"After Wang Yue finished speaking coldly, she drifted away like a wandering spirit.

"Crap, Wang Yue, tell me what happened to Zhu Xiaojun?" I asked Xiao Ling to stop Wang Yue.

Wang Yue's speed is not too slow, but Xiao Ling's speed is a little faster than hers. Wang Yue feels that Xiao Ling may not be an ordinary person, and I am afraid that she is also a player like me.

"Wu Neng, stop pretending, don't you know what happened to Zhu Xiaojun?" "Did I say something wrong with you? If you don't tell me, how would I know what's wrong with him? I'm not a god." Can pinch and count.

"I rolled my eyes, and the rather ignorant attitude made me feel like I really didn't know that month.

"Zhu Xiaojun's life is gone, isn't this what you did?" As soon as Wang Yue opened his mouth, all the people watching the show around him pricked up their ears and listened to us.

"Hey, have you made a mistake? What does it matter to me if he loses his life? I'm not his father and woman, and I stare at his life every day.

"I laughed angrily, Wang Yue glanced at me silently, "Is it really you?" "" You have to make it clear, what am I not?What does this have to do with me? "I looked at her speechlessly, I don't really believe that I cut off Zhu Xiaojun's life, did I?" "If you didn't do it, who would it be?" "Wang Yue frowned, as if thinking about it.

"How do I know this, a poor dick like him who goes around wretching women everywhere, who knows when he will play with his little brother.

"I look like Zhu Xiaojun likes to play with women everywhere, so Wang Yue can't help thinking whether Zhu Xiaojun offended someone to become like that.

"Boss, let's go back to the bar, everyone is waiting for us.

"Xiao Ling doesn't like Wang Yue very much, and she doesn't like the way she talks to me.

"Okay, go back.

"I hugged Xiao Ling and walked towards the bar.

Wang Yue stared at my back and wanted to say something, but couldn't say it for a long time.

Ever since she recognized Chen Sihan as her master, it was impossible for her to return to my side.

"Wang Yue, where's Zhu Xiaojun?" Chen Sihan rushed to the downstairs of the hotel after receiving Wang Yue's call, but she didn't expect that there was chaos here, which made her think about what happened recently.

"Zhu Xiaojun was chased by a woman and disappeared, and I am now looking for him everywhere.

"Wang Yue recovered and looked at Chen Sihan, but didn't mention anything about me.

"Chased by a woman? Isn't he chasing a woman?" Chen Sihan knew Zhu Xiaojun quite well. Isn't this the time when he should be chasing a woman?How did he become a woman chasing him? "Sihan, his life is gone, I don't know what happened to him, anyway, when I found him, he was only wearing a pair of underpants.

"Wang Yue picked some words to say, Chen Sihan didn't expect that Zhu Xiaojun's thing was gone, and he was a little dumbfounded.

"What did you say? That thing of his is gone?" "I heard from him that the wound has healed, but his lifeline is really gone.

"Wang Yue nodded slightly, completely unaware of who had a deep hatred with Zhu Xiaojun and treated him like this.

"Find him first, and talk about the rest after you find him.

"Chen Sihan pulled Wang Yue and began to drill into the crowd.

Xiao Ling and I slowly returned to the bar while pretending to be teasing.

When I went to deal with Nalanyu, Jiang Shuiyue and Zheng Yali in the bar investigated those foreign players separately.

For a while, the ballroom and other places were full of them.

Compared with Zheng Yali's dispatch, Jiang Shuiyue, who is popular among the public, will attract everyone's attention as soon as she appears.

"Flowers in the mirror and moon in the water, flowers in the mirror and the moon in the water.

"The shout after shout made Jiang Shuiyue suddenly have some thoughts in his heart.

Maybe she can use that method to make the other party automatically show off.

Jiang Shuiyue decided to use a trick to lure the snake out of the hole, and as a bait, she stepped onto the stage and showed a rather mysterious smile to everyone.

"Flowers in the mirror and moon in the water, flowers in the mirror and the moon in the water.

"Thank you for your love for me. Today I bring you a new song. Please wait a little bit."

"Jiang Shuiyue glanced at everyone present, turned and walked into the staff lounge, and when she came out again, Jiang Shuiyue had something extra in her hand.

"Wow, what a beautiful violin.

"Seeing the piano in Jiang Shuiyue's hand, everyone present was quite surprised.

Ambilight is constantly flowing on the body of the piano, and the rather retro body of the piano makes everyone wonder if Jiang Shuiyue will transform into a beautiful woman in ancient costumes in the next moment.

"I want a violin like this too, if only I could have such a violin.

"A little girl stared at the piano in Jiang Shuiyue's hand, wishing that it was her own.

"Take money to buy it.

" Another little girl standing beside her spoke.

"Buy with money? How can it be so easy.

"It's not easy and it's not up to you. Are you afraid that you can't buy something when you have money?" "But when you look at this piano, you will definitely have a different reaction."

"That's right, such a piano must be extraordinary."

"There are more and more discussions below. Jiang Shuiyue glanced at everyone present, and after putting the piano on the shelf, he reached out and plucked the strings, and a crisp sound suddenly sounded.

Immediately, a wavelength spread to everyone, Jiang Shuiyue didn't look at everyone, but started to play a continuous sound after playing several notes in a row.

In an instant, everyone in the audience was silent, and they were completely focused on the sound of Jiang Shuiyue's piano, fascinated.

Suddenly, the sound of Jiang Shuiyue's piano changed, and one of the people present suddenly went mad, and the shrill cry made people feel extremely frightened.

But the people around didn't respond at all, as if they couldn't hear the shrill cry at all.

The eyes of the person who was constantly impacted by Jiang Shuiyue's piano sound were extremely red, staring at Jiang Shuiyue on the stage, and rushed out the next moment.

Zheng Yali walked into the ballroom and saw a figure rushing towards Jiang Shuiyue. She wanted to warn Jiang Shuiyue, but before she could warn Jiang Shuiyue, she saw Jiang Shuiyue glaring at that person, who seemed to be controlled by something for a moment Usually, you walk into a blind spot where the side monitor can't see.

When Jiang Shuiyue saw someone took the bait, the sound of the qin remained unchanged, and she moved towards that person with the qin in her arms.

Coming to that person, Jiang Shuiyue took that person into the secret realm without saying a word, and returned to the stage.

Zheng Yali watched Jiang Shuiyue take the man away, a little envious and jealous.

It was so easy for Jiang Shuiyue to take away a guy, it seems that she worked harder and harder.

Thinking of this, Zheng Yali suddenly felt the sound of her phone vibrating in her pocket.

Taking out the vibrating phone, Zheng Yali realized that the voice was from the task phone, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

Chapter 382: The Betrayal of the Body

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