But is it possible?

Or, is this true?

Although it made sense logically, Han Dong always felt that there was something wrong with it.

Big question!

Han Dong couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

No matter how powerful the system is, no matter how mysterious the supreme realm is, you can't ignore the rules of the universe and the laws of evolution like this!

In the depths of the Chaos City Lord's Mansion.

In the void, the chaotic air flow swayed back and forth, exuding terrifying power.

Sitting cross-legged among the corpses of hundreds of millions of ethnic groups, a domineering figure's eyes were shining brightly, and Han Dong's pensive expression at the moment clearly appeared in his pupils.

"Ha ha!"

The domineering figure couldn't help laughing.

"This kid seems to sense a problem, he's not too stupid!"

Looking at Han Dong, the domineering figure shook his head.

"The universe revolves, and all things reincarnate. There is a reason for it. Which one does not operate step by step according to inherent laws?"

"Without any hidden dangers, you can reach the sky in one step. Where is there in the world?"


The domineering figure finally sighed.

"It's still the teacher who sees it right, and has figured out a solution early in the morning, boy, wake up early!"

"Expect, you can do it"

The sound gradually faded away.

Closing his eyes, the domineering figure sat silently again.

In the primitive area of ​​Yuxiang Mountain in the virtual world, Han Dong sat in his own luxurious palace for three full months.

Ever since he realized that something was wrong with him, Han Dong began to concentrate and meditate, recalling what happened to him.

Without any clues, after thinking hard for three months, he still hasn't figured out what's wrong!

However, Han Dong secretly felt that this question was very important!

Therefore, this time, he no longer put down the problems that he couldn't figure out like before, but kept reflecting and looking back. What went wrong?

The law works by itself?

Seems like it's no big deal!

You must know that although the law is operated by oneself, this operation is actively formed under the guidance of his supreme state of mind!

In other words, there is the state of mind of the supreme master first, and then the self-operation of the law, which should be under Han Dong's control!

But it was this kind of law that operated by itself, which brought Han Dong a great sense of uneasiness!

"I don't know how this law will run by itself, and how far it will develop in the end?"

Han Dong, whose mind was a little blank, subconsciously said to himself.


Han Dong suddenly felt that he seemed to have caught something, and his spirit suddenly came, his thoughts turned sharply, and he continued to think:

"How far will it develop?"

"The self-operation of this law is actually the operation of heaven and earth, the operation of the world, and the original operation of the original universe!"

"Because of this, it is perfect, surpassing any level of secret magic, because the operation of this kind of law reflects the laws of the world, and is the original law of the original universe!"

"Then, from the level of secret technique, it is at least the ultimate!"


Squeezing his chin with his hand, Han Dong began to think carefully.

The ultimate secret method is of course a good thing, but Han Dong suddenly remembered the plot in the original time and space.

In fact, if you continue to practice, you can basically comprehend the ultimate secret method when you are the master of the universe!

Of course, if it does not require such a long time of cultivation, and it is the ultimate secret method from the beginning, then it is naturally good, and it saves a lot of hard work for hundreds of millions of epochs, doesn't it?


After thinking about it, Han Dong suddenly thought of the Beast God.

In the world of devouring the starry sky, the way of the beast god is a very advanced way of cultivation.

The root of this kind of cultivation path is to imitate the beast gods, practice their fusion laws, and finally reach the realm of the beast gods.

What is the realm of the beast god?

Lord of the universe!

Birth is the master of the universe!

As soon as the beast god was born, the laws of his body were running perfectly, and even his every move reflected the most perfect running of the laws of the primordial universe!

Do you mean strong or not?


In this era, except for the few beast gods of the Ancestral God Sect, all the natural beast gods in the universe have died!

Why are you dead?

I was killed!

It stands to reason that an existence like a natural beast god, who almost stood at the top of the primordial universe when he was born, how could he be killed by other people?

But the problem lies in the word "natural".

The law of the universe emphasizes balance. The Beast God, who is almost invincible from birth, is perfect in all aspects, but has a fatal flaw.

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