Chen Zihan was a little surprised that Lin Yinuo's head was still quite flexible.

"Sigh, how can Senior Lin be so smart!" Chen Zihan sighed, "I do have a girl I like. When I went to Huangshan with Zhen Jun last time, I met a beautiful girl on the road and fell in love at first sight. Don't marry her. Zhenjun, you are the one who witnessed this romantic encounter with your own eyes, don't you envy me!"

The two beautiful seniors didn't even have the courage to speak and had to be a little transparent Wang Zhenjun. Unexpectedly, Chen Zihan would drag him into the topic.

But he still didn't say what Chen Zihan wanted, he just replied dully, when he went to Huangshan, he and Chen Zihan got separated, and he didn't know what happened in the middle.

"I know nonsense!" Lin Yinuo gave Chen Zihan a blank look, and then said to Luo Xiaofei, "Isn't it hypocritical?"

"It's very hypocritical." Luo Xiaofei gave Chen Zihan a blank look, "What I said has almost no credibility!"

"Hehe, I seriously thought about what Senior Lin said just now, are you blaming me for not giving you a chance to pursue me?" Chen Zihan patted his chest as he said, "If you really want to pursue me, you two can come here! "

Chapter 025 This Dog Man and Woman Are Holding Hands

Seeing Chen Zihan molesting the two beauties from time to time, and often saying some "shocking" things, the little transparent Wang Zhenjun who was sitting on the side was stunned.

When did this buddy I've known since childhood become like this?

In high school, although he also teased the girls in the class, he wasn't so arrogant?

But he was also very envious of Chen Zihan, who dared to talk nonsense in front of Luo Xiaofei and Lin Yinuo, and dared to stare at their faces and even their chests.

The two women were not angry either. Lin Yinuo even puffed out her chest deliberately when Chen Zihan's eyes fell on her chest.

And he had to muster up his courage for a long time to say a word, let alone look at the two beauties.

This gap made him feel shameful.

In high school, although he didn't dare to flirt with girls, he wouldn't feel so inferior when talking to girls.

"Hey, there is no girl in the class who is as good as Luo Xiaofei, and there is no one who is similar to Lin Yinuo!" Amidst his emotions, Wang Zhenjun secretly made up his mind, "My college entrance examination score is one point higher than Zihan's. , and can’t lag behind him. I want to mature and be more confident!”

"Don't keep silent!" While Lin Yinuo and Luo Xiaofei whispered to each other, Chen Zihan said to Wang Zhenjun in dialect: "Be thick-skinned, don't be underestimated by them, and don't want anything from them! Men must be confident and don't feel inferior .”

"Oh, um!" Wang Zhenjun was a little panicked, and the determination he made just now was forgotten in an instant.

Seeing Wang Zhenjun's nervous look, Chen Zihan didn't say much.

Human growth always comes step by step. Everyone has a different personality, so nothing can be forced.

Luo Xiaofei is from Zhonghai, and Lin Yinuo is a girl from Hunan. Although they have a good relationship, their personalities are quite different.

Lin Yinuo likes spicy food and has a spicy taste in his personality.

Luo Xiaofei was very reserved during the meal, but Lin Yinuo was very active, and the chats were mainly between her and Chen Zihan.

Lin Yinuo spoke very directly, and Chen Zihan got along with them with a cynical attitude, so the two chatted very warmly.

Chen Zihan's slightly humorous and generous way of speaking made Lin Yinuo giggle from time to time, making Luo Xiaofei frowned slightly.

After dinner, Lin Yinuo proposed to go for a stroll by the West Lake together, or to climb Gem Mountain, but Luo Xiaofei refused.

Luo Xiaofei proposed to go back to rest early on the grounds that she was tired.

Tomorrow is the orientation party. In order to have a better mental state, I must rest early today.

After hearing this, Lin Yinuo suggested in a low voice: "Why don't you let Wang Zhenjun send you back first, and Junior Zihan and I will go to climb Baoshi Mountain."

Lin Yinuo was so bold that both Wang Zhenjun and Luo Xiaofei were stunned.

Wang Zhenjun's face was flushed, he didn't know what to do, he clenched and loosened his hands, and kept his head down, not daring to look at Lin Yinuo or Luo Xiaofei.But he yelled in his heart that Lin Yinuo's proposal was so damn good.

If he could be alone with Luo Xiaofei for a while, even if he was beaten up by Chen Zihan, he would be willing.

However, after glancing at Luo Xiaofei who was sitting there very reserved, the arrogance in his heart was completely gone, and all that was left was flustered.

Luo Xiaofei didn't say anything, and after taking a weird look at Chen Zihan, she stood quietly aside.

"Come out together, we must go back together, we must have team spirit." Chen Zihan said with a laugh: "Since Senior Sister Luo Xiaofei is not in the mood to play today, let's go back first. Anyway, there is still a long time in college, we have enough Let’s have a chance to play together. Besides, it’s quite a few miles from here to the foot of Gemstone Mountain!”

Then Chen Zihan made his own suggestion and walked slowly back along the lakeside.

I'm a bit full for dinner, in order not to gain weight, I need to walk properly, and I can also see the night view of the West Lake.

Seeing Chen Zihan like this, Lin Yinuo sighed slightly and looked at Luo Xiaofei.

"Then let's go for a while!" Luo Xiaofei accepted Chen Zihan's suggestion, "Let's go to the corner and take a taxi back."

Lin Yinuo looked at Chen Zihan, then at Luo Xiaofei, and finally agreed.

Her mood was obviously not as high as before.

But she still took Luo Xiaofei's arm, and called Chen Zihan and Wang Zhenjun to walk forward together.

Chen Zihan naturally walked on the other side of Luo Xiaofei, continuing his cynical topic.

Wang Zhenjun also maintained his own style, continued to be a little transparent, and walked silently behind the three of them.

"Chen Zihan, have you ever been a class cadre before?" Lin Yinuo asked Chen Zihan, turning his head to the side.

"I used to be a sports committee member and monitor, but I got lazy and resigned from these positions to the teacher." Chen Zihan said truthfully.

"No wonder, when I first came to university, I took the initiative to compete to be the class leader." Lin Yinuo giggled, "But even if you have never been a class cadre before, your performance when you rescued a classmate who died suddenly in the clinical medicine class that day, and what Vice President Chen's statement on the spot means that no one can compete with you for the position of monitor. I suggest that you quickly apply to join the student union of your department. There is no problem at all, no one will hinder you, and then you apply to join the college The student council. I think, you want you to do well and eventually get into the school student council."

"Take your time, don't worry!" Chen Zihan smiled, "I will definitely spend the seven years of college wonderfully!"

"By the way, what were your thoughts when you were in college?" Lin Yinuo asked again.

Seeing Lin Yinuo and Chen Zihan talking across her, Luo Xiaofei frowned slightly, stepped aside and let Lin Yinuo and Chen Zihan walk together.Lin Yinuo didn't take it seriously, and didn't even pay attention to Luo Xiaofei's expression, and happily walked with Chen Zihan.

"study hard, improve every day!"

"Cut, fooling people!" Lin Yinuo gave Chen Zihan a blank look, "You and Xiaofei have had a hot fight since you first came here, and I don't believe you will study hard!"

"Would you like to bet?" Chen Zihan noticed Luo Xiaofei's unnatural eyes, and said to Lin Yinuo with a smile: "If I get a scholarship this semester, you treat me!"

"No problem!" Lin Yinuo readily agreed.

Luo Xiaofei glanced at Chen Zihan, but didn't say anything, but quickened her pace a little.

Lin Yinuo was very enthusiastic and proactive, and Chen Zihan was also very "cooperative" with her, and the two talked very speculatively.

In front of Luo Xiaofei, Lin Yinuo asked Chen Zihan for his mobile phone number and QQ number, and also looked forward to Chen Zihan's very good performance tomorrow.

After walking a few hundred meters, Luo Xiaofei thought she was tired and didn't want to go shopping anymore, so she planned to take a taxi back.

"Go back so early?" Lin Yinuo was a little reluctant.

"Then you play for a while, I'll go back first!" Luo Xiaofei finished speaking, and walked in another direction quickly without waiting for the others to react.

Chen Zihan was angry with her on purpose, and Goddess Luo's displeasure almost burst out.

"She's jealous!" Lin Yinuo giggled, and pushed Chen Zihan again, "Hurry up and chase after her!"

Wang Zhenjun, who was following behind, stared dumbfoundedly at a man and two women fighting Mizong Fist.

Seeing Chen Zihan running forward quickly and grabbing Luo Xiaofei, he was a little dazed and bumped into the wooden railing.

The impact was so painful that I almost fell down.

However, after seeing Luo Xiaofei struggling a few times, he let Chen Zihan hold his hand, and his eyes widened again.

"Isn't this couple of dogs progressing too fast? They are actually holding hands!"

Chapter 026 Next time you date, don't use me as a light bulb

Wang Zhenjun was still a little impatient, and didn't see the real things when he looked at the problem.

Although Chen Zihan held Luo Xiaofei's hand, it was holding her wrist, not holding hands.

In the heart of a man like Wang Zhenjun who has never been close to a beautiful girl, how can a girl like Luo Xiaofei be so casually abrupt?A man who can hold her hand is almost equivalent to taking her away.

"Little Chen is so courageous, no wonder some people say that you have to be bold and thick-skinned to pick up girls. It seems that I have to study hard."

He also hurried over, because Lin Yinuo had already walked quickly.

When he trotted over, he realized that the collision he had just had was really serious, and it hurt even to walk.

When I pulled up my trousers, I saw a big red and swollen patch.

"The dog's back is all harmed by this dog and man!" He muttered angrily.

"Let's go back together!" Chen Zihan had already let go of Luo Xiaofei's hand, and looked at the two women beside him carelessly: "Anyway, I've already seen the night view of the West Lake. It's a bit windy today, and you all wear a little thin clothes. Go back, it's no fun if you catch a cold."

"Okay." Lin Yinuo didn't object, and after Chen Zihan stopped a taxi, he and Luo Xiaofei got into the car one by one.

Lin Yinuo was still sitting in the middle, and Luo Xiaofei and Chen Zihan sat beside them.

Wang Zhenjun, who was ignored by the two beautiful women the whole time, silently opened the co-pilot's door and sat in.

I don't know if it was because he was upset that he was a little absent-minded. When he got into the car, his head hit the car door, and he couldn't help screaming in pain.

"Hehehe..." Seeing Wang Zhenjun's appearance, Lin Yinuo couldn't help laughing, "Chen Zihan, your classmate is so cute!"

"He is really cute, but you are not allowed to make fun of him!" Chen Zihan looked at Lin Yinuo who covered his mouth and smiled seriously, "Because he is my brother, we have known each other since we were young, and we are childhood sweethearts. Making fun of him is tantamount to bullying I."

Lin Yinuo glanced at Chen Zihan in surprise, and finally nodded: "I see, I didn't make fun of him, I just thought he was cute! But you can't use childhood sweethearts to describe your relationship?"

"We are true love, you don't understand!"

Wang Zhenjun blushed, and Lin Yinuo giggled again.

Luo Xiaofei also glanced at Chen Zihan, slightly surprised.

After the taxi arrived at the school gate, Chen Zihan, who had already prepared the fare, handed a ten-yuan bill to the driver, and generously said not to look for it.The fare is nine yuan. In such a situation, most students will ask the driver to give back one yuan. After all, one yuan is money.

But Chen Zihan carelessly dismissed the yuan as a tip, and Luo Xiaofei's attention was aroused by this small act.

The four broke up at the school gate, Luo Xiaofei and Lin Yinuo held hands with each other and headed towards the girls' apartment.

"Do you think this Chen Zihan is very different!" Lin Yinuo whispered to Luo Xiaofei: "Whether it's the way he rides the taxi or when eating, or the way he talks to us, he doesn't look like a student, but A real adult who has been in society for many years. He gives me the feeling that he is about the same maturity as my dad."

Luo Xiaofei didn't say a word after hearing this, but her slightly confused eyes still showed some of her complicated mood at this time.

Lin Yinuo didn't notice Luo Xiaofei's expression, and continued to say with emotion: "Xiaofei, I think he has already sensed that you are approaching him on purpose, and he, continue to tease you, never Will break that down. Eventually, you're going to get stuck, and he's not."

"What do you want to say?" Luo Xiaofei finally couldn't bear it and interrupted Lin Yinuo.

"If you are interested in him, then have a good relationship with him; if you just want to plot against him, I think you are playing with fire." Lin Yinuo said seriously: "You should look down on him, so I think you should stay away He is good, so as not to cause trouble for himself. He is an old fritter, and he may have had affairs with many women in high school, so he is very experienced. You are not her opponent, and you will eventually hurt yourself!"

After being silent for a while, Luo Xiaofei asked abruptly, "Then you think you will be his opponent?"

Lin Yinuo froze for a moment, and finally shook his head: "No? I just met him, and I have no idea about him."

After a pause, she said again: "However, falling in love with someone like him must be very interesting. He will make you happy, and he will torture you so that you can't sleep at night...Xiaofei , what's wrong with you? Are you unhappy?"

Luo Xiaofei broke free of his arm suddenly, Lin Yinuo was a little stunned.

"I suddenly remembered that I need to buy something, you go back to the dormitory first!" Luo Xiaofei said, ignoring Lin Yinuo, and walked towards the school gate by herself.

Looking at the back of Luo Xiaofei Gu Zi leaving, Lin Yinuo stayed for a while.

Lin Yinuo and Luo Xiaofei are classmates and share the same dormitory.

Because they are both cadres of the student union, the relationship between the two is not bad.

However, their personalities are different, Lin Yinuo is aggressive and bold, while Luo Xiaofei is cold and quiet.

"With your personality, you won't be Chen Zihan's opponent!" Looking at Luo Xiaofei's leaving back, Lin Yinuo shook his head and sighed.

Chen Zihan and Wang Zhenjun didn't communicate much.

For the 19-year-old Wang Zhenjun, Chen Zihan felt that if he had more contact with girls, he would naturally have experience with them.

Of course, the way to make a man mature quickly is to fall in love and lose love.

It is impossible for a man who has not experienced women and lovelorn to mature.

The same goes for women.

It must be a man who makes a woman mature quickly.

A woman like Luo Xiaofei who deliberately pretends to be mature has no experience in dealing with men at all.

"No matter what happens, just tell me, and I will analyze it and give you advice!" On the way back to the dormitory, Chen Zihan patted Wang Zhenjun on the shoulder, speaking earnestly.

"You son of a bitch, why do you always educate me?" Wang Zhenjun was a little unconvinced.

"It's because I can talk and laugh in front of girls, but you can only be a little transparent!"

Wang Zhenjun was choked there, not knowing what to say.

While lying on the bed after washing up, Chen Zihan sent a message to Luo Xiaofei: "Is the arrangement for tonight not satisfying you?"

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