"Practicing Gongzi Fuhuquan well is to lay the foundation for practicing other boxing techniques. Therefore, this boxing technique focuses on moving the body, getting familiar with the boxing routines, and developing a knowledge of boxing techniques!"

Once he entered the role of master, Huang Feihong turned into a strict teacher. Han Dong listened silently, not daring to interrupt.

"After laying the foundation, you should start to learn other boxing techniques, start to exercise your body, really smooth the muscles and tendons, and practice at the level of Mingjin to further enhance your physical strength!"

"You have almost mastered the Gongzi Fuhuquan, and it's time to change to another boxing style!"

Huang Feihong looked at Han Dong and said.

Han Dong was a little excited, but remembering what Huang Feihong said, don't aim too high, so he asked patiently:

"Master, I don't know what boxing technique I should practice?"

"Except for some special circumstances, there is no distinction between good and bad boxing, the important thing is that it suits you!"

Huang Feihong didn't answer Han Dong directly, but said while pacing back and forth:

"You have a calm personality and a strong physique. You are suitable for masculine and powerful boxing techniques. Only in this way can you maximize your advantages, but you will not last long. The combination of yin and yang is the kingly way!"

Stopping, Huang Feihong turned his back to Han Dong and said:

"As a teacher, I have been taught by several senior martial arts seniors, and I have learned many ways of boxing. I have often pondered over the years and summed up a set of boxing techniques!"

Turning around, Huang Feihong said to Han Dong:

"This set of boxing is called Tiger Crane Double Form Boxing!"

"Tiger Crane Double Fist?"

Han Dong's eyes lit up.

This is Huang Feihong's famous stunt!

Different from Foshan Wuyingjiao, the latter is Huang Feihong's bottom-of-the-box trick. It only plays the role of turning the tables or killing the enemy at a critical moment, but it is rarely used against the enemy at ordinary times.

The Tiger Crane Shuangxingquan is Huang Feihong's representative boxing method after he became a master, and his starting style is even more well-known in later generations.

Standing tall at the feet, hugging the tiger with both hands, that look is so handsome and handsome!

Looking at Han Dong, Huang Feihong said:

"The Tiger Crane Shuangxing Boxing was developed by my teacher in recent years. It shouldn't have been taught to you so early, but you have laid a solid foundation in the past few months, and this set of boxing skills is the same as yours most. It's Xiangyi!"

"So after thinking twice, I decided to teach you this boxing technique today. I hope you will live up to my expectations!"

Han Dong was overjoyed, he clasped his fists and said:

"Thank you, Master, this disciple will definitely fulfill his mission!"

Huang Feihong's decision was really what he said, after careful consideration!

The Tiger Crane Shuangxingquan was researched by him with all his life's knowledge and painstaking efforts. It is no exaggeration to say that it is the crystallization of Huang Feihong's lifelong martial arts!

So far no disciple has been taught this boxing technique!

Not to mention this era, even in the modern society of later generations, that boxer would pass on his box-pressing skills within three months of his apprenticeship?

As a master of Chinese martial arts, Huang Feihong's mind was far superior to that of ordinary people, and he didn't have the mentality of cherishing his skills, but it wasn't the reason why he taught Han Dong the Tiger Crane Shuangxing Fist so quickly.

It was mainly because of the conversation that day. Han Dong's words about the future of Huaguo touched him deeply, and he paid more attention to Han Dong in his heart.

In addition, Han Dong's cultivation talent is really amazing, and it just so happens that the Huhe Shuangxingquan is really compatible with Han Dong, so he decided to teach it to Han Dong now.

Of course Huang Feihong wouldn't tell Han Dong these words, but if Han Dong knew, he probably wouldn't know what to say, so he had to say that honest people are so easy to lie!

No.17 chapter attributes increase again


Huang Feihong nodded, and then said:

"This set of tiger-crane double-line boxing takes the "strength" and "shape" of a tiger, that is, when you punch, you are as powerful as a tiger, and when you make moves, you are as fierce as a tiger's claws. The fists are fierce and fierce!"

"Take the "elephant" of the crane again, and the movements are as graceful as the crane, with elegant movements!"

"Two in one, it combines the charm of the tiger and the crane, combining rigidity and softness, with a certain degree of advance and retreat, which belongs to Xingyi boxing!"

"Practicing this boxing method must not be superficial. It must be combined with the mighty form of the tiger and the graceful charm of the crane, otherwise it will be difficult to understand the true meaning of the boxing method!"

Han Dong listened carefully.

"Although Tiger Crane Shuangxing Fist has only 36 moves, it has unique boxing techniques, and the difficulty of practicing is not comparable to that of Gongzi Fuhu Fist!"

"Tiger-crane double-shaped boxing moves are complex, with fists, palms, fingers, claws, and hooks in hand shapes, throwing, hanging, bumping, thrusting, etc., and footwork such as bow stance, horse stance, virtual stance, independent stance, and Qilin stance, etc. , the footwork pays attention to rooting on the ground, and the figure pays attention to being upright and dignified!"

Huang Feihong began to explain in detail, explaining and demonstrating at the same time.

"The tiger shape trains Qi and strength, the movement is heavy and majestic, and the sound is powerful, taking the momentum of the dragon and the tiger leaping; the crane shape trains the spirit and spirit, the skill is agile, the movement is quick, and the breath is calm and the mind is relaxed!"

During the demonstration, Huang Feihong kept explaining the key points of the Huhe Shuangxingquan practice, and Han Dong carefully wrote it down while watching.

After the Tiger Crane Shuangxingquan demonstration was finished and the main points were almost covered, Huang Feihong said:

"There are tiger and crane forms in boxing. One is strong and the other is soft. Adong, when you start practicing, don't be distracted. First learn the tiger form, and then practice the crane form after mastering the tiger form!"

Han Dong nodded and replied:

"Okay, master!"

At that moment, Huang Feihong taught Han Dong the tiger-shaped part of the tiger-crane pairing.

The tiger-shaped part of Huhe Shuangxingquan can also be used as a separate boxing method, which is fierce and fierce. It has both hand skills and foot skills, as well as unique footwork coordination.

Handwork includes grasping, swinging, lifting, hugging, pressing, pressing, etc.; legwork includes kicking, kicking, hooking, kicking, etc.; footwork includes lunge, horse stance, running, independent step, etc.

Although there are only eighteen moves, there are many changes in the moves, and it is much more difficult to learn than the Gongzi Fuhuquan.

Fortunately, through the practice of Gong Zi Fu Hu Quan, Han Dong has already become familiar with the number of boxing methods.

Although there are differences among all boxing techniques, most of the basic boxing principles are similar. Therefore, although the difficulty of tiger-shaped boxing has become more difficult, Han Dong is not slow to learn after entering the state.

Coupled with Huang Feihong's hand-to-body corrections, three days later, Han Dong memorized the tiger-shaped part of the Huhe Shuangxingquan, and then began to practice hard by himself.

After practicing the tiger-shaped fist, Han Dong still used the system to fine-tune all the moves so that each move could keep the fusion degree on the system at the highest point.

But what surprised Han Dong was that no matter how he adjusted it, when he was practicing Tiger Fist, the maximum fusion degree could only be 15, and he couldn't continue to improve.

It stands to reason that even if Han Dong doesn't practice any boxing, his fusion degree is usually maintained at 15. After practicing such a brilliant boxing method as Tiger Fist, his fusion degree should be even higher.

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