That mark, faintly, has a feeling of controlling the world, and it is a world master recognized by the original law of the universe.

At this time, everyone couldn't help but feel a little strange. It was also recognized by the original law of the universe. Why didn't Han Dong give them this feeling?

Because Han Dong isn't the Lord of the World?

Han Dong smiled and said nothing.

"Sha Shu, I have seen the five Highnesses!"

The lean old man saluted slightly.

"Meet Your Highness!"

Behind him, a group of domain masters and cosmic level saluted the five of them respectfully.

"Your Highness?"

Everyone was astonished.

"Your Highnesses seem to be unaware of many things!"

The lean old man smiled and said:

"Your Highness, let's get on the spaceship first. It will take three years to get to the company's global headquarters from here. We can't waste time!"

Everyone nodded.

With the respectful support of a group of people, Han Dong and others flew into the f-class spaceship.

The interior space of the spaceship is very large. Under the leadership of the thin old man, everyone came to the upper floor of the spaceship, in a very spacious and luxurious hall.

Comfortable sofas, mellow wine, and rare spiritual fruits have long been placed, and there are beautiful maids waiting for orders all the time.

Under the explanation of the thin old man, the five people understood a lot of things, and also had a preliminary understanding of some personnel composition within the virtual universe company.

The thin old man's name is Sha Shu, and he is a world leader in the secret territory of the last days at the core layer of the virtual universe company.

They already know the four major secret realms, "primordial", "beginning", "heaven and earth", and "end times".

The names of these four great secret realms also represent the complete four stages of a universe.

The core members of the virtual universe company are firstly geniuses and strongmen who select the most elite geniuses in the entire universe;

The top five on earth are naturally the first!

Only the real elites and the real strong can become the core members. These people must be the top masters in the same level, or even invincible masters.

Just a high cultivation level is not qualified to become a core member.

In the virtual universe company, the hierarchy is strict, and the core members of the secret realm of the last days. When they meet the members of the first three secret realms, if the other party is lower than Immortal, they will all be called His Highness.

Of the five of them, two entered the Primordial Secret Realm, and three entered the Heaven and Earth Secret Realm. Even though the thin old man was the master of the Doomsday Secret Realm, he had to address him as 'His Royal Highness' when they met.

The crowd suddenly realized.

"Among all the people I received, the five His Royal Highnesses are the only ones who come from a planet of life at the same time. It is also my honor to receive the five Highnesses!"

The lean old man smiled and said:

"Five Highnesses, let's enter the virtual universe together, and I will take you into the virtual headquarters of my virtual universe company!"

The spaceship has already shuttled into the dark universe, and its speed has also continued to climb, reaching nearly 20 times the speed of light, and then it is constantly advancing at this constant speed in the dark universe.

In the five comfortable and luxurious lounges in the spaceship, everyone's consciousness enters the virtual universe network again.

Now their identities are core members, so once they enter the virtual universe, they can choose to be directly transferred to a special plane in the virtual universe.

Chapter 5 Treatment in the Primitive Area


Five people disappeared in the Jiuxingwan Community on the Heilongshan Island.

The plane of the virtual headquarters.

An extremely huge suspended mountain surrounded by clouds and mist, bigger than an ordinary planet in reality.

Five figures suddenly appeared on a bluestone road on the mountain peak.

There are many people in the distance of this street, there are buildings in the distance, and there are beautiful villas in the distance on the left.

"Five Your Highnesses!"

A figure came running from far away on the street, it was the thin old man Sha Shu.

"Mr. Sha Shu!"

The five laughed and shouted.

Sha Shu took them on a stroll, and acted as a guide to explain the environment here.

This is the "Rain Phase Mountain", with a diameter of about 8.9 kilometers, which is nearly seven times the diameter of the earth!

The entire Yuxiang Mountain is divided into five districts, namely, the Primordial District, the Taichu District, the Tian District, the Doomsday District, and the Public District. The five districts are all about the same size.

The population of each district is very different!

Among them, the population of the Primordial District is no more than 120, the Taichu District has more than 1000 people, the Heavenly District has more than 1 people, and the Doomsday District has tens of millions of people.

The public area is business, entertainment, etc. People in the four areas can enter, but people in the public area cannot enter any of the four areas.

In addition, the original area, the beginning area, the sky area, and the end-time area, members of each area cannot enter other areas.

After listening to Sha Shu's explanation, everyone was very emotional. The area of ​​each district is similar, but the population is very different, and there are so many restrictions.

Clearly, there is a strict hierarchy here.

The huge difference in the number of people also caused the difference in the living environment.

The housing in the Doomsday District is a series of high-rise buildings, and each person is allocated a suite.

In the Tiantian area, each person has a villa.

In the Taichu area, there can be special and unique training places, unique learning places, and so on.

As for the original area, it is an exaggeration. There are no more than 120 people in total, but a luxurious manor with a diameter of thousands of kilometers has been built for everyone!

There are various training facilities in the manor, and there is also a teacher of the immortal strong who lives there for a long time. There are also a large number of servants serving him, and he can also recruit many sparring partners at any time.

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