"We have to go up and take a look at this!"

While everyone was talking, the fighting between the two masters in the woods had stopped.

But neither of the two parties suffered any damage, they just vented their energy.

Those strange figures finished their work, boarded the spaceship and returned to the meteorite.

Everyone was quite puzzled.

Shangguan Kitten scratched his head and said.

"What do these two guys mean?"

"Could it be that this ancient giant lizard is a doormat, and anyone who comes from the sky will call him at any time?"

"Little brother-in-law, what do you think?"

Everyone in Chang'an heard the words "little brother-in-law", and at the same time looked back at Shangguan Kitten with big eyes and small eyes.

Shangguan Fanxing's face brushed the red apple, but he didn't dare to make a sound.

Li Xiaofu coughed dryly.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

"Almost choked me to death! I dare not speak!"

Seeing Li Xiaofu's embarrassment, everyone laughed.

Jiang Chen said.

"Since this is a secret realm, it has unique ecological rules. It doesn't matter how the two parties fight."

"The important thing is that we have to quickly cross the forest and go to the strange tall buildings behind the forest."

Jiang Chen was very concerned about the dark buildings behind the forest.

After hearing this, everyone slowly poked their heads out from behind the boulder.

Looking at the huge meteorite above, I couldn't help but feel a chill down my spine.

Jiang Chen took the lead, everyone lowered their figures as much as possible, and quietly walked into the forest.

As soon as he arrived at the edge of the forest, Jiang Chen suddenly noticed a powerful spiritual force sinking between his eyebrows!

But Jiang Chen was not nervous.

With hostile mental power, Jiang Chen's sea of ​​consciousness will detect it in a second.

There is no need for Xiaodong and Jiang Chen to take action, Moqi himself will be the first to rush out to protect Jiang Chen's sea of ​​consciousness in order to protect himself.

This non-hostile spiritual force entered Jiang Chen's sea of ​​consciousness, and instantly turned into a virtual image formed by the spiritual force.

I saw a tall man wearing a blue-patterned dragon scale armor slowly floating straight up from the endless sea of ​​consciousness.

There is also a kelp in its mouth.

Jiang Chen was stunned.

"Brother, who are you?"

I saw the tall man swaying behind his back, and a blue tail covered with scales was revealed in front of Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen immediately understood.

This is the ancient monitor lizard!

It actually sent itself a message of spiritual power.

Before Jiang Chen could speak, the ancient giant lizard spoke first.

"You're from outside, aren't you?"

Mental power dialogue does not need to understand language or characters, it can be directly transformed into intelligible information in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Jiang Chen heard and nodded.

"Don't be hostile to me, I am also a victim here."

"This used to be a secret realm established by Da Neng in my era, but just this time ago, the meteorite with a strong dark attribute in the sky fell into the secret realm!"

"Since then, all rights to life in the secret realm have been suppressed!"

"The dark element is so powerful that many plants and monsters have been transformed."

"I was lucky. When the meteorite fell into the secret realm, I had already reached the peak of the king level, and I was not affected by the infection mutation."

"But due to the oppressive effect of the dark elements, my strength is still greatly regressed compared to before, and I can only be ruled by those monsters in the sky!"

When Jiang Chen heard this, his eyes suddenly widened.

"Senior, do you mean that those strange people just came out of meteorites?"

"And this meteorite still fell from the sky?"

The ancient giant lizard nodded, and the armor reflected a blue light.

"Yes, those guys not only brought mutation and infection, but also built castles in the secret realm and imprisoned the area, making all the original creatures in the secret realm under their rule."

Jiang Chen rolled his eyes and noticed that the words of the ancient giant lizard began to change.

"Senior, your strength is so tyrannical, you will definitely become their target!"

The ancient giant lizard nodded helplessly, with its hands on its back.


It said with a sigh.

"The demon in the meteorite asks us to turn in the energy in our bodies every day to keep the meteorite running!"

"With my strength, I have been enduring the present, and I have fallen from the peak!"

"Now that things have happened, if I hand in a few more times, I'm afraid I won't even be able to keep my king-level strength!"

Jiang Chen was dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, such a strong man of the era as the ancient monitor lizard would be ruled by enslavement.

Needless to say, the ancient giant lizard must have been unconvinced and wanted to fight just now, but it caused the monster clan in the meteorite to attack.

It is estimated that [-]% of them have never fought before, and only after losing, they will come to Jiang Chen who is watching the battle from the sidelines.

"Seniors have encountered such hardships, and juniors are also very sorry!"

"I don't know how the junior can help me?"

Two sharp rays of light suddenly burst out from the blood-red eyes of the ancient giant lizard, looking very excited.

"Yes! Too much!"

"If you can help me eradicate this abominable demon clan, I will belong to your subordinates, and I will follow orders!"

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows.

This kind of temptation is undoubtedly very huge!

But Jiang Chen was somewhat distrustful.

Let me talk about this condition first.

The Yaozu didn't even look down on this king-level powerhouse, so he rushed in rashly, didn't he deliver food!

Second, the obedience promised by the ancient monitor lizard is not credible.

Being absorbed by the monster clan is a kind of slavery, but now it is for oneself, isn't it equivalent to leaving the wolf's den and entering the tiger's den?

This contradictory promise was insincere, Jiang Chen could tell it as soon as he heard it.

However, it is the ancient monitor lizard, who has never heard of Jiang Chen's prestige in Blue Star!

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, and ran the train with his mouth full, directly agreeing to this matter.

"Okay! Since the senior promised so much, the junior is willing to clear the way for the senior!"

"You don't need seniors to obey you afterward. When the time comes, you owe me a favor. Just be there in time to help me when I need it!"

Hearing Jiang Chen's words, the ancient monitor lizard was overjoyed!

"Since ancient times, heroes have been born into youths! This old man has not misjudged the person!"

Jiang Chen and the ancient giant lizard had their own ghosts, but they laughed out loud.

Jiang Chen spoke again.

"There is one more question I would like to ask Senior. I wonder if the castle-like place ahead is heavily guarded?"

The ancient monitor lizard knew this secret realm very well, and immediately said to Jiang Chen.

"Ahead is the gathering place of the monster race. Ever since they fell into the secret realm, they have been transforming the secret realm."

"Prevention is definitely there, but it's not necessarily high. If you want to go, you can go and have a look!"

"But you must be careful, that place is closely monitored, and even the slightest movement will be heard!"

The ancient giant lizard cautiously pointed to the sky.

Chapter 1096: Sky Demon Fighter

The ancient monitor lizard led the way, and Jiang Chen and his group passed through the black jungle.

Along the way, countless snakes, scorpions and poisonous insects retreated one after another.

The powerful coercion of the ancient giant lizard spread out, and even the suppression of dark elements was greatly reduced.

"Okay! My territory ends here, and it's up to you to move forward!"

The ancient giant lizard said in Jiang Chen's sea of ​​consciousness.

At this time, everyone had already walked out of the woods.

The traces of artificial excavation in front of it are very obvious, just like a city.

Everyone walked out of the woods and walked cautiously to the edge of the city ahead.

Going into the city with the help of the black light, I saw that the buildings were patchwork, all made of a kind of black rock.

Under the building, different blocks are divided.

The roads are intricate and must have been carefully planned.

A large number of aircraft vehicles shuttle back and forth, which is quite prosperous, but it is always extremely quiet, without any sound.

Jiang Chen and the others hid in a ruin outside the city, watching the city from a distance.

"It seems that the legend of the Sky Demon Clan is still true!"

"These celestial demons are simply extraterrestrial civilizations from another planet!"

Tang Shishi continued seriously.

"If the Sky Demon Race comes with the meteorite, then the meteorite above our heads will have a doorway!"

Jiang Chen nodded.

"Aifei is right! According to my observation, this city of the Sky Demon Clan is very likely to be made of meteorite!"

"That meteorite may not be a real stone, it is very likely that it is a product made by some kind of sky demon clan!"

Li Xiaofu's mind suddenly widened.

"Like, a spaceship?!"

Hearing Li Xiaofu's words, Jiang Chen, Wang Sicong and everyone gasped!

"Don't tell me, Xiaofu! It's really possible!"

"But there is a strange thing, why did the Sky Monster Race come to Blue Star these days? And since they have already come to Blue Star, why are they still living in the secret realm?"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Jiang Chen was right.

If the Sky Demon Race makes a meteorite spacecraft and comes from the universe, there are only two possibilities for the purpose of coming to Blue Star.

First, aggression.

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