In the side hall, Li Quan stared blankly at the hundred-thousand door-thick ledgers, and opened his mouth wide:

" want me to see this?"

An Fu is a cold-faced middle-aged man with a beard longer than Li Quan, and he answered meticulously:

"Yes, sir. Because you just recovered from a serious illness, I didn't let you see it a few days ago. Now that the master has recovered, it's time to take a look at the accumulated accounts."

"This... can you not read it? Or watch it less?"

An Fu shook his head resolutely: "No, these are the accounts for June. If the master doesn't go through them soon, the accounts for July will come again."

Li Quanqiang swallowed his saliva: "This...then let me try and see."



Another day and night, there was a torrential rain outside, and the bean-sized raindrops scrambled to land on the ground, and soon formed large and small puddles on the ground.

The whistling wind blew out the candles beside Li Quan countless times.

Xiao Cui, who was concentrating on watching the master settle the accounts, once again lit the candlestick with sparks, and complained dissatisfiedly:

"Master, why don't you close the window! Xiao Cui is too soft to light the candles."

Li Quanli ignored him, frowning, flipping through the account book with one hand and writing and drawing with charcoal in the other.Li Quan stepped on the abacus and slid back and forth, treating it like a toy.There is a pile of things called draft paper on the table.It is densely packed with so-called Arabic numerals.

Xiao Cui has never seen the old man do not use an abacus to settle accounts, and finds it very strange; he also sees the old man writing with charcoal, which is even more strange; he also sees the old man write a few so-called Arabic numerals on the paper, and then use a brush to write crookedly on the account book. Settlement of the ledger.

The little girl was very strange at first, thinking that the master was right?But after the little girl fiddled with the abacus a few times, she was surprised to find that the master's calculation was not bad, and the speed was much faster.This made the little girl very interested in Arabic numerals.Concentrate on observing behind.

The sound of rain drowned out the footsteps, and An Xinhe quietly appeared beside Li Quan, holding a bowl of hot soup in his hand.

Xiao Cui wanted to greet her, but An Xinhe made a silent gesture and joined the observing team.

The marriage between An Xinhe and Li Quan was arranged since childhood, because she only needs to marry into a merchant's family, so she studied mathematics since childhood.Xiaocui's mathematics knowledge was taught by An Xinhe.So An Xinhe is much more sensitive to mathematics than Xiaocui.Just one glance was attracted by Li Quan's strange algorithm.

An Xinhe looked at it for a long time, but still didn't understand what those strange characters represented, and finally couldn't help interrupting Li Quan, asking: "Master, where did you learn the strange algorithm? You can calculate it so fast and accurately ?”

Li Quan was startled and threw all the ledgers on the ground.

"Scared me!"

"I know I'm wrong..." An Xinhe bowed her body.

"It's okay, it's okay. It's so late, Xin He, are you still awake?"

As he said that, he sat the little pity on his lap with his arms around him.An Xinhe blushed, and carefully put the hot soup in her hand on the table:

"My concubine brought soup to the master."

Li Quan patted his stomach: "It happens that the master is hungry. Madam, feed me, I have to settle the score."

Xiaocui watched his wife feed the master bite by bite, her face was blushing, but her heart was full of fantasies.

The master said that he wanted to find a good husband for me, so that I could feed my husband like Madam in the future, hehe...

After eating, Li Quan saw that most of the ledger was still in front of him, and lay down on the table dejectedly!

It's been a long time for me to become a grand master. I never thought that work would be more tiring than my previous life!

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Li Quan got up again, reached into the poor boy's clothes and touched it hard, to refresh himself:

"There are so many more! It's so annoying! When will I finish the calculation?"

An Xinhe's face turned red from being touched, she gave Li Quan a reproachful look, and then became a little curious:

"Master, you were not like this before? No matter how many books are in front of you, you will not feel bored. If you earn more in a certain month, you will buy good things for your concubine. If you earn less in a certain month, If the master is in a bad mood, he will vent his anger on my concubine!"

"My lord, did I really have such bt before?"

"How can you say that about yourself? If the master feels tired, I can help you."

"Madam, can you settle accounts?" Li Quan said in surprise.


"Oh! You should have said it earlier! The two of us count together, which is much faster than me alone."

"My concubine thought of helping the master before, but the master said that women and other people can't do this."

"There are no such rules now. Come on, finish the calculation quickly and go to bed."



The rain gradually subsided, so there was no need for Xiaocui to light candles, the little girl had nothing to do, she leaned against the wall and just fell asleep.Li Quan was holding a charcoal pen, and An Xinhe was fiddling with the abacus. The young couple seemed to be able to work together without getting tired.It's just that Li Quan's advanced algorithm is obviously much faster than An Xinhe's "papapapa" dialing the abacus.

An Xinhe has been doing arithmetic since elementary school, and she thought that she would be no worse than men. Today, she had a rare opportunity to show off her ability in front of the master. Seeing that she was at a disadvantage, she was a little dissatisfied. Knowing that the master's strange algorithm had the upper hand, she wondered curiously. To learn.

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