Each small world is surrounded by 3000 miniature small worlds.


On that day, in 1296 main worlds, 129600 small worlds, and 388800000 miniature worlds, the supreme sound of Tao echoed, shaking the void, time and space.

The Dao of Power is complete!

On the day when the Dao of Power was completed, the supreme rule praised Han Dong, and the infinite light enveloped Han Dong, shaking time and space, revealing the devouring starry sky world, spreading to the distant chaos, and walking into the vast world of the heavens.

It doesn't need to be deliberate, all the time and space related to Han Dong are all self-enclosed into a ring, surrounding Han Dong, offering supreme glory.

This is the supreme supreme, the supreme honor enjoyed!

Tens of thousands of avenues converge to create an unprecedented supreme Daluo!

In an instant, Han Dong realized everything.

Every world of the heavens, even the lowest world, such as Huang Feihong, Xiaoao Jianghu, etc., although weak, is essentially a big Luo. Among the heavens, there are countless projection worlds.

But the low-level, middle-level, and high-level worlds can never give birth to a real big Luo.

Only the top world can have a big Luo in the background, but the background is different, it is still only possible, not every top world can really have a big Luo.

Once a big Luo appears in a certain world, then this world will be one with the big Luo itself, possessing the characteristics of a big Luo, which can be proved forever and will never fade away.

In some worlds with particularly rich heritage, such as the devouring starry sky world, many great Luos can be achieved. If any big Luo does not fall, the world will last forever.

But after achieving Da Luo with his own way, he will never be able to improve his strength. Although Da Luo is omnipotent against Da Luo and below, there is still a difference between Da Luo.

This difference is the level of their Taoism, the amount of Taoism!

After achieving Daluo, he has reached the apex in this world, and he is also an existence that will never fade away in the heavens.

But if Da Luo sticks to the fence and doesn't come out of the heavens, then their strength will also stagnate for life, unable to advance an inch.

And the only place where Da Luo can continue to improve his cultivation is to go out of the heavens, follow the main river of time above the heavens, and go to the source of Da Luo's battlefield!

There, it is a place to discuss the Dao, and it is even a place to fight for the Dao!

There is no distinction between high and low in the Dao. Only when there is dispute, can there be a difference between high and low. Only by fighting can you improve yourself!

Before the Infinity Calamity, the Dao of Strength was just an ordinary Dao. It was a stalwart existence who rode across the battlefield of Da Luo in the heavens and became famous in one battle. status.

Da Luo can always stay on his own three-point territory and call himself the ancestor of Dao, or he can enter the Da Luo battlefield and take part in the battle of Dao at the risk of falling.

Everything depends on your choice!

The avenue of strength is complete, carrying all kinds of avenues to become the most powerful Luo in history in one fell swoop, Han Dong's imposing and boundless body stands tall in the devouring starry sky world, half of his body leans out, looking out to the outside world.

His eyes swept across countless heavens and worlds, and there were many existences looking at him, some with smiles, some with disdain in the corners of their eyes, some with admiration, some with contempt, and so on, and so on.

In the process of traveling through the world, Han Dong not only made friends, but also offended many people, so it was extremely normal for him to be treated like this.

Facing these equally great existences, Han Dong smiled all over his face, ignoring the whispers of some smiling beasts, thieves, thieves, etc., and looked at several of the worlds with a smile.

In the world of Yangshen, who had been promoted long ago, Yi Daohong and Yi looked at him with a smile. In the world of Supreme Humanity, Zhong Yue gestured to him with a wine glass. The guy, eyes wide open, was waving and shouting at him.

There is also a top-level world that has just been promoted. Two rough men with thick eyebrows and big eyes looked at Han Dong. One of them smiled and nodded to Han Dong, while the other said loudly:

"I'm not wrong, he is a guy with well-developed limbs, he knows that he relies on brute force and doesn't know skills!"

After looking at the countless worlds, Han Dong looked back and turned to the surging river of time that spans countless heavens.

At the source of this great river, it was shrouded in mist, even he couldn't see anything, he could only vaguely feel the endless conquest and evil spirit emanating from it.

"Ha ha!"

Han Dong smiled.

"Is it the Daluo battlefield above the heavens? It looks very interesting!"

"Don't you think so? Fellow Daoist?"

The last sentence, Han Dong said to the void in front of him.


After a burst of hearty laughter, the system that had been with Han Dong for countless years suddenly broke away and transformed into an existence in a green crown and long suit.

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"Using ten thousand kinds of avenues, I have cultivated the supreme dao fruit, which has never been heard in countless kalpas. Congratulations, fellow daoist!"

"Ha ha!"

Han Dong smiled and said:

"I also want to thank you for your help. I don't know what you want?"

"What do you want? What do I want?"

The existence of the Qingguan long suit smiled and said:

"It's just that the road is lonely. If you are interested, I will wait for you at the end of the Daluo battlefield!"

After finishing speaking, the existence of the Qingguan long suit turned into nothingness and disappeared in front of Han Dong.

"Hehe, interesting, but I still accept your favor, I will come to see you!"

Han Dong smiled, and then looked at the source of the main space-time river again, where the fog was shrouded.

"Da Luo battlefield? Above the heavens? Wait for me!"

End of the book

Closing remarks

It's over!

Start writing in February and end in November, more than 2 months.

Xiaoqiang finally has his first book in his life, and he is full of emotions!

Since the writing of this book, it has been difficult.

At the beginning, there were no readers, and I wanted to give up many times.

When the idea of ​​giving up was the strongest, it was at the time of 10w words. At that time, the total number of recommendation votes was only 10, was it 7 or 8?I don't remember much!

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