In front of his original partner and mistress, he chose mistress.

The woman stepped aside, picked up her son, and walked into the distance.

Zhou Rui looked at the man in front of him, not knowing what to say.

A family that was originally good, just broke up like this!


At this moment, the police car came.

When Zhou Rui was beating up just now, someone called the police, but the person who called the police did not expect the plot to be reversed so badly. Zhou Rui beat several people to death.

After questioning the police, they left directly.

The parties involved don't pursue it, what do they care about so much, they might as well make a pot of tea if they have this spare time.

After Xiaosan and the man left, Zhou Rui also left the community. His mission has been completed, and the next step is to receive the reward.

Zhou Rui returned to the store, and then drove to the destination.

To Zhou Rui's surprise, the red envelope was in a square.

In the morning, there are a lot of old people exercising in the square, some are practicing Taijiquan, some are practicing health-preserving skills, and some are practicing Wu Qinxi, etc. They are basically exercising.

As people get older, they need regular exercise.


Zhou Rui looked at the red envelope in front of him, wondering what would be offered.

Zhou Rui stepped forward, opened the red envelopes, fireworks were in full bloom, and salutes were fired.

A red light entered the red envelope space.

Zhou Rui called out the red envelope space and began to check.

Zhenwu Baduanjin, the untransmitted secret code of Zhenwu Hall, strengthens the body and increases energy. It contains eight kinds of kung fu. It is a double unique skill of health preservation and ancient martial arts.

Practicing Zhenwu Baduanjin can increase lifespan and keep enemies out.

According to the rumors, Zhenwu Eight-Duan Brocade is extensive and profound, and it is the most widely spread among the ancient Daoyin techniques in our country.

Baduanjin can be divided into sitting Baduanjin and standing Baduanjin, North Baduanjin and South Baduanjin, Wen Baduanjin and Wu Baduanjin, Vajra Baduanjin and Zhenwu Baduanjin.

Among them, Vajra Baduanjin is the essence of Buddhism, while Zhenwu Baduanjin is the mystery of Taoism!

Chapter 82 Classification of Ba Duan Jin of Zhenwu Secret Code (third shift)

ps: Don't say anything, the fourth update tomorrow!

Zhou Rui never thought that it was the skill of "Zhenwu Hall".

Zhou Rui exclaimed, he felt that he was about to rise up.

There are Buddhist holy places in China, as well as Taoist holy places, among which the Zhenwu Hall on Zhenwu Mountain is one of them.

Zhou Rui was very excited, this is an authentic Chinese ancient martial arts.

Not performative.

Zhou Rui was very excited. Then, he clicked on the red envelope and directly chose to study.

As Zhou Rui studied, a wave of information about "Zhenwu Baduanjin" gathered in his mind.

Only at this time did he understand the profoundness of Chinese culture.

"Zhenwu Baduanjin" has three elements, namely: Noble Yang, Uplifting Qi and Farou.

Zhenwu Baduanjin is enlightened from "Xuanwu". Who is Xuanwu?I believe that there is no one who does not know that Nai is one of the four spirits of the world and one of the longest-lasting gods in the world.

Xuanwu is a combination of turtle and snake, one body with two lives.

Turtle, one of the longest-lived animals in the world, there is an old saying called "a thousand-year-old bastard, a ten-thousand-year tortoise", from which we can also see the longevity of turtles, let alone basalt.

Xuanwu is the "Zhenwu Emperor", not only extremely powerful, but also has a long life span.

Therefore, "Zhenwu Baduanjin" pays attention to warming and nourishing, and pays attention to "cultivating accumulated health, promoting qi with mind, and promoting body with qi", which is also the general outline of "Zhenwu Baduanjin".

When practicing "Zhenwu Baduanjin", the movements should be gentle and the strength should be restrained. It is very similar to Taijiquan, another unique art in the Zhenwu Hall. Although the practice method of Zhenwu Baduanjin is simple, its effect is long-lasting.

The martial arts in the Zhenwu Hall seem to be all in this style, using softness to overcome rigidity, and using stillness to stop.

Especially the highest unique art of Zhenwu Hall - Taijiquan.

Easy to learn, but difficult to master.

It is also a move that uses fast to beat slow, and the weak to defeat the strong.

It has something in common with Zhenwu Baduanjin, that is, health preservation and ancient martial arts coexist.

Especially Tai Chi Push Hands, which is similar to the "Xiong Duan" in Zhenwu Ba Duan Jin.

It is rumored that Zhang Sanfeng, the founder of Taijiquan, practiced Zhenwu Baduanjin to a great degree before he created Taijiquan.

Zhenwu Baduanjin is known as: it has a unique inner style, and it can be called Zhenwu Jinggong.

What Zhou Rui didn't expect was that just one "Zhenwu Baduanjin" was divided into eight kinds!

Each has eight segments, with different functions and powers.

"Zhenwu Baduanjin" is divided into: Neijiatongbi Baduanjin, Hemen Xiangong Baduanjin, Danjia Daogong Baduanjin, Xiantian Qiankun Baduanjin, Miaozhen Xiaojia Baduanjin, Nanpai Yuejia Ba Duan Jin, Ba Duan Jin of Eight Immortals, and Ba Duan Jin of Taoism.

Just like Tai Chi, although they all belong to Tai Chi, there are many classifications, such as Yang Style Tai Chi, Wu Style Tai Chi, Wu Style Tai Chi, Sun Style Tai Chi, He Style Tai Chi and so on.

Although they all belong to Tai Chi, they are different in nature.

The same is true for Zhenwu Baduanjin.

Neijiatongbi Baduanjin comes from the Neijiatongbi family—Master Cao Xiaoxian.

In terms of martial arts, it can be used as an introduction to martial arts to stretch tendons and bones, and can also be used to enhance the flexibility and dexterity of the human arm and the whole body. , prolong life.

This is a kind of Zhenwu Baduanjin that has been widely spread.

The second is Hemen Immortal Kungfu Baduanjin, which originated from Zhenwu Neijia Hexianmen. It is a kind of Hexianmen Zhonghe Gong. Blood energy, flexible muscles and bones, strong physique.

Danjia Daogong Baduanjin, this brocade is passed down in secret, practicing it can cure all kinds of diseases and connect the muscles and joints to the spirit.Practicing to strengthen the muscles and bones is not only beneficial to health, but also can enhance martial arts, making the body flexible and flexible, and the hands and feet strong and powerful.

Xiantian Qiankun Baduanjin, this skill was passed down by Master Wan Tianxuan of Zhenwu Neijia Xiantian Qiankun Sect. It is worth a thousand gold. If you are not in the same way, you will not give it to others. Practice often and enter the fairy gate."

Miaozhen Xiaojia Baduanjin, this skill comes from Zhenwu Miaozhen School, also known as Qimenjia Baduanjin.The posture is small and exquisite, the movements are simple and exquisite, the changes are delicate, the training method is unique, and the effect is wonderful.

The Ba Duan Jin of the Southern School of Yuejia focuses on internal strength, focusing on internal strength, while cultivating both internal and external aspects.If you practice diligently, your energy will sink to the dantian, and your internal strength will be abundant. If it is used for health preservation, the viscera will be healthy, full of energy, and difficult to invade. If it is used for martial arts, the muscles and bones will be firm, and the hands and feet will be strong. It can break stones and break bricks.

Eight Immortals Authentic Ba Duan Jin, this skill belongs to the Eight Immortals sect of the famous Zhenwu sect. It uses the Eight Immortals to practice the form to correspond to the Eight Duan Exercises. It has comprehensive effects, unique movements, and full of wit and wit.

The Taoist Ba Duan Jin comes from the Taoist Inner Alchemy, and it is a set of cultivation skills secretly passed down in the Taoist Temple of Zhenwu Mountain.Both internal and external training, combined with movement and stillness, can not only cultivate the mind and nature, prevent and cure diseases, prolong life, but also cultivate vitality and Qi, move the sky, and enhance internal strength.


There are eight kinds of Baduanjin, each with its own advantages and unique skills.

It is a pity that Zhou Rui only won the "Danjia Rebirth Baduanjin" in Zhenwu Baduanjin.

On the basis of imitating Xuanwu, Danjia Reborn Baduanjin is evolved from six kinds of animals, each of which represents a unique skill. (Purely fictitious!)

These eight animals are: Tiger (White Tiger), Sparrow (Suzaku), Dragon (Qinglong), Turtle (Dragon Turtle), Snake (Teng Snake), Bear (War Bear), Eagle (Jinpeng), Crane (Crane) eight Animals come.

Tigers use their palms, sparrows use their feet, dragons use their legs, turtles use their fists, snakes use their body, bears use their strength, eagles use their claws, and cranes use their arms.

The general verse says:

Zhenwu Tuo Tianli Sanjiao

Suzaku wings and spleen and stomach

Green Dragon White Tiger Liver and Lung Tune

Gui Pan Yi Xue Shen Qi Ning

Taiyi swings its tail and leaves handover

Angry eyes and fists

Eagle Gu Pan Foot Strengthens Kidney and Waist

Heli shakes and eliminates all diseases


There are many kinds of kung fu, including defense, capture, dodge and so on.

Zhou Rui stood on the spot, absorbing the Zhenwu Baduanjin in his mind, and then, Zhou Rui began to practice on the square.

Sometimes it turns into a fierce tiger, roaring in the forest, sometimes it turns into a green dragon, and sometimes it turns into a white crane, and sometimes it turns into a war bear, pulling up mountains.

After finishing a set of Baduanjin, Zhou Rui was really sweating profusely.

"It's cool, it's cool," Zhou Rui yelled.

Zhou Rui felt that if he continued to exercise for a long time, although he could not guarantee that he would be better than Wu Fan, he would not be worse.

The only thing he lacks right now is his body.

The physical fitness is too poor and the strength is too small, so the next task is to exercise.

The red envelope software can give him skills, but it can't increase his body.

It's like an old monster in the Nascent Soul stage has seized his body from an ordinary person, and he needs to practice again.

The same is true for Zhou Rui, although he is proficient in Baduanjin, but his body is weak!

Chapter 83 Sky Island Snowflake Beef Horror Investigation (Part [-])

ps: Four updates today, one update is here!

When Zhou Rui returned to the restaurant, everyone basically came to work in the restaurant.

Especially Li Xiang and Li Tong, who wanted to learn art from Zhou Rui.

If it was before, Zhou Rui would definitely refuse, but now, Zhou Rui did not refuse again.

Because even if the other party learns, they will not be able to learn their own level, let alone all their abilities.

It was impossible for Zhou Rui to hand in all of them.

Zhou Rui only handed over his skills on both sides, and besides that, he also had Phoenix Jade Dumplings.

If Li Xiang and Li Tong want to reach his current level, unless they have been chefs for more than ten years, only in this way can they master the heat perfectly.

That's why for the same dish, some people make it delicious, while others make it taste like shit.

When they arrived at this time, Zhou Rui would no longer look down on this little skill.

In ten years, Zhou Rui couldn't estimate where he would go.

Zhou Rui didn't take two people as his disciples, it's not so easy to become his disciples.

He is not New Oriental, he can learn by paying money.

Zhou Rui has high demands on his disciples.


While Zhou Rui was working, everyone was watching. If there is anything you don't understand, you can ask directly.

In the past, Zhou Rui's vision was too low, and he cherished himself with his broom, for fear that the master would starve to death after the apprentice learned it.

But now Zhou Rui can't do it anymore, he can't be bound by cooking skills all his life, with the red envelope system, the world is so vast, everything is within easy reach.

In the future, Zhou Rui can choose to be a martial artist, a singer, a painter, a pianist, a star, a doctor, etc., whatever.

That's right, it's that awesome!


On the second day, Zhou Rui got up to exercise. What he practiced was Zhenwu Baduanjin.

With Zhou Rui's practice, it can be clearly felt that Zhou Rui's appetite has increased more than before.

Supplement Qi and blood and increase strength.

Zhou Rui entered Shanhezhu, and then came to Sky Island.

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