"I didn't expect that this unexpected discovery would actually come in handy!" Jiang Ci chuckled again.

Judging from Kos' requirements for his enlightenment, if he had the Dao pattern secret treasure of the golden pattern Douhuang on his body, he would definitely not be able to leave through the exit above the valley.

This is the only way left now!

"Must get that colorful palm!"

Jiang Ci's eyes were burning, and his heart was full of longing,

It can be expected that it is the propellant for his rapid rise in the universe!

"From the Land of God's Fall to the Golden Temple, the distance is more than one trillion kilometers,

As long as I catch up with them on this road and kill them, the colorful palm is mine! "

As for the subsequent pursuit of the five great temples?

Let's wait until they can break through the world barrier of Douwen Continent first!

"Kos and Ter have been using the spiritual imprint on this communication bead to monitor my movements. This must not be taken away."

Jiang Ci left the message beads that Ter had given him in the sea of ​​blood.

Then he went through the cave tunnel, crossed the barrier of a million-meter-high mountain, and left the valley that he had cultivated for 80 years.

Surrounded by the blood-colored evil spirit like mist, Jiang Ci actually felt refreshed.

It's like taking off layers of restraint.

"The Temple of the Golden Pattern is in that direction!" Jiang Ci's eyes focused.

Immediately, he chased after him at a high speed in a flying boat.

He was not worried that this move would be discovered by Kos in the valley,

Cos couldn't detect the situation here because of the suppression of the spirit consciousness of the sea of ​​evil energy and blood.

"Miehuntie, I hope you can bring me good luck."

Jiang Ci turned his hand and took out a purple talisman, which was covered with startling runes.

"Extreme spiritual weapon-level soul-killing post (one-time), 1 points, by surprise, the highest can destroy late-stage practitioners of the Hedao."

This is a brief introduction of Zixiao Zong Zangbao Pavilion to Miehun Tie.

1 points are equivalent to 100 million top-quality spirit crystals.

This is the sky-high priced life-saving equipment he bought in advance after he took over the training mission of the Douwen Continent.

Now, there is no need to save your life, it just happens to be used to kill people.

Jiang Ci didn't even think about fighting with Dork and Bisheng in the past.

Even if he already has the strength of the Four-pattern Douzong now, he is not absolutely sure that he can defeat the two Four-pattern Douzong.

"Extreme spiritual weapon-level soul-killing invitations, the highest can be destroyed in the late stage of Hedao, the casting distance is determined according to the caster's spiritual knowledge,

My spiritual detection limit is a thousand kilometers, as long as I can catch up with them, I can use this post! "

After 3 minutes, the superb airship flying at sub-light speed has already crossed nearly 4000 million kilometers.

As for Dork and Bisheng who had already left, because they were not in a hurry, their speed was not as fast as Jiang Ci.

In the blood-colored mist a thousand kilometers above the Land of God's Fall, the flying boat with golden lines on its surface was flying leisurely.

Dork and Bisheng sat opposite each other, both sighed, sighed, and envied.

Because what they saw and heard at Kos just now touched them a lot.

I envy the Siwen Douzong named Jiang Ci, with the help of Cos, the future of Jiang Ci is limitless.

Maybe there is also a chance to be promoted to the Five-pattern Fighting King, although the chance is very small.

"Speaking of which, if you take the initiative to hand over this emperor-level dao pattern secret treasure to the temple, you will definitely get a lot of benefits." Dork laughed.

"It means that my luck is better than yours." Bisheng joked.

"Haha, then I'm going to rub your luck..." Dork laughed.

Suddenly, the laughter stopped abruptly, and both of them frowned at the same time.

Chapter 408 One shot into the soul (for subscription)

Dork and Bisheng are both of the Four-pattern Fighting Sect, that is, at the stage of joining the Dao, and their spiritual sense can easily detect tens of thousands of kilometers.

The spiritual consciousness of the two discovered that a spaceship was approaching them at a very high speed.

And they also know the people on the flying boat.

Just saw it 5 minutes ago.

"Huh? Is that Jiang Ci?" Bisheng was very surprised.

"No, beware of fraud, he is comprehending the secret treasure of the emperor's Dao pattern of the Jinwen Douhuang,

According to Kos' request, he cannot leave that valley! "Dork looked serious.

Seeing that the flying boat was getting closer, he quickly transmitted his spiritual sense to him: "Jiang Ci, what's the matter with you?"

no respond!

Forty thousand kilometers away, Jiang Ci was a little helpless.

He is still the spiritual consciousness of the late Nascent Soul, so he can't answer.

"Stop!" came another soft shout.

The distance between the two flying boats is getting closer and closer.

Thirty thousand kilometers, twenty thousand kilometers, ten thousand kilometers...

Dork and Bisheng had already realized that something was wrong, but their spiritual investigations did not find anything unusual about Jiang Ci.

It can be confirmed that Jiang Ci is not fake.


Their spaceship suddenly reached sub-light speed.

In the rear, Jiang Ci was very confident.

So what about acceleration!

The refining level of Douwen Continent is already low. With the quality of the flying boat in front, no matter how fast it is, he still can't get rid of his top-quality flying boat.

"There is also a difference between sub-light speeds. My flying boat can approach the speed of light infinitely. The one in front can only reach 20 kilometers per second at most!"

So, almost instantly.

The distance between the two airships was shortened to within a thousand kilometers.

Finally, Jiang Ci's spiritual consciousness could be transmitted to them.

"Two fellow daoists, my lord Kos asked me to say hello to you on his behalf!" Jiang Ci's voice of laughter passed over.

At the same time, he sacrificed a one-time top-grade spiritual weapon to destroy the soul.

A purple-black light, like thunder, flashed away.

Ahead, Dork and Bisheng were still in shock, because they didn't understand why Jiang Ci's flying boat was so fast.

Then they heard Jiang Ci's loud laughter.

"Master Cos is greeting us?" Both of them were a little confused.

Before they could react, the purple-black light quietly appeared on the flying boat, directly penetrating the souls of the two of them.

Into the soul!

When the two died, there was still a look of surprise on their faces.

The Seventh Divine Guard of the Temple of Golden Pattern, which was also on the flying boat, was also penetrated by the purple-black light.

The two four-pattern fighting sects who were comparable to the Dao stage, and the ten three-pattern fighting spirits who were in the primordial stage, all died!

The power of the soul-destroying post is so terrifying!

After losing control, the flying boat with golden patterns flew another [-] kilometers with inertia before it really stopped.

Although Jiang Ci was equally astonished, he didn't hesitate for a moment, and waved the entire flying boat into the storage ring.


He drove his own superb flying boat and went straight into the sky.

Passed through the blood-red baleful aura over the Land of Falling Gods, and then passed through the heaven and earth barrier covering the Douwen Continent.

From shooting to leaving, the whole process did not exceed ten seconds!

For the sake of caution, even if you leave the Douwen Continent and come to the universe starry sky,

Jiang Ci didn't stop, and continued to fly at sub-light speed, away from here.


I don't know how long it has passed, the place where Dork and Bisheng died just now.


Another flying boat rushed over at high speed, and two figures appeared out of thin air.

One of them, wearing black armor and exuding a terrifying aura, was Kos.

The other person is a burly man, of course it is Ter, who is also a Four-pattern Fighting Sect.

At a height of a thousand kilometers, the two of them could only see blood-colored evil air flowing like a thick fog, and nothing else.

"The location where the two of them sent me a message is here."

"The Golden Pattern Temple has just confirmed that the two of them and the Seventh God Guard are dead!"

Kos frowned tightly, his expression unsightly.

"My lord, can you detect something?" Tell asked.

"Killing silently... There is still a trace of Daoism here, and it is definitely not the method of our Douwen Continent." Cos said with a sullen face.

"Is it an extraterrestrial demon?" Ter was taken aback.

"Yes, I remember that more than 80 years ago, in the territory ruled by the Fire Emblem Temple, there was news of the arrival of demons from outside the territory. Maybe it was him." Kos nodded.

Practitioners in the Douwen Continent all fight with their bodies, and only the demons outside the territory can use various Taoist attacks.

Kos was in a bad mood.

The envoy sent by the temple was to give him the secret treasure of the Emperor Dao Rune,

Now the messenger is dead!

What's more, the envoy of the temple also carried an emperor-level Taoist treasure!

The fierce light in Kos's eyes danced, only four of them knew about the existence of that colorful palm.

He and Jiang Ci, Dork and Bisheng!

But he can be sure that Jiang Ci did not leave that valley.

"Send a message to Jiang Ci." Cos said suddenly.

"Jiang Ci?" Ter was taken aback for a moment.

Could it be that Jiang Ci did this?

Impossible, he didn't see Jiang Ci leave either.

Besides, with Jiang Ci's strength, he was not the opponent of the two Four-pattern Fighting Sects at all, and there was also the equally powerful Seventh Divine Guard.

But this was an order from Kos, and while he was puzzled, he hurriedly summoned Jiang Ci.

"No response." Terl shook his head.

"Send it again!"

After a while, Terr passed it on a thousand and eight hundred times, but there was still no response.

"Go back!" Kos's face was gloomy.

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