At this time, Su Lu also finished wiping the blackboard. After putting the blackboard eraser back on the desk, he took out a piece of chalk and began to write the previous inference 1. At the same time, he said: "For the proof of inference 1, You only need to set i as the identity transformation of v, and in Theorem 1, take t'=c?i+c?t, and the proof can be completed directly."

As soon as these words came out, the smile in the eyes of Professor Fu who was standing next to him grew stronger. Those ordinary-level academic masters who had racked their brains and couldn't figure out how to solve it, thought about it along this line of thought, and suddenly realized.

The faces of the leaders in the first row were also slightly relieved. Su Lu's thinking was basically the same as what they thought, at least it meant that he was not here to make trouble.

Then let's see how he will solve the second problem.

Professor Zhang was also relieved. As a student, he always surprised him, but soon he was worried about whether Su Lu could solve the second problem.

"Hey, you don't need to write the proof of Corollary 1, as long as your idea is correct, let's prove Theorem 2 directly."

Suddenly, Professor Fu reminded that when he saw Su Lu start to write the proof of Inference 1, he was afraid of wasting time.

Su Lu nodded, took the blackboard eraser, and erased the "proof" and the proof process of a few words just written, and then, the proof process completed just after class came to mind.

That proof was interesting, but it only took him about 6 minutes.

After recalling the first step, he wrote the word "proof" again.

The teachers and students in the seats all stared at the slender figure on the stage, waiting for his next performance.

"First, from formula 1: (tα, tβ) = (α, tβ) + (tα, β) can be obtained (tα, tα) = 2 (α, tα)."

"According to the inner product properties, we can get

(t(α+β)-tα-tβ, t(α+β)-tα-tβ) = (t(α+β)………”

The neat calculation formulas appeared one by one under the stroke of the chalk, and the next Greek letter or letter symbol clearly appeared in Su Lu's mind.

Doing math questions is completely different from those subjects in finance majors. Each calculation comes from rigorous logic, not like partial liberal arts questions. When you hit your head and think that a sentence is a sentence, as long as it can be related .

And after his thinking and calculation ability have been greatly enhanced, he can be said to be like a fish in water when doing this kind of math problem that tests logic.

As he wrote down the formula line by line, without much thought in the middle, those old professors also showed smiles.

In front of the professors from Qinghua, they were very happy to have a student from their school perform so well.

Dean Jiang was able to take out the scholarship temporarily as a reward, and naturally he wanted to stimulate the students. If no students came to the stage to do it, it would be embarrassing for them, the professors of the University of Finance and Economics.

"Not bad, old Zhang, you are a good student in mathematics."

"Why didn't you apply to our mathematics department, and went to apply to your finance department? What a waste of talent."


Professor Zhang said angrily: "What is a waste of talent? He is also talented in finance, okay? Going to your mathematics department is a waste."

However, mathematics is the top level of the subject's contempt chain, and the professors of the mathematics department are naturally disdainful of Professor Zhang's words.

"Mathematics is the pursuit of scientific truth, and finance is obviously inferior."



"All right, all right, stop arguing." Dean Jiang stopped them, and at the same time felt a little headache. If Su Lu did it, how would his scholarship be awarded?

Chapter 54 Mathematical Genius

"Then, t(kα)-k(tα) = θ, and thus t(kα) = k(tα)."

"Therefore, t is a linear transformation of v."

Su Lu put down the chalk, turned to Professor Fu and said, "Professor Fu, I've finished the proof, you can see if it's correct."

Professor Fu smiled all over his face, nodded and said, "It's absolutely correct, very good."

As soon as the professor's words came out, there was an uproar among the melon-eating students below who had been unaware.

This is done?

There is such a big mathematician in their school?

Manman and her friends were stunned. This is not just a top student, but a super high school student!

The super god-level kind.

"Manman, come on, I believe in you!"

"come on!"

Manman blushed and quickly pushed them: "Go to hell! I don't believe in myself now!"


Just when Su Lu thought he could go back to his seat, Professor Fu seemed delighted to see Lie Xin, and stopped him again: "Hey, this classmate, what's your name?"

"My name is Su Lu."

Professor Fu nodded and said with a smile: "Since you have solved both questions, I will test you again. Can you draw the inference of Theorem 1 based on the inference of Theorem 2, and then talk about how to prove it?"

Suddenly, Su Lu became interested, glanced at the inference 1 left on the blackboard, and said, "I can try it."

Professor Fu held out a "please" gesture and gave Su Lu's location again.

He knew that the questions he posed were not particularly difficult, and were mainly used to test the students here, but he himself did not expect that some students would solve them so soon, and the love of talents in his heart gave birth to the Let's test Su Lu's mind again.

Although the two temporary questions he asked were not too different from the previous ones, they could test Su Lu's mathematical inspiration.

Mathematical inspiration is not something that can be exercised by accumulating a lot of experience. It is purely based on talent, just like Tao Zhexuan, a Chinese math genius who "knows a little bit of everything", he can come up with a certain proof at a stroke Go, but for some ordinary mathematicians, they may not even find the next steps even if they think of death.

After all, this world has always been a world led by geniuses, and ordinary people are only filling in other parts that geniuses are too lazy to do within the framework of genius planning.

For the current Su Lu, he is completely a genius.

The inference of Theorem 2 and Theorem 1 began to be rigorously analyzed in the brain, and it was almost fully loaded, just like a computer.

Finally, a flash of inspiration came to his mind, and he began to write directly on the blackboard: "According to Theorem 2, we can get a corollary: Let t be a transformation of Euclidean space v. If for ?α, β∈v has (tα, tβ) =bsp; ?(α, β)+bsp; ?(α, tβ)+c?(tα, β), where bsp; ?, bsp; ? are real numbers, and t is a linear transformation of v.

After finishing writing, he began to prove the inference non-stop. It was similar to the previous proof of Inference 1. Su Lu simply made a substitution, and then listed a few lines of calculations, and the proof was completed.

Putting down the chalk, Su Lu looked at Professor Fu with a smile on his face, "Professor, please check if it is correct."

The latter's face at this time was no longer a simple smile, but surprised.

He stared at the lines on the blackboard full of mathematical beauty in a daze, and nodded a little stiffly. This gesture made those melon-eating students who had never been aware of the situation amused.

But what Professor Fu was thinking in his mind, he naturally knew that Su Lu only spent less than 2 minutes thinking about it before and after, but he didn't even type a draft, and he just came up with the problem directly?

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