"Wow! It's been a long time since this pair of Nosukes cooperated like this! Isn't it too much fighting?"

The rng fans at the scene cheered, reaching a climax! 42. Kamei's two consecutive rhythms not only brought back the previous disadvantages, but even got a little lead!

"Crag Sparrow's burst is too high. Cooperating with many heroes, it is too easy to cause kills! This is why, even though Crag Sparrow has been weakened recently, it can still be used on the field! Xiao Ming's bull head started After swimming away, if you want to cover the ID, you really think it is a green hair!"

Zheyuan exclaimed, cheering for rng Nosuke's cooperation, it was really wonderful.

"Well, the combination of Lao Niu and Rock Sparrow was seen more in s8, but it was a bit forgotten by everyone in s9. Now rng is taken out, and the effect is very good! After all, karsa is still more experienced, and the current rhythm has been completely suppressed lbt, but as a rookie, it's pretty good to be able to play like this, it's just that it lacks a little momentum!"

The oxygen cylinder also admired, and at this time rng had already taken the initiative in the situation.

"Crag Sparrow made up his mind to help, and he meant to stay in the bottom lane! He also came to block the road with a big move! Fortunately, the wine barrel and Kai'Sa reacted quickly enough this time, and they retreated to the defense tower in time!"

"Rng's forced play around the bottom lane may be effective for ordinary teams, but I can't see it being effective against Byt with Ye Xing! Although he is only an angel, it is really good to ignore Ye Xing at all. See Angel’s 75 CS, the highest in the game, beating Ornn by more than 20. Although he has no kills, if he continues to develop like this, no one will be able to suppress him soon!”

Only Tata didn't take it seriously. The rock sparrow played so well in the lower half, but they didn't pay attention to Ye Xing's angel at all, they just ignored it.She was naturally delighted to see it, but from rng's point of view, it was a bit arrogant and conceited.

While talking, the wine barrel was revived and returned to the bottom lane again, only to see Rock Sparrow use the first big move to gank the bottom lane again, which also witnessed that rng was dead on the bottom lane in this round.But this time Puff and Nanfeng were a lot more cautious and didn't give them a chance.

The rock sparrow failed to gank, and entered the wild area of ​​Byt to get a blue buff. This driver really lived in the bottom lane, completely ignoring the angel on the top lane, and completely ignoring the existence of the angel.

On the contrary, it was a blind monk who had to take time to go to the upper half of the wild to practice some changes.Ornn on the road is a piece of meat. He is under the defensive tower, and he is not afraid of the blind monk coming to the tower.It doesn't matter if he is suppressed, when he is in a group, he releases his ultimate move, and it is fine if he can fly to the top of the person.

"As a hero, Angel, Level [-], Level [-] and Level [-] are all hurdles, and the development time is too long. I think the posture of rng should not give Ye Xing a chance to develop!"

Zhe Yuan didn't take it seriously. No matter how powerful Ye Xing is, but the mechanism of the hero Angel is here, and he can't be awesome.Angels before the sixteenth level, no matter how developed they are, they have no heads, their equipment is not much better, and they are just younger brothers in team battles.

What's more, Ye Xing's angel is the Aoun who can't beat the wolf line. This hero is extremely resistant to pressure, and he can knock on equipment anytime, anywhere.As long as the supplementary knife does not continue to pull away, it is completely acceptable for Aoun.

"The timing of the blind monk's canyon vanguard is a bit wrong. It's not good for the angel to start the canyon vanguard when he is back home. The wolf's sense of smell is good. He came over and saw that the rock sparrow and the bull's head were also leaning upwards. , the blind monk can only give up! Oh, the newcomer is still a newcomer after all, a little tender!"

The camera finally turned to the road, and the oxygen tank said sorry for Byt.

And Zoe's mana was also empty, and the blind monk had to give up the canyon pioneer, but Kamei and Xiao Ming seized the opportunity and took down the canyon vanguard.This rhythm made many rng fans feel comfortable.

"The game time is 13 minutes, Ye Xing and his angel have 130 last hits, and they are going to be level 11 soon! Nasher's tooth is coming soon, rng don't care about it? No matter, then Ye Xing, an angel, can't stop it Stay!"

The very rare one was Tata, who was anxious for Ye Xing's opponent for the first time.There is no way, the game has been more than ten minutes, RNG still let Ye Xing grow alone on the road, this is the first time I saw a team ignore Ye Xing so much.Until now, Tata doesn't know whether to be happy or angry.

"I think it's okay! Ye Xing's angel development is not bad, but he is far behind when compared with the rock sparrow. rng also took the canyon pioneer, and released the canyon vanguard to take the next tower later. The rhythm is about to start to take off! Ye Xing, an angel, can't do much. Xiaolong was also taken down by Karsa's rock sparrow. This rhythm is perfect, and the big resources in the wild are almost all controlled by RNG. If the blind monk doesn't look for a chance to interrupt the rock sparrow's rhythm, I think this round is a bit over the top!"

Zheyuan felt that rng's strategy in this game was perfectly executed, and karsa, with his rich jungle experience, firmly controlled the rhythm of the game!

As for Angel, who is working hard on the road, it is still too early to be effective.

While talking, rng's bottom lane duo went home and changed lanes to top lane. Just as Zheyuan said, rng was about to start changing its rhythm.

However, byt's reaction was not slow. The bot lane duo also changed lanes to the top lane, and the top lane switched to the bot lane.

In the last half minute of the plating, Karsa decided to call the Canyon Herald on the road.Maybe it was because the time was a bit tight, and I was afraid that the coating would not be hit. Karsa's summoning position was too close to the defense tower, but it was interrupted by Nanfeng's big move of the wine barrel.

Seeing the rhythm of rng about to take off, it turned out to be stuck!

Chapter 792 There Are Come and Go

rng上路没能起势,反而是下路奥恩依旧还是被天使压线,当盲僧一转下路的时候,配合着天使轻松地把第二条小龙火龙给拿了下来。峡谷先锋被打断,一血塔没有拿下,而火龙又丢了。很显然,rng这换线丢的东西有些多。等rng他们察觉,想要转下路抢火龙时,却是发现来不及了。有了一把纳什之牙的天使,这打龙飞快。“byt的这节奏突然好起来?”“rng的节奏突然变得有些怪,是节奏被打断了!”“啊!难受啊!管大校还是那个管大校,这口毒奶,直接把我rng给奶死了?”“好想来个人,去直播现场把管大校这嘴给封了!”“求管大校你管好自己的嘴,别要再我rng了,你快奶byt吧!”rng的粉丝们看到这里,很多人都大感不妙!而首要背锅的,自然而然是在直播间内一直奶rng的管大校,结果要把rng给奶死了!不过就是个峡谷先锋被打断而已,怎么情况突然就变得不妙了呢?众人大呼不科学!其实byt在这短短1分钟来钟内,并没有把经济追回来,依旧还是落后两300元!只是本应该rng要开始滚起雪球,节奏要起飞的,却是让酒桶一个大招个打断,当场坠机下来,很伤!一血塔!换线在下路,完全不受干扰的叶星,在游戏时间16分钟时一个人反而先推掉了下路一塔,独吃了450块的一血塔。在这个时候,导播特意给了一个经济面板,观众们发现一个人头都没有的叶星,此时经济居然好过了岩雀,近400元,总经济达到了7000之多,对位经济领先了奥恩一千400元!都看呆了,这天使发育得真的是太舒服了吧?“叶星他这天使的发育……好像不太对劲了啊!发育的速度,快得有些吓人啊!”一只都觉得上路天使不需要怎么处理的哲圆,当一看见这经济面板,都不由得要替rng捏一把冷汗。现在叶星有纳什之牙,再一把耀光,身上还有1000多,伤害已经开始有了!“天使这发育是也些瘆人……不过也还好吧,byt作为交换也让了上一塔,老牛和卡莎在上路并没有死守,选择了回家更新装备,显然是要放了上一塔。”氧气瓶还是帮rng的粉丝说两句好话,rng的情况其实也并不是很糟糕。byt-southd击杀rng-grng-karsa击杀byt-southd这时卡莎转中吃兵线,而rng看着byt上路没有防守,还想一口气再推上二塔。南风他酒桶从家里出来赶紧往上二塔跑去,老牛二连顶起防御塔下的酒桶,强行顶着防御塔给薇恩输出!但南风在将死之前按下了秒表,强行拖过了几秒钟,老牛先撑不住被防御塔a死。而这旁边的岩雀一个岩突预判了金身结束时间,把南风的酒桶给击杀。“南风他一个辅助酒桶不可能守得住上二塔的,这样的话那又要轮到rng这边节奏起来了啊……等等!中路好像也打起来了!是在大龙坑旁边的河道,佐伊一个qrq砸中了辛德拉……”哲圆再度为rng叫一声好,酒桶这一死应该是可以再拿下上二塔,rng的节奏又好起来了!却是不料到在大龙坑旁边的河道位置,佐伊和辛德拉相遇。小虎他的辛德拉挨了佐伊一发超远距离的q,直接砸了超过一半的血量。不过小虎的他的反应也不慢,他辛德拉这一个qe一推也推掉了佐伊三分之一的血量。佐伊r回去,快步追赶过来,突然闪现朝着辛德拉扔了一个催眠气泡(e),扔中辛德拉。金身!小虎知道要昏迷后必死无疑,急忙以按下一个秒表拖延时间!但也仅仅是拖延一点时间,此时中路附近的卡莎一个大招飞过来,一套输出就把辛德拉带走!而这时奥恩也及急急赶过来,但盲僧这也赶到,瞬间就把奥恩给团团包围住。byt-puff击杀rng-xiaohubyt-lbt击杀rng-ngx“叶星他这在回家更新了一个第二件装备巫妖的散件以太精魂,他在tp,他这tp的位置要干嘛!”“哇塞!叶星这天使,他干嘛?他这是在追着岩雀和薇恩两人打吗?扇,再扇,这伤害不低啊!奈斯!岩雀直接被扇死,这个大人头又落在了天使的身上,舒服!”在战斗拉响的同时,塔塔就有看见叶星是第一时间tp过来支援的。不过tp的位置是河道上半入口处,也就是那位置有眼,距离有一点远!当叶星tp下来的时候,泡芙他们的战斗已经结束。而导播这镜头一转,却看见叶星的天使在追着岩雀和薇恩在扇,一巴掌接着一把巴掌,qeaa……几下就把岩雀给拍死,拿到了一个700块的大人头。byt-ye击杀rng-karsa看到这里,塔塔激动得喊起来,叶星可总算是开张了。剩下的薇恩和天使,两人的状态都是只有一半,都没有继续打下去,都有些虚地选择了后撤。准确地来说是uzi他薇恩虚了,自身装备落后得一些多,忙往后q一下翻滚拉开与叶星的距离。冷静,uzi他此时保持着十分冷静。byt的这突然反扑,连续斩杀了rng三个人,如果不是小明的老牛复活得快,不然此时就差他薇恩一个人就团灭了。这一波元气大伤,越是到了这危急关头,uzi他越发的冷静。“还有一个薇恩!他跑不掉的!”“杀啊!一个都不要留!”雷霸天此时激动地喊道,这局游戏打了快二10分钟,被对面karsa的节奏压得有些喘不过气来。终于是找到了反击的机会,雷霸天连点上路的信号,基本上锁定了薇恩的位置。有叶星的天使驱赶,以及佐伊和盲僧两人从rng的上一塔处后面包夹,并不打算放过薇恩。byt-chelizi击杀rng-uzi“奈斯!我人生也算是美满完整了!终于让我在大比赛上杀了一次偶像uzi,这感觉真是好爽!我决定了,接下来我要三天不洗手!”“啊……可恶!差一点!就差这一点,uzi他的人头就应该是我的了!”车厘子欢悦雀跃,激动地说道,仿佛像是中了大奖一般。但是雷霸天却是发出惨叫,他的盲僧顶塔,人头没抢到,却是让uzi的秒表给秀了,还好人头是防御塔的,他没有被薇恩碰到,心态有些崩。事实上,uzi他的心态更崩,本来他感觉一切都好好的,按照着他们计划在推进中,怎么突然就都崩了?直接来一个团灭,是个五换一,经济被byt瞬间反超!“哼!给我把命留下来!”小明他的老牛这复活就赶着跑出来,但还是来不及,赶到蓝buff处时,uzi早已横尸一塔下。不过看见了只有丝血和丝蓝的佐伊在逃跑回byt的野区!老牛有五速鞋,跑得飞快在后面,最后终于是追上,闪现wq二连把佐伊给秒杀!其实这个击杀的泄愤意义更多一些,很干的也一个击杀,并且还是辅助拿的人头,对byt来说影响真的是不大!小明还想追叶星的天使,但看见叶星回头一个q来,出乎意料的痛,立即就调头走人。看叶星天使的红蓝都只有四分之一左右,再看天使的装备,他还是怯了。叶星的天使这次是ap出装,这回家又掏出一个完整大件巫妖,水银鞋和一个增幅典籍,超过两百个补刀,全场最肥的一个boss。“这个天使……他发育的速度怎么这么快?兄弟们,下次团战的话,必须要优先处理掉天使,我们才能打了!小明,咖妹,到时候要看你们了!”uzi这复活出来,看到叶星的天使装备,领先了他半个有多的大件。现在已经两个大件的天使,等级已经13级,战斗力已经初步形成。ap出装的天使前期不如ad的,但是后期可是越来越猛,若是没人能处理掉他,那可是会造成毁天灭地的效果,不得不要重视了。到了现在,连uzi都有些后悔,这局比赛可能一开始就不应该放任天使发育得太好的。叶星这人,果然不一般!“ok!团战的时候,天使他将会是我优先关注的目标,我的w就只为他留着!”karsa有点心虚,要说天使这个boss的养成,他是有很大的责任。如果不是他一开始拿的人头太多,那也不会送给了叶星一个700块的大人头。还有450块的一血塔,这都是karsa他没能看好天使。“明白!”小明等人纷纷点头,byt的核心肯定是叶星这个人。在赛前,教练就已经叮嘱过,一定要严加盯防,此人百分之百是byt的核心中的核心。而之所以这局游戏开局放任叶星发育,全是因为天使这个英雄的发育周期过长。他们rng的计划是要在天使发育起来,也就是16级之前,通过加强对byt下路的进攻,先把byt给击败。只可惜计划赶不上变化,每人会想到byt的下路和中野防得这么好。不但守住了rng的进攻,还反客为主,在二10分钟前占了上风。这样的话,对rng这局的阵容来说,可就有难打了。不过就算再困难,只要还有一线希望,他们rng也是不会放弃的。游戏时间二10分钟,小明和咖妹两人随着辛德拉和奥恩两人推着一波兵线冲入中塔,佐伊要去拿盲僧打到残血的蓝buff时,大家正好碰了正着!wq二连!“给爷我顶起来!”“奈斯!我突!”老牛和岩雀又是一个天衣无缝的配合,又一次把以飞星刚吃下蓝buff的佐伊,岩雀再补上一个q,伤害打满!车厘子他还想要挣扎,丝血闪现逃跑,盲僧及时地w上来给了一个护盾,暂时没死!熔铸之神的召唤(r)!可在中一塔位置的奥恩招出大招撞过来,第一段羊从佐伊身上碾压过,瞬间暴毙!第二段再来时,却也把盲僧给顶了起来!“顶了!盲僧给顶起来了!”“薇恩也敢到,他一个e又把盲僧给钉在墙上,三下平打出三环带走!”“哇塞!rng这一对野辅组合,太强了!他们太强了,这又找到了机会!还有rng几人这支援太快了!”现场rng的粉丝们又再次沸腾了起来,这rng的野辅在野区又帮rng打了回来,让大家又重新看到了rng获胜希望。“这一波对rng来说非常关键,现在游戏时间刚好二10分钟,感觉rng这是可以去动大龙的!”哲圆瞬间也像是打了鸡血一样地喊起来,他都已经在说rng这局开始有点困难的时候,结果rng的野辅就在野区找到了反击的大好机会。“byt的打野死了,的确是可以动!byt的野辅这太不小心了,我觉得还是输在经验啊!”氧气瓶点头认同,这一波对byt来说可能会是大节奏!塔塔和byt的粉丝们都好很真实地选择了沉默,这比赛似乎比想象中要曲折很多,并不像以往的byt比赛那样的顺风顺水。果然,rng五人开龙,而byt又没有打野在。这三打五的情况下不但没有抢到龙,也没有杀到人,反而南风的酒桶因为殿后,让叶星的天使和泡芙的卡莎安全逃离大龙坑而牺牲。“没事!再坚持一会!等我十六级,先拖过这大龙buff时间!他们就算有大龙buff,推进也没有那么容易,我们能拖得住!”byt内部,因为丢失了这大龙而有些沉闷,特别是雷霸天和车厘子两人,是他们在野区失误而丢了大龙的。倒是叶星十分淡定,安慰队友们。他天使又回到下路,收了一波兵线后,看着蓝量不足,回家又更新了一波装备。第三条小龙,土龙也自然成为了rng的囊中之物,而byt也没有想过要来争夺这条土龙。叶星转到上路再把兵线带出去,立即转中来守塔。看rng他们五人的走位,就知道他们首要的目标是byt的中路,也是最有战略价值一路。中一塔也就是象征性地守一守,尽量多拖延一点时间。因为有大龙buff的小兵,想要守住中一塔还是太难,也必要冒这险。 rng他们这推了中一塔还想继续逼中二塔,不过叶星这回防,兵线很容易就清理完,并没有这容易推进。rng无奈,只好让uzi一个人转下带下一塔,其他人继续等着下一波小兵来,继续进攻中二塔。趁着最后1分钟的大龙buff,就算推不掉中二塔,至少也能磨到残血。然而很快,rng就要为他们的贪心付出代价!叶星的听说,悄悄地从绕进了下半野区三狼坑后面,叶星算准rng他们将会在薇恩拿下下一塔之后会转下路,最快捷的路线定然是经过三狼这里。催眠气泡(e)!一个泡泡穿过墙,砸中了在贴着墙壁要岩突偷袭的岩雀。

Chapter 793 Let You Two Dragons Can't Come Back

Hand instinct r!

"Be careful! Kai'Sa is coming!"

Lang Xing looked at Kai'Sa who was pushed up by the rock sparrow, turned into a figure and flew over, and faintly felt something bad!

If there is a problem, there must be a problem!Otherwise, why would Kaisha dare to fly over alone?

"Fuck! Did Kai'Sa make a mistake? How dare he?"

"Lying on the grass! Angel, why is he here?"

Kamei's rock sparrow was sleepy, and he thought there would be no danger with the two Ueno brothers in front to help him block it.Even if it was Kaisha who flew over, it was just looking for death. He held the flash in his hand, no matter what he could flash into the pit of the three wolves, he would never die.

But when the angel appeared, the situation was different.

kasha qwa

angels come up eaa

Not only did it wake up the Rock Sparrow, but its blood volume also dropped from [-]% of its blood volume to residual blood, and it flashed into the pit of three wolves at the first time!But Ye Xing's angel seemed to have predicted it long ago, a q precisely took away the last blood of the rock sparrow!

Bytye killed rngkarsa

"Brothers! Hold on!"

"Run first! Run down and here we come!"

Xiaoming and uzi were leading the pawn line to the second tower of Byt in the bottom lane. Unexpectedly, Kamei and the others had already started fighting at the three wolves, and hurried to support.

Although Kamei's rock sparrow was killed, there are still Syndra and Aoun. They can't be beaten to death by Byt!


The wolf walker brought the unsealed cheats, and he was the angel who gave the weakness to Ye Xing at the first time, but because the rock sparrow was really bloody, it still couldn't be saved! e came up to knock the angel into the air, but Ye Xing twisted away by walking away.

But then it is not a question of saving teammates, but self-protection has also become a question!

Zoe hit him with a flying flight, and his blood volume dropped to half. Kai'Sa's attack target was locked on Ornn's body!In addition to the angel's damage, even if it was weakened in a hurry, Aoun, who was originally equipped with backward equipment, had to flash through the pit of three wolves to escape because of the rapid loss of blood.

Advertise, !


Puff was the first to flash. Although Ye Xing didn't follow, he gave Puff's Kai'Sa the angel's ultimate move.

The weak retreat and disperse e!

Energy pours r!

It was also Ye Xing who pre-judged Kai'Sa's big move in advance, Puff, Kai'Sa flashed over the wall to avoid the damage of Syndra's big move, hit the full damage without any hindrance, and took Ornn away!

bytpuff kills rngngx

"Damn Xiao Ming, don't come here and run!"

Xiaohu's Syndra skill is in the cd, and seeing that his big move is empty, he hurriedly calls his teammates to back up quickly, don't come closer.

It can't be saved, there's no way to save it.Even if Uzi and Xiao Ming come, plus him, there are only three people.But byt had a total of five people, and the one with the most fighting power had already died first, so the team battle could not be won.

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