During this time, Green Dip sank into the lotus of the lotus lake to smelt lotus essence, collect a variety of wood qi, and experience the attributes of different wood qi, which is the way of green flute's cultivation.

"Daniu, follow the official road to the northwest and wait for me in Guangyang County." Three days later, Wang Lin took out a map and said.

After passing Lianhu Village, a few kilometers to the northwest is a wooden bridge. The waterway of the Qingjiang River here is already extremely narrow, but the river is extremely deep and turbulent.A single-plank bridge less than ten meters long is built in the narrow place.

After passing this single-plank bridge, go northward for about twenty miles and there is an official road leading to the northwest, leading directly to Guangyang County, a hundred miles away.Guangyang County is next to Qingjiang, and it is also the most marginal county in the northwest of Jinhua Mansion.

The reason why Wang Daniu was allowed to go first was because the Baili Shepan Gorge on both sides of the Qingjiang River was extremely steep and rugged. Although Wang Daniu was successful in practicing Poshanquan, he had never practiced martial arts and could not walk on such a mountain road.

Moreover, Wang Lin and Ludi also need to help Nie Xiaoxuan get rid of the monster hidden in the Shepan Gorge. They don't have the energy to take care of Wang Daniu, so they can only let him go first.

"Yes, young master. Then be careful, I will report to you when I arrive in Guangyang County and stay in a hotel." Wang Daniu said.

In the book box, the green flute has a magic tablet inside, so Wang Daniu can naturally tell Wang Lin through the magic tablet.

Afterwards, Wang Daniu walked towards the official road with Wang Lin's bookcase on his back and the cloth bag with medicinal materials on his back.

Inside the cloth bag are some of the largest ginseng and Polygonum multiflorum plants that have been nourished by the green flute. It must be said that the efficacy of the herbs that have been nourished by the green flute has increased by at least several percent.

Of course, this also depends on the quality of these medicinal materials themselves. Those that have been grown for a long time and contain a lot of essence will naturally be better after being nourished. Although ordinary medicinal materials can also improve some medicinal effects after being nourished, they will also be better after being improved. generally.

By nourishing these medicinal materials, Green Die has a deeper grasp of the essence of plants and trees, and the cultivation of Yimu Jue has improved a lot.

135章 消失

"What a steep canyon!" Watching Wang Daniu leave, Wang Lin stroked the altar hanging on her waist and said lightly.

The Qingjiang River in front of me shrinks into a waterway less than ten meters wide. The river water shrinks, the terrain rises, the drop becomes larger, and the water flow is very rapid.After rushing out of the mouth of the canyon, it rushed directly into the lotus lake, and the water flow became slow.

On both sides of the canyon are steep and abnormal cliffs, and the plants on the cliffs are not tall tree crowns, mainly a single kind of vines. The dark red vines hang densely on the cliffs, covering the entire canyon. , These vine plants with thorns grow some unknown red fruits, which attract a large number of birds to come to peck them, so there are many birds on the cliff, chirping and circling in groups.

Through observation, Wang Lin found that some flying birds were caught off guard by snakes hiding under the vines and pulled under the vines.

Wang Lin's body was stretched out, and she climbed up the cliff. It is also a challenge to perform the wind and cloud step in this kind of place. Fengyunbu is a good place to realize its essence.

Nie Xiaoxuan has also brought her monster Xiaoqing into the waterway of the Shepan Gorge, hooking up the water rhythm of the waterway, moving forward little by little, and Wang Lin is not in a hurry, practicing body skills on the cliff above the waterway, Advance simultaneously with Nie Xiaoxuan.

The Water God of Qingjiang had suffered from the monster in Shepan Gorge, so he retreated when he arrived at Shepan Gorge. Of course, he didn't go back to his water mansion, but went to Lianhua Lake to enjoy leisurely in the beautiful lake.From the looks of it, he doesn't seem to plan to return to his own territory anytime soon.

"Chi Chi Chi!" As night fell, Wang Lin sat cross-legged on a bare stone on the cliff to meditate. Countless venomous snakes drilled out from below, attacking Wang Lin.

"My lord, I'll hand it over to the servant girl!" The green flute hidden in the thorny vine sent out a thought.

"Don't do anything yet, let me practice my sword skills!" Wang Lin replied.

Sword lights flashed rapidly, and poisonous snakes were beheaded. It was Wang Lin's newly practiced "Cloud Light Appearance". The sword lights were extremely fast and disappeared in a flash.

Wang Lin listened to the wind to identify the position, walked on the cliff, and killed more than two hundred snakes in half an hour, and the group of snakes retreated in an instant.Moreover, Wang Lin faintly heard an extremely subtle sound, and the snakes retreated after hearing this sound.

"It seems that this monster has spotted us, let these snakes attack. Be careful." Wang Lin notified Ludi and Nie Xiaoxuan through the altar.

"Chi Chi Chi!" After the group of poisonous snakes retreated into the crevice of the cliff, not long after, a large amount of poisonous mist came out from the crevice of the cliff. .

Wang Lin performed the turtle's breathing method and began to hold her breath.Obviously, the poisonous snakes that came to attack this time were stronger, and they could spray out poisonous mist. They were definitely not ordinary poisonous snakes.

Wang Lin galloped up, stood on the highest boulder, and took advantage of the strong wind on the top of the mountain to blow away the poisonous mist.

"My lord, leave it to me!" the green flute said.

"Okay!" Wang Lin nodded. After all, these poisonous snakes are hiding in the crevices of the stone walls and spit out poisonous mist. It is good for combat. If the monster hides in the crevice of the cliff and makes a sneak attack, it will be extremely dangerous. It is better to let the green flute do it.

"It seems that this monster is really very cunning!" Wang Lin pondered.

At this time, a round of fighting began under the river, and a large number of snakes clinged to the cliff and swallowed their venom, polluting the river.But these venoms had little effect on Nie Xiaoxuan and the green snake she brought.

Nie Xiaoxuan activated the Guishui talisman to control the turbulence and rolling of the river, and the snakes were smashed to pieces, and many snakes were squeezed to death by the water.And the green snakes following Nie Xiaoxuan began to devour these snakes in large numbers.Especially devouring those high-quality snake bodies.

Now this green snake is several times bigger than when Wang Lin saw it for the first time. Under Nie Xiaoxuan's quiet care, it has grown rapidly.In this battle, it is very clear that its opportunity has come, if it devours this lurking monster, its cultivation base will increase sharply, so it works very hard.

On the cliff, the thorny vines twisted and burrowed into the crevices of the cliff as if they were alive. At the same time, the thorny needles of the vines suddenly became tougher, piercing snakes hidden in the crevices of the cliff.

Under the blessing of the green flute and Jiamu Qi, these needles became harder.First wood is masculine and second wood is flexible. Flowers and plants contain more second wood energy. However, under the control of the green flute, a small amount of first wood energy is injected and concentrated on the needles, making the needles more tenacious. Naturally, the attack power is greatly increased. .

Standing on the cliff, Wang Lin walked slowly forward, and the scene of the fierce battle between Ludi and Nie Xiaoxuan appeared in her mind. In the warm wind of early summer, the seemingly calm Shepan Gorge was experiencing thrilling fights.

Two days later, a large number of poisonous snakes were killed, and the group of snakes suddenly disappeared, as if there were no poisonous snakes in the Shepan Gorge, they disappeared without a trace, leaving only the dead snakes floating in the river, or Slowly decaying in the crevices of the cliff.

The monster Xiaoqing led by Nie Xiaoxuan specially selects and devours high-quality snake bodies. If it were an ordinary snake, it would be too much to walk. The blood was abnormally fast, constantly raising his cultivation level.

In fact, Wang Lin, Ludi, and Nie Xiaoxuan also discovered that some of these snakes are definitely not ordinary poisonous snakes. They have strong blood in their bodies, much more than ordinary beasts, and they are not far from advanced monsters. .

"There must be something unusual in this snake pan gorge!" Wang Lin pondered. If there were no unusual things, it would be too difficult for a wild beast to evolve into a monster.

Wang Lin stood on a cliff looking at the Shepan Gorge. The Shepan Gorge twists and turns all the way to the northwest, and there is a spherical mountain in the middle. The mountain is not too high, but it is still considered high in this area. that's it.

Where is the mystery hidden, Wang Lin can't see it. Even though her eyesight and hearing are excellent now, it is limited to this. Such a vast mountain cannot be detected by eyesight and hearing at all.They can only rely on Nie Xiaoxuan and Ludi.

As long as Nie Xiaoxuan connects with the water rhyme, every move in the water can be reflected into her sea of ​​consciousness through the talisman; while the green flute can detect it by leaving spiritual thoughts in the thorn vines, but the detection range is limited, only within a hundred meters Within the range, but better than Wang Lin, after all, within a range of [-] meters, even the cracks in the cliff can be clearly detected.

"There's nothing there!" Five days later, the water rhyme of Baili Snake Panxia had all been connected to the Kuishui talisman, but it was strange that the anaconda was not found, so Nie Xiaoxuan could not help but report to Wang Lin.

"Don't worry, let's move forward first, we have plenty of time to spend with it!" Wang Lin said.This monster doesn't know the mysteries of the Guishui talisman, and the water god of Qingjiang hasn't completely refined the water god seal. It probably thinks that Nie Xiaoxuan is the same as the water god. Chase and kill it again.

136章 广阳

"Young master, something happened to Wang Daniu?" At midnight, Wang Lin was sleeping soundly in a tree house remodeled by Green Die by the river, and immediately received a urgent report from Green Die.

Wang Daniu has a divine card given to him by the green flute on his body. As long as he prays to the divine card and calls out the name of the green flute, it can trigger the induction detection of the green flute.

"What's the specific situation?" Wang Lin got up suddenly, her body flew out quickly, and asked the green flute at the same time.

"I received his call for help, but it disappeared in a very short time." Lu Di said, after all, she has limited cultivation, and she can't check it through the appearance of this ray of soul thought, but can only receive the message through Wang Daniu's prayer.

"Let's go!" Wang Lin said decisively.

"My lord, do you want me to go with you?" Nie Xiaoxuan in Qingjiang thought.

"No, what's the big deal in Guangyang County? Just wait for my call at any time." Wang Lin said.

Afterwards, Wang Lin flew towards Guangyang County under the guidance of the green flute, because the green flute could sense the position of her divine card.

Now, Wang Lin's Wind and Cloud Step has been cultivated to a great extent. In the dead of night, she gallops away as fast as a galloping horse, but it's still not as good as the Green Flute.

At this time, the green flute was wrapped around Wang Lin's body, and Wang Lin used Fengyun Step to move forward. Although the green flute consumed more energy, the speed was much faster. Wang Lin galloped like a glider, crossing mountains, forests, The small river and the village are like a whirlwind blowing across the dark field.

The city wall of Guangyang City is much taller and thicker than that of Guobei County, which surprised Wang Lin. Could it be that there will be a war here, otherwise the city wall would not be so tall and thick.

At this time, the city gate had been closed long ago, and there were torches lit on the city wall, and soldiers on duty could be seen patrolling with long guns.

Naturally, this couldn't stop Wang Lin. With the help of the green flute, Wang Lin chose a secluded place, stepped on the wall with Fengyunbu, and galloped towards the place where the divine card was.

After entering the county seat, the green flute naturally sneaked into the altar to prevent the local underworld yamen from seeking trouble.

Naturally, Wang Lin would not go through the main entrance of the hotel, but flew in through the open window.

This is a two-story hotel, and the location of the divine tablet is in a room on the first floor. When you enter, you can tell that it is the room where Wang Daniu lives. The bookcases are scattered in front of the bed. On the ground, it seems that Wang Daniu pulled it out hastily, and only had time to say a word.As for the bag containing the medicinal materials, Wang Daniu also disappeared.

"It's a kind of drug!" Wang Lin sniffed, there was still a faint fragrance in the air, which made people dizzy after entering the body, but Wang Lin's true energy was so thick that she instantly forced the drug out, and at the same time used the turtle's breath to breathe The law blocked the breath.

"It should be a martial arts person, but he used such a dirty trick!" Wang Lin was annoyed.Judging from the situation in the room, they should have taken Wang Daniu and the cloth bag containing the medicinal materials away from the window.

"My lord, I'll go check it out!" Lu Di said.

"Let's go!" Wang Lin didn't care about the local Yamen, and asked Ludi to find clues.

"I have a clue. Half an hour ago, two fast horses left this hotel. There are two bags in the fast horse. One bag is the bag we used to hold the medicinal materials. They headed towards the west gate." Green flute sneaked in The shop waiter who was dozing off on duty quickly understood the situation in a dream.

"Chasing!" Wang Lin carried the bookcase on her back, leaped up to the roof and chased after Ximen.

"Bold, who is so evil, how dare you show yourself in the county seat." But two black whirlwinds flashed, and instantly transformed into two night gods, blocking Wang Lin's way.

"You two gods, my servants were robbed by gangsters. I just did it as a last resort in order to track down clues. Please make it easier for me. I will write down this love." Wang Lin hurriedly cupped her hands.

"Bold, a middle-level qi refiner dares to speak boldly. Your affection is worth nothing. You came to Guangyang City and didn't report it. You dared to reveal your magic skills. Now you will be arrested and follow me to the Yinsi Yamen to explain the reason. Your death penalty is terrible. Forgiveness, but living crimes cannot be forgiven." A night patrol envoy said.

"Go away!" Wang Lin didn't have time to listen to his ramblings. With one move, the cloud light suddenly appeared, the sword glow turned into clouds, and the true energy turned into gang qi. In front of the body of the errant, the errand immediately let out a scream, he had already been severely injured, and his body regrouped ten meters away; the other night watchman knew he couldn't stop it, and had already dodged away.

Wang Lin didn't slow down, and galloped towards Ximen.

"Bold, dare to act wildly in Guangyang City!" In an instant, a loud roar came from the direction of City God's Temple and penetrated into Wang Lin's sea of ​​consciousness. At the same time, a golden halo turned into a whirlwind and rushed towards him.Of course, mortals in the city cannot hear or see it.The visitor was unusual, and Wang Lin concluded that it should be the Guangyang City Martial Judge.

"Wang made an excuse, the Yamen of the Underworld in Guangyang City is really so unreasonable!" Wang Lin said without slowing down, with the power of her true soul shaking.

At the same time, the little flying sword inside the dharma altar quickly lifted into the air, surrounded by the flames contaminated by the spirit refining array and the milky white halo blessed by Buddhist scriptures, instantly tearing apart the shady scene, like a streamer galloping in the void.

"Hmm!" The whirlwind galloping towards him stopped abruptly, he looked at the little sword like flowing fire hesitantly, and watched Wang Lin rush out of the city.

"Master Wu Pan!" Two night watchmen flew over, staring at Wang Lin's back and said ruthlessly.Apparently he was wondering why Wu San didn't pursue him.

"In the future, keep your eyes on the bright side. If people don't show mercy, a hundred years of hard work will be ruined today." Wu Juan snorted coldly, turned and left.The two night watchmen looked at each other, depressed.

Fortunately, the night was quiet and there were not many traces on the road.The main reason is that horses are really rare in this world. Even Wang Lin has basically never seen a horse when he traveled here, so he doesn't know where these two horses came from.Guessing in my heart, following the trail, the speed is not very fast.

At noon the next day, a majestic mountain stood in front of him. Looking from a distance, under the refraction of the sun, the mountain peak reflected a white halo, like a half crescent moon suspended above the ground.

"Guyue Peak!" Wang Lin recognized the mountain at once, because she saw the introduction in Shanshui Travel Notes.

Guyue Peak is the easternmost peak of the Kunwu Mountains. The highest peak is about [-] feet high. The peaks are all white stone walls and shaped like a crescent moon. Under the sunshine, moonlight, and starlight, it seems to be hanging alone among the vast mountains. A round of crescent moon, so it is called Guyue Peak.It is one of the famous landscapes.

Guyue Peak has a radius of about [-] miles and is located at the junction of Jinhua Mansion, Heluo Mansion, and Nanling Mansion. However, at the junctions, the authority of the government is extremely weak. Previously, Wang Lin and Wang Lin had vaguely guessed that these People belonged to the garrison of the Great Xia Kingdom, because only the garrison had horses, so he knew that his guess was wrong.

Chapter 137 Tiger

However, the Qingjiang River originates from the Kunwu Mountains and flows down from Guyue Peak.Wang Lin immediately sent a command to Nie Xiaoxuan, telling her where she was, and asked Nie Xiaoxuan to come over.

After all, the main peak of the Kunwu Mountain Range is known as Zhongyue. Although Guyue Peak is only a peak on the outskirts of the mountain range, he dare not be careless.Especially after experiencing the Huiyun Mountain incident, Wang Lin felt that under similar conditions, some things are often surprisingly similar. It is unknown whether the mountain gods are good or evil, or whether they are normal or not, and they must make thorough preparations.

Stepping into the range of Guyue Peak, one finds that the mountains are majestic and the forests are deep. The periphery of the mountains is completely covered by tall trees and there are few people.The horseshoe prints enter along the rugged road in the mountains. The mountain rises, and there are many mountain streams on both sides of the road. The flowing water converges into the Qingjiang River. The scenery in the mountains is magnificent every step of the way.

Bypassing two mountain ridges, there is a mountain lake in front of you. On the edge of the lake, a gourd-shaped valley entrance has built a wooden gate with three large characters written on it: "Guyue Village".

"There is actually a cottage here!" Wang Lin pondered. The gate of the village is extremely solid, and there are watchtowers and arrow towers.

With the help of the green flute, Wang Lin avoided the sentry in the village and climbed up from the cliff. When she stood quietly on the cliff, Wang Lin looked around, her eyes were full of greenery.

This valley is facing east-west, high in the west and low in the east. It is located on the south side of the main peak of Guyue Peak. It is surrounded by steep peaks on three sides. The entire valley is full of trees, most of which are tall bamboos. There are many wooden buildings hidden in the bamboo forest. Extending along the mountain, there is a three-meter-wide passage running through the bamboo forest.

And on the edge of the canyon is a horse-like river flowing down. From a distance, a waterfall can be seen hanging on the westernmost cliff of the valley.It echoes the halfway up the mountain with Guyue Peak, the main peak, and the scenery is really beautiful, but in the bamboo forest, a group of people can be vaguely heard noisy and shouting indiscriminately inside, which is a big spoiler for the scenery.

There is a stable in the bamboo forest. The two horses are sweating profusely, and traces of cloth bags can still be seen on their bodies; while there are only these two horses and a donkey in the cottage.Apparently it was these two horses that had just entered here.

"Young master, Daniel was sent to the tiger by the village master of their village. It is in a cave below Guyue Peak." The green flute sneaked in through the bamboo forest, and soon found the two people who were chasing all the way. They brought Wang Daniu back.And the cave is faintly visible here, and the straight-line distance is about ten miles away.

The green flute stuns the two of them by surprise, and finds information from their memories. This is a village of bandits who make a living by plundering, and there are [-] minions in the village.

There is a mysterious existence in the village protecting them, which is what they call a tiger, but every once in a while they have to collect flesh and blood and nourishing medicinal materials for the tiger to take.

Tigers are very picky eaters, and they like flesh and blood with high martial arts skills, as well as precious medicinal materials such as ginseng and Polygonum multiflorum.Every time these things were presented, the owner of the cottage personally delivered them.

That place is on the north side of the valley, in a cave not far from Guyue Peak. At the same time, it is also a forbidden area of ​​Guyue Village. No one is allowed to approach it.

"Master Tiger!" Zhao Si, the head of the Guyue village, knelt on the white jade stone platform under the white jade cave and reported in a low voice.

Ten years ago, Zhao Si was only the third leader of Guyue Village, that night the tiger suddenly and silently appeared in the meeting hall of Guyue Village, asking Guyue Village to submit to him and obey his orders.The first and second masters who refused to give in were all shot to death by the tiger, who devoured their flesh and blood in front of everyone; Zhao Si was frightened and knelt under the tiger's claws.

It has been ten years now, although Zhao Si got shelter, many masters who came to arrest him were all hunted and devoured by tigers.But Zhao Si was terrified every day and couldn't sleep at night.Because, the food supply once a month made him very worried, for fear that the tiger would swallow him up as food on that day.

Kneeling under the scorching sun for half an hour, Zhao Si did not dare to vent his anger. With his high-level martial artist cultivation, he was already able to not fear the cold and heat, but at this time he was already sweating profusely. Walking around, this feeling is really uncomfortable.

"Zhizhi. This month is doing well. I can smell a strong scent. Be on time next month, or I will take you as a snack." A shrill voice floated out, and then a white jade cave appeared above. A purple-black animal shadow.

This beast is as big as a cheetah, and its purple-black shiny fur is like satin. If you look closely, it is actually a big mouse with sharp teeth, sharp claws like steel knives, and red eyes like little red lanterns. An invisible power.

"Master Tiger, please enjoy!" Zhao Si didn't dare to lift his head, the fishy smell in his nose made his hair stand on end, and he hurriedly opened the bag containing Wang Daniu with trembling hands, but Wang Daniu was still soundly asleep at this time.

"Idiot, I'm talking about another bag!" the Rat Demon said in a shrill voice.

"Chi Chi Chi!" Zhao Si was about to untie another bag, but the rat demon couldn't wait any longer, Zhao Si didn't even see how the rat demon came down from the three-meter-high hole, only his eyes blurred. , the bag containing medicinal materials beside it has been torn into pieces by the rat demon, and medicinal materials such as ginseng, Polygonum multiflorum and Angelica tumbled out.

"Zhizhizhi, where did these ginseng and Polygonum multiflorum come from, and the energy contained in them is no less than that of spiritual fruits! Could it be that this tiger's source of blessing has come." The rat demon excitedly said.

"Master Tiger, this person brought it with him. The younger ones know that tigers like it, so they specially brought it with them." Zhao Si said.

"You did a good job on this matter, I am very happy, Lord Tiger." The mouse demon said excitedly.

"Chi Chi Chi!" But at this moment, three voices piercing through the air came galloping, and they were exactly three emerald green bamboos.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, dare to come to my tiger's place to act wildly. It's just a snack for me." The rat demon said in a shrill voice.

While speaking, he waved his sharp claws, and quickly swayed them on the emerald jade bamboo, making a clanging and powerful collision.The emerald jade bamboo was beaten to the point of spinning in the air, and the bamboo was even cracked.

At the same time, a sword light quickly attacked from the other side from far to near.

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