"Is this man an idiot?"

"Could it be the person sent by the black hand behind the scenes who wanted to assassinate me?"

Seven years ago, when he first entered Wanshan Xinghai, he was assassinated by a native of the Hedao stage and a native of the Yuanshen stage.

Especially the native of the Yuanshen stage, who not only carried the soul-killing post that could kill the Hedao stage, but also had the Immortal Dao restriction on him,

If he hadn't reacted fast enough at that time, he might have died immediately.

"Stay away from him." Jiang Ci remained cautious, turned and left.

As soon as he moved, the native who was thousands of miles away immediately followed.

"Sure enough, it's coming for me!" Jiang Ci's face suddenly darkened.


Behind, Xiangheng's eyes were filled with surprise and surprise.

"Worthy of being the core disciple of the Zixiao Sect, the speed is actually faster than the middle stage of Hedao!"

"Fortunately, I'm good at speed. Even in the late stage of Hedao, I can't escape my pursuit!"

He seemed to be traveling through space, his figure flickering, and the distance between the two sides was constantly getting closer.

In just three seconds, he was only a hundred miles away from Jiang Ci.

"Go!" He waved a long sword and shot towards Jiang Ci with great power.

The speed of the long sword is faster than his flying speed!

In an instant, he was behind Jiang Ci.


"This person is too fast!" Jiang Ci frowned.

This is the fastest opponent he has encountered, even faster than him.

Unless you use the best airship, you can get rid of the opponent's pursuit.

But now he is in the narrow starry sky and giant mountain, without enough acceleration space, the flying boat has become a decoration, not as fast as his own.

"There is only one battle!"

The facts were indeed as Jiang Ci expected, in just three seconds, when he was more than 5000 kilometers away from the empty star sea, he was overtaken.

The opponent's long sword disappeared in a flash, and hit him heavily.


There was a huge shocking sound, and the shock wave spread to thousands of kilometers.

However, with such a great momentum, the long sword only pierced Jiang Ci's body by more than an inch.

"Impossible? Is this the Nascent Soul Stage?" Xiang Heng was taken aback, his face full of disbelief.


After deciding to make a move, Jiang Ci did not hesitate, and turned his hand to take out the low-grade fairy-level Scarlet Firmament Sword.

A huge green lotus of swordsmanship suddenly emerged, condensing wisps of four-color sword energy.

"Go to hell!" Jiang Ci was expressionless.

Wisps of four-color sword energy pierced through the space, and fell on Xiang Heng's body in just an instant.

Boom boom boom!

The overwhelming four-color sword light overwhelmed Xiangheng.

"This is..." Xiang Heng was shocked.

This is his last consciousness, and then the whole person disappears into nothingness, and the dead cannot die again.

Kill the early stage of Hedao in seconds!

At the same time, after Jiang Ci used this trick, he didn't stop for a moment.

The wind, fire, and Taoism blended together, and the speed was directly raised to the extreme, reaching [-] kilometers away.

"Huh? No?" Jiang Ci was taken aback for a moment.

After the opponent was beheaded by his sword light, the imaginary forbidden explosion of immortality did not occur.

"Am I worrying too much?"

However, just to be cautious, he waited another 10 minutes before flying over.

After the aborigine died, only a storage ring and the top-grade spiritual weapon long sword were left on the spot.

Jiang Ci stretched out his hand to grab it, swept his spiritual sense in the storage ring, and was immediately happy.

"More than 5000 silver badges, good luck."

When the indigenous cultivators entered Wanshan Xinghai, they would carry a silver badge.

Before he entered the Land of Netherworld, he also beheaded many natives and accumulated more than 3000 silver badges.

Adding these, there are nearly [-] pieces.

"The leader of the men in black at the entrance of the palace once said that if you collect all [-] silver badges, you can get extra rewards. It's just not too bad, so you can try to collect them all." Jiang Ci smiled.

Immediately, he spread his spiritual knowledge to cover a radius of [-] kilometers, efficiently hunting down the aborigines.

In just one day, [-] silver badges were collected.


There are four entrances to Wanshan Xinghai, one of which is at the palace.

A team of men in black at the Dao stage stood guard in front of the barrier wall.

Their task is to examine people who enter and leave Wanshan Xinghai.

"Survival for seven days, unqualified, leave quickly!" a man in black shouted coldly, exuding a powerful aura at the same time.

An aborigine in the Yuanshen period stood in front of the man in black with a weak breath,

Obviously he was seriously injured and couldn't hold on, so he returned from Wanshan Xinghai.

It is very lucky to be able to come back alive.

Under the powerful aura of the man in black, his face became even paler, and his injury almost relapsed on the spot.

But he still didn't dare to stay, and left in a hurry.

In front of the enchantment wall, indigenous cultivators returned from time to time, but almost none of them survived for a full month, and they were all dismissed by the men in black.

Not long after, another native who joined the Dao period came back.

"Congratulations, you have survived for a full month, and you are eligible to become an introductory disciple of my Zixiao Sect. Are you willing?" This time it was the leader of the man in black who spoke.

The aborigines in this consummation period looked a little indifferent. He wasn't too surprised by the result.

Because he has survived in Wanshan Xinghai for three months, which has greatly exceeded the trial requirements, and he has the capital to be proud of.

"I would like to..."

But before he finished speaking, another person passed through the barrier wall and returned from Wanshan Xinghai.

It is Jiang Ci.

"Huh?" The leader of the man in black just glanced at him. He was puzzled at first, then shocked, and hurriedly dodged to come to Jiang Ci.

"I've met Senior Brother Jiang Ci!" He saluted respectfully.

"Don't be too polite." Jiang Ci nodded slightly, and then said, "I have something else to talk to you about."

The leader of the man in black said respectfully: "Brother, please follow me."

The two flew to the second floor of the palace.

The aborigine of the Daoist period who hadn't finished speaking just now was in a bad mood.

With his cultivation base in the Dao stage, he is also a strong person in the Megatron side among the indigenous groups of Wanshan Xinghai, but he was treated coldly here?

However, he also knew that the Zixiao sect was powerful, and there was nothing he could do if he was upset.

And the black-haired young man just now was obviously only in the Nascent Soul stage, but he could make the leader of the man in black at the Dao stage respectfully salute and call his brother,

It shows that the identity of the other party must be scary, and he is not something he can offend.

He curiously asked another man in black: "What was the identity of that man just now?"

"What identity? Brother Jiang Ci is one of the strongest contemporary geniuses of our Zixiao Sect!" The man in black replied proudly.

"The strongest genius!" The native of the Taoist stage was taken aback.

"How long have you survived in Wanshan Xinghai?"

"Three months."

"Hmph, Brother Jiang Ci has survived in Wanshan Xinghai for seven full years!"

The aborigines of the Dao stage were dumbfounded, too shocked to speak.

In such a dangerous place as Wanshan Xinghai, he already felt that he was very strong after living there for three months after a Daoism period.

A Nascent Soul survived there for seven years!

The shock in his heart could not subside for a long time, and the trace of arrogance in his heart also disappeared.

Chapter 446 Rewards and Punishments (Subscribe)

The second floor of the palace.

When Jiang Ci took out [-] silver badges, the leader of the man in black immediately understood what was going on.

He thought to himself, could it be that this newly promoted Core Disciple of the Four Heavens stayed in Wanshan Xinghai for two more years just to complete this extra reward?

Wanshan Xinghai's hell-level survival mission, the second goal is five years, and Jiang Ci stayed in it for seven years.

However, he didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly said: "Brother Jiang Ci, wait a moment, this matter is in charge of the Sanshu Immortal, and I have sent a message to the Sanshu Immortal."

It has been nearly two years since the Genting Competition ended, and the news that Jiang Ci has become the core disciple of Si Chong Tian has spread throughout the Zi Xiao Sect.

The core disciples of the Four Heavens include 100 Hedao stage, 10 Yuanshen stage, and 3 Yuanying stage.

Each of them can be called the most noble existence among the disciples of Zixiao Sect!

The leader of the man in black understood that although he was in the late stage of Hedao, his status in the sect was no longer as good as that of Jiang Ci.

In just a moment, a skinny old man appeared on the second floor of the palace out of thin air.

This old man was the Immortal of the Four Tribulations who was instructed by Immortal Wu Ye to assassinate Jiang Ci seven years ago.

Of course, Jiang Ci didn't know this, he and the leader of the man in black saluted in unison: "Meet the Immortal!"

Immortal Sanshu has no expression on his face, he has the same opinion as the leader of the man in black,

I think Jiang Ci must have stayed in Wanshan Xinghai for two more years in order to collect [-] silver badges.

For this, he was full of disdain.

But he couldn't show it in front of Jiang Ci, he just nodded lightly: "Have you completed the task of collecting [-] silver badges?"

"Yes." Jiang Ci took out his badge.

Immortal Sanshu took the badge and said at the same time, "I'll take you to see Lord Heiyun."

Jiang Ci was suspicious, and he wanted to see Mr. Heiyun again, who was it?

Before he could open his mouth to ask a question, Immortal Sanshu waved a powerful force and led him away from the entrance palace.

The space changed, and he found himself in a more magnificent hall.

This hall only has an area of ​​[-] square kilometers.

Above the main hall, sat a man in black armor who was nearly ten meters tall.

The aura on his body seems to faintly match this space, mysterious and powerful.

On the left and right sides of the main hall, there are dozens of immortals exuding the aura of immortality.

"Master Heiyun, Jiang Ci, a disciple of the fourth heaven, has completed the task of collecting badges." After the Sanshu Immortal finished speaking, he flew to the right, and sat cross-legged in the air like those immortals.

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