Once, Su Xiaoying's father Su Zhenwu showed this flag to Yue Jiannan when his dart passed by Jinghu Villa, so Yue Liusu knew that his family had this magic weapon.

The reason why Su Zhenwu let Yue Jiannan see it was because he trusted Yue Jiannan, and wanted him to see what his family heirloom was and how to use it.Because he doesn't know how to use it at all.

And because Yueliusu has the power of the yin god realm, that is, her spirituality has been promoted to the divine sense. The moment Su Zhenwu took out this magic weapon, she was discovered by Yueliusu in the Pagoda of Heroes. The magic weapon has a strong aura, if it hadn't been hidden in a special box, Yue Tassel would not have been able to discover it. After discovering it, the divine sense penetrated into the magic weapon and naturally knew how to use the magic weapon.

This magic weapon is not an ordinary congenital artifact, but a spiritual treasure.What the spirit treasure activates is precisely the five-element spell. This spirit treasure is a metal spirit treasure, and the carp embroidered on it is transformed from a demon spirit with metal magic power.

And to activate the spirit treasure, one must activate it with spiritual thoughts. That is to say, even if Su Zhenwu has this magic weapon, he cannot use it. If you can't cultivate the power of divine sense, you can't drive this magic weapon naturally.

One month came quietly, and the entire Jinghu Villa was shrouded in a tense atmosphere.Only Wang Lin was doing what she should do in the villa leisurely, without being infected by this atmosphere at all.

Chapter 229 Battle

That night, the sky was pattering with autumn rain, which made everyone in Jinghu Villa feel smoggy and terrified. After all, they didn't know whether the rain was sent by the Lake God.With such means, it is not known whether their patron saint of Jinghu Villa can defeat the lake god.

At Haishi, the water waves of Jinghua Lake rose and the waves were rough.Yue Jiannan, Yue Yunyao, Su Xiaoying and others on the tower were shocked, and they all stood up with nervous expressions.After all, it is unknown to what extent they have cultivated Moon Tassel and whether they can stop the Lake God.

Wang Lin sat on the seat indifferently, and used the Qi-watching technique to watch; the night was dark and the drizzle was misty, the lake god Xia Wu was wearing a red robe, and he stepped on the waves; a group of ghost soldiers behind him carried a big red The sedan chair followed behind, surrounded by a group of ghost guards, all standing on the huge waves and galloping forward.

"I really think of myself as a human being." Wang Lin sneered in her heart.The palace is built on the island, and the scene of welcoming relatives is similar to that in the common world.Moreover, he came before he arrived, which showed that he was very impatient.

In fact, after reaching the Yinshen realm, spirit bodies can live like normal people.But the gods seldom mingled in the mortal world, after all, the mortal air of the mortal world invaded and inadvertently eroded the dharma body.

"Liusu, I sincerely came here to marry you. You and I will get married today, and the grievances and grievances in life will be wiped out. From then on, we will be happy and live forever. Isn't it beautiful." The lake god Xia Wuli stood on the waves and said to the Tower of Heroes.

"Xia Wu, do you think I, Yue Liusu, will succumb! In my past and present lives, I, Yue Liusu, will never give in, only fighting." In the void, Yueliusu rose from the Tower of Heroes, and the dharma body transformed into a white armor Wrapping the body, it looks extremely exquisite, with a silver gun shining in the right hand, and the small triangular flag in the left hand, full of fighting spirit.

"Haha, I just like your personality. If you are obediently carried away by my big sedan chair, I will find it boring and tasteless. I, Xia Wu, will feel that this life is not in vain if I subdue and tame you step by step. Come on, I Let's see how much progress you have made in a month." Xia Wu said joyfully instead of anger.

"Hmph!" Yue Liusu unfurled the small triangular flag, and the carp on the flag jumped out, turning into a streamer and galloping towards Xia Wu.This time it was much stronger than last time.

"Yue Liusu, you have developed this ability this month, do you still want to escape from my palm! Hahaha." Xia Wu laughed loudly, his palm moved, waves surged, and froze into ice crystals in the void , blocking the golden carp.Exactly the same as the previous method.

"Huh!" Yue Liusu snorted coldly, and quietly moved his palm to cast the spell. A "moon blade" suddenly rose from his body and turned into a stream of light. The speed was astonishingly fast. When Wu laughed, he instantly slashed across the [-]-meter void and landed on his body.

The moon blade is like a half crescent moon, condensed from the five elements of golden qi, as bright as mercury, spinning rapidly in the air, as fast as thunder and lightning.

"Yue Liusu, you're bullying me!" Xia Wu was shocked, because he felt a sharp aura from the moon blade, he quickly raised his breath, and a water curtain rose from his body to protect him. But it was already too late, the Moon Blade slashed past, tearing his dharma body in two, and a large amount of black air and water vapor dissipated in the void.

"Bluffing!" Wang Lin saw that the black energy shot out after Xia Wu's dharma body was torn apart, she couldn't help but suddenly realized, probably not long after he got the god position, he hadn't completely transformed the dharma body into a water spirit dharma body, the dharma body was full of ghost energy, mottled and messy, Although the cultivation base is in the Yin God Realm, such a Yin God Realm is probably at the bottom of the Yin God Realm.

"You've always been so arrogant! That's why you've been defeated repeatedly." Moon Blade continued to attack, chasing and bombarding Xia Wu's broken dharma body. , the body paused, and the speed dropped sharply.

"Yue Liusu, I am the Lake God of Jinghua Lake granted by Tianjiang Water God. If you dare to treat me like this, Tianjiang Water God will not forgive you. Stop, stop." Xia Wushen shouted wildly in the void.

Although the virtual spirit body is difficult to kill, especially here is still Xia Wu's god domain.But under Yue Liusu's surprise attack, every time Yue Ren broke his Dharma body, he could reduce his cultivation base by one point.Xia Wu naturally wanted to escape into the water, although he had not yet fully refined the seal of the lake god, but once he entered the lake, he would be able to escape.

But when Yueliusu's moon blade hit Xia Wu for the first time, he lost his mind due to fear and couldn't control the water waves. The water waves of more than 30 meters fell into Jinghua Lake, leaving his magic body in the void. It was this short distance of 30 meters that became the natural moat for his life and death dilemma. The moon blade was like a spinning death scythe, constantly cutting his broken Dharma body, preventing him from escaping into the water.

In the end, Xia Wu still resisted the helplessness of being cut by the moon blade, and escaped the last ray of magic body spirituality into the lake.Under the cutting and splitting by the moon blade, almost [-]% of his cultivation was lost, but he finally escaped.

"180 dollars!" Wang Lin counted silently.If it weren't for the unity of mind and mind with Yue Liusu, Wang Lin's innate true soul cultivation level would not be able to observe and calculate the number of times Moonblade attacks, which shows how fast its attack speed is.

It has to be said that Yue Liusu is indeed extremely wise.For a month, she didn't seek too much perfection. After accepting the inheritance of Dharma Body and Divine Dao, she quickly identified the exercises suitable for her practice and controlled her own strengths and weaknesses, and then specialized in Xinjin Jue; Gold is Liudingshen's specialty.

In less than 20 days, he specialized in Xin Jin Jue and condensed the talisman, initially mastered the five elements of Jin Qi, and mastered the first attack technique "Moon Blade".

In fact, this has a lot to do with her previous practice based on the iron coupons of the Danshu, because the iron coupons of the Danshu are metal objects, and she has already chosen the right direction before accepting the inheritance of the altar. The five elements of Jin Qi.

Secondly, Yue Liusu's grasp of the battlefield and Xia Wu's character characteristics are also extremely precise.He used a small triangular flag to make a feint attack first, and then used a more powerful technique to break through Xia Wu's protection and cut through his Dharma body in one fell swoop. It can be said that Xia Wu lost more than half of his carelessness.

On the battlefield, the two armies confront each other, aiming to kill the enemy in the quickest and fastest way at the lowest cost.Yue Liusu used it very well.

The previous fight was actually very short, and Xia Wu escaped in an instant.The ghost soldiers who came with him started to flee one by one, and Nie Xiaoqian, who was ready to go, began to kill these ghosts in the void, and used the talisman to gather up the broken ghost bodies, ready to be transported into the altar for refining ; And Wang Lin also walked on the waves, releasing the altar to absorb low-level ghosts.After a fight, most of the ghosts were killed, only a few escaped.

"My lord, can you take advantage of the situation to make a surprise attack and rescue the innocent villagers from Jinghua Lake?" Yue Liusu asked Wang Lin for instructions.

2 Thirty Chapters Flower Island

"Naturally, we have to rescue them. Cut the weeds without removing the roots, and the spring breeze will regenerate them. Even if you can't kill this evil lake god, you must completely eliminate the ghosts entrenched in Jinghua Lake and cut off their wings. Master Yuezhuang, prepare a small boat , let's go to the center of the lake to have a look." Wang Lin said.

There are boats in Jinghu Villa, and there is a small pier on the west side of the villa. There are stone steps leading to the west gate of the villa. Soon a small boat was transported out of the villa by servants and put into the lake.

Although Xia Wu was injured and escaped, after all, he didn't know how many subordinates he had, so it's better to be careful.Walking on waves cannot last long, and it will consume a lot of energy continuously. It also needs the buoyancy of the Dharma Altar and Chuyang Xiaojian, which also consumes energy and is not suitable for long-term combat.

Soon, Yue Jiannan and Yue Yunyao boarded the boat.In Jinghu Villa, only the two of them are Grandmasters, and the others are too low to participate in such a big battle.

Wang Lin jumped onto the boat from the water, and Yue Jiannan rowed towards the center of the lake.Above the void, Yue Liusu and Nie Xiaoqian were alert to the dangerous situation around them and protected the ship.

"Hey!" The flying Moon Tassel stopped suddenly, and the Moon Blade hovering behind it turned into a stream of light and shot out into the water. A piece of blood rose instantly in the water, and then a huge wave rolled up, and then slowly dissipated.

Wang Lin was able to find out one or two things. It was the big fish that was lurking at the bottom of the water, and was injured by Yue Tassel's moon blade and escaped.In the realm of the Yin God, the divine mind can penetrate the body for investigation, and even penetrate some obstacles, such as water, the ground, etc., depending on the tightness of the obstacles, the penetration distance is also different.

At present, with Yue Tassel's cultivation base, it can penetrate about ten meters in water.As the cultivation base of the soul increases, the natural penetration distance will be longer.

Under the paddling of a great master, the boat galloped towards the center of the lake like a fish. Even so, it took an hour to reach the center of the lake.According to Yue Jiannan's judgment, if a palace is to be built, it must be built on Huadao Island, the largest island in the center of the lake.

"Guyu Layman, there is a group of water thieves entrenched on this flower island. There is a water village built with about 100 people. Hua County has organized crusades many times, but because of the complicated waterways, they have never invaded the flower island. After a few times of crusades, I gave up. In fact, this group of water thieves was very kind to the surrounding people, and did not harm them very much. In private, they have a good relationship with our villa.

They are also well-known warriors in Jianghu. The three brothers are all surnamed Bai, so people in the Jianghu are called "Wangli Baijiao". . "Yue Jiannan explained while rowing a boat.

The boat approached Huadao, and the surrounding mountains and hidden reefs appeared, and the waterway became more and more complicated. If it wasn't for Yue Jiannan's boating, it might not be easy to find a smooth waterway. There are arrow towers at each waterway entrance, but no one guards them. .So the boat went in unimpeded, turned around a mountain pass along the waterway, and the scene in front of them was presented in front of everyone.

On the huge flower island, a majestic building has appeared before the eyes. The black stone castle stands tall and looks extremely majestic from a distance.

"Unexpectedly, in less than half a year, a fortress was actually built." Yue Jiannan couldn't help sighing.

At this time, one can still hear the voices of people on the island working day and night, and under the background of the torches, one person is busy working.It seems that the project is coming to an end, and the surrounding roads are being cleaned up, and the outer walls and fortresses are being built.

Above the sky, a group of fierce ghosts retreated without a fight when they saw Wang Lin and others coming, turning into a black whirlwind and fleeing hastily.Obviously, they received Xia Wu's order and retreated.

When they landed on the island, Wang Lin saw a very tragic scene. Thousands of people were working hard almost half naked. Not only were their bodies dirty, they even had many wounds, some of which had festered and had an unpleasant stench.One by one is like a walking dead.

Not far away, there are a large number of dead bodies, some of which seem to be scarred and must have died of abuse, and some of them seem to have starved to death or died of illness. The scene is very tragic.

The ghost patrolling the supervisor escaped, and Wang Lin and others landed on the island. These people were still working mechanically, and none of them dared to look up.Apparently he was always afraid of being abused.

"Boss Bai!" Yue Jiannan suddenly found a person, opened his eyes wide and watched for a while before calling out.

"You, you, you are Brother Yue! You were also captured by the Lake God." The man looked at Yue Jiannan and said tremblingly.

"Boss Bai, the Lake God has already been repulsed by us, we are here to save you." Yue Jiannan said loudly with his true energy.

As soon as his voice came out, the entire island heard it. These people put down the tools in their hands, looked up and looked around, only to find that the ghosts roaming in the void had indeed disappeared. They all suddenly covered their faces and wept, and gradually let out their voices. burst into tears.

"Brother Yue. You really repelled the Lake God." Boss Bai said tremblingly, seeing Yue Jiannan nodding, he couldn't help but knelt down on the ground and burst into tears.

To torture a well-known bandit leader like this, it seems that he really suffered a lot.

"Thank you! Thank you." Soon, Boss Bai waited to react and kowtowed to Yue Jiannan to thank him. Under the leadership of Boss Bai, everyone around kowtowed to Yue Jiannan to thank him.

"Everyone, it's not me who saved you, but this layman Gu Yu! This old man is just a warrior, and he has no ability to deal with ghosts." Yue Jiannan said loudly.

"Thank you layman, thank you layman!" Everyone quickly kowtowed to Wang Lin.Inside the altar, streams of pure wish power were poured into it.

"My lord, it's you!" At this moment, a person pushed aside the crowd and staggered towards Wang Lin, fell to his knees and burst into tears.

"Chang Yunshan!" Wang Lin recognized him immediately and nodded in relief.

Under the observation of the qi technique, although Chang Yunshan was scarred, lacking in blood, and physically exhausted, his meridian cultivation base was not damaged, and he would recover as long as he rested for a period of time.I finally fulfilled my mission.

"How many brothers in the boat gang are still alive?" Wang Lin asked.

"My lord, Boss Bai and I waited for a few grandmasters to discuss how to escape a few times, but we didn't succeed, so many brothers were tortured to death, and most of the brethren in the boat gang were also lost. If you don't come, we will wait here to die." After the completion, I'm afraid we will all be killed one by one." Chang Yunshan is the leader of the boat gang after all, and he has experienced big scenes, so he quickly stabilized his emotions.

"Villager, you, Boss Bai, and Chang Yunshan, the leader of the Chuan Gang, have a plan to send back the nearby villager organizations and make arrangements for these warriors. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, so let's deal with it quickly." Wang Lin said to Yue Jiannan. .

"Okay, don't worry layman, leave this place to us." Yue Jiannan said.Although Yue Jiannan didn't know about the relationship between Wang Lin and Yue Liusu, Yue Liusu had already sent word to Yue Jiannan, asking him to treat Wang Lin as he treated her.

Yue Jiannan knew very well that it was Wang Lin's means to defeat the Lake God Xia Wu this time, so he was naturally very respectful to Wang Lin.Treat Wang Lin like serving your master.

Wang Lin wandered around the entire Flower Island, scouting the situation here to see if there were ghosts lurking, but found that there was no ghost at all, and she walked cleanly.

"Xia Wu is worthy of being a hero. Seeing that the situation is not good, he retreats decisively. This decision is not easy." Wang Lin was thinking in her heart.

Chapter 231 Relocation

On the highest peak of Flower Island, Nie Xiaoqian and Yue Liusu stood behind Wang Lin, overlooking the entire island and observing Jinghua Lake.

"Near this island, there must be a water mansion under the lake. It's a pity that my sister is not here, otherwise I can check it out." Nie Xiaoqian said at this time.

"This traitor said that he is a general appointed by the water god of the Tianjiang River. If this is true, Jinghu Villa must be relocated as soon as possible. Although I seldom go out of Jinghu Villa, I do go out occasionally, and I am familiar with the nearby landowners. I still know a little about Shinto. If the Tianjiang Water God who is thousands of miles away is the backstage of this traitor, his cultivation must be unfathomable." Yue Liusu analyzed.

"Well, we will move to Guyue Peak and the waters of Qingjiang River." Wang Lin nodded.

"Thank you, young master!" Yue Liusu bowed and saluted.

Immediately, Wang Lin contacted Nie Xiaoxuan, Guan Lihua, and Ludi through the altar, and asked them to choose a suitable location to rebuild Jinghu Villa.After all, Jinghu Villa has a lot of staff and a lot of property. It is not easy to move, and it needs to be prepared in advance.

With the improvement of cultivation, the quality of the altar has improved, and now he can transmit his spiritual thoughts to give them orders without any obstacles at this distance.

At noon the next day, all the nearby villagers were transported out of the island. The main reason was that the two large boats on the side of the boat were still intact, and there were more than a dozen small boats on the island, so the transportation was very fast.

Then came the Chuan Gang and the merchants who were plundered passing by Jinghua Lake, the Chuan Gang gang, the warriors from the rivers and lakes, and the warriors from the stockade on Huadao Island.As long as these people take a short rest, they can recover their strength. Wang Lin asked Yue Jiannan to kindly remind them not to stay in Jinghua Lake, and they can't control other things, so they can only let them scatter and leave.

Afterwards, Wang Lin asked Chang Yunshan to organize the sailors of the boat gang to drive the big boat to the wharf of Jinghu Villa, and let the boat gang members rest in Jinghu Villa for a few days before returning to Jinhua Mansion after gaining enough strength.

"Brother Wang, it's time to eat!" At noon on the third day, when Wang Lin was studying in the small courtyard, Su Xiaoying floated in lightly.

"Okay!" Wang Lin nodded. Su Xiaoying had been silent for a few days, but she came to sit with Wang Lin every day.

"Lake crab!" At the dining table, Wang Lin found that Yue Yunyao and Yue Yunyang were also there.And there are lake crabs, a special product of Jinghua Lake, so I couldn't help being startled.

"My lord, these are lake crabs that Xiaoying's sister went to the lake to catch herself." Yue Yunyao said.Since repelling the lake god Xia Wu, the Yue family had a tacit understanding and began to call Wang Lin "Young Master", and treated Wang Lin as a subordinate.Naturally, he received Yue Tassel's instructions.

"I originally said that I would invite my elder brother and brother Guo to eat lake crabs, but the previous conditions did not allow it. I was afraid that I would break my promise. I went to the lake yesterday to catch some lake crabs. It was the time when they were plump. As for Brother Guo, I will invite him to eat again when I have a chance. "Su Xiaoying said with a slight smile, but the bitterness in the smile made Wang Lin feel worried when she saw it.

"Thank you, sister." Wang Lin nodded.

Hearing Wang Lin's intimate address, Su Xiaoying's face turned dark.And Yue Yunyao showed a look of surprise and envy on her face.She is an extremely wise girl. From Wang Lin's title, it can be heard that Wang Lin has already recognized Su Xiaoying.

Although Yue Yunyao doesn't know how powerful Wang Lin is behind her, she knows that her aunt is very powerful. Now at the request of her aunt, their entire villa will be moved to Jinhua Mansion. From the words, she could hear that Wang Lin had great strength in Jinhua Mansion and could protect the safety of their villa.

Facing such an existence as the God of the Lake, Wang Lin dared to take him in, and let the villa move to his turf without fear of revenge. Thinking about it, everyone knows that this Wang Lin is definitely not easy.Moreover, Yue Yunyao has already realized that the current world is extremely unsafe, and I am afraid that it will become more and more serious as time goes by.It is a wise choice to rely on such a strong person. In the future, Jinghu Villa may have to rely on Wang Lin to live.

"Young Master, Yue Jiannan and the others have already finished the preparations. The family belongings, family members, books, and valuables will be transported away with the ship gang's cargo ship. Yue Jianbei and Yue Yunyang will be escorted by the ship gang leader; Yue Jiannan and Yue Yunyao will rush overland in advance. Go to Jinhua Mansion; send Su Xiaoying home by the way, and return the treasures of the Su family." Three days later, Yue Liusu reported.

"Good!" Wang Lin nodded approvingly.It is worthy of being a big family with hundreds of years of background, and it does things cleanly and quickly.

In fact, in the face of the threat of the Lake God, Jinghu Villa had already sent some of the family members to Hua County’s other courtyard for temporary residence, so Wang Lin didn’t see many family members in the villa, so naturally they took them away together this time. However, this Jinghu Villa also only left a few old servants who were unwilling to leave to take care of them, and the main purpose was just to cover people's eyes and ears.

"You go to Jinhua Mansion with them too!" Wang Lin thought for a moment.

"Why don't you let me go to Xiyuan Mansion and Kunlun Mountain with you, which is a border area and a place of hundreds of battles. I am familiar with the situation there. Now that there are no regulations, there are many evil spirits everywhere. It is a long way from here, but it is not peaceful. "Yue Liusu said.

"No, I will go in a low-key way in the name of a scholar on a study tour. It is enough to have Xiaoqian with me. You settle Jinghu Villa and help Xiaoxuan and the others guard and build our base. I will be back in two years Already." Wang Lin said.

"Sister Liusu, don't worry, with me here, the young master will not make any mistakes." Nie Xiaoqian said.

"Okay!" Yue Liusu said.

"This is the Wuyujing and Wuqinxi. It belongs to the cultivation method of the human race. You can choose the outstanding children of Jinghu Villa to cultivate. If you have good aptitude, you may step into the road of cultivating immortals." Wang Lin sent a message to Yue Liusu Flow of thought, transmitted these two sets of exercises to the past.

"Thank you son!" Yue Liusu, who had always been quiet, was finally moved and bowed deeply to Wang Lin.

It can be said that in his hundreds of years of life as a war spirit, he has long been indifferent to people, things, and feelings. Apart from pursuing a higher level of cultivation, the only people he can't let go of are the members of the Yue family.

It's a pity that the exercises inherited by the Yue family are only ordinary martial arts exercises, not immortal cultivation techniques. It's not that she doesn't want to get it, but she doesn't dare to approach the immortal cultivators rashly with the body of a war spirit, so she has long wanted to get a set for the family. I have cultivated immortal skills, but I suffer from nowhere to go.Now that I got it from Wang Lin, I am naturally very grateful.

"We will be a family from now on, you're welcome. Only when they become stronger will we have a chance to stand tall in this troubled world." Wang Lin said.

The two big boats slowly left Jinghua Lake and headed south along the Tonghe River.The men, women and children on the boat looked at the lake as calm as a mirror, and couldn't help crying. It was not easy for everyone to leave their familiar hometown and live in other places.

"Villa Master, Miss Xiaoying, and Miss Yunyao, we will meet later!" Walking out of the Sanchakou of the villa, Wang Lin bid farewell to the three of them.

Chapter 232 Moving Forward

"Hey!" Seeing Wang Lin carrying a bookcase on her back and walking along the official road in a green shirt, her slender body was full of bookishness, seemingly unhurried, but quickly disappeared in the In the field of vision, Su Xiaoying couldn't help sobbing in a low voice, her voice gradually became higher and higher, rippling with the wind, the first emotion of a girl who had just begun to love dissipated in the air like this, but it left a trace in her heart forever.

"Ah!" Yue Jiannan sighed, not knowing how to persuade him.

"Sister Xiaoying, we are not the same as him. He is an eagle flying high in the sky, and we are just house sparrows flying in the fields. He has his pursuit, and we also have our happiness. Think about it Let's go!" Yue Yunyao felt that it was inappropriate for her not to say a word at this time, so she could only speak reluctantly.

"Can't house sparrows and eagles fly together? I don't ask for a long term, even if it's one year, two years, or one month or two months, I'll be satisfied." Su Xiaoying cried.

"Oh, my lord, he doesn't want to hurt you." Yue Yunyao persuaded from Wang Lin's standpoint.

"He doesn't understand my heart, this is not hurt, this is the happiness I dream of." Su Xiaoying said foolishly.

"Actually, the Lord still approves of you from the bottom of his heart, and the place we moved to is the home of the Lord, maybe, there may not be no chance to see you again in the future." Seeing that she couldn't persuade the girl who fell into love, Yue Yunyao retreated and asked for the next best thing.

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