There was a half-smile expression on her face, she staggered back, and didn't ask the little monk Bujie for an explanation, she just covered her face and ran away.


The little monk Bujie looked at Jiang Ping in surprise.

"Benefactor Jiang, you have a predestined relationship with Buddha."

"Tips for carving insects."

It's not too difficult to do a reading comprehension.

Jiang Ping smiled.

Then the corner of his mouth moved slightly, and he whispered quietly:

"Little master, can you still bring that girl back to life?"

Beautiful things are always pleasing to the eye, and it is actually a loss to completely disfigure a nine-point beauty like this.

Of course, the most important thing is that it has nothing to do with me, so I can naturally express my forgiveness generously.

Who is not a double standard!

The little monk Bujie glanced at Jiang Ping again in surprise, and sent back via voice transmission:

"Benefactor Jiang, how do you know?"

Can it really recover?

Jiang Ping couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Feelings, your pretty little bald head is also a bitch.

He said he wanted to punish others, but he kept something behind his back.

But the monk is also a man, and when facing a woman, especially a beautiful woman, he will always involuntarily make a fool of himself.

Jiang Ping expressed his understanding.

Only the little monk continued to transmit the voice:

"The little monk uses the Mahamudra of Compassion, with little effort, and in about three months, the bruises on the face of the female benefactor will disappear automatically.

Hey, in fact, she kissed the monk, and the monk was very happy.

Therefore, I only hope that the female benefactor can understand the truth, so that it will not take the little monk's painstaking efforts.

The female benefactor has a predestined relationship with the monk, if the monk can really return to vulgarity."

"Stop it!"

Jiang Ping put his index finger against his palm, and said directly:

"You flower monk, don't talk to me."


Lick the dog!


The little monk who didn't quit gave an embarrassed smile, folded his hands together, and really stopped talking.

"Okay, now let's talk about how to deal with this peacefully."

Jiang Ping coughed a few times, and said slowly:

"It's not a big deal. Since no one's life was hurt, let's keep it private."

Chang Guanshi moved his eyes, stepped forward and asked:

"How does the young master plan to be private?"

"Make an offer."

Jiang Ping looked at Chang Guanshi with a half-smile, and said:

"Miss Yinshuang's contract of selling herself should be in your hands, I bought it."

Manager Chang waved his hand back, and the thugs who had gathered gradually receded, stretched out a finger and said with a smile:

"Young Master is really a cheerful person, 1 taels!"

"My lord, I see that Yinshuang is not a virgin, she must have been receiving guests in Baihua Pavilion for a while.

Even if her face isn't ruined, it shouldn't be worth the price. I'm not going to be taken advantage of by you! "

Jiang Ping sneered.

Chang Guanshi, on the other hand, looks like he is doing his own thing and talking about business:

"My lord, I was thinking wrong, Yinshuang is the number one oiran in the pavilion, in order to train her, I spent a lot of money up and down.

Now, if a benefactor of Yinshuang wants to stay overnight, he has to spend several hundred taels of silver, 1 taels of silver, which is the price of dozens of guests.

If it weren't for the face of the young master, I would be reluctant. "

"Don't you know when you are my son?"

Jiang Ping said slightly mockingly:

"This kind of oiran can receive customers three times a month, and I consider her efficient. Besides, she is worth a few hundred taels now, and in half a year, it will be 50 taels. I think others have to weigh it.

So don't talk to me about what you have, 5000 taels, one settlement!

Either take the money and settle the matter, or let's go down the road and make gestures to see if you can beat me?

May I remind you that the little master next to me is the future son-in-law of the Murong family. "

"Not yet."

The little monk Bujie smiled shyly.

"Adults talk, children don't interrupt."

Jiang Ping retorted.

This monk is open-minded, happy to be kind and enmity.

But he has to wipe his butt.

We all know that he is a peace-loving person, and he will not fight if he can.

"Young Master is really sharp, well, let's give Young Master some face."

Steward Chang smiled, but he didn't pay attention to the uncles of the Murong family. As we all know, there is only one uncle in the Murong family, and he is definitely not a little monk. He just took it as a joke.

"Hongxing, go and get Yinshuang's deed of sale. From today onwards, Yinshuang will belong to this young master."

"Here, this is 100 taels of silver. You used to say that it was a dime. You must have some private money on your body. Just take these silver and live a good life.

Well, if you meet a lover, you should marry as soon as possible, otherwise there is a little monk who is always thinking about it. "

"The little monk didn't."

"Do I still have a chance to meet my beloved?"

"Of course, those who like you because of your face, who can know how sincere they are?

Only when you are at the bottom of the valley can you know who is sincere and who is fake.

Besides, life will not always make you cry, there will always be sunshine.

Well, although it is a bit inappropriate for me to say this, you can just listen to it. "

After all, he was somewhat involved in what happened to Yinshuang today.

"Thank you son, you are a good man."

Looking at the back of Yinshuang who left in a bleak way, the little monk Bujie sighed:

"The fate of the monk is gone."

"Didn't you kill it yourself?"

Jiang Ping, who had just received a good person card, also sighed.

"But the master taught the little monk that karma reciprocates, the little monk can't control the world, but he must manage himself well.

The female benefactor has evil causes for the monk, so she will bear evil results.Now that karma reciprocates, the female benefactor and the monk have no karma. "

"You really worry about the world's worries first."

Jiang Ping answered casually and asked:

"I've been shopping with you for so long, people have been killed, and my face has been ruined.

Time to meet your future wife?

If you don't hurry up, I think with the speed of the government's handling of the case, you should almost be found. "

The murder at Lucky Casino won't be hidden for long.

The big-hearted monk next to him may not have realized that the bottom of the mountain is different from the top of the mountain.

The little monk Bujie nodded:

"I won't forget it, but Master Jiang, I think you seem to be very curious about the marriage of the monk, can I ask why?"

"If I have to find a reason, it's probably because of boredom and gossip."

Jiang Ping put his arms around the shoulders of the young monk Bujie, and said very affectionately:

"Let's go, I know the way, I'll take you there!"


Yesterday's two chapters made several readers very upset, and even I was not in the mood. Generally speaking, authors are emotional writers, and I am no exception.

It is easy to doubt yourself when you see someone saying that they have abandoned the book and their writing has collapsed.

In fact, I just want to write a few different characters. I hope that in this arena, there will always be a few characters who are not like ordinary people, but are somewhat cute.

Little Monk is a try.

In the character design I made for the little monk, he grew up on the mountain and had no contact with any strangers. Now he is a master monk who listens to everything from his master. He feels that what the master taught him is the greatest thing in the world. Reason, plus he is still a genius and controls a powerful force, so his actions will appear to be unique.

After all, the little monk has just come down the mountain, and he has to meet some people and encounter some things before he can grow up.

In fact, I also gave foreshadowing, such as his seven wives who died in love.

If it weren't for his charisma and determination, would anyone be willing to follow him to death?

That is the future monk who does not refrain from killing.

It is enviable that he died so gracefully.

Well, ahem, having said so much, I just want to say that there will be an update today.

ps2: Chapter [-] is inexplicably missing a few hundred words. It should be somewhere that touched the red line. I have to change it. I hope it’s okay.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Murong Mansion.

"The so-called marriage contract is just a few jokes between Master Yiyuan and my master, you don't have to take it to heart.

Furthermore, we have no letter of appointment, no matchmaking agreement, and no orders from our parents, which is inconsistent with reason and law.

Don't quit, junior brother, there is something going on in the house now, so I can't keep you here.

There are some troubles here, you should go back. "

Murong Xianxian politely sent the bewildered young monk out of the door.

As for Jiang Ping, because when Jiang Ping visited Murong's mansion, Murong Xianxian hadn't returned to the mansion, so Jiang Ping knew her, but she didn't know Jiang Ping.

Although Murong Xianxian felt that this friend of Bujie's junior brother was good-looking and handsome, she was obviously not someone who was easy to judge by appearances.

Besides, a friend of a monk is half a monk, no matter what.


The brass ring of the gate was clasped on the hand, reflecting a bright little bald head.

"cough cough ha"

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