"Arc Fist: After the electricity is stored, lightning can burst out during the striking process. The intensity of the lightning depends on the degree of electricity stored."

The Arc Fist is very interesting. It is charged with a charging plug. The more it is charged, the higher the intensity of the burst of lightning.

If I bought it early and plugged it in for charging, the accumulated power would be terrible when I do a special task tomorrow, and it is possible to kill a person at once.

I took out the gloves from the bronze prop box and hurried to the dormitory to recharge.

The bronze prop box has a boost effect, but I don't know how much it can be boosted.

That night, Chen Sihan didn't call me, she also activated the special task system to prepare for tomorrow's special task.

Early the next morning, I received a system prompt on my phone.

"Please go to the school gate and wait to enter the special mission."

I frowned and went to wait at the school gate?How to enter the special task?The system didn't say anything.

While there was still some time, I quickly refreshed the mall and used the bugs in the mall to see which advanced props had bugs.

The mall bug appears once a day, and you can only buy one item at a time, and the items that appear each time are random. There may be no good items for several days in a row, or there may be top-quality items for several days in a row.

I use the mall bugs every day, but the chances of producing top-quality items are very small.

The props this time are not particularly top-notch, I chose a combat-type prop.

"Scarred Talisman Paper: A one-time prop. After igniting the Talisman Paper or shredding the Talisman Paper, it works. It can shoot a row of 20 fresh thorns in total."

I took out the talisman paper from the bronze item box, and looked at the description of the talisman paper, and found that the number has changed from 20 to 40.

The boost effect of the bronze prop box is really awesome, it doubles in one go.

The newly stabbed talisman paper is very special, that is, a series of black iron thorns are branded on a piece of white paper. Those iron thorns are lifelike, as if a photo taken is pasted on the white paper.

"It's a strange and useful prop to shoot out the thorns by tearing up the idiots."

I muttered and put away the talisman paper.

After waiting at the school gate for about 10 minutes, a dilapidated bus came slowly and stopped in front of me.

"It's such a broken bus, I don't know what year it is. It should have been scrapped long ago, right? Who drove it?"

I wanted to look in through the car window, but I couldn't see the scene inside, the window glass was too dark and too dark.


The door of the bus opened suddenly, and a man wearing a peaked cap was sitting in the driver's seat. He looked straight ahead and said "get in the bus" in a flat voice.

I was standing right in front of the car door, hesitating whether to get in the car, when the phone rang, and the system prompted me to enter a special task.

Damn, you have to take such a broken bus to take a special mission!

Who designed Conquest?It’s so exaggerated but there’s no money to match it with an eye-catching bus.” It’s extremely low.

I got into the bus cursing, and when the doors closed, I realized the bus was full of people, all of them wearing hats with the brims pulled down so I couldn't see their faces.

Even when I got into the bus, those people didn't look up at me, and sat motionless on their seats like a dead person.

I was frightened by the weird atmosphere in the car, held my breath and sat down in the only empty seat left.

The bus started slowly and drove forward.

I looked out the window to relieve my nervousness, but the scene I saw in the next second almost terrified me: the bus went straight through a group of college students, passing through the crowd like a ghost car.

"How is this going!"

I yelled in my heart, and when I tried to look carefully again, I suddenly felt dizzy, and my brain couldn't think clearly.

After about 10 seconds, I looked out again and found that the scene outside the car window had changed.

This is not a college student!There are dark ruins everywhere, medieval churches and European-style domed buildings are everywhere, mixed with modern high-rise buildings, and even ancient Chinese pavilions.

But those buildings are all dilapidated without exception, and it seems that no one has been here for hundreds of years.

"Where did I go? Why did the time change in the blink of an eye?"

My heart was pounding and pounding.


Chapter 55: Welfare Tasks

Quests of the battle royale type are easy to kill people. In comparison, the tasks of the racing and conquest type are relatively easy, and most of the props in my mall are born for conquering women.

With nervousness, I read the mission description clearly.

"Special task [-]: Enter the basement of Wanfeng Plaza, everyone completes a turntable game, and the time limit is half an hour."


Seeing this strange task, I couldn't help frowning. This task has no clear direction. It just asks us to go to Wanfeng Plaza, and I didn't say where to sit.

I don't know if other players have received the same mission as me, anyway, I have to find that Wanfeng Plaza quickly, and it will be bad if the mission time limit is exceeded.

This place is like an abandoned ghost town, full of dilapidated buildings and no living people.

The system sent me a navigation route map to Wanfeng Plaza. I followed the map and quickly found Wanfeng Plaza. This is a 6-storey complex similar to Wanda Plaza.

"Aren't all the players coming to Wanfeng Plaza?"

I stood at the entrance of the square and noticed that there were sporadic players coming from all over the place, but there were also many people who were going to other places.

It seems that the special missions received by each player are different.

After taking a deep breath to calm my mind, I entered Wanfeng Plaza. The interior of the square was full of dust and withered yellow leaves, a scene of dead silence.

There are already more than a dozen players wandering inside, I didn't bother to visit this broken square, so I hurried to the basement.

Combined with the appearance of the ghost town nearby, I originally thought that everyone was thrown into a horror movie scene by the system, but when I went to the basement, I realized that I was wrong.

The basement is well decorated and not as dirty as the outside. The most conspicuous thing is a colorful disc in the middle, which is used to rotate the lottery when the mall holds events.

When I took a closer look, the disc was divided into many fan-shaped areas, each area was painted with a different color, but there were no words inside.

"Do you want us to draw a lottery?"

Some people have already come to the basement. They are all wearing masks, not showing their true colors. There is only one middle-aged uncle who is not wearing a mask. He looks handsome and has a refined temperament, which has attracted the attention of many players.

Everyone was very anxious, no one said anything, just looked around.

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