Just a snap.

The bullet slammed into Jiang Chen's forehead, deflated into a ball of discus!

And on Jiang Chen's forehead, the purple scale flashed past, not even leaving a red mark.

The chef was suddenly taken aback.

"See! Damn it!"

Li Xiaofu walked forward slowly.

"No, you didn't see the hell, why don't you shoot me too? Do another experiment?"

After hearing this, the chef raised his gun subconsciously.


The muzzle burst into flames.

The bullet fell into Li Xiaofu's forehead with a pop.

On Li Xiaofu's forehead, there was a black hole protruding from the scorched smoke.

The shot finally hit!

The waitress yelled out on the spot.

"Ah! Killing!!"

But seeing Li Xiaofu chuckle, the wound immediately filled with yellow sand, lowered his head and coughed lightly.


A bullet fell to the ground intact.

Then, Wang Sicong slowly got up and stepped forward, without saying a word, just pointing to his forehead.

The head chef went crazy on the spot.

He dropped the gun with a snap.

"Damn it! Run!"

The chef was about to turn around and run away, but his shoulder was suddenly grabbed by a strong force.

"Don't go!"

Jiang Chen's dragon claws directly penetrated the glass fence at the front desk.

"Now I'll ask you again! Do you know where Mr. Yan is?"

The chef was so frightened that he talked with his tongue out.

"This is the way, wowowo is the way!"

"If you want to find Mr. Yan, of course you have to go to Tangyin Street!"

Jiang Chen immediately exchanged glances with everyone.

And Zhong thought of the familiar prelude.

"When time goes by, it will never come back~ The past can only be recalled~"

go out!Take a taxi!

Everyone took the automatic car and went straight to Chinatown!

Dragon pillar faucet, bright red and bright gold.

The lion dance rolls the hydrangea.

Traditional Chinese is everywhere.

There is an endless stream of tourists from inside and outside the alliance.

The golden mouse yelled excitedly.

“Welcome to Chinatown!!”

Jiang Chen pushed him away.

"Stepped on my foot!"

The Golden Mouse hurriedly apologized, and everyone giggled.

When Jiang Chen saw the compatriots who settled here and had a face very similar to his own, he couldn't stop feeling in his heart for a while!

Chapter 1563 Gifts

Most of these people's parents and grandparents were abducted by the Trump alliance and other powers to come to this road during the period of catastrophe and chaos.

In the beginning, most of these people worked as coolies in San Francisco on the west coast.

Later, some powerful Yanhuang compatriots came here to run factories.

But then, due to the global economic depression caused by the catastrophe, most Trump factories closed down and stopped production.

However, none of these factories established by Yanhuang people closed down.

Workers are still producing.

It was only then that a Haiji Yanhuang decree appeared in the Trump alliance California.

All the Yanhuang people on the west coast were driven to the east coast, which is now New York City.

But without the Yanhuang people joining, the Trump alliance's economy collapsed even more.

At that time, the Trump Alliance could only seek help from Chuanmu Group, which led to the later Shuangchuan Agreement.

It is also a rare miracle in history that a country should form an alliance with a company. ?

In this alliance, the Trump Alliance has provided Chuanmu Group with a large number of scientific research talents.

The Chuanmu Group handed over the top technology it researched to the Trump Alliance for use.

And the Trump Alliance took advantage of the fact that Blue Star was disturbed by the beast horde, and the common people were in dire straits at dawn, and they peddled advanced weapons and equipment.

In order to find better weapons to deal with the beast hordes, other alliances on Blue Star had to compromise with the Trump alliance.

This has established the Trump Alliance's position as the number one economy on Blue Star from now on!

It can be said that the prosperity of the Trump Alliance is based on the blood of countless human beings in Blue Star.

Yet now.

These Chinese descendants who immigrated to the Trump alliance in the early years have settled down permanently in Chinatown.

There are also some mixed-race children, including the golden mouse Fang Shiyan, who also live in this land.

Jiang Chen is familiar with these histories.

But at the same time, he thinks this is a normal historical evolution.

In Jiang Chen's heart, one day the humans on Blue Star will face the enemy together again.

Just like the beasts of all ages on the blue star, they encountered a common catastrophe.

The lessons of the Ghost Clan and Lich Clan are at hand.

The terrifying power that Guitian Emperor and Lich King suffered during the confrontation made the current Jiang Chen have to be terrified.

One day, Jiang Chen will lead the pioneer organization to seek the unity of all human beings on Blue Star, and unite with the enemy!

After sighing, Jiang Chen and the others came to the busiest street in Chinatown.

There are many shops here, and all kinds of human races flow here, and even the plaques have Yanhuang and Trump characters at the same time.

The Mr. Yan that the Golden Rat was looking for was in a certain shop on this street.

The golden mouse no longer had the drive it had when it first got off the spaceship.

He could also vaguely sense in his heart that the old department left by his father might have become independent from the branch.

During the time they moved to Las Vegas, they alone occupied the entire power of New York City.

Now, to find Mr. Yan, Jinshu can only keep asking.

"Hello! Sir, where is Mr. Yan from Chinatown now?"

As soon as these words came out, the shop owner who was pulled by the golden mouse to question immediately changed his color.

"No... I don't know! You should ask somewhere else!"

Then he drove the golden mouse out.

The golden mouse asked several shops in succession, but hit a wall everywhere.

He couldn't help but worry in his heart.

But at this moment, a black stretched Lincoln suddenly floated down from the sky.

I saw all the lion dancers on the street surrounded them.

With gongs and drums and firecrackers, it was very lively for a while.

It turned out to be a store opening.

The plaque covered with red cloth appeared shiningly in everyone's eyes.

Jiang Chen and the others were watching the excitement from the sidelines.

At this time, someone suddenly shouted with a voice that pierced through the sound of gongs and drums.

"Mr. Yan is here! Everyone avoid it! Make way!"

The crowd of onlookers retreated one after another.

Jiang Chen frowned suddenly.

This Mr. Yan has such a big shelf!

I saw a person getting off the extended Lincoln slowly.

His hair was gray and his face was wrinkled.

Looks to be at least 60 years old.

The man took a pair of golden scissors from the attendant and came to the door of the newly opened shop.

There is a bouquet of large flowers in front of the store, held by red ribbons at both ends.

Mr. Yan cut the ribbon with a click, and firmly caught the big red flower in his hand.

This is called a ribbon-cutting opening.

It is a unique custom of Yanhuang people before opening.

The owner of the store immediately showed a happy expression on his face.

But when Jiang Chen saw it, this expression was clearly fake.

Jiang Chen immediately understood in his heart.

I'm afraid this Mr. Yan is not very authentic in his usual actions!

Otherwise, why did the shopkeeper here make such a false expression?

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, and thought about it in his heart.

But the golden mouse, the flabbergasted young man, didn't think so.

He forced his way through the crowd and squeezed to Mr. Yan's side.

"Mr. Yan! Mr. Yan! I am a golden mouse!"

When Mr. Yan heard this name, his face suddenly became gloomy.

Although Jiang Chen was far away, he could see the details clearly.

At this moment, the golden mouse had broken free from the crowd and came to Mr. Yan.

"Uncle! It's me! I'm back!"

Mr. Yan looked very indifferent.

"Who are you? Come on! Get this strange kid out of here!"

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