At this time, the appearance of Jiang Ci also surprised other disciples.

When those old disciples saw Jiang Ci, their faces changed.

They were still discussing Jiang Ci's life and death just now, did they expect this rival to be still alive?

And those new disciples are very happy.

In the past, because they were competitors, their relationship with Jiang Ci might seem a little unfamiliar.

But now among the seven new disciples of the Nascent Soul stage in the Three Heavens, except for Jiang Ci who passed the 7th pass of Tongtian Mountain, only Mu Ning passed the 7th pass two years ago.

Everyone's strength is no longer on the same level, and there is no competition between them.

Coupled with the fact that everyone entered the Zixiao Sect in the same class, the relationship became closer.

Jiang Ci also greeted everyone with a smile.

When the chat was lively, Jiang Ci stopped and looked not far away.

I saw Qi Song approaching with an angry face: "Jiang Ci, you sinister villain, you are still alive! God is really blind!"

This scene immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The disciples of the fourth heaven actually met the disciples of the third heaven ahead of time?

Jiang Ci sneered, wanting to beat him up first?

He saw Qi Song just now, but he didn't make a move.

Because this is the inside of Tongtian Mountain and River Map, everyone is a spiritual body transformed by spiritual consciousness,

Even if he did it, it wouldn't cause any substantial damage to Qisong.

"What's wrong with you?" Jiang Ci showed his big white teeth.

"Do you dare to admit it? I have recognized you. Five years ago, I kindly rescued you in Wanshan Xinghai.

You just don't know how to be grateful, but plotted against me instead. If it weren't for the nebula vortex to swallow you in, I would have almost killed you! "

Qi Song pointed at Jiang Ci, very angry, as if an honest man of ten thousand years had been irritated.

As soon as this remark came out, Yunding became lively.

The core disciples of the Nascent Soul stage in the four heavenly worlds immediately thought of many things.

"Jiang Ci plotted against Qi Song? Instead, he fell into a desperate situation?"

"It turns out that the news of Jiang Ci's death came from Qi Song."

"I have learned about Wanshan Xinghai from my master before, even if I was swallowed by the nebula vortex during the Dao period,

There is only one dead end, Jiang Ci survived, his strength is terrifying. "

"Don't digress, the point now is, did Jiang Ci really plot against Qi Song?"

"Is there any need to doubt it? Qi Song is a well-known good man in the Four Heavens. His words are very reliable. There is a high probability that Jiang Ci is a sinister person."


Everyone was discussing, Qi Song was full of anger, and there was a glint of complacency in his eyes.

The honest and honest image of thousands of years showed its advantages at this moment.

"No third person saw what happened in Wanshan Xinghai at that time."

"I am the first to win, I have an advantage, and I have a trustworthy image, so everyone believes in me."

"So what if you tell the truth? Does anyone believe you?"

Qi Song stared at Jiang Ci, the winner was in his hands.

He knew that Jiang Ci had nothing to do with him.

"So, be angry, the more angry the better, it's best to affect your mentality and affect the next game!"

The state of mind is also very important in the duel between masters. If Jiang Ci is affected, it will be a windfall.

Jiang Ci just looked at Qi Song blankly and didn't speak.

The shamelessness of this bitch was beyond his imagination.

It's just because of his silence that people feel that he really plotted against Qi Song.

"Shameless villain!" Mu Ning was the one who knew the situation best, Jiang Ci was not angry, he became angry first.

Qi Song gave him a cold look.

Suddenly, Jiang Ci disappeared in place.


Qi Song's face changed, and he was about to back away, but found that Jiang Ci was faster than him.

Moreover, the distance between the two was too close, and it was too late to retreat.

Bang! !

He was hit by a punch at the lower dantian of his abdomen.

The powerful force instantly dissipated the spiritual power in his whole body.

Bang bang bang!

Jiang Ci's punches were like phantoms, constantly falling on Qi Song.

With a body comparable to 10 times the best spiritual weapon, every punch is astonishingly powerful.

"Jiang Ci!" Qi Song roared angrily, wanting to resist,

But he has been suppressed by Jiang Ci, and he can't resist at all when he is not as powerful as Jiang Ci.

"Death!" Jiang Ci smashed Qi Song's head with a punch.

Qi Song's spirit body disappeared.

This sudden scene was beyond everyone's expectations.

No one thought that Jiang Ci would actually do it.

Because this is in the map of Tongtian Mountains and Rivers, which is a fantasy space, even if you die ten thousand times, it will not affect the main body.

Many people frowned, feeling that Jiang Ci had gone too far.

Isn't this bullying honest people?

Chapter 437 Lone Star (for Subscription)

Grouping can exist anywhere.

After Jiang Ci beat Qi Song suddenly, several new disciples who were close to him came over immediately, worried that Jiang Ci would be bullied by old disciples.

"Jiang Ci, I never thought that someone as cautious as you would make a move at this time." Yan Jiufeng laughed.

Although the Genting Competition has not officially started yet, no immortals have come over.

But everyone knows that there must be immortals paying attention here.

If Jiang Ci made a move at this time, there was a certain chance that it would arouse the dissatisfaction of the immortal.

"It's uncomfortable if you don't beat him! It's fun to beat him!" Jiang Ci let out a long sigh, "I've never seen such a shameless person! I've wanted to beat him for a long time!"

"Good fight!" Mu Ning applauded Jiang Ci.

"Good fight!"

The second sentence was not shouted by Mu Ning, but by a thin young man with star-like eyes.

The effect of his shouting was more attractive than that of Mu Ning, which surprised many people.

Especially the old disciples of the third heaven were even more surprised.

"Lone Star?"

"This boring gourd actually applauds Jiang Ci? Is there something hidden in it?"

None of those who can become the core disciples of Zixiao Sect are stupid.

So even if everyone felt that Jiang Ci had gone too far, no one stood up to stop him.

Now that Lone Star spoke, everyone immediately became suspicious.

It is rare for an old disciple to speak for a new disciple.

Gu Xing is also the strongest among the disciples of the Nascent Soul Stage of the Three Heavens. He passed the 7th level of Tongtian Mountain early, and he has a profound background.

Moreover, Lone Star is a man of few words and rarely communicates actively with other disciples.

In general, his words are highly credible.

When everyone was puzzled, Gu Xing said again: "Qi Song is very insidious, and I have suffered from him before."

"Looking at how angry you are, you should have suffered a lot this time, right?" Gu Xing asked Jiang Ci.

"It's so big, I almost died." Jiang Ci nodded.

The dialogue between the two caused the disciples to shake their previous judgment.

Qi Song really has a problem?

Many people immediately became vigilant.

Because Qi Song gives people the impression that he has always been a good guy and very popular.

In case Jiang Ci and Gu Xing are right, then we have to be more careful in the future.


Zixiaozong's fourth heaven, a planet with rich aura, is Qi Song's cave.

In order to better prepare for the Genting Competition, he finished his training mission in Wanshan Xinghai a year ago and came back to the cave.

At this moment, Qi Song's expression was distorted, and he growled angrily, feeling extremely humiliated.

"Jiang Ci... how dare he do it!"

The hundreds of people on the Yunding platform can be said to be the most core group of Zixiaozong disciples.

And Jiang Ci beat him up in front of everyone, and then killed his spirit body in Tongtian Mountain and River Map!

"Damn it, his body is too strong, stronger than most of the Daoists!"

"I have to think of countermeasures in advance. In case I need to participate in the second stage of the game, I may face him then!"

Qi Song quickly calmed down again,

He didn't think his strength was inferior to Jiang Ci's, it was too close just now.

His physical strength was weaker than Jiang Ci's, and it was normal for him to be suppressed by Jiang Ci.

After a while, Qi Song returned to the map of Tongtian Mountains and Rivers.

This time, he was far away from Jiang Ci, but he just glanced at Jiang Ci with resentment, and didn't say any more.

Jiang Ci also ignored this bitch.

After a while, Yunding suddenly became quiet.

A coercion of immortality covered the starry sky.

Above the Yunding platform, a middle-aged strong man in battle armor appeared.

"I, Cangmu, will host this Nascent Soul Genting Competition." A voice like thunder resounded in the starry sky.

"Greetings to Cangmu Shangxian!" All the disciples saluted.

Immortal Cangmu nodded lightly, and then said: "Everyone knows the rules of the Cloud Top Competition.

Two stages, the inner round robin and the promotion knockout round. "

"Now, start the first stage of the internal round-robin competition, starting with Erchongtian's 650 disciples, with 1 point for each victory."

"The top 10 disciples in terms of points can participate in the triple heaven promotion knockout round."

"Disciples with 11-500 points can stay in Erzhongtian."

"After the 150 points..."

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