After they landed, they took off their helmets and saluted Mel. The leading knight just nodded.

"Our Lord Green Ridge died heroically in battle? What a pity."

Mel's complexion was not very good, and he still replied: "Lord Hogney, the situation is just like the text message I sent back."

"Okay, then go back to the city as soon as possible, and report to the city lord yourself."

The knights pulled out a velociraptor for Mel to ride, but Li Rui was completely ignored.Until Mel wants to ride with him.

Only then did Hogney look at Li Rui. "Civilian? Miss Mel, this is not good."

"This is Mr. Li Rui, noble and rich, but a commoner for the time being." Mel didn't say much, and Li Rui followed her on the road at her insistence.

Hogney made a gesture, and the three knights went straight to the tomb where Li Rui was exploring.

The rest of the people protected Mel in the middle, and Hogney headed towards Green Ridge City.

Walking out of the Tiedun Mountain where not a single blade of grass grows, the jungle is much more lively. For example, the bugs are very enthusiastic, and they are all huge. The southern cockroaches of Xiaguo are also a younger brother.

A few knights sent some dark, pungent, disgusting concoction, supposed to repel insects.Seeing that this thing needs to be applied all over the body, including hair, neck and face, Li Rui politely refused.Seeing that Mel also agreed to refuse, their faces were not very good, so they walked away.

Li Rui took out Xia Guo's magical tool Fengyoujing, a large bottle of long-lasting type specially used for forestry personnel.

The two sprayed a circle, and it was clean in an instant.

Seeing that the effect was excellent, Mel also sprayed the mount around.This velociraptor was extremely spiritual, raised its head and barked twice, as if expressing its gratitude.Mel happily touched its neck.

10. Scarlet Landscape

Li Rui held Mel's arm carefully.When he saw this kind of mount for the first time, he was afraid of falling off, and even more afraid of being bitten.He was held in Mel's arms, trembling with fear, and a lot of luggage increased the team's burden.

Fresh meat is not welcome here, and Li Rui is just a commoner, so the knights treat him very coldly.

It's okay to call him "civilian" in whispers, and some directly call him "bitch".Mel hugged Li Rui, and said to him apologetically that these knights were the "Lord's Guard" and they were very proud, but they were not bad people.

Li Rui said he didn't mind.He has worked so hard to be a bodyguard, just a few gossips, he still has a little bit of guts.

Hogney took the lead and frequently gave orders to adjust the direction of the team.Most of the creatures along the way would avoid this group of people from a distance, and occasionally they were knocked away by Hogney's hammer for more than 20 meters and fell into the lush vegetation and disappeared.

Looking at the juice scattered all over the sky, Li Rui felt that the poor lizard should be dead.It showed no hostility, just blocked the way.

The three knights sent by Hogney to investigate the mine also returned to the team.He just saluted the leader and joined the team without saying anything.

At the moment when the formation of the team changed, a shadow of extreme speed flashed past and rushed towards Li Rui and Mel.

Li Rui subconsciously blocked Mel behind him. Fortunately, the knight beside him was always on guard, took out his weapon and threw it at the shadow.

The Velociraptor mount also reacted, lowered its body slightly to accumulate energy and bit it, but unfortunately it missed.

The shadow dodged the attack sensitively, but when the speed slowed down, everyone could see clearly that it was a dark "big cat", about the same size as Blue Star's Siberian tiger. Leaped into a shadow and fled.

Looking at the knight with injured arm and broken breastplate, Hogney ordered his men:

"The lynx on the copper step, write it down and report it to the city hall, and give priority to hunting."

No energy wasted chasing it, this is a beast that needs rounding up or trapping.

The knight's arm muscles tensed, and the wound stopped bleeding instantly.In a short moment just now, the "Lynx" not only attacked the two weakest members of the team, but also injured a knight, but the speed was too fast for them to see clearly.

This creature is extremely fast, ferocious and cunning, and extremely difficult to defeat.Ordinary people who like to raid settlements, especially children.


Hogney ordered that the other two knights lead the way, and he returned to Li Rui and the two of them.

"When we're in a dangerous area, Lord Hogney needs to protect us personally." Mel explained to Li Rui, and at the same time expressed his gratitude to Hogney.Hogney still simply nodded.

After continuing on for a long time, Li Rui gradually got used to the Velociraptor mount.Riding a velociraptor is not only strong and fast, but also very smart, requiring little effort from the rider.

Their senses of hearing and smell are very well developed, and they can warn of danger in advance.Now they are all making loud noises in the same direction, then there must be danger coming.

The team getting ready was surrounded by a group of smaller dinosaurs that looked like Velociraptors.

It is thinner and thinner than a riding velociraptor, about 2.5 meters tall, and has more developed forelimbs. It looks like a dangerous weapon with sharp claws flashing coldly, and its vertical pupils are full of primitive and wild cruelty.

This is "Deinonychus", a close relative of Velociraptor, a bit like Blue Star's wolves, but more powerful and cruel.

About 20 of them showed up, and some were lurking in the dark.Led by a peculiar Deinonychus with fancy and beautiful feathers on its head, it kept howling and beating to intimidate its prey. Compared with confronting them head-on, they preferred to chase fearful prey.

"It's Deathclaw, don't let it go. Bring it over and give it to me."

Hogney's body seemed to be getting smaller.He put away his aura, and the feeling of being strong and dangerous was gone.The Deinonychus quickly launched a tentative attack.

The blunt weapon combat skills of the knights are so powerful that they are called "shattering".

Each of these bronze-ranked knights has the power to knock down a Deinonychus with a single blow.But they didn't do that. Instead, they restrained themselves to maintain their strength.The previously injured knight deliberately let go of the wound to bleed, and the smell of blood stimulated the Deinonychus group even more.

Hogney didn't move.

Until the leader of the dragon group with bright feathers on his head pounced - he still pounced on Li Rui and the two of them. These beasts were always picky first.

Hogney shot suddenly, hitting Deathclaw's belly with a hammer from bottom to top.Whether the silver rank hits the bronze rank or sneak attack, the result is predictable.

Li Rui saw the spectacular scenery flying 20 meters into the sky again.

Deathclaw seemed to have swallowed a bomb alive, a large hole was opened in the abdomen, and a pile of mosaics spilled out.The group of Deinonychus left behind a few corpses, and ran away screaming.

Unlike the bobcat attack, all the knights immediately got on their mounts and started chasing them. Even if they were very fast, only 1/3 of the Deinonychus group ran away in the end.

Li Rui's blood boiled after watching a big play.Xia Guo's martial arts fantasy novels are very popular. He is very envious of the "extraordinary power" possessed by the knights. He has infinite power and domineering posture. I want it too!

If the "Lynx" only attacked people, the Deinonychus group liked to attack settlements directly.

As the leader, "Deathclaw" is even more blood-debt, and very cunning, erratic and hard to find.This time, they were unlucky enough to meet Hogney and the others, and the lord's guards were not easy to come across.

What's interesting is that Li Rui didn't know that he also played a big role - his presence made the Deinonychus group misjudge the team's strength.

It is an unwritten rule in other worlds to eradicate wild beasts that seriously endanger human survival, especially in the sparsely populated "opening up territory".

Everyone happily and carefully cut off Deathclaw's head, focusing on protecting the feather.This is an important voucher for going back and handing in tasks for rewards.With this, this trip was not in vain.

Hogney ordered to rest in place, this is the territory of Deathclaw, and there will be no other beasts to disturb it for the time being.

Li Rui got a piece of roasted dinosaur meat and took a bite out of curiosity.The excellent quality of the young people of the Xia Kingdom in the new era prevented him from spitting it out, and he swallowed it forcefully, his mouth was full of fishy smell.Mel took a few bites and looked at Li Rui expectantly.

The two of them gave the meat to the mount, and then set up a self-heating hot pot.In addition to meat, Li Rui also put in a lot of noodles and wild mushrooms from Melca.

Li Rui came to thank the knights who protected them and gave them trauma medicine and essential oil.

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