
Everyone was shocked and immediately turned their heads to look.

At a distance of [-] meters, Luo Feng, wearing a combat uniform with a shield on his back and a blood shadow saber in his hand, slowly walked out of the night mist and walked towards them.

"Luo Feng!"

Li Yao's eyes suddenly burst into a cold light.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Luo Feng looked at Li Yao with a smile.

Cattelan looked at Luo Feng, with raging anger in his eyes, and said:

"Luo Feng? I don't care who you are, this Ten Thousand Years Vegetation Spirit belongs to us, hand it over quickly!"

The Giant Bear Keita and Blood Shadow Ivan beside him also stared at Luo Feng with fire-breathing eyes.

Chapter 245 Planetary Rank Powerhouse


With a heavy punch of more than 500 million kilograms, the Wannian Willow King, which was as high as [-] meters, fell to the ground with a crash.

From the huge broken tree trunk, he took out a fist-sized, pale golden crystal, Han Dong smiled with satisfaction, and threw it into his backpack.

"Three ten-thousand-year grass spirits, it seems that one thousand-year grass spirit can strengthen the body to the peak God of War, right? What about the ten-thousand-year ones? For breaking through the bottleneck of the planetary level? Or for planetary level cultivation?"

Han Dong said a few words to himself, but he didn't know how to use the spirit of grass and trees. The only thing he knew was the method of using the spirit of grass and trees for a thousand years, but that was only limited to the God of War level.

On the official website of the God of War Palace, there is no instruction on how to use the Spirit of Plants and Trees.

Of course, for such a high-end product, warriors at the God of War level are not qualified to know.

"I'm afraid we should ask Hong!"

Han Dong, who was walking towards the bare thousand-year-old willow spirit beside him despite the tall tree, said to himself.


After eight punches, eight thousand-year-old vegetation spirits were in his hands, and Han Dong smacked his mouth happily, and continued to search for other places on the island.

This place is relatively close to the core of the island. In order to avoid disturbing the big guy in the center of the island, Han Dong did not move towards the center, but circled around the center and searched around.

Anyway, there are so many spirits of plants and trees in this position, there is no need to risk offending that big guy with a planetary rank of seven or eight. Although that thing is a good thing, but on the current earth, no one except Hong has the ability to collect it. .

After searching for a long time, I finally found another group of willow trees. This time it was a large group. In addition to the towering willow tree king in the center, there were as many as twelve thousand-year-old willow tree spirits around it!


Han Dong punched each other and walked towards the group of willow trees.

"Boom", "Boom", "Boom", clap clap.

Following Han Dong's violent fist attack, there were continuous loud bombardment sounds and the sound of willow branches snapping.

Han Dong's bombardment of willow branches became more and more proficient. After 5 minutes, he smashed all the thousands of willow branches in front of him, whether they were the dark green branches of the thousand-year-old willow spirit or the pale gold branches of the ten-thousand-year willow king. The meter-long willow branches fell to the ground, covering Han Dong's surroundings.

Just when Han Dong was about to advance more than ten meters and continue to work as a coolie, two swift winds came from behind him.

"Well, who is going to sabotage again?"

Han Dong turned his head to look in the direction of the wind.

But he saw two black figures rushing from a distance like a whirlwind. When he was 300 meters away from Han Donger, he noticed Han Dong in front of him, turned sharply, and flew away in another direction.


Han Dong was speechless, he could clearly see that it was Cattelan and Ivan in black god suits, and they were rushing forward eagerly at this moment, looking very embarrassed.

Looking at the two figures running at supersonic speed, Han Dong laughed.

"It seems that Luo Feng has taken the Spirit of Plants and Trees for a thousand years, and his mental power has been promoted to the Invincible God of War. He is still driving these people like in the original book!"

Shaking his head, Han Dong ignored it, jumped forward more than ten meters, and continued to clash with thousands of wildly dancing willow branches.

After a while, Luo Feng quickly flew over in the air, and when he saw Han Dong throwing his fist, he couldn't help but stop.

"Han Dong, have you seen Li Yao and those people?"

Luo Feng asked.

Han Dong looked back at Luo Feng, grinned, and said:

"I didn't see Li Yao, but I did see two peak gods of war running wildly for their lives. Luo Feng, you are so majestic now!"

Luo Feng laughed when he heard the words, and said:

"I just took a thousand-year-old plant spirit, and my strength has grown a bit, otherwise I would be the one who ran away!"

After all, Luo Feng approached Han Dong, secretly watching Han Dong attack like lightning, constantly discounting the fists of the frantic dancing willow branches, and asked curiously:

"Han Dong, how many spirits of vegetation have you collected?"

Fisting non-stop, body flickering constantly, avoiding the oncoming willow branches, Han Dongyou had some spare time, and was about to reply when he found a spiritual force sneaking towards his backpack in his mind.

Luo Feng is not honest, he actually wants to peek at the fruits of Lao Tzu's hard work!

Han Dong was dumbfounded.

The artistic conception shrank sharply, the spiritual force condensed, and an invisible oppressive force greeted that spiritual power, and said with a smile:

"It's not much, there are only three ten-thousand-year grass spirits!"

Luo Feng was a little bit tongue-tied when he heard that.

When Cattelan and others dealt with the Wannian Willow King just now, he was watching from the side, and he was very clear about the strength of the Willow King.

With the peak God of War strength of the four of Cattelan, especially three of them wearing the Black God suit, it is still so difficult to kill the Wannian Willow King, one can imagine how difficult it is!

Luo Feng asked himself, even if his strength has improved greatly now, if he were to deal with the Wannian Willow King, he might not be much better than Cattelan and others!

Just as he was thinking of this, Luo Feng's heart suddenly twitched, as if he had encountered something extremely frightening, a chill came to his heart along with his mental power as he probed into Han Dong's backpack.


Luo Feng was startled, and jumped back tens of meters before the dangerous feeling disappeared. When he looked at Han Dong again, he saw a pair of eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

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