This is an ordinary red envelope.

Zhou Rui got a sportswear.

What made Zhou Rui happier was that he could wear this dress.

Unlike those very cheating high heels, the owner has not been found yet.

For Zhou Rui, these are all dispensable things.

Among the three red envelopes, only the Detonating Talisman made Zhou Rui feel that it was more valuable, and the others could be bought.

In the end, Zhou Rui came to the destination of the last red envelope—the Go club, which is a place where Go is played professionally.

There are more than a dozen tables inside, and the decoration is very elegant, with gurgling water, rushing artificial waterfalls, and high-hanging birdcages. Inside the birdcages are thrushes and larks.

There are many bonsai and flowers around, adding a touch of rare greenery to the whole room.

The whole Go club looks very natural, like wandering between heaven and earth, with an open mind.

Heaven and man are one.

There are more than a dozen tables in the room, which are divided into different corners.

Some rely on running water, while others are accompanied by abundance.

Listening to a song of birdsong, leisurely and happy.

So uncomfortable.

At this time, six or seven tables have been occupied.

Around the chess game, there were several people watching.

Little stars, unusually quiet.

The whole room was very quiet.

Zhou Rui took a look and found that there were mostly old people inside.

It's all about retirement and nothing to do.

And these old people's chess skills are not low.

Don't underestimate the old people playing chess. Take Zhou Rui's hometown as an example. Those old people who play chess under the plane trees are all quite good. Don't look at their slow walking, it is because they are "planning strategies" in their hearts.

Zhou Rui once played an old man, but never again.

Zhou Rui didn't want to be abused anymore, the other party disliked Zhou Rui's smelly chess basket and couldn't play chess.


Zhou Rui quietly came to the center of the Go Club, where a red envelope was spinning.

That's the goal this time.

Zhou Rui clicked lightly and received the red envelope task.

Red envelope task - don't be ashamed to ask.

Task requirements: Randomly select passers-by on the road and ask the following three questions.

The first question: what did you do with your boyfriend (girlfriend) last night?

Second question: Are you satisfied with that aspect of your boyfriend?

The third question: How many boyfriends (girlfriends) have you ever dated?

Let at least three passers-by answer this question.


After Zhou Rui finished the task, he covered his face with his hands.

There are 1 "**********" in my heart. Is this the rhythm of making myself an old driver? Do you still use credit cards when driving? The software is really getting more and more shameless. question?

It's fine if others don't beat you up.

Don't be ashamed to ask, don't be ashamed to ask, is it for you to ask without shame?

Does the person who created you know how to misinterpret Chinese culture?

If Kong Shengren is such a cheater, I don't know if he will come to you.


But no matter how much you complain, the task still needs to be completed!

Chapter 115 Next Ask "Shameless" Teaser (Please Subscribe)

Zhou Rui looked at the surrounding environment, said nothing, and then quietly quit the Go club.

Next, Zhou Rui will start his own "task".

Zhou Rui stood at the intersection of Cross Street, looking at the passers-by.

After a while, he targeted a couple.

After such a long period of tempering, Zhou Rui's skin has also thickened to a certain extent.

There is a saying that is good: people are shameless, and the world is invincible.

Zhou Rui is progressing towards the realm of "invincible".

Zhou Rui walked up to the couple and stopped in front of them.

"Handsome guy, pretty girl, can I ask you something?" Zhou Rui looked at the two people in front of him and asked.

The two thought that Zhou Rui was asking for directions, and they were very enthusiastic.

"Of course." The girl nodded.

"That...this..." Zhou Rui hesitated, not knowing how to speak. After all, this kind of topic is quite sensitive.

How could it be so easy to talk about such stinky and shameless words, so Zhou Rui didn't know how to ask.

"It's okay, just ask, I know everything," the girl smiled and encouraged Zhou Rui.

"Then I'm really asking." Seeing this, Zhou Rui gritted his teeth and asked the two people directly.

"Did you have that last night?" Zhou Rui frowned.

"Which one?" The girl didn't turn her head around for a moment.

"Oh, it's sex, you know," Zhou Rui explained.

When the girl heard this, her face turned red like an apple.

Then, the girl gave Zhou Rui a hard look, and slapped him directly.

Zhou Rui moved quickly and dodged directly.

"Hooligan, shameless", the girl was very angry, very angry.

The girl's boyfriend is angry, asshole, if you ask this question in front of me, do you think I'm dead?

Immediately, the girl's boyfriend became impulsive, raised his fist, and directly started having sex with Zhou Ruikai.

Zhou Rui ran away when he saw this.

You can't beat people up again.

"Damn it, don't let me see you again, or I will beat you every time I see you." When her boyfriend saw Zhou Rui running away, he immediately spoke harshly.

He didn't go after him.

Then, the boyfriend came to the girl's side.

"It's okay, this stinky hooligan was scared away by me, let's go", the boy took the girl's hand.

"En", the girl snuggled up to her boyfriend very sweetly, and continued to move forward.


"Madan, it's a bad start." Zhou Rui hid in a corner and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"No, it can't be like this, otherwise I will definitely be beaten." Zhou Rui almost made the little girl cry, so he can't be so straightforward, but be more tactful.

Zhou Rui took out his mobile phone, turned on the data, and started surfing Baidu.

How can I ask a stranger some intimate questions and let the other person answer them.

As a result, there were all kinds of answers, and none of them were useful.

Zhou Rui was speechless.

In the end it's up to you.

Zhou Rui, who didn't get an answer, bravely came to the road again.

I can't find Wen Wenjing, she's too shy. It's better to find something that looks more "open".

Such a woman is more open than the average man, she has no taboos, and may even tease you.

After all, there are no fewer female hooligans than male hooligans nowadays.

In addition, couples cannot be found.

Asking a couple such questions is tantamount to courting death.

After Zhou Rui thought about it, he looked for the target again.


At this time, Zhou Rui saw a gorgeously dressed beauty, with her head down, playing with her mobile phone. The high heel on her right foot kept crushing the stones on the side of the road, looking bored.

Zhou Rui looked left and right, and walked up to the woman like a thief.

"Beauty, wait for someone," Zhou Rui asked involuntarily.

The woman raised her head and saw Zhou Rui standing in front of her.

The woman first looked Zhou Rui up and down. The clothes were all famous brands, and the woman's eyes suddenly became eager.

"Hey, handsome guy, I have something to do with you." The woman blinked her bright eyes and looked at Zhou Rui.

"I have something to ask," Zhou Rui nodded.

"What's the matter?" The woman approached Zhou Rui.

Judging from her years of experience, Zhou Rui is definitely rich.

Zhou Rui only felt a gust of fragrant wind coming, and the woman's body exuded a strong scent of perfume.

"Hello, that's it. I have a few private questions I want to ask you, so can you answer them?" Zhou Rui hoped that the other party would agree.

"Hey, I'm not a casual person. If you want someone to answer your question, you have to do him a favor, don't you?" The woman put one hand on Zhou Rui's shoulder and blew at Zhou Rui.

This woman was actually teasing Zhou Rui.

Yes, the other party is indeed not a casual person, but he is not a person when he is casual.

Zhou Rui didn't mind either, anyway, he was the one taking advantage.

Hearing the woman's words, Zhou Rui thought for a while, "A gift?"

At this moment, Zhou Rui really thought of something for women.

"What do you think of this?" Zhou Rui took out a lipstick from his pocket.

This is what Zhou Rui received from the red envelope last time. He got a total of three lipsticks, red, pink, and purple.

What Zhou Rui took out was red lipstick.

The woman looked at the lipstick in Zhou Rui's hand, her eyes suddenly burst into surprise, and she blurted out, "Chanel's coco lipstick".

"What?" Zhou Rui couldn't help being taken aback, he couldn't hear what the other party was shouting clearly.

"Really give it to me?" The woman stretched out her hand and grabbed the lipstick.

"That's not acceptable," Zhou Rui said with a smile, "You answered my question, this is yours." Zhou Rui said with a smile.

"Then tell me, can't people cooperate with you?" The woman blinked involuntarily, and turned on Zhou Rui.

There are hundreds of lipsticks, and she is usually reluctant to buy them.

"Okay, first question, did you have sex with your boyfriend last night?" Zhou Rui asked.

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