A 3-meter-high hole was opened in the wall. Han Dong retracted his fist and walked out with his head held high.

The outside is still a piece of broken bricks and tiles, broken and tattered.

In a radius of ten miles, it was empty, without any human habitation, let alone any beasts.

The traces of the last battle with the king-level beast bloodthirsty tiger lizard are still there, and no beast or warrior dared to come over due to the terrifying power of the battle before.

The world has been covered with rain and clouds for a year, but here is just a moment!

Han Dong looked around, identified the direction, and headed towards the southwest, which was the warrior supply base stationed in the Eastern Military Region of the country.

Only the warrior supply base has the train to Yangzhou City, a city in the south of the Yangtze River.

A step of five or six meters, although it is already fast for ordinary people, but for Han Dong, it is just a slow walk.

In the city, there are broken bricks and tiles everywhere, and broken steel bars are exposed at the breaks of collapsed buildings.

Without a smooth road, Han Dong needed to jump up from time to time to cross obstacles on the way.

When he jumped off a dilapidated building, before Han Dong could stand still, he suddenly heard a loud roar that shook the world.

Are there any other beasts that are not afraid of the king-level aura and dare to come to this area?

Han Dong was a little puzzled and looked in the direction of the voice.

Immediately, he saw a huge dark cloud in the distance, covering the sky and covering the earth, flying straight towards him.

Han Dong was startled.

This momentum, this size, is not like an ordinary beast, and the lord-level beast is not so huge. Could it be another king-level beast?

The speed of this dark cloud was unbelievable, and it flew to Han Dong within a breath.

After the huge beast landed on the ground, Han Dong finally saw what it looked like.

The height is about ten meters, the body length is more than 20 meters, and even the tail is more than ten meters long, adding up, the body length is 30 meters!

"This, isn't this a bloodthirsty tiger lizard?"

Han Dong looked at this huge beast in surprise!

"Could it be possible that the beast can be brought back to life? Impossible, its head was smashed to pieces by me, and I even roasted and ate the flesh of its body. How could it be revived? It's not immortal, it can be reborn with a drop of blood!"

Han Dong thought in surprise.

This bloodthirsty tiger lizard also had a pair of terrifying blood-red eyes as big as lanterns, and it was staring at Han Dong relentlessly at this moment.

"No, it's not the same bloodthirsty tiger lizard!"

It was only now that Han Dong realized that the bloodthirsty tiger lizard had an extra cyan stripe on its forehead, but there was no such stripe on the other head last time.

"Could it be a male and a female, and now that their partner died, they came here for revenge?"

Under the angry gaze of this bloodthirsty tiger lizard, Han Dong felt a little troubled.

The last time he had a type A blood shadow war gun in his hand, he could still support it for a while, but the blood shadow war gun has been broken, and now he is unarmed and unarmed, how can he be his opponent?

Shadowless Kick is not a panacea, you have to kick your opponent, without Blood Shadow Spear to block, where can you find such an opportunity?

The king-level beast possesses intelligence no less than that of humans. This bloodthirsty tiger lizard is as agile as the previous one, and it is also as high as more than 3. It is not easy to deal with!

It was too late, and then it was too late, when these thoughts flashed through Han Dong's mind like lightning, the bloodthirsty tiger lizard could no longer hold back, and with a roar, its huge claws fell under Han Dong's hood.

Even low-level ferocious beasts often have their own contact methods, let alone king-level ferocious beasts?

This bloodthirsty tiger lizard knew that its companion died at the hands of this human through some channel.

Just as Han Dong guessed, these two bloodthirsty tiger lizards are really a couple!

The bloodthirsty tiger lizard that was kicked to death by Han Dong last time belonged to a male, and this one is a female.

This pair of bloodthirsty tiger lizards is the king of City 2!

However, because of an agreement with the strong among humans, they rarely appear in front of those warriors who come to hunt.

Therefore, even though it has been rumored for a long time that there are king-level beasts in the city center of No. 3 and No. 2 cities, none of those generals and gods of war have ever seen them!

But if you haven't seen it, it doesn't mean you don't have it. Ordinary beasts, including beast-level beasts, are all beasts without wisdom. They die as soon as they die.

However, for the lord-level beasts that began to possess wisdom, the king of beasts, and the emperor, they began to protect them.

However, based on the strength of the strong among humans, especially the number one among humans, Hong, and the second strongest, Thor, these king-level and emperor-level beasts can only appear in their own domain with a large number of lord-level fierce beasts. Only when the beast dies can he come forward in person.

This is also the reason why the king-level bloodthirsty tiger lizard came to check after Han Dong killed here for three full months.

I thought it would be enough for a war god-level warrior to have a king-level warrior come over, but what they didn't expect was that this seemingly weak human warrior had the strength to kill one of them!

The husband and wife are of the same mind, and after learning that the bloodthirsty tiger lizard male is dead, the mother naturally goes crazy and rushes over to avenge her husband!

Seeing Han Dong at this moment, he immediately recognized the murderer of his husband from the information he got earlier and the aura on Han Dong's body.

Of course, with Han Dong's human thinking, it was difficult to understand how the two bloodthirsty tiger lizards communicated.

After recognizing the murderer, the female bloodthirsty tiger lizard became furious, without any warning, let alone the slightest intention to communicate, and began to kill upon meeting.

The huge claws came down in the air.

Han Dong's pupils shrank slightly, and there seemed to be tiny lightning beating in them. In his mind, he instantly grasped the movement of the bloodthirsty tiger lizard's claw.

With chest straightened, a violent aura exploded, and the whole person became mighty and ruthless.

When you meet the strong, you are strong, I am invincible

With a high concentration of spirit, Han Dong instantly entered a state of invincibility with me.


There was a loud noise, and a huge hole appeared under his feet. Han Dong dodged the claw, and then his figure soared up, his long hair swayed straight back, and his whole body was like Li Xuan's arrow, shooting at the bloodthirsty tiger lizard head.

The moment the bloodthirsty tiger lizard opened its mouth and shot a white light, Han Dong, who was in the air, suddenly turned around and shifted his position to avoid the white light ball. In a blink of an eye, he had arrived at the head of the bloodthirsty tiger lizard.

Standing on his head as big as a room, Han Dong was full of passion, and an unprecedented feeling came to his heart.

I am invincible

Passionate in his chest, and his heart blissed, Han Dong reached out and slapped the bloodthirsty tiger lizard on the head.

heart and mind

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