"If this continues, our economy may not be able to operate these many industries at all!"

Jiang Chen knew that what Eve said was absolutely not alarmist.

Economic repression is just the tip of the iceberg that Huang Hou and Mr. Yan have aimed at themselves.

Jiang Chen called everyone together.

"If we want to protect ourselves, we must be stronger than others and have bigger fists than others!"

"People have stretched out their hands to my face, so don't blame me, Jiang Chen, for acting cruelly!"

"Little cat! You rush back to the Yanhuang Alliance immediately, and hand over the Grass Pheasant Sword in my hand to Fatty He!"

With that said, Jiang Chen drew out the Grass Pheasant Sword burning with the fire of the Demon God.

"Tell him, seeing this sword is like Elder Suzaku's presence!"

"Order him to hurry to the Trump alliance, and I will meet him here!"

Jiang Chen turned his gaze to Eve.

"Next, we will use the excuse of poor management to massively lay off employees, and quickly find a way to clean up those old departments of Mr. Yan!"

Having said that, the golden mouse suddenly stood up and said.

"Master, some of the people under Mr. Yan are my father's old department, I think..."

Jiang Chen knew that Jin Shu was a pure and kind person.

He is full of passion, but he can never fulfill his ambitions.

Because his father protected him so well, he didn't know the dangers in this world.

During this period, he spoke only in order to preserve his father's old department as much as possible, and it was too emotional!

However, Jiang Chen appreciates the simplicity and kindness of the Golden Mouse.

He immediately said to the Golden Mouse with a smile.

"Since you are moved with compassion, then you should go to those companies with Eve to have a look. If you really meet some people who you think are going astray, you can't wrong them!"

The golden mouse immediately saluted and thanked him.

However, Jiang Chen was not at ease letting his temper go.

"How about this, let Sister Fang Shiyan and all the brothers accompany you, so as to speed up the efficiency!"

Fang Shiyan understood immediately.

Jiang Chen was afraid that the Golden Rat would let his temper run amok, and he called these senior brothers and sisters just to restrain them.

So Fang Shiyan couldn't refuse, so he nodded and agreed.

Internal troubles are now being addressed.

However, there are external worries around Jiang Chen.

He immediately said to Lucifer.

"Master Demon King, I have to ask you to go to the police station and keep an eye on Officer Judy!"

"Her life experience is too mysterious, and I thought about it for a while, that girl didn't have a single witness for all the things she told us, and we can't prove whether what he said is true or not..."

Lucifer nodded immediately.

"Okay! I will serve you once today!"

In this regard, Lucifer can still trust Jiang Chen.

Although Jiang Chen was still young, he was a little reckless occasionally.

But in terms of IQ, Jiang Chen is absolutely online.

Afterwards, Jiang Chen arranged for Tang Shishi, Li Xiaofu and others to disperse to various industries.

Jiang Chen had just arrived, and without two backbones, he was afraid that those subordinates would rebel.

Everyone had a goal, and they dispersed one after another at this time.

Only Xiao Hei Dajin and Liu Yifei who Jiang Chen had just rescued were left, bored in the bar.

After this silence, Jiang Chen suddenly felt something was wrong.

There is soothing music playing in the bar, but no one has come to see it until now.

In the eyes of some ordinary people, bars make money by operating at night.

But in fact, the bar is also open during the day.

Jiang Chen's bar is run in black and white.

Fast food and snacks are provided during the day, and it is the home of those prodigal sons at night.

According to past experience, there will be more or less scattered customers coming to the bar to eat at this moment.

Today, however, there is no one.

Jiang Chen pushed open the door and looked outside.

The streets are still full of people coming and going.

Only in front of my own store.

That is, pedestrians seem to walk around on purpose.

Before Jiang Chen could react, Tang Shishi and others on the other side called one after another.

"Ginger bandit! Have we signed for a lot of burdens!"

"The clothing store I'm inspecting now hasn't sold a single piece of clothing for three days!"

Not only Tang Shishi is complaining, Wang Sicong, Li Xiaofu, Shangguan Fanxing.

Everyone noticed the abnormality.

Not only the bar where Jiang Chen is, but almost all the front shops of the hotel are running empty.

For these stores under Jiang Chen's control, the daily operation and maintenance costs are astronomical.

No wonder, when Xia Wa reported the accounts every day, she said that Jiang Chen's property had evaporated again. ?

After thinking about it, Jiang Chen suddenly understood.

This is probably Huang Hou's tripping him up.

The guy didn't know how to block the flow of customers in his store.

Not only that, but many stores reported that various raw materials needed for business were out of stock.

It was probably Huang Hou's fault again.

This guy clearly wants to suffocate Jiang Chen to death!

But they thought Jiang Chen was too simple.

Seeing Xiao Hei who was playing billiards with Da Jin, Jiang Chen had an idea.

Since you can't buy materials in the name of the company, then ask Xiao Hei, who never shows his face in front of people, to help you buy them!

Jiang Chen immediately leaned against Xiao Hei, and handed his black card to Xiao Hei.

At this moment, Liu Yifei complained.

"Brother Chen! Why am I useless!"

Chapter 1606 Pack it for me!

Jiang Chen explained a few words to Xiao Hei very quickly, and then dragged Liu Yifei back to the bar.

"How can you be useless! The most important thing in my plan is you!"

"We are going to take your business license now and open a store on the busiest street in Brooklyn!"

Jiang Chen was full of confidence when he spoke.

The sun shone on his face, and Liu Yifei's eyes immediately reflected the stars.

"Okay!" Liu Yifei was excited by Jiang Chen. ?

She didn't even ask what kind of shop Jiang Chen wanted to open, and left the bar with Jiang Chen like a little follower.

On the other end, Xiao Hei took a taxi to Manhattan Mall.

This mall is no ordinary clothing department store.

Although as soon as you enter through the gate, the models in the window are all wearing all kinds of weird clothes.

But it can be seen in the reflection of the marble tiles under their feet that the surface of these clothes is covered with a rich aura of heaven and earth.

This is a department store specializing in beast masters.

The first floor is protective equipment made of monster materials.

Xiao Hei took the elevator directly to the second floor.

The entire floor of the second floor is filled with the tangy aroma of food, but within these aromas is mixed with very active elemental power.

Xiao Hei could even feel the power of those elements turning into elves, jumping on his palms and shoulders.

These meals are herbal meals specially designed for the imperial beast.

Silver Frost Fish Truffle Burger, fresh fried Ganoderma lucidum, and golden paste madly carved wings.

All kinds of food are dazzling, seeing Xiao Hei's saliva flowed out.

He took out Jiang Chen's mobile phone from his pocket, and took pictures of these foods wantonly.

Don't forget to leave your own comments on the photos.

"Trump Alliance Dark Cuisine!"

Xiao Hei did not forget the most important task that Jiang Chen explained.

He went straight to the elevator.

The entire area on the third floor is a warning zone.

Anyone who wants to enter this area must swipe their card to verify their identity.

That is to say, if you want to go in, you must pay first.

Xiao Hei has Jiang Chen's black card in hand, such a small threshold naturally cannot stop him.

As soon as he went upstairs, Xiao Hei saw a dazzling array of imperial beast eggs.

This is the floor dedicated to the establishment of blood contracts and the sale and purchase of baby beasts.

Many parents bring their children who have already awakened their talents to buy their favorite beasts.

Xiao Hei couldn't help but recall the time when Jiang Chen signed the blood contract with him.

Where can there be such luxury, where can there be such comfort!

He was injured in the leg at that time, and then thrown into the pot by Jiang Chen.

After the baptism of high temperature and soaking in the liquid medicine, Xiao Hei was finally reborn, evolving from an ordinary house cat to a royal beast.

Looking at these sleeping baby beasts, Xiao Hei couldn't help feeling relieved that Blue Star is now in a peaceful and prosperous world.

The two races of humans and monsters were able to coexist peacefully, thanks to the Beastmaster of the Blue Star World.

Smiling, Xiao Hei turned to the fourth floor.

As soon as he reached the stairs, a strong medicinal fragrance hit him.

Just smelling this smell already made Xiao Hei feel refreshed.

It is indeed the most popular Manhattan shopping mall in New York City.

The quality of the goods here is really not covered.

As soon as the little black eyes turned, they saw fiery red rays of light continuously emitting from the center of the shopping mall hall.

These rays of light are all radiation produced by energy fluctuations.

Xiao Hei opened his palm, and the surging fire element moved violently, forming a huge wave of air between his palms.

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