Chapter 7 Discussion on multi-person activities after exams in boys' dormitory

Su Lu put down the materials, came to Professor Zhang, and said, "Professor, I've finished reading."

Professor Zhang put down the teacup in his hand, took back the materials, and asked, "How is it?"

Su Lu smiled wryly and said, "I didn't expect it to be such a big project from the very beginning."

The professor laughed, "It's okay, young people have to experience this kind of thing more, you don't have to worry, the things you are responsible for are not too difficult, but they are also a little challenging, just for you to learn some practical experience."

He took out a document and said: "Well, I will take you to Lingzi next week and Monday to learn about the situation and get their project plan by the way. You will be mainly responsible for data collection, data Statistics and other work, when the time comes, I will ask your senior brother and senior sister to teach you how to perform simple analysis...By the way, do you know how to use spss and sas software?"

Su Lu just wanted to say no, but suddenly remembered that he had a cheat, and immediately changed his words: "Yes, I can use it."

Professor Zhang glanced at him in surprise, and then said with a smile: "That's right, as long as you know how to use it, you will basically need to use these software by then, and you will be more familiar with it after you go back."

Then he thought for a while, and finally said: "Okay, that's all you have to do. The rest is up to your brother Tang's arrangement. He is mainly responsible for your project this time. When you have any questions, just ask him."

Su Lu recalled the appearance of that Senior Brother Tang, then nodded and said, "Yes, I see."

Professor Zhang nodded and said, "Well, you can go back. Oh, by the way, Chairman Ling Zi will have a meal with us on Sunday. You can go too when the time comes. I will let Senior Sister Ning inform you."

Su Lu did not expect to have the honor to have a meal with the billionaire boss. Last semester, Chairman Ling Zi was invited by their finance school to give a speech at the school. Su Lu also participated. When people talk about it, they are quite emotional.

"Okay." He nodded, and then saw that he had nothing to do, so he said goodbye, "Professor Zhang, then I'll go first."

Professor Zhang nodded: "Yes."

After leaving the office, Su Lu went directly to the dormitory. He wanted to take advantage of the remaining time to have a good understanding of the various processes of investment project evaluation in his dreams. prepare for.


In the vice president's office, Li Qing and Professor Zhang discussed the materials he brought for a while, and then left the office.

He took out his mobile phone and entered a group chat. The members in it were all graduate students under Professor Zhang's current lead.

He started sending messages: You know what?There is a freshman who wants to go to Lingzi with us

After a while, a person named Zhao Yuanji replied: freshman?How many undergraduate students did you teach?

Li Qing: Yes, ah, if you want me to say, the freshman can’t do anything, it didn’t seem to be of much help in the past, I don’t know what the professor thinks

Zhao Yuanji: Maybe a relative of the professor?

Li Qing: No, I was in the professor's office just now. The freshman is called Su Lu. You have met him twice before.

Zhao Yuanji: Damn it?real or fake?This kid is so lucky?I was still serving dishes during the summer vacation of my freshman year, and he directly entered our project?

Li Qing: Exactly

Ning Shiyuan: Su Lu?I remember, it was that handsome junior, right?I think it's good

Li Qing: Senior Sister Ning, don't you have a crush on other elementary school students?

Ning Shiyuan: Who said that, don't talk nonsense, Su Xuedi met twice, I just think he is very nice

When the boys in the group saw this sentence, they were all like lemons. You obviously think he is handsome, right?

Who is very nice, I have only met twice, and I haven't spoken to him a few times, okay!

At this time, another person joined the discussion.

Tang Mucong: The professor sent me a message, and asked me to create a group later. As the notification group for this project, students from Su Lu will also join in. Be careful when you chat. Ning Shiyuan, the professor asked you to contact Su Classmate, be careful and take care of him.

Tang Mucong can be regarded as the big brother among Professor Zhang's students this year. He is a doctoral student. He is quite capable and has participated in many national financial competitions. SCI, one of which was published in the top financial journal aer, will graduate this year, and go to Harvard in the United States to continue his studies.

As soon as he spoke, Li Qing and Zhao Yuanji stopped talking, and Ning Shiyuan replied: Good!

Li Qing saw that Ning Shiyuan's sentence seemed to reveal a little excited "good", put down the phone, and felt a toothache.

"That little boy, damn it."


At night, Su Lu was shaken awake again from his sleep.

"Sleep you b wake up hi!"

"No, no, Lao Liu, you don't really suffer from kidney deficiency, do you?"

Twitching the corners of his mouth, he, who had slept all afternoon in his dream, only felt full of energy at this moment.

He sat up, waved his hands and said, "Okay, okay, you kids are still so naughty. It seems that Dad didn't teach you well. It's Dad's fault."

"Fuck, I'm sorry, everyone on the bed is my baby." Mai Ke directly pointed his middle finger at Su Lu who was the only one who was still on the bed.

"I said Sixth, you are not really sick, are you? Do you want to go to the hospital? I remember that you didn't like to sleep so much before?" Wang Yang asked with concern.

Su Lu got up with a smile, got off the bed, and said, "No, I just feel like I have nothing to do after the exam, and I'm going to work next week, so sleep more."

Wang Yang and the others glanced at him suspiciously, without saying much, Zhao Wenyi said, "Okay! Where are we going to get high tonight?"

"Internet cafes all night!"

"No pursuit, go to the bar to find girls to play with!"

The other three looked at Zhao Wenyi with disdain, and Su Lu said: "Old Zhao, I didn't say that, you always talk about looking for a girl, and every time you are the shyest one."

"Damn, we four single dogs, what else can we do besides playing games? What peaches are you thinking about all day?" Wang Yang made a stop gesture and told the bitter truth.

The other three looked at Wang Yang speechlessly, and Zhao Wenyi even pretended to be tearful and said, "555, old Wang, don't tell the truth, please!"

Mai Ke turned his head and looked at Su Lu: "Liu Liu, you can't be the first to betray us, let's agree, whoever holds hands first is the dog!"

Su Lu gave McCabe a thumbs up, then turned his face down, and said contemptuously, "You're just jealous of my handsomeness."

"Handsome, you don't even have a girlfriend!"

"What am I..."



So that night, the four of them finally found an e-sports hotel and stayed up all night...

Chapter 8 Senior Sister Ning

Time passed quickly, and after a night of sleepless nights on Friday, they each went on their way home, leaving Su Lu alone in the end.

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