Just today, a seemingly ordinary high school student completely refreshed her world view.

It turns out that high school students can be so vigorous!

"Hey! Your skills are so good, do you want to consider coming to the Security Bureau to help?"

Song Lingling said with a smile.

Duan Feihu stared again, Song Lingling pouted immediately: "Okay, okay, I just shut up!"

Duan Feihu solemnly said to Ye Hong: "On behalf of all the colleagues in the Security Bureau of Anming County, I would like to express my thanks again to you, little brother!

I arranged for a car outside the door, and the driver will take you home directly later. "

After Ye Hong left, Song Lingling was dissatisfied and said, "Master, why did you stop me just now?"

Duan Feihu hated the iron and said: "You don't move your little pig's head. At his age, he has such courage and skill. Do you really think he is an ordinary student?"

"Master, you mean..."

"Although Anming County is just an ordinary county under the jurisdiction of Bailu City, many famous people have come out of here, so there is no guarantee that there is a big boss standing behind Ye Hong!

You have to keep your eyes open in the future, don't think that your grandfather is... so you can mess around in Anming County! "

Song Lingling stuck out her tongue and stopped talking.


The snack street in Anming County is different from those big cities that are still open until midnight, and basically close at around ten o'clock in the evening.

When Ye Hong returned to Chengdong Snack Street in the security car, from a distance, only the lights of the night food snack bar were still on.

Two figures stood at the door, looking out constantly.

There is a warm current in Yehong's heart, this is the warmth from home!

Seeing Ye Hong get off An Ren's car, Ye Xiao and An Xiaoying rushed over.

An Xiaoying even hugged Ye Hong in her arms, sobbing, "You brat, you made us worry to death!"

Although Ye Xiao on the side didn't speak, her eyes were full of worry.

Although Duan Feihu had asked them to talk about the situation, but before seeing Ye Hong, they still couldn't let go of their hanging hearts.

"Okay, Mom, I'm fine." Ye Hong patted his mother on the shoulder, turned around and thanked Xiao Liu, the driver of the Security Bureau who sent him back, "Brother Liu, thank you for your hard work."

"Don't get in the way, don't get in the way!" Xiao Liu gave Ye Hong a thumbs up, "We should thank you, if we let those two guys run away, we will definitely be scolded!"

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 42

After seeing off Xiao Liu, the three returned home.

An Xiaoying checked Ye Hong's body up and down, and was relieved to confirm that he was not injured.

It's just that she pulled the back of Ye Hong's torn shirt, wondering: "It's strange, the clothes are torn like this, and there is nothing wrong with the body?"

Ye Hong knew that this must be due to his entry-level recovery ability.

He touched his back, and sure enough, there was not even a single wound left, it was as smooth as ever, and he couldn't help but sigh secretly how powerful the system was.

After reassuring to the elders that they would not do such dangerous things again, the couple let Ye Hong go to rest.

In the middle of the night, Ye Hong was lying on the bed, his heart still not completely calmed down.

In just one day today, a lot of things have happened, and my abilities have also greatly improved.

Ye Hong silently called up the current attribute board to check.

Less than a week after obtaining the system, I have awakened and strengthened dozens of abilities and skills, among which more than ten abilities have been upgraded to the proficient level.

They are professional knowledge in various subjects, cooking ability, flirting skills, driving ability and listening ability.

After each ability is upgraded to the proficient level, there has been a qualitative change.

For example, in today's incident, if it weren't for the miraculous effects of proficient-level hearing and proficient-level driving abilities, the two traffickers would not have been dealt with so easily.

"The next goal is to strengthen all abilities to the proficient level as soon as possible!"

That night, Ye Hong slept soundly.


On the same night, many people had trouble falling asleep.

They are all those who have tasted Supreme Beef Noodles this morning, and the delicacy is something they will never forget for a long time.

"No! I must record this experience!"

A young man picked up his mobile phone and posted his experience in the night snack bar to his circle of friends.

That night, an article in the circle of friends suddenly became popular in the circle of Anming County.

The title is: "If you haven't tried this beef noodle shop, don't say you are from Anming!" ".

Everyone clicked on it, and what came into view was a picture of a bowl of beef noodles that looked very appetizing.

The accompanying text below is all about the author's experience of tasting this bowl named "Supreme Beef Noodles".

Analyze this bowl of beef noodles one by one in terms of color, aroma, and taste, and praise it as rare in the sky and hard to find underground.

At the end of the article, the author also added a sentence: I am also a glutton, but I have never tasted such delicious beef noodles. After thinking about it, I must not let such delicacies be buried in the alleys. I hereby share it with my friends Everyone in the circle!

As soon as this article came out, it immediately triggered countless reprints.

Many people who tasted it in the morning have commented on the article.

"Come out, author, let's have a good chat about life. If I can't eat Supreme Beef Noodles tomorrow, I will kill you at your house with a knife in my hand!"

"Oh, I promised my wife that I would line up to buy it for her at five o'clock tomorrow, but now it looks like it's four o'clock! Author, I hate you!"

"The taste of this bowl of beef noodles is nothing to say, it really deserves the word [Supreme]!"

"Don't trust the author, An Ming doesn't have this store at all! (Funny expression)"


The first reaction of many people is that they don't believe it. A bowl of beef noodles is just a blow to the sky.

But there are also many people who are aroused by the gluttons in their stomachs and are going to try it tomorrow.

Under such circumstances, another article titled "Young Heroes in the Vegetable Market—High School Students Fighting Alone and Two Human Traffickers" was not so popular.

Before five o'clock the next day, Ye Hong woke up to the sound of the alarm clock.

"Ding! Sleep quality is good, energy +1..."

Ye Xiao and his wife were still sleeping at this point, Ye Hong tiptoed to the downstairs kitchen, ready to start his pastry project.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 43 Beautiful New Products

After going through all the ingredients, processes, and attention points in his mind, Ye Hong finally started to do it.

"Ding! The proficient cooking ability has been activated."

"Hmm... First, glutinous rice flour, japonica rice flour, sugar..."

"Then sweet-scented osmanthus, red beans..."

"This step will add about 300 grams of water...stir..."

"OK, put on the steamer!"

After 10 minutes, Yehong opened the steamer and took out a red round cake from it.

I saw that the freshly baked pastry was crystal clear in shape, dotted with sweet-scented osmanthus, like a starry sky embedded in rubies, very charming.

Ye Hong was sure that out of ten girls who saw this kind of pastry, nine of them would be unable to walk.

A strong glutinous fragrance hits the face, making people salivate unconsciously.

Yehong carefully cut off a small piece, threw it into his mouth and tasted it.

The entrance is fragrant, glutinous and sweet, with a delicate taste.

After swallowing it, a warm current surged up in the stomach, which made people feel comfortable.

Ye Hong nodded in satisfaction, looked at this proud debut and said, "Let's name you 【Supreme Osmanthus Red Bean Cake】!"

"Ding! Invent new dishes, cooking ability +5..."

Noisy voices gradually came from outside the door. Ye Hong looked up, but the clock came to six o'clock in the morning without knowing it.

Glancing out through the kitchen window, there was already a long queue outside the store.

Ye Hong smiled wryly, put away the Supreme Osmanthus Red Bean Cake, and began to prepare the beef noodles.

A busy day is about to start again.

At 06:30, the night snack bar opens on time.

The flow of people today is more than twice that of yesterday.

When Ye Xiao and the others asked, they found out about the circle of friends.

The diners were looking forward to it and took turns entering the store to buy Supreme Beef Noodles.

Just like yesterday, the two beauties Zhang Xuewei and Li Muya came to help early.

Although learning the lesson from yesterday, the store asked Beef Guo to send some more beef today, but when the sun was high, the beef in the store was still about to bottom out.

But at this moment, there were sounds of quarreling outside the store.

"Don't borrow it, don't borrow it! We don't want to borrow the location of our store, let that little bastard Yehong get out!"

This is... Xiao Chunlan's voice.

Zhang Xuewei and Li Muya rushed into the kitchen, anxiously said: "Ah Hong, go out and have a look, something happened outside!"

Ye Hong frowned, stopped what he was doing, and followed the second daughter out of the store to check the situation.

Since there were many diners who needed seats, the night food snack bar couldn't accommodate them, so Ye Xiao and the others deliberately borrowed some seats from a few shops next door.

Other restaurants had no objection, but Yehong saw Xiao Chunlan from Dong's BBQ restaurant driving all the diners out of their restaurant.

The diners looked confused, standing in the wind with beef noodles, at a loss.

Ye Xiao and his wife were explaining something to Xiao Chunlan, but Xiao Chunlan had a dark face and refused to listen to persuasion at all, insisting on letting Ye Hong come out.

When she saw Ye Hong, she put her hands on her hips, pointed at Ye Hong and said, "Hey! Come and take a look, everyone, this is the chef of your favorite beef noodles. He is actually a thief!"

The faces of the diners queuing up were all different, some were insignificant, some were curious...some even took videos with their mobile phones.

When Ye Hong saw the reactions of these diners, his heart shuddered!

If you don't explain the matter clearly today, the night food snack bar may lose its reputation, which will directly affect the store's performance at that time!

His entire face turned cold, and he said in a cold voice, "Xiao Chunlan, don't spout blood!"

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 44 The Luxury Fleet That Arrived Suddenly

"I'm spitting blood? Hehe..." Xiao Chunlan's sharp voice resounded through half of the street, "Then tell me, where is the tricycle owned by our old Dong now?!"

Ye Hong was taken aback for a moment, and then he remembered that he came back too late yesterday, and was buried in the kitchen early this morning, but forgot to tell Lao Dong about the tricycle.

But this Xiao Chunlan didn't ask the reason, and just acted in front of her shop, she was a crazy woman!

"What's wrong? Our big chef has nothing to say? Return the car!"

Xiao Chunlan saw Ye Hong stunned, thinking that she had exposed the scandal, and her face flashed with pride.

Although Old Dong didn't say anything, his expression didn't look too good either.

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