He simply broke off the teaching assistant's hands, and checked his sister's situation amidst the screams.

Li Xuan seemed to be unable to believe that her prayers came true, that her brother had really come to save her, and she burst into tears in her arms, as if she wanted to vent all her fright and grievances.

Li Rui comforted her and almost cried himself.Days of worry and tension finally eased, filled with the joy and happiness of regaining what was lost.

At the same time, the younger sister's body was carefully inspected to determine that she was only frightened and not violated.And crying so loudly and energetically, it must be fine.

"It was the teaching assistants and the secretary who lied to me. I didn't know they were bad people. They wanted to transport me to a far away place and dedicate me to a certain important person. There are still people in the boxes around, brother, save them quickly."

He made a gesture of reassurance, and at the same time warned his sister:

"The person who saved you, you didn't see what he looked like. You are just a poor, scared, helpless little girl, understand?"

Conghui's younger sister nodded immediately, she knew that her brother had killed many people, which was a huge trouble.


Because he is in a fighting state, his height has swelled by nearly 20 centimeters. No adjustments are required, just continue to twist his face, and he can become a complete stranger.

Li Rui opened all the containers and released the girls inside.

These girls come in all skin tones, but have one thing in common—all wearing glasses, and very quiet.The cute and sweet temperament of the little sister next door makes people very protective.

Throwing down a scumbag's cell phone, he left with the teaching assistant who was in pain so badly that he was about to go into shock.His heart was drawn out in its desperate and unbelievable eyes.


The nightclub that the Cronley Gang destroyed.

Early in the morning, Detective Ellivon from the Major Crime Squad came here.Enter the luxury office on the top floor and say hello to the busy colleagues.

He carefully picked up a good steak on his plate and took a bite.The taste of the top steak lingers in the taste buds and fills the whole mouth.Chew comfortably with your eyes closed.The partner next to him couldn't look straight at him and coughed.

The police detective said vaguely while eating: "It's too early, I didn't wake up Leila, so I didn't have breakfast. This beef is really good, do you want some?"

The partner took a step back: "Okay, no need, enjoy it yourself. Aren't you afraid that the food at the crime scene may be poisoned? This is the territory of gangsters."

Detective Eleven moved his feet, pointed to a corpse with a broken chest and said:

"No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a poisonous killing. It's more like a crime committed by a predator or an alien. By the way~ Is there a surveillance video?" He walked towards the wine cabinet while talking.

The partner stopped the police detective from trying to taste the red wine at the scene of the crime: "There really is."

The police detective wondered: "How could the gangsters install surveillance in their own territory? It is convenient for the police to produce evidence to accuse them."

"The system encryption needs to be cracked, and the Department of Defense is the same."

"Well, forget about the surveillance video and think about how to write a report. Anyway, the gangsters are the ones who die and no one cares about them."

The police detective wiped his oiled hands on the dead man's clothes: "Come on, let's discuss it with our colleagues from the Bureau of Investigation. They are experts in writing reports."

48. I really don't want to open a harem!

Watching his sister being rescued by the police, Li Rui couldn't hold on anymore, opened the gate and returned to Green Ridge City.

It's not just the body that's exhausted. He's already exhausted mentally after using the "special combat skills" related to the brain many times; coupled with the elimination of the "dark side personality" that almost lost control of his mind, he has reached his limit and is physically and mentally exhausted.

The dark side personality is similar to the symptoms of schizophrenia.It will gradually distort the thinking and cognition of the whole person, fall into madness, and finally become a monster.The "flesh and blood combat skills" provided by the Underworld Oath Chamber of Commerce also played a catalytic role.

In the early stage, it can be restrained and eliminated, but in the middle stage, there is basically no solution.It is the later stage when the whole person is alienated into a monster like Sous in the past.

That's why the spiritual training of the extraordinary is repeatedly mentioned.Strengthening the mind and exercising the will is a crucial part of cultivation, which is clearly stated in the "Markovian Training Method".


Mel rushed over and kissed frantically.She's the one who knows best what her partner's state is like: almost out of control, heartbroken and plunged into darkness.The excitement of seeing him back in good condition was unbearable.

A coughing sound came from the side, indicating that there were still people.Everyone was relieved to see Li Rui returned safely.

The young couple looked at everyone present, and thanked them with big salutes!

Then he came to Xia Daiti and half knelt in front of him.The lady was still wearing a thin robe, and Li Rui held her feet and kissed her toes and insteps.This is the highest etiquette for the 'God's Chosen Land' to express gratitude to high-ranking female transcendental beings.

No matter what kind of person the mother-in-law is or what she thinks in her heart, she really helped a lot this time.Without the infusion of body memory of "body and soul rhythm", it would take ten years to learn these combat skills.

Because of the huge consumption, even if it is as strong as a lady's continuous infusion of combat skills, the soul will become extremely weak.

Xia Dai retracted his white jade feet and said:

"He came back intact. If it wasn't you who came, I would personally give relief. My silly daughter probably won't be able to do it."

"Thank you very much, and thank you all present! The kindness will be kept in my heart, and I will do my best to repay it!"

Xia Daiti's face was as pale as Li Rui's, and he said with a smile:

"I'm not in a hurry here, but Hogney and Celino have paid a lot, and they really should be thanked. I just need your help~"

Li Rui said seriously: "I will do my best, and I will never shirk!"

Hogney and Celino were all smiling; Mel winked anxiously, trying to speak but was restrained by her mother:

"I'll just say it for them - I don't have any requirements, I just hope that I can leave an extraordinary heir of the sacred blood. You must impregnate the daughters of the two families."

The favor owed this time was too great, and Li Rui could no longer say anything to refute.

【Oh~ I still can't keep my body clean (^ω^)】

Mel stopped resisting and stood aside without saying a word.

She also noticed everyone's great help this time, otherwise she really didn't know what would happen.She can no longer bear the fall of her loved ones!Watching her partner turn into a cruel monster, she will definitely break down!

Silently enduring the customs of the "God's Chosen Land", but still unconvinced: Come, come, who is afraid of whom?I will not leave you a drop!


Celino was particularly excited.

Lord Yizheng does not have a surname, and the law of the empire stipulates that there must be three consecutive generations of silver-rank transcendents in order to obtain a surname and become a recognized 'family'.

Yizheng's bloodline talent is mediocre, and his descendants are obviously lax. His most urgent concern now is to continue the family.He has been greedy for Li Rui's body for a long time, and this time he finally succeeded at all costs.Excited, he suppressed tears and knelt down to thank Ms.

Hogney is very satisfied, since he has a good relationship, he should do his best to help; and the Dragon Trainer family has just been abducted by an excellent junior, so it would be great to make up for it.

Even Xia Daiti breathed a sigh of relief.During this period of time, I was almost annoyed to death by people from all walks of life. This time, I will appease the direct family first.Let's see the others later, this son-in-law doesn't look like a good hand at work, don't ruin his body.


The matter was settled satisfactorily, and everyone said goodbye.Let Li Rui, who would collapse in the wind, take a good rest.

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