He became the deputy director of the laboratory two years ago, and if nothing happens, he will become the director in another year.

Huang Xiaojuan is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine. She looks pretty good and had many suitors when she was young.

Chen Zihan has almost inherited all the advantages of his parents.

As the only son in the family, Chen Zihan still has a lot of status in the family.

What he wants, his parents will hardly refuse.

Chen Zihan was also sensible, and he never disappointed them in any way.

In addition, he is tall and handsome, and he was admitted to Zhijiang Medical University during the college entrance examination. He was still a seven-year undergraduate and master's student, so he naturally became the pride in the eyes of his parents and "other people's child" in the eyes of others.

Although Chen Yingrong and Huang Xiaojuan doted on him, they also hoped that he would become independent as soon as possible, and even hoped that he could find a good girlfriend in college.

Therefore, Chen Zihan asked his family for money, but they did not refuse.

What Huang Xiaojuan is dissatisfied with is that he will no longer ask his family for money in the future.

The son no longer asks them for money, and as parents, they feel that their presence and importance in the son's heart has dropped a lot.

This is something Huang Xiaojuan cannot tolerate.

Isn't everything about them left to their son?

But after hearing what Chen Zihan said, she didn't express anything.

Huang Xiaojuan really felt that after Chen Zihan went to college for a month, he became a lot more mature and more stable.

Her son grew up very fast, and she didn't think too much about it except to be relieved.

Chen Yingrong graduated from technical secondary school and went to work. He felt that his son was 19 years old and should be more mature than he was then.

Chen Zihan was relieved that his parents didn't suspect anything.

Chapter 012 Planning

After being reborn, Chen Zihan saw many things more clearly.

He can also see clearly the living conditions of his parents' generation.

Eight, Wushang in the 90s, after graduating from college or technical secondary school, people with better job assignments live a normal life.

The job is good, holding the iron rice bowl, and didn't want to toss about other things in the past.

Those who have poor academic performance, failed to enter a technical secondary school or university, or did not have a satisfactory job after being admitted, because they are not reconciled or in order to survive better, they spend a lot of time doing other things to make a difference. Come on.

As a result, many millionaires, tens of millions, and even billionaires were born.

They drove luxury cars and lived in luxury houses, leading an enviable life of the rich.

And Wushang, a small city in the middle of Zhijiang Province, has also jumped from a poor county to a rich and rich place, and has become famous all over the world.

Wushang is the managed county of Wuzhou, a prefecture-level city, but until the 21st century, many people only knew Wushang City, the world's largest distribution center for small commodities and rich and wealthy, but not its superior administrative unit, Wuzhou.

While countless wealthy people were born in Wushang Dadi, people like Chen Yingrong who live in a good unit can only be described as mediocre in many economic situations.

They are rich but not rich.

Those who envied them very much at first became the ones they envied.

It can really be described in that sentence: born in sorrow and died in peace.

It's just that many people don't know that these people who have finally become rich by their own hard work have paid unimaginable hardships.

But now Chen Zihan is very clear that if he wants to become a rich man, he doesn't need to put in so much hard work.

If you bought Moutai, Vanke or Tencent stocks worth tens of thousands of dollars in [-], and then bought Bitcoin a little later, your wealth could multiply many times in ten years.

In addition, real estate investment can also make people earn many times the income.

Going further, investing in Alibaba, or investing several million in Tencent in 02 and 03, you may be able to rank in the rich list in a decade or so.

Anyway, in the first ten years of the 21st century, as long as you grasp any opportunity, you can easily accumulate staggering wealth.

Therefore, Chen Zihan is not worried about not making money.

But he also knows that no matter what he does, he needs start-up funds. He wants to achieve financial freedom earlier and hopes that he and his parents can have more assets. Therefore, he asks his parents for the necessary funds.

After he asked his parents for 5000 yuan, he talked a lot with his father Chen Yingrong.

He told Chen Yingrong that when he was in school, he happened to meet an expert in economic research.

After the man knew that he was from Usang, he hit it off with him and talked about many modern economic concepts.

Chen Zihan suggested to Chen Yingrong to find a way to invest more in real estate and stocks, and use it to marry his wife.

Chen Zihan also knows that the construction of the International Trade City will start soon. Their village has not been demolished yet, but at the latest next year or two, the entire village where their hometown is located will be included in the scope of demolition. The second phase and the third phase of the International Trade City Phase four and five will start construction.

Although the impact of e-commerce later made the traditional small commodity trade difficult, but in the next ten years, the property prices near the International Trade City can still rise to astonishing heights.

Chen Zihan suggested that Chen Yingrong and Huang Xiaojuan, if possible, buy a few old houses from their neighbors, so that they can get more compensation and resettlement places during demolition.

What Chen Zihan said, Chen Yingrong and Huang Xiaojuan still went to their hearts.

They are also very pleased that their son has really grown up and has a sense of responsibility.

After the family of three chatted all night, Chen Yingrong and Huang Xiaojuan basically accepted Chen Zihan's suggestion.

For two days at home, Chen Zihan spent most of his time with his parents.

Before rebirth, Chen Zihan worked in Qian Tang, while his parents were always complaining.

He feels guilty for not being able to be filial by his parents.

Later, when an accident occurred while aiding foreign countries, he dared not tell his parents, fearing that they would not be able to accept it.

Now that the parents are young, everything can be remedied.

He is very nostalgic for this kind of warm family relationship, and hopes to spend more time with them.

In the past two days since he came back, he talked a lot with them, which made Chen Yingrong and Huang Xiaojuan very happy.

After entering high school, Chen Zihan was not willing to communicate with them anymore.

In this case, even if Chen Zihan asked them for more money, they would not refuse.

On the last day of the National Day holiday, he took the train back to Qiantang with Wang Zhenjun with a little bit of reluctance and the 5000 yuan extra fee given by his parents.

While on the train, Chen Zihan and Wang Zhenjun talked about their future plans.

Hearing from Chen Zihan that he wanted to do something else while studying, Wang Zhenjun was shocked.

"Do you want to work-study?"

"The work-study theory is not appropriate. I want to achieve financial freedom and start a career when I am in college!" Although he knows that he can live well by following the track of his previous life, Chen Zihan still wants to change his life.

He has already figured out how to earn the first pot of gold in life.

After hearing what Chen Zihan said, although Wang Zhenjun was still hesitating in his heart, he still promised to fight with him when the time came.

On the night of returning to school, He Qiuping took the initiative to find Chen Zihan.

He Qiuping told Chen Zihan that tomorrow is the day for the official class, and he plans to appoint the class committee members tomorrow morning.

Those who want to run for class leader will take the initiative to give a speech on the stage tomorrow, and finally press a secret ballot to vote, and the person who gets the most votes will be elected.

Other class cadres are selected in the same way.

"Thank you, Mr. He, for your reminder. I will definitely participate in the election tomorrow." He Qiuping took the initiative to tell him about this matter, and how could Chen Zihan not know what it meant.

Chen Zihan threw a cigarette to He Qiuping, and after playing with him for ten minutes, he went back to the dormitory.

As soon as he returned to the dormitory, a few guys gathered around and asked questions.

"What is the counselor looking for from you?" Wang Zhenjun put his arm around Chen Zihan's shoulder and asked in a low voice, "Do you want you to be the monitor?"

Yang Xiaodong also asked: "Zihan, Mr. He thinks highly of you? You must run for class monitor. The few of us won't compete with you. That Sun Yuankai's ability is far worse than yours."

Zhu Yijun and two other guys, Cheng Jianhui from Qiantang and Wu Xiangmin from the ancient capital Chang'an, also excitedly told Chen Zihan that they must take the position of squad leader and win glory for their 305 dormitory.

"Hee hee, if you become the class monitor, the five handsome guys in our dormitory 305 will have a good life." Cheng Jianhui smiled cheaply.

"You are the five handsome guys, so what am I?" Chen Zihan glared at Cheng Jianhui.

"If you join in, you'll be one of the six romantic talents!" Cheng Jianhui smiled and put his hands on Chen Zihan's shoulders, and said earnestly: "You must remember that you shoulder the important task of revitalizing our dormitory 305, We must not lose to that kid surnamed Sun."

Yang Xiaodong smiled obscenely: "If you become the squad leader, there must be a lot of girls who come to visit us. For the sake of our brothers' sex, I will push you to be the squad leader no matter what."

"Well then, for the sake of everyone's sexual happiness, I will do what I can. I will be the class monitor first, then I will join the student union, and then I will rule the entire Zhijiang University and take all the beauties in Zhijiang University as my own!"

"Hey, is it still blown?"

The "Five Great Handsome Guys" who had just been pleasing to the eye just now showed a look of contempt.

Yang Xiaodong suddenly thought of something, and said to everyone mysteriously: "I just heard from my fellow villagers that there is a very popular beauty in Yuquan Campus. Her name seems to be Lu Ruorong or something. It is said that she is more beautiful than Luo Xiaofei and has a better figure. Good. She is from Yanjing, and her family background is very good!"

When Yang Xiaodong said this, everyone's interest was immediately aroused, and they asked about Lu Ruorong's situation in a hurry.

Even Chen Zihan was aroused curiosity.

But Yang Xiaodong didn't know much about Lu Ruorong, and he didn't have any photos, which frustrated everyone's interest.

Chapter 013 Election for Squad Leader

After talking about beautiful girls for a while, everyone brought the topic back to Luo Xiaofei.

Many people go home during the National Day holiday, and when they come back, they bring a lot of local products from their hometown.

Eating and boasting with tea and beer is almost a daily routine in a university dormitory.

Of course, this was the situation before the dormitory members found girlfriends.

If a member has a favorite or girlfriend, this kind of tea party will basically be absent.

"Zihan, do you really want to pursue Luo Xiaofei?" Yang Xiaodong said gossip.

"What's none of your business? Just do it yourself if you have the ability!"

Chen Zihan was so out of breath that he was despised by the other five people.

They still had a high opinion of Luo Xiaofei, and they kept trying to trick Chen Zihan into chasing Luo Xiaofei.

However, Chen Zihan ignored them.

Soon, they switched the topic to other girls.

As a result, the chat lasted until eleven o'clock, and they finally shut up under Chen Zihan's urging.

The next day, the six people in the dormitory went to the classroom together.

Chen Zihan's popularity was quite high, and many students took the initiative to greet him.

He also knows how to behave in the world. After entering the classroom, he greeted everyone heartily.

Sun Yuankai, a powerful competitor of the squad leader, also greeted him politely.

However, Sun Yuankai and those in his dormitory ignored him.

Chen Zihan didn't care either.

After a while, the counselor He Qiuping also came in.

After he greeted his classmates and briefly summarized the situation during the military training, he switched the topic to today's main issues.

A very important topic is going to be carried out today, that is, the election of the class committee and the league secretary.

"Students, we have been in Zhijiang University School of Medicine for more than a month. In this month, we have completed the transformation from high school students to college students."

He Qiuping looked at everyone with a smile, "After getting along day and night for a month, the students must have a deeper understanding of each other. I believe that everyone can come out with the best students first and be responsible for the daily affairs management of our class."

He Qiuping reminded everyone again: Class cadres and student union cadres in the university are all selected through elections. He hopes that students can actively sign up and give themselves more opportunities to exercise.

Sun Yuankai, who came from Suzhou and was instructed by He Qiuping, was the first to stand up.

He walked up to the podium a little nervously and stood facing everyone.

"Hello, students. My name is Sun Yuankai. I am from Gusu, Jiangdong Province. During the military training period, I will help Teacher He manage class affairs as a temporary monitor..."

Sun Yuankai is a big boy with glasses and a pretty face. He has always been excellent in academic performance and ranked first in his class in the college entrance examination.However, he still lacks a little experience in dealing with things.

When he stepped onto the podium to give a speech to everyone, he talked most about his achievements in the past and He Qiuping's appointment of him as the squad leader.

After saying this, he expressed his determination again: "If I can be the supervisor, I will definitely do my best to do things well. Thank you everyone!"

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