Combining scattered law units in a mysterious way to form a higher level of law, this is the realm of law comprehension of immortal feudal lords!

Even if these marquises are immortal, they have not dissected even a single element of the law of nature.

But as long as he can combine these scattered law units, and then optimize high-level laws.

Then, he is in the realm of immortality, and his understanding of the law is much higher than that of ordinary immortality!

Even those immortals who have thoroughly analyzed all the essential units of the law, but have not yet combined these scattered laws, their understanding of the laws is not as good as that of the Marquis Immortal!

It is precisely because of this that the strength of Fenghou Immortal is much higher than that of ordinary Immortal, so it is distinguished by a separate realm in Immortal.

Of course, the real Marquis of Immortality must have other abilities, such as immortality.

But in terms of comprehension of the law, this is the realm of immortality!

Chapter 538 Confer Immortal King

No.15 floor of Tongtian Bridge, the realm of comprehension of the law of immortality.

At this level, Han Dong's comprehension of the law could no longer keep up with his opponent's!

However, he passed easily!


Here, it is necessary to talk about the relationship between the secret law and the law.

For practitioners who have begun to comprehend the origin of the law, the best way to understand the law is undoubtedly through the cultivation of secret methods, so as to continuously deepen their understanding of the origin of the law.

And after the origin of the law has been realized to a certain level, the level of cultivation of the secret method can, to varying degrees, bring out the power of one's own law perception!

This is the relationship between the law and the secret method in the early days of law practice.

When it comes to the state of Fenghou Immortal, regardless of whether the essence of the law is analyzed or not, the law needs to be integrated to form a more complete understanding of the law.

And this kind of more complete comprehension of laws is the direct manifestation of the secret method, and the secret method created by Fenghou Immortal based on the comprehension of these laws.

Since these secret techniques were tailor-made by Fenghou Immortal based on his own comprehension of his own laws, they are the secret techniques most suitable for them to display their strength.

It is also the secret method that perfectly embodies their understanding of the law!

Tongtianqiao's rule comprehension test for passers-by is based on this point!

As long as you defeat the opponent on the No.15th floor, the cultivation base of the secret technique will naturally be higher than that of the opponent, which means that the comprehension of the law has surpassed this level!

Regardless of the degree of comprehension of the laws or the cultivation of secret methods, Han Dong is far inferior to the opponents created by the virtual system.

However, Han Dong's breakthrough is not a secret method that he comprehends by himself!

He deduces the law with the gun, and the law is realized on the gun!

In the finals of the genius war, after he realized the realm of the supreme master, Han Dong's marksmanship became a lawful marksmanship.

This level of marksmanship is on the same level as those top secret skills.

The top secret method is a kind of secret method that can only be created after reaching the level of comprehending a complete space law.

Generally speaking, only the immortality of the king has the possibility and ability to create top-level secrets!

Where's Han Dong?

Of course he has no ability to create a real top-level secret technique.

Although Han Dongna's concrete marksmanship is at the same level as the top marksmanship in terms of level, it is not the top secret method.

Han Dong's marksmanship is something similar to a secret method that evolved from the law itself after the state of mind reached the supreme, the law and the spear, and the people.

To put it simply, it is a secret method that evolved naturally from Taoism.

For Han Dong, under the coordination of the supreme state of mind, the laws operate on their own, and the resulting laws are embodied in the marksmanship, which is instinct, not a self-made secret method!

Can use, but don't understand!

Knowing it, but not knowing why!

Therefore, Han Dong easily passed the No. 15 floor of Tongtian Bridge!

Fenghou Immortal's secret technique level is nothing more than ordinary, how can he be able to stop it when faced with the top-level secret technique comparable to Fengwang Immortal's top-level secret technique?

The next No.16 floor, No.17 floor, the situation is similar.

These two layers, the opponents generated by the virtual system, have a deeper and deeper understanding of individual law units.

Especially on the No.17 floor, the understanding level of many space law units is already quite close to analyzing the essence of the law thoroughly.

In addition, there are those laws that have been optimized out of the combination, and they are becoming more and more complete, and the degree of esoteric is increasing.

Correspondingly, the level of sophistication of the secret techniques created on this basis is constantly increasing.

On the No.17th floor, the secret technique used by the opponent was already very close to the top secret technique level!

Han Dong relied on the laws to operate on his own, and the magical marksmanship that was concretized passed the No. 17 floor without much effort.

But on the No. 18th floor, Han Dong finally felt the pressure!

No.18 floor of Tongtian Bridge, the realm of comprehension of the law of immortality!

In the stage of Fenghou Immortal, he began to optimize the combination of various scattered law units, and at the same time, he continued to deepen his understanding of each law unit.

Fenghou Immortal itself is naturally divided into three, six, and nine grades, and its level is reflected in these two items.

When Fenghou Immortal's comprehension of the law unit has reached a certain level, he will naturally begin to understand the essence of it!

At the same time, as the degree of comprehension of the laws continues to deepen, the optimized combination of the laws is becoming more and more comprehensive, and the integrity is getting higher and higher.

In the end, when the essence of a part of the law units is fully understood, and then the combined secret method is fully improved to form a complete space law, it will be the realm of immortality!

The law of space has three complete laws, and any one of them is immortal!

Of course, it is also possible to understand half of the two complete rules, or one third of the three complete rules.

In short, the comprehension of the laws of space needs to reach one-third, at this time, it is the realm of immortality!

Feng Wang Immortal's comprehension of the laws of space is already quite complete, and on this basis, he can create a real top-level secret method.

The No.18 floor of Tongtianqiao provided an opponent whose comprehension of the laws of space had reached one-third of the complete laws of space!

Similarly, the secret method mastered is also at the top level!

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