As a result, Shanhai Xingmao is almost leaderless.

With only Wenfeng and Shen Wansi left, it is difficult to shock the entire senior management of Shanhai Xingmao.

After all, Shanhai Xingmao has a large scale now, especially after Jiang Ci became the core disciple of Zixiaozong, Shanhai Xingmao has embarked on the road of rapid development.

Now in the entire Canglan Star District, in terms of interstellar trade, apart from the Cangyun Star Trade of the Cangyun Sect, the Mountain Sea Star Trade ranks second.

Calculated according to the overall value, the value of Shanhai Xingmao has exceeded 1 million top-grade spirit crystals.

Converted into points, it is 100 million points.

For so many years, every time Jiang Ci upgrades, the avatar has to refine a large number of spiritual fruits to increase the experience of various levels on the experience panel.

And these spiritual fruits were not produced out of thin air, they were all purchased with funds provided by Shanhai Xingmao.

It can be said that if there is no financial support from Shanhai Xingmao, the speed of his strength improvement will drop by at least [-]%.

What's more, for Jiang Ci, Shanhai Xingmao is not only an important asset, but also the hard work of him and Jiang Doudou.

For more than 200 years, Jiang Doudou has devoted a lot of effort and energy to the development of Shanhai Xingmao.

Therefore, Jiang Ci absolutely does not allow Shanhai Xingmao to have problems.

Whoever dares to touch Mountain Sea Star Trade is cutting his flesh and drinking his blood.

Of course, as Wen Youxin's uncle, he must also fulfill his elder's responsibilities and obligations to bring Wen Youxin back safely.

Through the interstellar transmission array of the first moon, it is directly transmitted to Dongyuan star.

After arriving at Shanhai Xingmao headquarters, Wenfeng and Shen Wansi were already waiting. They couldn't get in touch with Jiang Doudou, so they could only contact Jiang Ci.

"Uncle Master." Wen Feng was full of worry.

"Brother Jiang." Shen Wansi heaved a sigh of relief because he saw the backbone.

"Tell me about the specific situation." Jiang Ci didn't talk nonsense.

"Well, my sister has been inspecting the business of Shanhai Xingmao in various living planets in recent years.

In order to ensure the suddenness and accuracy of the inspection, she randomly selects a galaxy each time,

Three days ago, she went out with a patrol team as before, and not long after, all of them lost contact. "Wenfeng's face was ugly.

"I asked the relatives of all the inspectors, and found that some inspectors' lives were broken." Shen Wansi added.

"Where is Xiaoxin's fate?" Jiang Ci asked.

"My sister is still alive. This is the location where she sent the message for the last time." Wenfeng took out the astrolabe, summoned a phantom star map, and marked the approximate area in it.

"Sparkling Zhou galaxy..."

After Jiang Ci saw the location clearly, he immediately took out the message bead and sent a message to Immortal Liu Chuan who guarded the Supervision Department for him.

He is now the elder of the Supervision Department of the Canglan Branch of the Zixiao Sect, who can supervise the various affairs of the Zixiao Sect in the Canglan Star District, and has a high position and authority.

With the help of the relationship and power of the Ministry of Supervision, we can quickly collect the big and small things that happened in the Shuo Zhou galaxy in recent days.

A while later, Liu Chuan came to Dongyuan Star in person in a teleportation array.

When Wen Feng and Shen Wansi knew that Liu Chuan was an immortal of the Three Tribulations, they were shocked. This was the first time they saw an immortal.

Then, they saw Liu Chuan saluting Jiang Ci respectfully.

The two looked at each other and saw hope.

"My lord, all the personnel of the Supervision Department in the Shuozhou galaxy have dispersed. With our surveillance network, we can collect accurate information in half a day at most." Liu Chuan said respectfully.

He was originally under Chen Hu, the chief of the army, but because he offended a Six Tribulation Immortal of the Zixiao Sect, he was brutally suppressed.

After Jiang Ci returned to the Canglan Star District and became the Supervisor Elder of the Canglan Branch of the Zixiao Sect, he was reactivated to help him solve this trouble.

Although Chen Hu's request was part of it, Jiang Ci was kind to him, that's for sure.

He must repay his kindness, as the Immortal of Three Tribulations, Liu Chuan has not forgotten Jiang Ci's kindness, not only taking care of the affairs of the entire Supervision Department for Jiang Ci.

This time, after receiving Jiang Ci's summons, he came immediately, which also showed his attitude.

"Half a day... almost." Jiang Ci nodded slightly, waiting for the news calmly.

Unlike Wenfeng and Shen Wansi, anxiety was written all over their faces.

Half a day later, Liu Chuan received a message and said, "My lord, it has been confirmed that Wen Youxin once appeared on Kelu Star in the Shuozhou galaxy."

Jiang Ci stood up and said to Wenfeng and Shen Wansi: "I'll go to Keluxing myself, you guard the mountain and sea star trade."

"Uncle Master, we must rescue my sister!" Wen Feng couldn't help but say.

"Brother Jiang, I'm waiting for your good news!" Shen Wansi said.

"Don't worry." Jiang Ci smiled.

Afterwards, together with Liu Chuan, he left Dongyuan Star through the interstellar teleportation array.


Shuozhou Galaxy, Kelu Star, in the hall of the manor where the Ministry of Supervision is stationed.

Jiang Ci sat above the hall, and Liu Chuan stood beside him like a guard.

Below, is the person in charge of the monitoring station, a Nascent Soul cultivator.

He said: "My lords, just now we reported back on the relationship network of Keluxing,

Three days ago, ten people including Wen Youxin from Shanhai Xingmao did come to Kelu Star, but left soon after by flying boat. "

"What's unusual about the branch established here by Shanhai Xingmao?" Jiang Ci asked in a deep voice.

The person in charge of the station hesitated for a moment before saying, "No abnormality, it's still the same as before."

"Hmph, it's only abnormal if there is no abnormality!" Jiang Ci sneered, and said, "Send someone to arrest all the staff from the Shanhaixing Trade Branch!"

The person in charge of the station hurriedly resigned and took his men to arrest people.

Liu Chuan looked at the side and nodded slightly, because there was nothing wrong with Jiang Ci's judgment.

The second in command of Shanhai Xingmao disappeared not long after leaving Keluxing.

However, there was no panic in the branch of Shanhai Xingmao, and everything was as usual.

On the surface, this is dedicated and worthy of praise.

The fact that it might be hiding something is doubtful.

Chapter 485 This Is Unbearable (Add 1/2)

Soon, thousands of staff members of the Keluxing branch of Shanhai Xingmao were forcibly brought in front of Jiang Ci.

The head of the branch is a tough-looking young man with blond hair, whose cultivation is in the late Yuanying period.

In addition, there are seven practitioners who are the middle and early stages of Nascent Soul,

The remaining more than a thousand staff members are all Jindanqi.

Although Kelu Star is not the core planet of the Shuozhou Galaxy, its overall development level is not much worse.

Therefore, Shanhai Xingmao has set up a relatively large branch here.

Jiang Ci looked at everyone expressionlessly,

Basically everyone was a little flustered, because just now a group of heavily armed soldiers rushed into their office and brought them here.

They didn't know what happened, and they didn't know Jiang Ci.

Only the blond young man in the late Yuanying period was a little calm, and he knew Jiang Ci's identity.

"My subordinates pay homage to Mr. Jiang Ci." He saluted respectfully, his blond hair was very chic, and he seemed to be a person who knew how to deal with affairs.

The person in charge took the lead, and the staff below also hurriedly saluted, but it was messy and untidy.

Jiang Ci didn't care and didn't say anything.

He said directly to Liu Chuan: "Don't waste time, use the technique of fascination, and interrogate everyone."

As soon as these words came out, some people were confused, some people's faces changed slightly, and some people became even more flustered, and they started talking to each other in low voices, making a lot of noise.

"Hmph!" Liu Chuan had a straight face, and his spiritual consciousness spread out.

There are more than a thousand people with different expressions, and the one with the highest cultivation level, that is, the late Yuanying stage, how can he resist the three-robbed fairy's enchanting technique?

Suddenly, the hall fell silent, and everyone fell into a sluggish state.

The subsequent interrogation was very simple.

Two questions: Do you know Wen Youxin?Do you know the whereabouts of Wen Youxin?

In the ecstasy state, no one lies.

Either you know it, or you don't know it.

Either you know it or you don't.

Only one person's answer was different, and the blond young man said with a dull expression: "Wen Youxin was brought to Carlo Star by Baiyu Xingmao."

"How do you know?" Jiang Ci asked.

"Because I am a member of Baiyu Xingmao, I was sent to Shanhai Xingmao as an undercover agent."

Hearing this sentence, Jiang Ci sneered, as expected.

"Is there a planet called Carlo in the Shuozhou galaxy?" He asked Chu Kun, the person in charge of the station of the Ministry of Supervision.

"There are more than 3 living planets in the Shuozhou galaxy, I know them all by heart, and there is no Carlo star." Chu Kun shook his head,

He thought for a while, and then said: "It may be a barren planet, which has not been registered in the Heavenly Court of the Dao League."

"Then have you heard of Baiyu Xingmao?" Jiang Ci asked again.

Chu Kun thought carefully for a long time before answering: "No, it should be an unknown interstellar trade group."

Jiang Ci nodded, and said to Liu Chuan, "Unlock their enchantment."

Yanagawa did as he was told.

More than 1000 people woke up in an instant, and many people were still at a loss.

But the complexion of the blond-haired young man changed drastically immediately, he still remembered what he said just now when he was in a state of ecstasy.

"My lord, spare me! I was forced too!" The blond young man knelt on the ground with a pale face.

Jiang Ci didn't say a word, just stretched out his hand, and his spiritual power surged wildly.

The blond young man in the late Yuanying period came to Jiang Ci uncontrollably,

No matter how hard he struggled, it was useless, he could only keep begging for mercy, and he never saw the unrestrained appearance just now.

But how could Jiang Ci spare this kind of boy!

He really wanted to know who was so bold, who dared to poach his corner and move his property!

Press a palm on the top of the blond young man's head, search for the soul!

The most efficient interrogation method.

After three or four breaths, the blond youth lost his voice.

The more than 1000 people all knelt on the ground, all trembling with fear, for fear that Jiang Ci would also search for their souls.

Jiang Ci didn't continue to search for the soul, but waved out a ray of sword light.


The remaining seven Nascent Soul stage cultivators of the Shanhai Xingmao branch were all pierced through their heads by this ray of sword light and died before they could react.

Because the soul search just now found out that these seven people are also Baiyu Xingmao's undercover agents.

Jiang Ci was almost annoyed, what is the origin of this Baiyu Xingmao?

Don't you know that Shan Hai Xing Trade is his industry?

At the same time, Jiang Ci was also filled with anger.

Not only because Baiyu Xingmao poached his corner so recklessly,

There is another important reason,

Through soul searching, he learned that Baiyu Xingmao is an illegal interstellar trading group, specializing in the sale of Jindan and Nascent Soul for practitioners.

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