Two days before the decisive battle, Fei San came to Teng Qingshan for a drink, chatting with each other while explaining the funeral, and meeting the winner to treat each other's relatives kindly!

Han Dong saw all of this, but he didn't show up, let alone let Teng Qingshan and Fei San sense his presence.

He didn't want to interfere with the decisive battle between these two masters!

The eighteenth day of the twelfth lunar month!

White Horse Lake.

The Baima Lake has a radius of tens of miles, usually sparsely populated, but today around the lake, countless people from all over Kyushu gathered.

There are also quite a few people who directly built some big boats and floated on the White Horse Lake, expecting to watch the battle up close from the boats.

After all, it is the duel between the two closest to the strongest in the past 2000 years, and this is a world of warriors, so naturally everyone wants to watch it.

Chapter 358 The Strongest

In the middle of the White Horse Lake, there is a small island, where Teng Qingshan and Fei San fought decisively, but no one dared to go up it.


Everyone is worried that on the small island, it will be affected by the battle between the two superpowers.

However, at this moment, there is a small boat, driven by a black-robed man with cropped hair and short hair, heading for the center of the island.

Of course it was Han Dong.

During this time, Han Dong didn't interfere with anyone, and he didn't come to the island to watch the battle until the day of the decisive battle.

It was like watching the decisive battle between Pang Ban and Lang Fanyun back then.

The difference is that back then, whether it was Pang Ban or Lang Fanyun, their martial arts cultivation had reached the realm of the Supreme Grand Master, but Han Dong was just a rookie who didn't even have dark energy.

Although it is a low-level martial arts world, the martial arts realm of the two masters of breaking the void is definitely not low!

At that time, Han Dong couldn't understand the duel between the two peerless masters at all. Although he could see every move and style clearly with his extraordinary agility and strong mental strength, he couldn't understand it at all.

Now, Han Dong is not only the great master of Huajin, but also his own martial arts cultivation has reached the level of a great master. I believe he will gain something for the next battle.

While the people on the shore and the warriors on the big boat in the lake pointed and pointed, Han Dong rowed a small boat ashore and stood quietly at the corner of the island waiting.

There are more and more sects and countless gangs gathered around the island. However, even though there are a large number of people, they don't seem noisy. This is also a respect for the two masters who are about to fight.

Near noon, a group of people flew from the sky. From the mouths of the people around, Han Dong knew that they were people from Tianshen Palace, and he knew that Fei San had arrived.

When they came to Baima Lake, a fat middle-aged man broke away from the crowd and flew towards Baima Lake. When he reached the middle of the lake, his body landed on the lake and walked towards the center of the island step by step.

Inside the pavilion by the White Horse Lake.

Teng Qingshan, who was originally sitting calmly drinking tea, saw Pei San flying towards the White Horse Lake, took a step, flew out of the pavilion, and also flew towards the lake, and then landed on the lake like Fei San, stepping on the lake water , to the center of the island.

Neither of them walked fast, but there was a strange magical power in their steps.


Ripples rippled on the surface of the lake, and the ripples kept changing, making many spectators feel as if the entire world had disappeared, leaving only these complicated ripples, and Pei San and Teng Qingshan who were walking slowly.

When martial arts is practiced to a certain level, it will have magical effects, similar to the spiritual power of assimilating and confusing others

Naturally, Han Dong was not affected, but he silently felt the martial arts mood emanating from the two masters inadvertently.

The two extreme masters, one north and the other south, headed towards the center of the island. On the way, they all glanced at Han Dong, but they didn't pay much attention.

This is the most important battle in their lives. It is related to whether they can break through to the strong, but they are not in the mood to pay attention to irrelevant people.

Not to mention that they are the strongest in the world, with their current strength, even the masters of the Void Realm, it is difficult to receive the aftermath of the fierce battle at close range, and they will not worry about someone sneaking up!

When they were about half a mile away from each other, the two stopped and faced each other far away.

And the ripples caused by stepping on the lake surface gradually dissipated as Teng Qingshan and Pei San stopped walking.

Thousands of people who have been mentally bewitched and affected have also come to their senses. It seems that in an instant, all the onlookers who had disappeared into the world of nothingness returned.

After looking at each other for a while, Teng Qingshan took out a long spear, which was his reincarnation spear, while Fei San put on a pair of special gloves.

After doing this, the two continued to walk towards each other on the lake, gradually approaching.

The breeze was blowing, and Han Dong felt it carefully. Teng Qingshan and Pei San's state of mind had reached a state of clarity and perfection. At this moment, there was no longer any mental concern.

The great master is in a perfect state of mind!

Obviously, after a long period of adjustment, both of them have reached the limit of their respective states.

Soon, the two of them landed on the island at the same time, and the aura of each of them became higher and higher, and they kept accumulating.

In the center of the island, the two approached, and the battle officially broke out at that moment!

The battle between the two masters has been heated from the very beginning, no matter it is Fei San or Teng Qingshan, they will all attack with all their strength in the first move!

Han Dong watched the physical attributes of the two of them helplessly. At that moment, from the original 15, it suddenly increased to 150 million at the same time!

"The power of the world!"

Thinking silently in his heart, Han Dong knew that the two had exerted the power of the world, which was why they had such a big increase.

Just like the scorpion spirit at the peak of the golden core in the world of the gourd brothers, with the infusion of mana, his physical fitness instantly increases by 10 times!

The power of the world has a similar effect!

The power of the world progress of both of them is 99 at the moment, obviously on the eve of transformation.

The confrontation between the two was extremely exciting, each of them was at the peak of a great master, every move had the effect of turning decay into magic, and it also had a spiritual effect unique to the realm of martial arts.

Even those who watched the battle from afar on the shore and in the lake couldn't help being affected, and their mentality was either agitated or angry, and everything was different.

As the battle continued, the aftermath of the battle was getting bigger and bigger. Not only the air on the small island, but also on the White Horse Lake was violently shaken, with gusts of punching wind and gunfire flying across the sky.

As the battle progressed, the power and influence created by the two became more and more powerful.

Where the two strong men passed, the island was shattered, the ground split open, and the lake water eroded. Not long after, half of the entire island disappeared!

The island was destroyed, but Teng Qingshan and Pei San did not intend to give up at all, they fought fiercely over the island.

Teng Qingshan's reincarnation spear and Fei San's special glove, they fought continuously in the air, stirring up countless air storms.

Use fast to fight fast, use full to fight fast, use fast to fight full, long-distance attack, close combat, all kinds of methods are used, and all kinds of martial arts are fully displayed.

The fight between the two sides became more and more fierce, and the ultimate move fell out. In the end, Fei San hit Teng Qingshan's internal fist, vomited blood, and injured his internal organs.

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