If Shangguan Xiaoyue is as holy and flawless as iceberg snow lotus, glamorous and beautiful; then this Huayuan is a charming beauty that completely charms all living beings.

A slim black gauze dress couldn't conceal her charming curves.

Grasping her waist and swaying gently with the looming slender jade legs, the whiteness that is inadvertently reflected in front of her eyes is frightening.

Gu Pan is full of extreme charm that charms all living beings.

"Where did the goblin come from!" Countless people swallowed their saliva wildly, their hearts were hard to calm down, and their hearts were full of anger.

"I have heard of the heavenly girls of the human race, but I have never heard of such girls!"

"Could it be someone from overseas?"

"This kind of peerless beauty, if she is in the 72 fairy islands overseas, she will definitely be famous in the endless sea, but I haven't heard of it!"

The crowd became chaotic, and all attention was attracted by this woman, as if all the changes in the world had been left behind.

Two figures wrapped in black robes lined up behind the woman, their majestic aura ready to move, frightened the surrounding people, and they couldn't help stepping back to get out of the way.

Two followers of the Martial Emperor!

The woman moved lightly with lotus steps, seemingly walking slowly, but she came to Qin Yu in a moment.

She just stared into Qin Yu's eyes like that, there was a lot of interest and interest in those beautiful eyes, and there was also that charming nature carved into her bones.

"Hao Yuan has seen Mr. Qin!" With a three-point smile in the corner of her eyes, she slightly bowed and saluted, but her eyes never left Qin Yu's face for a moment.

"Tsk tsk, Mr. Qin is very lucky, such a beautiful woman treats him differently!"

"Young patriarch is personable, like a banished fairy descended into the world, he has searched all over Tianxuan and found no one who is equal to him, and has the talent that surpasses the past and present, so it is easy to attract beautiful women!"

"I'm envious of others..."

Qin Yu's eyes met the woman who called herself Huayuan for a long time, as if she wanted to see the other person's inner thoughts clearly.

It's a pity that this woman's eyes are clear, and there is nothing but a faint smile.

"Girl Fang's name is Huayuan?"


"A beautiful name..."

"Young master, thank you!"


"Cough cough!" Just as the two of them were chatting happily, there was an extremely sudden dry coughing sound from Qin Yu's side.

Turning her head, she found that Shangguan Xiaoyue was giving herself a very resentful look.

The delicate little mouth is slightly pursed, and the expression on the face is full of displeasure.

Qin Yu suddenly realized that this little girl is really delicious.

Stop talking nonsense now, and asked sternly: "I just heard that the girl mentioned—the road to the sky~!"

Huayuan glanced thoughtfully at Shangguan Xiaoyue who was beside Qin Yu, covered her mouth and smiled, causing the sound of drooling all around.

Only then did he speak slowly: "As we all know, the world has spirits. The Northern Underworld was considered the most prosperous world in the Great Thousand World. Although it is now dilapidated, there are still remnants of the power and spirit of the Dao of Heaven."

"It is recorded in the ancient scriptures that those who follow the way of heaven carry their spirits. Not only do all living beings have luck, but also the way of heaven! The luck of the way of heaven is the manifestation of luck for all living beings in this world."

"When the luck of all beings in the realm exceeds the limit that the Dao of Heaven can carry, the Dao of Heaven will transform itself, disintegrate itself, condense all the laws of the Dao of Heaven in one place, return to the original, and form an ancient road to bury the sky that leads directly to the true meaning of the Dao! "

Hearing Huayuan's words, the people present gradually came to a realization.

Qin Yu thoughtfully said: "So, this world is not about to be destroyed, but under the deliberate guidance of the Dao of Heaven, all the matter is turned into the power of the original law?"

"Mr. Qin is really smart, you can understand it at one point!" Hua Yuan chuckled and admired, and the world paled in an instant.

"As you said, only people with great luck who enter the dying world will cause such a vision. In other words, there are such people in our group?"

At this moment, Shangguan Xiaoyue's pretty face turned frosty, and she took a step forward between Hua Yuan and Qin Yu, blocking their gaze.

There is a hidden edge in the words, and the meaning is self-evident.

Dressed in green, fluttering in the wind, like the holy snow lotus blooming on the top of the Wanren Snow Mountain, one can't feel any blasphemy.

The demeanor of Yaoguang Saintess can be seen!

"Tsk tsk, these two elder sisters are both first-class talents. It's hard to see one of them for many years, and now they are jealous because of their cousin, absolutely!" Zhuang Cheng looked at this scene and snickered.

By the way, the sound transmission was sent to Lu Hongyan, with a gossip look on her face.

"Hmph... Men turn bad as soon as they are capable, this kid must be a romantic seed in the future!" Lu Hongyan looked at Shangguan Xiaoyue, and then at Huayuan.

I can't help but compare myself.

As the goddess of the Eternal Temple, she is extremely talented, and she thinks that her appearance, temperament and figure are all the best, and her suitors are like crucian carp crossing the river, countless.

But today is the first time she has been compared in this respect.

It seems that as long as these two women stand here, there will be no other women in the eyes of men in the world.

Huayuan glanced at Shangguan Xiaoyue unexpectedly, as if she didn't expect her to do such a move, she was slightly at a loss for words, then smiled, stepped aside inadvertently, looked at Qin Yu and said, "Exactly! "

Chapter 93: Burying the Ancient Road, Fighting for the Wind and Jealousy

"Who is this person?" Seeing this, Shangguan Xiaoyue felt anxious in her heart, and followed her footsteps like a shadow, with an unknown stubbornness in her fascinating eyebrows and eyes, staring into Huayuan's eyes without showing any timidity.

Huayuan frowned, and took a deep look at the woman in front of her.

At this moment, an untimely cold voice sounded from one side.

"Does it need to be said, it must be our young emperor's great luck, which made the heavens ashamed, and paved the way for our young emperor to become enlightened in this way!"

The woman behind Ling Xiao saw that the two women in front of her seemed to be secretly fighting for the boy opposite, causing all the limelight to be snatched away by Qin Yu, feeling annoyed in her heart.

A woman's heart is indeed a very strange thing. If these two women are jealous of Ling Xiao's rivalry, she will only feel more upset.

Because she knew that no matter which one of these two women was, she was much better than herself.

Ling Xiao will definitely look at them differently.

But right now they are all around Qin Yu, causing the person she adores and pursues to be faintly compared, and she also secretly hates those two women for their blind eyes, such a proud person who doesn't know how to cling to him, but only knows how to make friends with that Qin Yu.

"Shameless, even a frog in a well dares to talk nonsense," Zhuang Cheng became displeased when he heard this, "My cousin's talent is the best in the past and the present, and there is no other in the world. Are you worthy of luck?"

"That's right, it's too shameless!"

"Tsk tsk. This kind of words can be said..."

Seeing this, the monks around talked one after another, each with their own tendencies in their words, and they were about to quarrel again.

"What's the point of arguing about this? Maybe it's the combined luck of all of us that led to the formation of the Ancient Burial Road...Didn't Miss Huayuan just say that the luck of heaven is the manifestation of the luck of all people in the world?" !" Qin Yu took a step forward and said softly.

"Now that things have happened, why bother arguing about those illusory things."

"The Ancient Burial Road contains all the laws and principles of the first world, and it is an excellent place for enlightenment. It is a hidden chance that we can meet each other!"

As soon as Qin Yu said these words, everyone agreed with him.

At this moment, the mountains, rivers and earth under his feet had completely liquefied, turning into chaotic rivers, rolling into the bottomless giant pit.

"Look, that's the edge of the world!"

Someone exclaimed, causing a commotion.

Everyone looked into the distance, only to see a hazy dark light curtain flickering and flickering within their line of sight.

The whole world is nothing but chaos.

The light curtain was getting closer and closer, and within a few breaths, it was already in front of everyone, causing everyone to panic.

"Oops, this world will immediately turn into nothingness, and everything will be turned into laws again and injected into the ancient road to bury the sky!"

"Where is the Ancient Burial Road? Why haven't I seen it?"

Qin Yu's pupils flickered with divine light, he looked around, and then fixed his gaze on the huge vortex under his feet.

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth raised: "Follow me!"

The words fell, no more hesitation.

He took the lead in swooping down, rushing towards the vortex that seemed to never stop.


The woman Huayuan's eyes flickered, she smiled slightly, and followed closely behind.

"Let's go!" Seeing this, Shangguan Xiaoyue turned into a divine light and fled down without saying a word, as if she was going to catch up with Huayuan.

The rest of the people hesitated for a while, and they turned into gods and flew down.

disappeared from view.

"Young Emperor! What shall we do?"

Ling Xiao frowned slightly, and squinted his eyes to carefully look at the whirlpool under his feet, but he never saw the slightest clue.

Then Qin Yu, why is he so sure that the ancient road to bury the sky is under his feet?


At this moment, a scream came.

But the edge of the world has shrunk to the extreme, and the remaining space is not enough to enclose all of them.

Someone fell out inadvertently and turned into nothingness in the void.

"Let's go!" The crowd could no longer control so much, and rushed into the vortex frantically.


"This is the ancient road to bury the sky?" Qin Yu looked around and found nothing.

There is only an unknown rainbow paved road under the feet, extending to the farthest line of sight.

"What a strong air of law! It really is the end of the world..."

He reached out and grasped, and drew a piece of chaotic and nameless gas. Under the induction of divine sense, it contained hundreds of purest law powers.

That is the foundation of this world!

This small piece of gas may have been a vast expanse of land, mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, birds, fish and insects in its predecessor.

Now, under the guidance of the Dao of Heaven, they all dissipated their appearance, lost their spirit, and turned into the purest power of law.

"The power of the law is chaotic and completely incomprehensible..." Qin Yu lowered his eyebrows in thought, slightly puzzled.

Although the law here is pure, it is not the power of a single law, but countless laws mixed together, like chaos.

Such power of law, unless one has an understanding of all the ways of law, it is impossible to analyze it at all, let alone comprehend it for one's own use.

His thoughts circulated, and he took a step slowly, wanting to look further away.

But at this moment, a pure sense of law descended from the top of his head, and another cold breath spread from his feet.

The two collided in Qin Yu Lingtai, lingered, and exploded...

Turn into bright fireworks, illuminating the entire chaotic void!

Qin Yu's eyes were closed tightly, but he could see everything.

His mind was rolling like a cloud and a dragon, and a large amount of law power was born from nothingness, leaving an imprint in his mind.

Those laws hovered around Qin Yu Lingtai like birds, as if they were looking for a place where they could stay.

At this moment, three beams of pure light stood out from the thousands of laws, scattered down, suddenly expanded, shattered, and turned into countless rains of light, floating down.

Qin Yu felt that his body was like a piece of long-dried land, frantically absorbing the falling light and rain.

He gradually realized that these are the three laws of Dao Rhyme, the Law of Stars, the Law of Thunder, and the Law of Life that he had comprehended.

The Ancient Burial Road has all the laws that have existed in this world.

It can provide great help to monks who practice any law, but... monks often practice only one or two of them.

The power of law that has never been cultivated and comprehended cannot be retained in the monk's body.

Even so, it is already a great treasure for the monks who have entered the secret realm of Wuwang and Wuhuang.

These opportunities are enough to make their achievements in law far surpass their peers, and their combat power has skyrocketed.

The growth rate of cultivation will also undergo earth-shaking changes.

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