In the end, she seemed to be unable to think of what to tell me, so she still stared at me and said to me:

"I'm really worried about you. I really want to go with you. But if I also go to Yunnan, I will definitely expose your position."

"Forget it, no matter what, you will be safe, I will try my best to settle the matter here, and I will definitely have a chance to see you again in the future." Said, Leng Ao Nu patted my shoulder, and then squeezed out a smile meaning.

I looked at Leng Ao Nu, and my heart was full of words, but because I couldn't open my mouth to expose myself, I could only nod to her.The iceberg beauty made me wear a wig and a peaked cap. At the same time, I changed a set of clothes and a pair of glasses. For the time being, no one can recognize me.

"Let's go well, I can only accompany you here." Leng Ao Nu said helplessly.

I looked at Leng Ao Nu, not knowing what to say, I was speechless, finally, I had no choice but to put down the suitcase, and hugged Leng Ao Nu in my arms.

I hold her tightly.

"Qing Han, I will miss you..." I hugged Leng Ao Nu and whispered in her ear.

This may be the most disgusting thing I have ever said in my life. I have only seen Gao Fushuai say this in Korean dramas before, but now I say it myself, but I feel that I am a little moved by myself.

Leng Ao Nu was held in my arms, she didn't move, she just let me hold her.I felt the temperature of the cold and proud girl, felt the fragrance of her hair, and suddenly realized more clearly that I really had to leave.

At that moment, I actually realized that I was going to leave this beauty in front of me.

An indescribable sense of desolation surged up all of a sudden, but I hugged Leng Ao Nu harder and hugged her tightly.

After a while, I let go.

"Okay, it's time, if you don't leave, you will miss it, ha ha." Leng Ao Nu left my embrace with a slightly red face, and looked at me with a smile. Suddenly, Leng Ao Nu stretched out her hand and squeezed my crotch hard. A handful of yurts frightened me.

"I'm waiting for the day when you can come back. Before that day comes, you take good care of yourself. Do you understand?" The cold and proud woman flicked my forehead, then pointed to my crotch blushing, Say, "Especially this thing."

Being pointed at by Leng Ao Nv, I suddenly felt my stomach was on fire again. Fortunately, there was no Shi Geng, otherwise my wig and makeup would be useless.

I looked at Leng Ao Nv awkwardly, and smiled.

"Wang Yong, remember to try not to go out there, and you must listen to my elder sister." Leng Ao Nu repeated what she had asked countless times, and in the end, she really had nothing to say.Still urging me to get on the train, "It's almost time, Wang Yong, you get on the train." The number of people queuing up became less and less, and when it was finally my turn to check the ticket to get on the train, Leng Ao Nu still pushed me helplessly, Tell me not to miss it.

I took a look at Leng Ao Nu, her brown and black curly hair, and her figure in a black suit jacket. She looked so lonely and lonely, and I felt a strong feeling of reluctance.

But I still had to go, I glanced at Leng Ao Nu, I didn't speak, just gave her a smile, nodded to her, then turned around to check the ticket, and then hurried into the platform.

When I turned around the corner, I saw Leng Ao Nu still standing in the hall, staring blankly at me.

This may be my second parting in the world of women, and this time, it is the farthest parting.

After checking the ticket, I walked onto the third carriage of the train without saying a word. The seat of the train ticket that Leng Ao Nu bought for me was really good, and there was no one around, so I didn’t have to worry about being found out that I belonged to a man. identity.Of course, because of my strange shape, when I got on the train, someone still looked at me with amazement. At that time, I lowered my head as much as possible and hurried past without stopping.On the train, fish and dragons were mixed together, and there were many people with weird shapes, so maybe no one would pay attention to me.

I was sitting by the window of the train, and my seat was a separate compartment with two cots in it, but neither was occupied.

I was sitting by the window, the train finally started slowly, and drove out of the platform, the steel dragon-like carriage slowly rolled out from the elevated railway in the city, heading towards the distant form.

My face was pressed against the cold window, outside was the boundless darkness of night, the lights of the city flowed slowly like fireflies, I looked far into the distance, wanting to look down from a high place, holding a clue in my heart that maybe I could see To Mozi's luck.

Unfortunately, what I saw was boundless darkness.

I sighed, looked away, and buried my face in my hands.My mind is still dizzy,

I suddenly woke up when I heard the beeping sound of my mobile phone. I took out my mobile phone and saw that it was a text message from Leng Ao Nu.

Leng Ao Nv's words were very simple, but they shocked me.

"If you can come back, I want to give you the second man in this world."

I Yang Jiandong said:

Haha, have you been fooled by the title?Wow ha ha ha ha.Start the Yunnan chapter in the evening, today's 4th update

Chapter 61 The Snow-clothed Beauty Is Bleeding

The train was rumbling forward on the railway, and the scenery outside the window changed from the original little lights to the black country night, with no light to be seen.I sat in front of the window for a long time, but in the end I couldn't stand the pain in my body and the dizziness in my head, so I decided to go to bed early.Leng Ao Nu stuffed some emergency pills in my suitcase. These seemed to be some first aid kits she bought from the outpatient department when I was unconscious.There are some bruise ointment and cold anti-inflammatory medicine in it.Now I can only support myself on the train before arriving in Kunming.

In this way, I slept until dawn, and it was almost noon when I woke up, and there was still nearly a day away from Kunming. I spent that day in bed, nothing more than waking up and sleeping and waking up again, cold and proud The girl only sent me a text message telling me that everything is fine, that the little sparrow and several female security guards are safe, and then, Leng Ao girl also told me that I should not take the initiative to call or send her text messages unless I have something to do, because Her home is under surveillance by the spies, and if I have nothing to reply, the government people may happen to know my number and find me.

Afterwards, I contacted Mozi and the others again, all by text message, because when I called, I had to speak, and my male voice might be heard by the people on the train, so I kept in touch by text message.

That day I spent a day alone on the train. The only thing that bothered me was the salesman selling snacks and magazines on the train. They asked me if I bought food. At that time, I pretended to be unwell and coughed a few times. , and then shook his head to them to signal that I would not buy anything.The salesman gave me a disappointed look, then backed out of my cubicle.

For the next whole day, I was not disturbed by anyone. I just sat in front of the window and looked at the scenery outside the window. I watched the scenery outside the window gradually change from the temperate scenery of vast paddy fields in the south of the Yangtze River and dwarf mountains and green trees to lush wild trees. , Subtropical landscape with rolling hills.

Along the way, I got a taste of the urban structure and architectural style of a lot of women's world, as well as the customs and customs of various places. The biggest difference is that the artistic style is brightly colored, with soft lines and strong feminine beauty.In addition, I found that there are relatively few ancient buildings and a strong modern atmosphere. There are almost no houses with tile roofs like those in the south of the Yangtze River.I don't know if it was because the 21 years of wind and rain eroded those ancient buildings or those buildings were destroyed during the war. In short, I didn't see any more retro buildings along the way.

At noon on the second day of departure, I finally entered the border of Yunnan Province.

Yunnan Province is indeed a legendary tourist attraction. After arriving at the border of Yunnan Province, the scenery is very different. Many of them are tall spruces and masson pine, and the landscape is full of ravines and canals. The scenery is very primitive and natural, and the scenery is beautiful. The colors are bright and bright, just like entering the world of fairy tales.

But I don't have any leisure to enjoy the scenery, because I know very well the purpose of my trip to Yunnan this time, which is to escape.

At about 4 pm, I finally arrived at Kunming Railway Station. There were two trains departing from Santan City to Hangzhou, and the two trains arrived at the station almost at the same time.In fact, in terms of the number of passengers, one train is enough, because not many people go to Yunnan on holidays, but according to government regulations, two trains must be diverted at the same time, so two trains arrive at the station at the same time. .In addition, the reason why the two trains arrive at the station at the same time is because the train I am on is delayed by 15 minutes. In fact, the train I took is 15 minutes earlier than the other one in terms of departure time.

After the train arrived at the station, the first thing I did was to get out of the train quickly. I walked out of the train with my suitcase, and followed what Leng Ao Nu told me to look for her eldest sister, Lin Yanyan.

But when the train just arrived at the station, there were a lot of people getting off the train, so I couldn't find Leng Ao Nu's eldest sister even when I was mixed in the crowd.

However, when I was looking around for the trace of Leng Ao Nv's eldest sister, a thing that terrified me happened!

At that time, two trains arrived at the station at the same time, and the passengers on the two trains got off at the same time. At that time, I took a casual look and saw a person who made my hair stand on end.

White windbreaker, shiny black hair, beautiful face, and slim waist,

Damn, isn't that the beauty in snow clothes?Why did she also come to Yunnan? !

When I saw the beauty in snow clothes in the crowd, I was really chilled, and even suspected that I was wrong, but the beautiful face of the beauty in snow clothes really impressed me so much, I couldn't possibly admit my mistake .

But the question is how did she catch up?

I remember that she should have been unconscious after being hit by my anesthesia bomb that afternoon, and Leng Ao Nu and I must have escaped smoothly, but how could she know where I am and chase me to Yunnan?

I can't figure it out, unless she has the ability to predict the future, otherwise she is absolutely impossible for me to be in Yunnan.

But since she's here, I have no choice but to lower my head as much as possible so that she won't notice.

It's a pity that I was still one step late. I really underestimated the insight of the beauty in snow clothes. I just stared at her for a while, and her clear eyes suddenly turned to meet mine. Then, her gaze He just stared at my face and didn't move!

As soon as I was stared at by the beauty in snow clothes, my heart skipped a beat, and I screamed in my heart that it was not good, and then hurriedly turned my head to look away, but unfortunately I was still late, because out of the corner of my eye, I saw that the beauty in snow clothes had already moved away. The crowd came after me!

Damn, why is this woman's eyes so sharp?I have run thousands of kilometers, wearing a wig and make-up, she still chased me all the way and recognized me instantly, damn it, my heart was cold when I saw the beautiful woman in snow clothes running towards me, I hurriedly carried it I ran wildly with my luggage and rested in the car for nearly two days. My appendicitis wound has basically healed, and I can still run. The problem is that it is a bit troublesome for me to carry a suitcase, but there is no other way, so I can only carry it hurried through the crowd.

I don't know how I got caught, but no matter how I look at it now, I'm in big trouble!

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