It's the same in front of everyone.

48 supervisors came behind the crowd, and set up multiple cameras around them.

Comrades in the media are also supervisors.

After all the preparatory work was completed, Li Han began to announce the title of this time.

Because it is a "Sword Showdown Before the Gods", the proposition this time is - the one-eyed horned dragon.

Please carve the one-eyed horned dragon in your mind with water radish.


Zhou Rui couldn't help but gasp when he heard this, grandma, he doesn't know anything about the one-eyed horned dragon at all.

Zhou Rui couldn't help raising his head, looked at the "One-eyed Horned Dragon" stone sculpture in the center of the square, and began to observe.

Zhou Rui is not from Sea God City, so he doesn't know much about the image of the one-eyed horned dragon, so he can only learn and sell.

Fortunately, there is a living example in the square, otherwise Zhou Rui would really be blind.

So there was a very funny scene on the field.

After thinking for a while, everyone put on eye masks and anti-noise earphones, and started working. However, Zhou Rui didn't do anything for a long time, observing the "Sea God" statue not far away.

1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes...

During the period, many gave up, some were cut off, and some were completed, and so on.

The supervisor behind Zhou Rui wanted to urge Zhou Rui, but the game did not ask when to start working.

After everyone finished, Zhou Rui also read all the details.

Pao Ding's knife technique is incomprehensible.

All the details of the one-eyed horned dragon are kept in mind.

Zhou Rui took a deep breath, then put on the eye mask and the anti-interference earphones. Zhou Rui carefully picked up the knife next to him with his right hand and the water radish with his left.

Acting moment, start now!


Seeing his movements, the buddies behind Zhou Rui couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Your uncle, it's finally about to start."

Immediately afterwards, the buddy was stunned.

The knife in Zhou Rui's hand seemed to come alive.

There are many overlapping shadows, and the light is blooming, making it difficult to distinguish between true and false.

Since Zhou Rui was the last one, all the cameras were focused on him.

All the audience and players also looked at him in unison.

At this moment, Zhou Rui is the center of the world, the focus of the world.

Although you can talk, but no one speaks.

Quietly looking at Zhou Rui, uh...pretending to be aggressive!

Although Zhou Rui closed his eyes, he seemed to have opened his eyes.

Everything about the water radish was engraved in his mind.

There is nothing in the eyes, but there is something in the heart!

The water radish was okay at the beginning, but after a while, it was constantly being cut.

At first, everyone couldn't see anything, but with Zhou Rui's carving, it became clearer and more realistic.

Everyone could see Zhou Rui's purpose.

He was actually "copying" the statue of the Sea God on the Sea God Square.

Yes, it is "copy".

"Like" can no longer be used to describe it.

Except for the different sizes, it really looks like it was carved out of a mold.

With Zhou Rui's final knife ending, the whole work seemed to come alive.

A golden light erupted directly in Zhou Rui's hands, of course, this is nonsense!


Zhou Rui put the work on the left and the kitchen knife on the right.

Then take off the earphones and earmuffs.

Looking at the work in front of him, Zhou Rui couldn't help showing a look of joy in his eyes.

He succeeded.

Everyone looked at Zhou Rui with amazed expressions on their faces. They didn't know how to describe their mood at this moment.

Stormy seas?Whoops?

Those camera crews were also full of admiration for Zhou Rui. You must know that they have been recording Zhou Rui from the beginning to the present.


As Zhou Rui finished his work, everyone finished their work.

Of course, some quit halfway, and some accidentally cut their hands and had to withdraw from the competition.

There are also those who give up.

The supervisors at the back sorted the works of everyone and submitted them up.

The staff put all the works on a large table, and then put a box in front of each work.

After a while, if everyone thinks which work is better, they will put the tickets in the corresponding box.

Take a popular vote.

At the end of the count, the three people with the most votes are selected.

Then play the last game.

It can be said that these three people are the top three in this competition.

It's just that who is the first and who is the second still needs the last contest.


Soon, after everyone received the votes, they began to vote for each work.

Everyone looked at the works on the table and couldn't help being silent.

Some of the works looked the same when they were taken up, and they were still the same when they were taken down, without moving at all; some of the works were stained with blood.

Some works have donkey lips and horse mouths, and it is impossible to tell what is carved.

After seeing Zhou Rui's works, it gives people a bright feeling!

Chapter 110 No.1 Subduing Guisi

ps: Thank you "Please Call Me Sanshui" for your support!

That is, within 10 minutes, the results were calculated by the staff.

Undoubtedly, Zhou Rui won No.1 with an overwhelming advantage.

A total of more than 3000 votes.

And No.2 only has more than 300 votes, No.3200 more votes.

No.2 is only one-third of Zhou Rui's.

Zhou Rui——by all expectations.

After the top three come out, the third game will be held next, but at this time, an accident happened.

No.2 and No.3 actually gave up the game, they are willing to rank with the current ranking.

Zhou Rui instantly became the "king".

Everyone was stunned. They didn't expect that the rankings would have been determined without the third match.

Zhou Rui put too much pressure on everyone.

The two have no confidence at all.

They understand that even games can be lost.

What's more, they participated in the competition just for the tickets of the "King of Chefs Competition". Now that the goal has been achieved, there is no need to "disgrace" again.

Zhou Rui didn't expect that he would become the king before the third match.


What follows is the awards ceremony.

Zhou Rui received a total of three rewards.

First thing, Zhou Rui broke the record of old man Wang Xuefeng in the first match.

Received the honorary certificate and trophy of "Shenqian Knife Contest Fastest Player".

The trophy is a pentagonal cylinder, and on the top of the cylinder is a crystal statue of a "one-eyed horned dragon". On one eye, there is a very obvious scar. The one-eyed horned dragon has its mouth open and its fangs are exposed. There was a kitchen knife in his mouth.

This statue is also the emblem of the Shenqian Sword Crafting Conference!

At the bottom, under the pentagonal prism, is a flat prism. On the front of the prism, a nameplate is pasted, and the name of honor is written on the top of the nameplate.

In addition to honorary certificates and honorary trophies, there is also a bonus of 1 yuan.

This is corporate sponsored.

Another reward was because Zhou Rui broke the number of slices of old man Wang Xuefeng and set a new record.

The same is the honorary certificate and honorary trophy, as well as 1 yuan.

Of course, the biggest head is the last reward.

In addition to the trophy and certificate, the rewards of "Shenqian Knife Contest No. 1" also included a pure gold medal and a bonus of [-] yuan, which made Zhou Rui very happy.


Then, Zhou Rui, No.2 and No.3 came to the center where the event was held, and received the tickets for the "King of Chef Competition".

With this thing, you can participate in the "Chef King Competition" in Donghai Province.

Holding the ticket in his hand, Zhou Rui took a closer look. It looked like a wedding invitation, but it was not as festive as a wedding invitation.

On the outer surface of the business card, various gourmet ingredients such as "mountain delicacies", "vegetables, fruits and vegetables" are printed.

On the back, a line of text is written.

Besides that, there is a barcode underneath.

This is an anti-counterfeiting imprint, and it will be scanned and verified at that time to keep pace with the times.


Zhou Rui got everything he wanted and was very happy.

He really didn't expect that it would be such a coincidence that he happened to meet the "Shenqian Swordsmanship Competition" in "Shenshi City".

After returning to the hotel, Zhou Rui took out all the harvest this time.

For some people, maybe money comes first.

After all, any competition, if there is no bonus, then there is no attraction.

But for Zhou Rui, what he values ​​more is the trophy and the honor.

What he likes is "freedom".

If it wasn't for what happened back then, if it wasn't for the ten-year bet, what Zhou Rui yearned for the most was to find a stable job, get married and have children, and live an ordinary life.

But since that incident, he has understood that there are some things that you can't do if you want to.

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