Jiang Chen chuckled.

"I don't dare to take the word hero! But since Mr. Tang Yi appeared here in person, then I don't need to read this document anymore!"

"Let's just talk straight, what did you find?"

Downey opened the drawer under the bar, took out a stack of ordinary papers, and gently threw it in front of Jiang Chen.

"Look at this, this is all the ability information we recorded!"

Jiang Chen immediately opened the file, looked down and frowned.

"What this clock marks...represents the resurrection of those hundreds of dead people?"

Downey nodded.

"That's right, but I only used the time marker temporarily, because we haven't been able to accurately observe the exact attributes of the ability."

Jiang Chen picked it up and flipped through it again, and suddenly frowned.

"Your record actually started two years ago?"

Donnie smiled.

"Two years ago the technology wasn't mature enough, but we did start tracking..."

"Mr. Jiang Chen, your growth trajectory should be very lucky to be recorded!"

Jiang Chen nodded.

What he saw was his logo in Yanhuang.

The logo is very simple, it is his photo profile picture...

However, Jiang Chen saw another familiar face next to his profile picture...

He immediately entered the small world and called Lucifer who was playing cards.

"Lucifer...I have something to ask you..."

Lucifer was in high spirits right now, and immediately responded impatiently.

"Tell me something, I won three consecutive championships and won a lot of money!"

Jiang Chen took out the report card that Downey gave him.

"According to the data observed by Aegis, you guys have been following me since two years ago!"

Jiang Chen and Lucifer looked at each other, and terrifying sparks burst out from their eyes!

Chapter 1627 Who is the Demon Clown King

Lucifer suddenly had a black question mark face.

"What are you talking about?"

Jiang Chen raised the report in his hand.

Next to Jiang Chen's profile picture, a profile picture of Lucifer keeps appearing, the probability is quite high.

What puzzled Jiang Chen the most was that he still remembered every place where it appeared.

"Tongtian Peak... the outskirts of the imperial capital..."

Lucifer looked at Jiang Chen, and said with a smile.

"What are you talking about! I don't understand!"

Jiang Chen just kicked up.

"Go away and be cute! Tell me quickly, who are you!"

As soon as this remark came out, Lucifer also felt wronged.

"I forgot!"

"Damn it! I forgot about it!"

"You made me think about what happened two years ago, and I can't remember it, don't remember it!"

Jiang Chen was taken aback.

At this moment he felt a little ashamed and a little annoyed.

The countless complex emotions in Jiang Chen's heart condensed into one sentence.

This Lucifer of his grandma!He actually started rolling around playing tricks!

With a big wave of Jiang Chen's hand, surging chaos and the like spread out from his palm.

In just a split second, the top of the entire Shidake building was like a lighthouse, illuminating the entire block.

A drop of sweat dripped down Lucifer's forehead instantly.

He waved his hand quickly, and persuaded Jiang Chen with a pleasant face.

"Don't do it! Don't do it!"

However, Jiang Chen couldn't help but be filled with suspicion, and was even more anxious to death.

"Say it! Are you the devil clown king!!"

Jiang Chen's words were filled with overwhelming anger.

A terrifying coercion swept across the entire building in an instant.

Even pedestrians walking on the street fell to their knees with a plop unconsciously.

The terrifying power of the master level made Jiang Chen shine like a god at this moment!

However, the expression on Lucifer's face froze instantly.

"Fuck? So the clown is actually me?!"

Jiang Chen snorted coldly.

"Hehe! You finally admitted it!"

Lucifer immediately jumped up and shouted angrily.

"I admit shit!"

"I don't even know who the devil clown king is, what are you doing all of a sudden?"

"It's not been a day or two since I've been with you. We've gone through countless hardships and obstacles together. Why do you keep refusing to believe me? Could it be because of my status as the Lord of Hell?"

Jiang Chen frowned, and couldn't help recalling every detail of fighting side by side with Lucifer before.

He thought for a while and said.

"Okay! Then I want to ask you, why are your travel routes marked on the inspection report?"

Lucifer stared at Jiang Chen.

"I used to think that one day you would ask me this question, but I really didn't expect this day to come so soon..."

"Jiang Chen, do you remember that I once told you about the reality that the gate of hell was sealed?"

"Lucifer, the majestic lord of hell, was forced out of his own hell. I admit that things are stronger than me!"

Jiang Chen looked at Lucifer, gradually withdrew the power of chaos in his hand, and gradually dissipated the terrifying coercion of the master level.

I only heard Lucifer speak slowly.

"The gates of hell were not sealed by that monster at all!"

Jiang Chen's expression changed.

Lucifer said bitterly.

"How? Hearing this, what's your opinion?"

The expression on Jiang Chen's face was distorted.

He was extremely puzzled.

Lucifer once said the battle between the Son of Light and the Son of Darkness.

But he has always claimed that he is the personification of light, the first ray of sunshine in the morning.

That "son of darkness" who appeared from nowhere actually broke into the realm of light, defeated Lucifer in one fell swoop, and drove him out of hell.

In Lucifer's explanation, Jiang Chen naturally believed that it was the "Son of Darkness" who sealed the gate of hell, leaving no place for the souls from Blue Star to stay, forming a huge unclaimed land over the years.

However, now Lucifer suddenly told Jiang Chen that it was not the victor "Son of Darkness" who closed the gate of hell, but someone else.

Ask Jiang Chen if he has any insights?See shit!

Is this a fucking plot that normal people can figure out?

Jiang Chen's head is about to explode...

He shook his head violently.

"Stop talking! It's still too early to talk about the gates of hell. You can explain to me why you started following me from Yanhuang two years ago when I hadn't made a fortune yet?"

Lucifer smiled wryly.

"You think I'm thinking?"

"After I came out of hell, I became a wandering ghost, wandering around on the blue star."

"But as I said before, I received a strange order to look for you and follow you!"

"Two years ago, I finally found a little bit of clues, so I naturally started to approach you."

"Watching you grow up step by step, I can't help but believe more and more that the order my father gave me is absolutely true, and you are the son of the prophecy!"

Lucifer explained again, but Jiang Chen's mood became more and more chaotic.

At this moment, Mr. Downey suddenly let out a haha.

"Mr. Jiang Chen, the conversation between the two of you is really interesting!"

"From the perspective of an outsider like me, the two of you may have known each other two years ago, and now you are guests on the same boat, and you are at my pier."

"But I really don't understand. Since I am willing to provide the inspection report to the two of you, why do you still want to stage an infighting scene with me?"

Jiang Chen suddenly smiled awkwardly.

"Mr. Downey, please don't get me wrong!"

"I have just known this guy for more than two months. As for the fact that he has been following me, I only learned about it today..."

"Let's not talk about this, we came to you just for the test report, I hope you can help us solve this weird resurrection case with powerful technological means!"

Downey looked at Jiang Chen, then turned to look at Lucifer, and finally fell on Officer Judy's face.

"Officer Judy... From the report of the ability we got, it is not difficult to observe that a kind of ability can appear in different places at the same time. According to common sense, this is simply impossible!"

"According to my analysis of the ability, the user of this ability is either an extremely powerful time master, who can continuously return to that time, and appear in different places to resurrect the dead."

"There is another inference, that is... a large area of ​​resurrection skills!"

Jiang Chen immediately raised his hand and interrupted Mr. Downey.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Downey's two inferences have a paradox..."

"If the time masters appear in different places, why haven't we observed any clues of the time masters at all?"

"Let's talk about the deduction of resurrection skills... It's okay to resurrect a large area across the country. Why did you choose to resurrect these hundreds of people?"

Chapter 1628 The Truth

Judy took the conversation and said.

"According to criminal investigation methods, when a serial murderer commits a crime, the victim should have many hidden but actually existing close connections."

Jiang Chen frowned immediately.

"These people...are ordinary people, what connection can they have with supernatural beings?"

Downey said immediately.

"Not referring to the connection with the perpetrator, but between the victim..."

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