No matter whether it is a wicked person, a good person, a powerful person, a beggar, a person with no power to restrain a chicken, or even a disabled person, as long as he persists in his heart, he can have a strong will!

Of course, there is another prerequisite for cultivating dark energy. Master Huang Feihong said just now that one needs to strengthen one's physical strength to a certain extent, so one cannot develop dark energy with willpower alone.

After all, Anjin is the domain of warriors, not everyone can have it!

However, the will does not distinguish between men, women, old and young, good and evil, rich and poor, and everyone is treated equally!

"Loose and soft to open and close, heart and mind in harmony, mind and qi in harmony, qi and strength in harmony! The dark energy is bursting out, and the spray is like a needle!"

Stretching out his palm, and making gestures with the hole on the big banyan tree, Han Dong secretly said:

"Is this the specific method of dark energy cultivation?"

Looking up at the sky, Han Dong understood.

What I need most now is to exercise my will, and the way to exercise my will is to strengthen my persistence and strengthen my inner beliefs!

"What is the persistence in my heart? What is the belief in my heart?"

Han Dong asked himself!

Looking back on the past, including the past 20 years in his previous life, Han Dong didn't feel any belief, and he didn't seem to have any special persistence in his heart!

In that era, East and West collided violently, and traditional moral and ethical concepts were all undergoing a huge test.

Many things have been lost, but at the same time, some new things have been gained. Society is undergoing tremendous changes, people's hearts are undergoing drastic changes, and even human civilization is undergoing drastic changes!

What persistence do people in that society have in their hearts?

Defend the country?

Of course, this is what most people have, but now Han Dong has traveled to the devouring starry sky world, and shuttled back and forth between various worlds. He has a home in the devouring starry sky world, but where is his country?

The belief in protecting the family and the country in the previous life cannot be brought to the present. The family has changed, and the country is gone!

make money?Work hard to become an upper class person in society?Form cliques and form your own forces?

It's all nonsense, in front of a powerful warrior, these are all castles in the air!

Chapter 166 Changes in Artistic Conception

Han Dong stood under the big banyan tree for a day and a night.

The next day, Han Dong, who was dewy all over, returned to Baozhilin to meet Huang Feihong.

The old and vigorous Huang Feihong looked at him with a smile and asked:

"This day and night, can you realize something?"

Han Dong said respectfully:

"There are indeed a lot of comprehensions, but none of them are systematic and need to be sorted out slowly!"

Huang Feihong nodded and said:

"Take your time. Now that you have enlightened, then work hard in this direction. Guoshu cultivation is a gradual process, and it will come naturally!"

Han Dong nodded, indicating that he understood.

Guoshu practice is not about doing academic research, nor is it about doing a math problem, nor is it about philosophical thinking.

It is not enough just to have an epiphany, it is more necessary to implement it personally, to practice, to realize it repeatedly, and then success will come naturally!

It is a dream to expect to become a Buddha immediately after an epiphany!

Keep your feet on the ground, step by step, and move forward slowly, this is the practice of Chinese martial arts!

After that, Han Dong stayed in Baozhilin.

Although he still practiced boxing every day, under Huang Feihong's guidance, Han Dong only practiced boxing a few times every morning when he got up in the morning, which took less than an hour.

The rest of the time, Han Dong spent all his time adjusting his mind, stabilizing his emotions, digging into his heart, and interrogating himself.

This is also practice!

Huang Feihong threw a few medical books to Han Dong for him to study, and asked him to participate in Baozhilin's work to help other disciples treat patients.

Han Dong followed suit one by one, and asked Huang Feihong for a few more books in his spare time, not only medical books, but also books about self-cultivation.

In addition, Han Dong took the time to practice brush calligraphy and learn calligraphy!

According to Huang Feihong, calligraphy can cultivate one's character, make people "quiet", and cultivate people's concentration, care, patience and perseverance.

The so-called tranquility leads to long-distance, and tranquility can generate wisdom. When a person's mind is in a peaceful state, a lot of wisdom will be born out of thin air.

In such a peaceful life, Han Dong spent more than half a year.

The effect is obvious. Although Han Dong's boxing and martial arts have not improved, his state of mind is getting calmer day by day, his whole body is more restrained, and even his external temperament is shrinking.

In the past, when others saw Han Dong, they knew that this man was fierce and not a good stubble. Ordinary people often feared Han Dong.

But now, Han Dong's tough and ferocious aura gradually faded away. Although he wasn't friendly yet, it wasn't intimidating either.

Peace of mind, away from the hustle and bustle of warriors, and no longer thinking about fighting and killing all day long, Han Dong's heart gradually became stable and peaceful.

Tranquility leads to distance, and as his mind calms down, Han Dong gradually feels that what he sees is more than before, and it is farther away.

With the change of mood, Han Dong was surprised to find that the artistic conception condensed in the Tang world had also undergone tremendous changes during this period of time!

At the beginning, when he first felt the artistic conception, Han Dong could only condense the artistic conception around him when he was alone and calm down.

That artistic conception is still unstable and weak, and it will be destroyed if it is disturbed a little bit!

Later, after two hundred rounds of fighting with Yucheng, between life and death, the artistic conception changed suddenly, and the strength and stability were greatly increased. It can also appear in the battle, and it will no longer be easily destroyed by the outside world.

Since then, as long as Han Dong is willing, he can enter the artistic conception anytime, anywhere.

Han Dong originally thought that his artistic conception had matured, at least at the same level as Luo Cheng.

But now, without mobilizing the mood, that is, when Han Dong did not deliberately adjust his mood, when he entered the mood, the feeling of controlling everything gradually increased invisibly.

Han Dong has a feeling that if this goes on, even if he doesn't deliberately mobilize the artistic conception, he will automatically form an artistic conception field around him in the future!

In other words, in the future, Han Dong's artistic conception will be normalized, no need to be transferred, no need to deliberately enter, but always in the artistic conception!

When he discovered this, Han Dong was very surprised.

Doesn't it mean that you can know everything around you at any time in the future?

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