"I watched Zhu Xiaojun sell Chen Sihan without saying a word, and thought that if Chen Sihan had solved Zhu Xiaojun at that time, I am afraid that Zhu Xiaojun would not be in the same situation as Zhu Xiaojun is now?" "Queen of poisonous scorpions?"The poisonous scorpion queen from the king's guild? "Yu Wenzi has investigated the player organizations in Zhenjiang City and Danyang City. There are three or four organizations in total. Except for the Wangba Guild and the King's Guild, which will have a little reputation, the other two guilds are No reputation at all.

Yu Wenzi will start looking for players from the school, because the players in the school basically have no background background, unlike those who are mixed in the society, all of them have a deep background background.


"Zhu Xiaojun nodded mechanically, as if he was controlled by Yu Wenzi.

Strange, isn't Zhu Xiaojun a player?No matter how bad it is, it will not be controlled by Yu Wenzi.

It is simply thrown into the player's face.

"Very well, you sit down, we are going to class.

"Yu Wenzi turned her head to look at Wang Yue, and asked those same questions after walking towards her, but unfortunately Wang Yue didn't have a secret realm, so Yu Wenzi yelled at the poor ghost.

To a man, Yu Wenzi would give Wang Yue a good look, but to a woman, Yu Wenzi seemed to not give Wang Yue a good look because of the reason that opposite sexes repel each other.

Because of being controlled, Wang Yue didn't seem to care at all.

Yu Wenzi knew that she didn't have a secret realm, so naturally she wouldn't continue to ask her.

Coming to Cui Xian's side, Yu Wenzi looked at the good-looking Cui Xian as if her heart was touched, and she even wanted to collect Cui Xian.

"It would be a pity not to keep such a handsome boy.

"After Yu Wenzi asked Cui Xian's question, when he was about to take him into the secret realm, a sharp arrow rushed in from the door, aiming at Yu Wenzi's head.

Yu Wenzi felt a sound coming from the wind, and the next moment a sharp arrow shot out from her forehead, and a pile of yellow and white things plus blood flew out of her head.

Yu Wenzi didn't expect that she would die in such a way, and she was stunned instantly.

When Yu Wenzi died, the hypnosis on everyone was released. Seeing Yu Wenzi's unwillingness to die, many girls screamed, directly infecting the people in the next class.

The people in the next class heard the screams and didn't know what happened. After they ran out, they found that there was a dead person in the next class. This has never happened before.

You must know the private cases that happened in the school. No matter who the dead are, many people cannot get rid of the responsibility, and even the headmaster may step down

Chapter 374: A Different Kind of Corpse

"What's the situation? Why did Teacher Yuwen die?" Cui Xian was stunned, just because this Yuwenzi's foot happened to land on the edge of his desk, and her head was already facing the direction of the podium. go down.



"The girl screamed when she saw the tragic death of Yu Wenzi.

Wasn't the Chinese teacher just fine, how could he just die?Is this a prank? "Call the dean quickly.

""Call 110."

"" Grass, what's the situation, wasn't the teacher introducing himself just now?Why did he suddenly say he was dead? "Brother Xiong took a seat in Cui Xian and happened to see Yu Wenzi's thigh. Of course, he only needs to hook his foot lightly to make Yu Wenzi reveal his triangle.

It's just that he didn't dare to do it at this time, and he still did it in front of a group of people.

"I remember that the teacher was clearly on the podium, didn't he? Why did he come down suddenly?" "Yes, the teacher was clearly on the podium, why did he come down? What happened?" There are inside stories and articles.

"Shh, don't guess randomly, it's not good for the deceased, we'd better wait until the dean comes over."

"One after another, the students whispered to each other, feeling inexplicable to each other about this sudden incident.

After Cui Xian left the chair, he ran towards me. Fortunately, this group of students did not dare to walk with me at this time. When Cui Xian came over, he asked me in a voice that only two people could hear, "Wu Neng , You said what happened just now, why did the Chinese teacher come to me, and why did she die so miserably?" In Cui Xian's view, Yu Wenzi's death was quite miserable, which is beyond doubt .

"She is a player. She just controlled the students below on the podium. I don't know how she did it. Then she found Zhu Xiaojun, Wang Yue, and you. She asked if you have any equipment and secret realms. I dare say She's definitely here for those two things.

"I spoke in a voice that Cui Xian could hear, and Cui Xian was instantly astonished, as if an egg could be stuffed in his mouth.

"No way? The Chinese teacher is actually a player? Isn't that too impossible?" Cui Xian stared at me with big eyes.

"Nothing is impossible, she came here for the secret realm and weapons, and she just wanted to get you into the secret realm as a collectible.

"As I said that, I saw the sudden sweat on Cui Xian's face and thought it was a bit funny.

"Damn it, did you make a mistake, she actually wanted to treat me as a collectible, did she say it herself?" Cui Xian felt a chill as soon as he imagined the picture.

"Yeah, she said it herself.

"I nodded, "It's just that before she got you into the secret realm, she was pierced through the head by a sharp arrow.

"This is something I didn't expect.

Originally, I had already planned to rescue Cui Xian, but I didn't expect Yu Wenzi to be killed before I made a move.

I have to say that this Yu Wenzi's death was so appropriate that she probably didn't even think that she would die in such a way.

Hearing the news of the death of the new teacher, the dean was very surprised, and hurriedly called the security guards and rushed towards the classroom.

As soon as he entered the classroom, the dean watched a group of students pointing at Yu Wenzi who was lying in a pool of blood, and instantly he shouted at the students, "All of you get out of the classroom right away.

"I didn't want the news of the teacher's accidental death in the school to spread everywhere. After the dean kicked him out, he immediately contacted the principal to make an early warning plan.

After Cui Xian and I were kicked out of the classroom, people from the next class also came to join in the fun, and the corridor was packed with people in an instant.

"Cui Xian, we meet again.

"Lu Qin's voice came into Cui Xian's ears, Cui Xian turned his head to look at Lu Qin beside him, and he didn't know how she squeezed so close to him.

Cui Xian didn't know that Lu Qin had paid attention to him early in the morning. After seeing him coming out of it, of course, he immediately followed him without saying a word.

"It is you.

" Cui Xian's non-cold greeting made Lu Qin feel a little embarrassed. After all, they were not familiar with each other. When she took the initiative to greet her, she thought that Cui Xian would respond to her more or less gently, but she didn't expect that Cui Xian was not enthusiastic at all.

"Well, what happened to your class, I heard screams coming from your class, it couldn't be that something extraordinarily large happened.

"Lu Qin has never been a person who likes to gossip, this time because Cui Xian is here, she only gossiped a few words.

"Does what happened in our class have anything to do with you? It's okay, don't ask around.

"Cui Xian felt that he was being watched by Lu Qin, but he didn't like this Lu Qin, and he really hoped that she wouldn't bother him when she was free.

Especially at this time, he was surprised by the identity of the Chinese teacher.

"Hey, how do you talk, Lu Qin talks to you so gently and gently, who do you think you are when you are so rude.

"The woman standing next to Lu Qin is Lu Qin's little follower. She didn't go to the beautiful harbor yesterday because of something, so she didn't know what happened in the bar yesterday.

"Whether I'm polite or not cares about your business. This woman is talking to me. Do I need to respond? Do you want to talk to her gently?" Cui Xian squinted at the lovely and pitiful Lu Qin. a good thing.

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