At this time, a big fat man couldn't help but squeezed out from the crowd.

"Brother, bring me a plate, I'll try it first," the plate said to Zhou Rui.

The fat man looked very burly and kept licking his mouth, as if he was very hungry.

After the fat man paid the money, he began to taste it.

"Fuck, this dumpling is amazing, brother, what kind of dumpling is this?" the fat man couldn't help asking.

"This is the Phoenix Jade Dumpling, which is the work of Master Jidi in "The Little Master of China", before Zhou Rui could speak, a young man in his 20s spoke out, directly telling the origin of the Phoenix Jade Dumpling.

"That's right, it's Master Jidi's Phoenix Jade Dumplings." Zhou Rui nodded, "How about it? Would you like to try it?" Zhou Rui could see that the other party should be a fan of "The Little Master of China" just like himself .

This animation occupied a very important position in Zhou Rui's childhood.

"Is your craftsmanship good?" The young man was not questioning Phoenix Jade Dumplings, but Zhou Rui's craftsmanship.


At this time, the fat man came up again and took out 50 yuan, "Give me five more dishes, grandma's, it's not enough for me to stuff my teeth." Looking at the big gold chain on the fat man's neck, the other party should not be short of money. What's more, how can you not bring enough money when you go shopping.

"Okay", Zhou's mother is so happy. It's just the beginning, and it's almost 100 yuan. The son's ability to make money is too good.

Zhou Rui took out all the emerald dumplings from the pot, exactly five plates, and gave them all to the fat man.

"Could it be trust?" Among the crowd, some people began to question it.

Only when you eat the Phoenix Jade Dumpling, you will know how delicious it is, otherwise, any gorgeous rhetoric will be powerless in front of him.

So Zhou Rui didn't say much, and didn't rush.

There is a saying that goes well: 'What I gain is my luck, and what I lose is my life'.

If you can eat the authentic Phoenix Jade Dumplings, you are lucky; if you can’t, then I’m sorry, you don’t have this life.

At this time, the couple had finished eating and wanted to have another plate, but there were no more.

The couple hurriedly handed in the money first and ordered two sets.

At this time, everyone seemed to have discovered something, and the young man didn't hesitate, and asked for a plate, which cost ten yuan, and it wasn't a lot of money.

Everyone also stepped forward one after another, especially some "beauties" who like to eat all kinds of delicacies, even more crowded forward.

Zhou Rui at Zhou Rui's booth was instantly packed with people.


Since the birth of human beings, there has been a phenomenon, that is-blindly following the crowd.

Things that others buy are good things; hot things that are sold are good things.

Some people who didn't know the situation saw this and thought that something happened, so they rushed over.

So more and more people.

This is also one of the reasons why some people look for "Trust" for business, because it is really useful.

Zhou's mother was in ecstasy, and asked everyone to line up.

At this time, Zhou's mother didn't dare to collect money randomly, because it was too confusing.

Father Zhou hurried up to help.

Zhou Rui also speeded up and was very busy.

And the fat man couldn't help laughing triumphantly when he looked at the crowded crowd.


Anyone who has eaten Phoenix Jade Dumplings is full of praise for Zhou Rui's craftsmanship.

Some people even took pictures and sent them to their circle of friends.

There are also some people with obsessive-compulsive disorder who are reluctant to eat when they see the phoenix figure on the plate.

Later, I couldn't help my appetite and destroyed this perfect pattern.

A very funny side appeared in front of Zhou Rui's booth. Many people were eating standing up with plates and chopsticks.

There was a happy smile on everyone's face.

Of course, Zhou's mother was the happiest. Looking at the dense banknotes, Zhou's mother couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear.

After nine o'clock, people gradually dispersed, and there were fewer and fewer people.

Zhou Rui, Zhou's mother and Zhou's father also had a rare rest.

Then, Father Zhou got busy again and started clearing the dishes.

Zhou Rui was not idle either, and started making dumplings.

The morning meal has passed, but the noon meal has not passed.

He still needs to keep busy and work hard.


Chapter 61 The Horrible Gift Money Lantern Festival Red Envelope

ps: I didn't expect to be on the "Sanjiang", it was a bit of a surprise, but Lao Bei knew in his heart that it was everyone's support, thank you everyone.A thank you is sure to be dissatisfied, so let’s do something real, starting from the day after tomorrow, that is, Sunday, three times a day for a week, of course.If there is an alliance leader, it will definitely be added. Lao Bei began to shamelessly ask for the alliance leader. Hehe, I won’t write Sanjiang’s testimonials. It’s mainly because I’m lazy, let me tell everyone!


At ten o'clock, Zhou Rui had already made a lot of emerald dumplings, so he stopped to rest at this time.

At this time, Zhou Jie's family came.

Zhou Jie and Feng Jun lead Beibei.

"Uncle", Beibei called out very politely when she saw Zhou Rui.

"Have you eaten yet?" Zhou Rui looked at Beibei and asked.

"It's over," Beibei replied sweetly.

This is the last festival of the holiday. Of course, the town is going to be lively, not to mention that it is still a market today.

It is also good to play without buying anything.

Because of the country's "prohibition of setting off fireworks and firecrackers", there are fewer fireworks and firecrackers here, but the impact is not very great.

Firecrackers and fireworks are still set off in the countryside.

"Mom, how is business?" Zhou Jie came to Zhou's mother and asked.

"It's okay," Mother Zhou smiled.

"Hey", Zhou Jie gave Zhou's mother a disdainful look, "You're still playing tricks on me, I can see it from your expression, it must be good."

Zhou's mother just laughed, but didn't speak.

"Hmph, let's not ask you, ask my dad." Zhou Jie snorted coldly and came to Zhou's father.

"Business is so hot, you don't know, it's crowded, your mother and I can't handle it, if only our vegetable greenhouse can have such a good scene in the coming year," Zhou's father looked forward to .

"Dad, don't worry, it's definitely not bad. Besides, Xiaorui can make so much money, you don't have to worry about marrying a wife. You should keep the little money for yourself," Zhou Jie comforted.

Why did Zhou Jie say that, because the betrothal gifts in the countryside are scary.

Some places pay attention to "do not move, three catties and three liang".

The so-called motionless, "moving" refers to the car, and "moving" refers to the house.

Before going on a blind date, first ask if the family has a car or a house, and if there is no car or house, don't mention the blind date.

A car has to be a car, what?Are bicycles okay?How far the thought is, how far people roll!

Why don't you say toy cars!

The house is at least a building in the county town, and some of them have good conditions. The man must have a house in the urban area, otherwise he will not marry.

Not all rural girls, but some.

I don't have a high degree of education, but I have a high vision; I don't make money, but I still like to spend money; I want to find a rich and handsome man, but he doesn't like her when he is rich and handsome.

High or low.


In addition to being motionless, there are still three pounds and three ounces.

Sanjin Sanliang refers to the bride price, which is given to the woman's parents when they are engaged.

Three catties and three taels are used to weigh banknotes, which require three gold and three taels.

A one-dollar bill doesn't count, and a ten-yuan bill doesn't count, all of them are one hundred grandpa Mao.

If any money is fine, I believe no one will refuse the "Steel Coin"!

Kakaka, dozens of steel coins swing up, three catties, three liang, hemp eggs, add up to less than 100 yuan, who would like it.

So it must be Grandpa Mao.

Some people have calculated that it is about 14.


Zhou's father and Zhou's mother lived frugally for half their lives to have so much savings.

In ancient times, there was an idiom called—Miss Qianjin.

Now she is the genuine Miss Qian "Jin".

Assuming a girl weighs 140 catties, the bride price is 14 yuan, that is to say, a catty of meat is worth [-] yuan!

Ma Dan, it's not that I don't know, it's scary to death.

A real thousand 'jin'!


Zhou Rui once calculated for himself according to local customs, how much money he needs to earn to get married.

First is the house.

Now the woman asks to buy a house in the county or urban area.

Not to mention the urban area, but the county seat.

According to local housing prices, a house of about 50 square meters costs about [-].

Although there is a loan, it is still needed.

The house is 50, and the decoration is calculated according to 60, which is [-].

Don't buy a luxury car, buy an ordinary car, one hundred thousand.

That's 70 million.

If you have a car, you need a parking space, and a parking space is [-].

Storage room, average size, [-].

This is 85.

The bride price is 95, which is [-].

Then the later wedding photos, banquets, three golds-gold necklaces, gold bracelets, and gold rings, are calculated at [-].

All kinds of things——100 million!

When his mother came, Zhou Rui was stunned!

Although there are some discrepancies, they are not too different.

He never thought it would be so terrifying, 100 million!

How many years will I not eat or drink?

Although I don't want to face it, it is true in some places!


So the daughter-in-law at home can't afford to marry, so I should just obediently fall in love by myself.

Free love has an emotional basis, and it doesn't ask for money or be so ruthless. You can get married even if you rent a house.

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