"So, it launched a mass destruction! It wiped out all the races that it raised with one hand, and in this way delayed the development of the world, achieving the purpose of delaying its own erasure!"

"For this reason, this thief God even took action, silently erasing most of the people of the human race living on the Kyushu!"

When the man said this, the resentment in his words was beyond words.

The faces of the people around were shocked, and it was difficult for them to digest the information in the words, which was so unbelievable to them.

The lofty Dao of Heaven, like human beings, is selfish, greedy for life and afraid of death!

Even in order to preserve his own wisdom, he did not hesitate to destroy all the creatures living in the world.

"Then what happened afterwards?" Qin Yu couldn't help asking, "What happened afterwards? Did the strong men from the Heavenly Court of the Human Race ever make a move?"

"Naturally, we made a move! Although there are only seven of the fourteen powerhouses left, the strength of any one of them at that time far exceeded the upper limit of Heaven's Dao!"

"Under the rage of a strong man, he directly broke through the endless void, went deep into the origin of the world, and severely damaged the way of heaven with one punch!"

"However, what followed was that due to the trauma of the heavens, the world of Kyushu experienced frequent natural disasters, and it even began to shatter and split! The mass death of all living beings... all living beings were devastated!"

"Heavenly Court knew that something was wrong, and hastily withdrew that strong man, not daring to act rashly again... While discussing the follow-up matters, at the same time, they sent a great practitioner to the lower realm to protect the blood of the human race, so as not to make the situation worse!"

"But at this moment, the Boundless Dark Realm invaded..."

Hearing this, the people around were puzzled for a while: "Hasn't the way of heaven completely wiped out most of the living beings in the world? Why is the speed of the boundless dark world coming faster?"

Hearing the words, the man suddenly raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a sneering smile: "It is precisely because the way of heaven wiped out all the creatures in the world in advance, and made the boundless dark world think that this world has reached the stage of emptiness. Come to this world!"

"Everything is just wishful thinking of that damned Heavenly Dao. It thinks it can use this method to keep itself alive, but in fact, it is still suicidal!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, all this sounded like a dream, the history of a long time ago was so absurd and full of drama.

"Heaven is located in the chaos, it is the highest place in the world, so after the boundless darkness descends, the first thing you will face is Heaven!"

"At that time, the powers of the Heavenly Court didn't know what the situation in the Boundless Dark Realm was like. They only thought that after entering, they would face a dead end. They planned to use the huge background of the Heavenly Court to confront the Boundless Dark Realm head-on and compete!"

"But slowly, they discovered that no matter what method they used to attack, it would have no effect on the Boundless Dark Realm. Even if they sent a large army to charge, the entire army would disappear at the same time!"

"Thus, Heavenly Court had to start thinking about retreat, while struggling to resist the invasion of the dark world, while thinking about how to keep the inheritance of the human race alive if it fails in the end!"

"Later, the Human Emperor suppressed the heavens with the Human Emperor Seal, the supreme treasure of the human race, to slow down the invasion of the dark world. On the other side, Wa Huang, one of the seven most powerful men, searched all over Kyushu for many years, and finally found a treasure that can completely inherit the blood of the human race. The way to get down!"

"Using the art of good fortune, she condensed the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil, combined with Tianyi Shenshui, and imprinted the blood of the human race on every part of the land of Kyushu!"

"Make sure that no matter how many times this world has been destroyed, as long as the day is not completely destroyed, there will be a steady stream of human races born on this land, and they will never be extinct!"

When everyone heard this, they all felt a slight twitch in their hearts, as if something resonated in the depths of their souls.

From ancient times to the present, I don’t know how many epochs have passed!

Countless races in this world come and go, and some of them are just a flash in the pan. They may have been brilliant once, but no one remembers them now.

Only the human race, no matter what they have experienced, has always had civilization passed down!

The human race of that era really regarded the continuation of the race as something more precious than their own lives.

Qin Yu also knew a little about what happened later.

Although the Human Emperor Seal is powerful, after resisting the boundless dark world for millions of years, it finally fell into darkness.

The Heavenly Court was still annihilated by the darkness. The magnificent Heavenly Palace, which was once full of vitality and was filled with power, is now full of ruins, and there is no one left!

"It wasn't until they were submerged in the boundless darkness that the people of the Heavenly Court woke up. It turned out that there was no danger of death, but...a prison!" He thought for a long time, and finally used the words Qin Yu used before.

He felt very suitable!That place is a prison!

Qin Yu's eyes flickered, as if he suddenly thought of something, and exclaimed, "That is to say, the human race back then was not extinct, but was trapped in the boundless dark world and couldn't get out?"

He nodded and said: "It's not just the human race, there are many ancient civilizations that have disappeared in the dust of history... That place is like a box specially used to store major civilizations, and it's like a road. Graveyard, once all the inheritance enters here, it will never come out again!"

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other, and couldn't help but start to imagine what kind of world it was.

Qin Yu pondered for a moment, then asked carefully, "What's the situation at the door?"

Hearing this, the man and his companion looked at each other with a sad face, and said after a long time:

"Beyond the door is a very vast world, much larger than the world you are in."

"It's just that there is nothing over there, no light, no trees, no rivers, and even no time... In fact, you are right, it is a cage without boundaries!"

He felt more and more that the word "cage" was too appropriate, so he repeated it again.

Speaking of this, he suddenly paused, looked at Qin Yu, and asked, "Do you know what kind of feeling that is?"

Qin Yu looked at him, and said faintly with a little sigh in his words: "For those who have experienced the light, the endless darkness is naturally the most miserable torture in the world!"

Hearing this, the man suddenly smiled, lowered his head, then shook his head and said, "But we haven't seen the real light since we were born!"

"We... We used to think that the darkness that can be seen everywhere is our home!"

[Author's digression]: Reader group: 903377317, big brothers, add the reader group, the new book will be announced in the group soon!

Chapter 289: 33 Heavens

"But ever since we were conscious, the elders would tell us time and time again that the other side of the door is our home!" The man's face was full of reminiscence, and a subtle smile gradually emerged.

"There is the sun, there are stars, there is the moon... There are many things that can only be seen in ancient books, such as trees, flowers, and rivers!"

Hearing the man's raving words, the surroundings fell into silence.

In fact, all of what he said are just the most common things in the heavens. Except for some special moments, few people will suddenly raise their heads and say something like the night is so beautiful tonight, and the stars are extraordinarily bright tonight.

But in the eyes of the two young people in front of them, looking at the starry sky seems to be a luxury!

They couldn't help but think of the dark world before they entered this heavenly palace, just as the man said, it was dark, lifeless, without trees and rivers.

If it weren't for the sudden appearance of dark cracks in the heavens, the desolation of this place would last for an unknown amount of time.

If you stay here all the time, even good people will be driven crazy!

Qin Yu's heart suddenly moved, and he said to them: "Perhaps, you can go to the outside world and see for yourself!"

As soon as the words came out, a very strong longing flashed in the man's eyes, but it quickly dimmed, and he shook his head and said, "I can't get out!"

"We have the mark left by that door on our bodies, it is impossible to leave this world!"

At this time, Feng Qingcheng on the side exclaimed in surprise: "As you said, this boundless dark world is allowed to enter and not allowed to exit, so we can't get out either?"

As soon as these words came out, the people around also panicked: "It shouldn't be possible, we didn't see any gates when we came!"

The man seemed amused, and laughed abruptly: "Don't you think that you are staying in the boundless dark world right now?"

Now, it was their turn to be dumbfounded: "Isn't it? It's so dark outside, there's nothing there, isn't it just like what you described?"

Hearing this, the man immediately shook his head and sneered, "Of course not! This world is just a part of the heaven of the ancient human race!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone around was shocked.

This dark world is so huge, with countless hidden mysteries, that it is just a corner of the ancient heaven, which is too exaggerated!

Seemingly seeing what everyone was thinking, he continued to explain: "When the human race was at its peak, a heavenly court was opened in the depths of the chaos! The chaos is endless and vast, and there are countless space channels hidden in it. One step away is the distance between the south and the sea!"

"If you have bad luck and fall into a certain forbidden place, even the power of the fairyland will be in danger!"

"In order to ensure the stability of the Heavenly Court, Dao Patriarch Taishang comprehended the mysteries of the Great Dao, refined the most precious Tai Chi diagram with supreme supernatural powers, and suppressed the chaos and void!"

"Opportunities are everywhere in the chaos, and the deeper you go, the more intense the aura will be, which is much higher than that in Kyushu!"

"It's just corresponding, the further you go in, the heavier the coercion will be, and it will be difficult for those whose cultivation base is not as good as to go one step deeper!"

"Considering the way of cultivation of the human race in Kyushu, the Human Sovereign and all the great powers will work together to open up 33 layers of heaven in the chaos, and go up layer by layer. Once the cultivation base is reached, you can go to the next layer of heaven!"

Hearing this, Qin Yu's eyes flickered, and yearning appeared in his heart.

The ancestors of the ancient human race, for the prosperity of the future generations, really met the mountains and opened the mountains, and opened up a bright and smooth path to the peak for the future generations by means that were completely unimaginable.

It's a pity that until now... everything has come to nothing!

It seems that because he laughed just now, the depression in the man's words dissipated a lot.

He looked at everyone, and explained word by word: "But since the cover of the boundless dark world, there is no one in the heavenly court, and the only divinity left in this large heavenly palace is not enough to sustain its consumption in the chaos! "

"Therefore... it was taken as an accessory, and it was absorbed outside the gate in the form of space collapse."

"The 33 heavens, which were originally well-structured, have long been mixed together due to the disordered and scattered space...The ruins in your eyes are the residues left by collisions!"

"The hall under our feet was originally the place where Dao Patriarch and his elders used to make alchemy. It's called the Tushita Palace, and it's ranked 33rd in heaven!"

"That gigantic and resplendent palace over there, named Lingxiao Palace, is where the Human Sovereign and many great powers of the Heavenly Court discuss their affairs. It was originally located in the Ninth Heaven...but now, they have come together!"

After saying this, everyone vaguely understood.

On the contrary, Qin Yu was very interested in the names just mentioned in this population, including Daozu, Wahuang and so on.

For this, he said that he is not very clear, because those characters are in the dark world, they belong to the legendary level, there are many stories, but real people have not seen much.

I just vaguely know that they are one of the fourteen most powerful people in the human race.

The ancestor of Dao is the ancestor of all ways. Although he is not the earliest power of the human race, he is actually the first existence that transcends the way of heaven.

Afterwards, he passed on the method of cultivation to the human race, and only then did he have the power of the human race that sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

Emperor Wa is a disciple of the Taoist ancestor and is famous for his supernatural powers.

On this point, Qin Yu had a little idea in his heart. Just from what he said before, Emperor Wa used his great supernatural powers to make no matter how the world evolves, there will always be human races born from this land.

Just for this point, at least the current Qin Yu can't think of a clue at all.

Detached from the way of heaven, it really is not just talk!

While discussing, several people wandered around the Tiangong along the white jade avenue.

The original purpose of Qin Yu and his party entering this place was to find Qin Zhongwen and Bai Feiyun who had disappeared. However, after walking for so long now, they have picked up many treasures, but they have never been seen.

After some exchanges, Qin Yu learned that the man's name was Jiang Lan, and that the other person was his brother, Jiang Yu!

"This alchemy furnace is the product of Taoist alchemy, and there is a ball of firewood in it, which is the first ray of flame passed down by the ancestor of Huo Suihuang himself, which opened the world!"

"It symbolizes the flame of humanity, which is eternal!" Jiang Lan suddenly stopped, facing Qin Yu with clear eyes: "I am ordered by the young master of the clan to take this flame back to protect humanity. Easy way!"

"Young master, give it to me!" After saying this, he bent down deeply and bowed.

At this moment, Qin Yu finally understood why this person said before that once he took this flame out, the law of heaven would kill him!

Although he didn't know whether the Dao of Heaven in the Heaven Realm at this time was still the consciousness of Dao of Heaven, but Qin Yu knew in his heart that once the breath of humanity appeared outside, it would definitely cause a huge commotion!

Today's Dao of Heaven can't even be tolerated by the Great Emperor, let alone an existence that surpasses Dao of Heaven?

Chapter 2 Ninety: The Ghost Clan

Although he is confident, he is not confident enough to stand up to the heavens with his current strength. He is courting death.

Since it is useless to him, it will bring disaster instead, so it is better to give it to those who need it.

At least the two people in front of him gave him a good impression of the ancient human race!

Therefore, without much hesitation, he made a decision, nodded and said, "Okay!"

Jiang Lan beamed when she heard the words, and said loudly again and again: "That's great, that's great, thank you, my lord!"

"It's really great!" At this moment, a sullen voice suddenly resounded in everyone's ears, and everyone's expressions changed as if they were facing a big enemy.

Someone was lurking in the dark to listen to them, but they didn't feel the slightest bit!

Qin Yu frowned slightly, the soul in his body was running wildly, and the majestic power of the soul rushed out, scanning Zhou Tian.

"Pretending to be a ghost!" The corner of his mouth was slightly raised, one hand was behind his back, his eyebrows were lowered, the other hand was pinched in front of his body, and his footsteps moved slightly!


The figure suddenly disappeared, and the surrounding space suddenly thickened like a swamp.

A piece of invisible divine power shrouded out, slapping in the open space like water waves, each wave of strength was stronger than each wave!

"What?" Suddenly, a thin figure suddenly appeared in the empty space.

His face was as long as a horse, his skin was dark green, his ears were pointed and long, and his limbs grew from his back. He looked like a monster.

At this time, his narrow facial features were completely wrinkled together, and it seemed that Qin Yu could easily find his own position in disbelief.

With both feet bent down, he jumped up suddenly, and disappeared in front of the crowd again with unparalleled speed, narrowly dodging Qin Yu's offensive.

"Be careful, this is a member of the Ghost Shadow Clan. They are best at hiding their bodies and attacking secretly!" On the other hand, Jiang Lan shook one hand, and a long bronze sword appeared in her palm, and ran towards Qin Yu.

Suddenly there was a continuous stream of noisy and noisy voices around, and the voice carried an annoying and unspeakable meaning. If the person is a little bit weak, he will lose his mind in a moment.

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