"Yes," Zhou Rui nodded.

"Great, can you sell me one?" Uncle Zhong said with a smile.

"It's not worth anything, I'll give you one." Zhou Rui saw that Li Dao and Uncle Zhong knew each other, so it's not easy to ask for money.

"Thank you so much", Uncle Zhong was so happy.

"Everyone, I'll go out first." Zhou Rui stood up and walked out of the hotel!


"Let's go and have a look too," Li Dao also stood up.

He and Uncle Zhong did know each other and were a good friend of his father.

As a junior, of course he also went to have a look.

Zhou Rui opened the car door, and took out an Australian lobster from the red envelope space.

Then put it in the bag.

For Zhou Rui, the Australian lobster didn't cost any money.

Back in the room, everyone closed the door and became lively again.

Everyone tasted every part of the Australian lobster and was full of praise.

Both Li Dao and Shen Qian looked at Zhou Rui curiously.

"Zhou Rui, are you in the seafood business now?" Li Dao couldn't help asking.

Such a big lobster is really rare.

"No, I opened a noodle shop."

"Zhou Rui, do you still have this big lobster? How about giving me one?" Shen Qian looked at Zhou Rui, blinking her big bright eyes.

"I have four in total, and this is one of them." Zhou Rui pointed to the big lobster on the table and said, "I gave away one just now, and there are two more. If you want it, I'll get it for you later."

"Really, that's great, I'd like to toast you." Shen Qian picked up the champagne in front of her and raised her glass.

"Okay", Zhou Rui was not polite, and sighed.

"Happy, Zhou Rui, leave me the last one," Li Dao looked at Zhou Rui and begged.

"Yes", Zhou Rui is not a stingy person.

"Zhou Rui, you're still refreshing," Li Dao stretched out his thumb.

Everyone watched Zhou Rui, Li Dao, and Shen Qian talking there.

He didn't say anything anymore.

But after a while, everyone became lively again, talking about their work situation!

Those who make a lot of money say how much money they make, and those who have a lot of connections say who they know.


Zhou Rui didn't take too long to eat this meal.

Halfway through eating, I left.

The original friendship between classmates, I don't know when it changed.

Comparing, showing off...

After Zhou Rui ate half of it, he walked out and went to the front desk.

"Hello, how much did the bamboo shop cost in total?" Zhou Rui couldn't help asking.

"Sir, wait a moment." The waitress recognized Zhou Rui, smiled slightly, and then typed a few times on the computer.

"Hello, sir, the Zhuzi size room cost [-] in total," the waitress said with a smile.

"Okay", Zhou Rui nodded, and then settled the bill.

In future class reunions, he only invites a few buddies who are more serious in playing, and they come freely without restraint.

After Zhou Rui walked out, he took out the remaining two big lobsters and asked the waiter to hand them over to Shen Qian and Li Dao.

Chapter 42

ps: Thank you "Dark Night Shadow zy" for the support of 500 starting coins, and thank you "Book Friends 1602240" for the support of 100 starting coins, thank you everyone, and finally say it again, there is a female lead survey post in the comment area, please actively participate!

In the next two days, Zhou Rui called Tong Baiyan on the one hand and asked him to look out for a better commercial vehicle for him, and on the other hand he wandered around the city to see if he could find any red envelopes.

Except for two things, Zhou Rui spends most of his time in the Taekwondo gym.

What Zhou Rui admired was that the participants only gave themselves two days off.

The first day, New Year's Eve.

The next day, New Year's Day.

The rest of the time is training days.

Zhou Rui could not do this.

Two days passed quickly, the train departed at ten o'clock in the morning, Zhou Rui came to the train station after breakfast early, and waited for the train.

Zhou Rui didn't know that while he was waiting for the train, a car stopped in front of Zhou Rui.

"Dad, I told you to come here earlier, look, you're late," Tian Tian complained to her father as she looked at the closed shutter door of Zhou Rui's noodle restaurant.

"You child, why don't you have to prepare the gift before Dad comes over, otherwise, there will be no way to thank you." Tian Aiping was also a little speechless.

"I'll go and have a look," Pang Shuhua opened the car door and walked out.

At this time, Pang Shuhua really looked like a noble lady.

Wearing a mink coat, but without the rustic style of nouveau riche, it looks particularly noble and elegant.

Pang Shuhua was holding bags one by one in her hand, pinching them gently with her orchid fingers, and around her neck was a pearl necklace.

She went to the door.

Just saw Zhou Rui's notice.


"Let's go back first, the noodle shop doesn't open until the [-]th day of the first lunar month," Pang Shuhua said to Tian Aiping.

"Well, it's all my fault, the delay is too long," Tian Aiping sighed and shook his head.

"I can't blame you. You also wanted to choose a good gift. I can only say that we were discharged too late." Pang Shuhua shook her head.

After Tian Aiping was discharged from the hospital, he did not go to thank Zhou Rui immediately, but planned to prepare a thank you gift for Zhou Rui before going.

Tian Aiping bought a store for Zhou Rui, which was not bad.

That's more than 200 million.

"That-just-two-hundred-many-ten thousand", if Zhou Rui knew what Tian Aiping was thinking at this moment, he wondered if he would die in shame.

Because all his net worth add up to only 200 million.

Among them, 90.00% of the credit is due to the jade bracelet.

For rich people, is 200 million considered money?

Brother Sicong spent half a billion on his birthday, it's scary!

Zhou Rui didn't know about all this. After passing the security check, Zhou Rui boarded the train home.

Zhou Rui didn't carry much, just a suitcase and two boxes of snacks.

Because it is the Spring Festival travel season, there are many people at the train station.

Zhou Rui was also careful, no matter how careful.

For fear of encountering a thief with three hands.

Fortunately, Zhou Rui got on the train smoothly without any surprises or dangers.

Zhou Rui stuffed the suitcase under the bed, and then put the snacks on top of his head.

While the train was running, a red light suddenly flashed in Zhou Rui's mind, but then, the red envelope disappeared because the train used the range of the map.

"Damn it, red envelope", Zhou Rui was shocked and stood up hastily.

But it was too late, the red envelope had disappeared.

The passengers opposite Zhou Rui and the people next to him were all stunned.

He looked at Zhou Rui very surprised.

"Is this buddy crazy about grabbing red envelopes?"

"I think so."

The people around were talking.

Zhou Rui was so embarrassed, he sat down awkwardly.

In fact, Zhou Rui's heart aches.

This is a red envelope.

Unfortunately, he couldn't get out of the car.

If I had known earlier, Zhou Rui would rather choose to drive by himself than miss the red envelopes along the way.

But he has no experience.

Moreover, he didn't think so much at all.

So the next journey became Zhou Rui's heart-breaking journey.

Because along the way, Zhou Rui encountered several red envelopes, but missed them all.

There is no way, once a person chooses the wrong path, there is no turning back.

Zhou Rui is like this.

Zhou Rui closed his eyes, didn't think about it, didn't look at it, but the map in his mind was still running.

After finally going through all the way, Zhou Rui finally got out of the car.

Zhou Rui walked out of the train station and looked at the sky outside, it was so fresh and beautiful.

More importantly, Zhou Rui saw red envelopes all over the sky beckoning to him.

In order not to let himself miss the red envelope, Zhou Rui rented a car and asked him to drive around the county.

Not to mention, it's really rewarding.

Zhou Rui got an ordinary red envelope again, and got a mask from it—a multi-functional anti-smog mask.

Zhou Rui is from the north, so the smog is a bit serious in winter.

But he never thought that the red envelope would be so "understanding" and send him an anti-smog mask.

Looking at the smog mask in the red envelope space, Zhou Rui couldn't help but shook his head. Now that there is no smog, there is no need for it.

Under the protection of the taxi all the way, Zhou Rui returned to his hometown.

A place where you grow up.

Zhou Rui's hometown is a mountain village in Donghai Province.

Surrounded by mountains and rivers, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant.

Wuhuatianbao, Longguang shoots at the market of Niudou; outstanding people, Xu Ru under Chen Fan's couch.

It can be said that the place where Zhong Ling is beautiful and the place where the phoenix falls.

So Zhou Rui's hometown is also called "Chongbao Village".

Chongbao Village is surrounded by mountains and rivers, with a long river in front - Jiudao River, and a mountain range - Phoenix Mountain in the back.

According to the rumors, the Jiudao River has nine bends, and I don't know how many villages and towns it passes along the way, and how many Li people have been nurtured.

Zhou Rui grew up drinking water from the Jiudao River.

Jiudao River is an artificial river. According to rumors, it was excavated in the Tang Dynasty. Of course, it is only a rumor. The specific age has become confusing with the disappearance of documents.

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