"Hey, it seems to be moving. We must have encountered a sea monster."

Someone took over the conversation, and Yoshii Hui's eyelids twitched when he heard it.

There have always been legends of sea monsters among fishermen and sailors.

The sea banshee, the Norwegian sea monster, and the deep sea basilisk, as long as they encounter each sea monster, it means that everyone on the ship will start playing a life-and-death escape game, and it is the kind that has a high probability of not escaping.

If it was half a month ago, he definitely wouldn't have cared, because his childhood education told him that those were legends, and real sea monsters didn't exist, otherwise they would have been discovered long ago.

But it's different now, even gods exist, so who can say with certainty that sea monsters don't exist at all, and the reason why no one has discovered sea monsters may be that everyone who saw sea monsters was eaten by sea monsters.

Bang! ! !

The world in front of me was spinning, and the sailors standing on the deck were unable to stand still due to the huge inertia, and all fell to the ground.

"Old Jill, are you a son of a bitch who knows how to sail a boat? You hit a reef, and you don't buy us a drink when you get back. We'll fuck your wife together."

"Kunta Kinte, are you stupid? How could there be hidden reefs in this sea area?"

"Isn't it hitting a reef? Could it be hitting a monster?"

"Stop arguing, Samba Mujinga has fallen, someone will help."

The sound of chaos was everywhere on the deck.

A sailor who was on good terms with Samba Mujinga threw down the lifebuoy and the rescue rope, and hurriedly pulled Samba Mujinga back. The next moment, he saw a scene that he will never forget.

Dozens of meters behind Samba Mujinga, the sea water was suddenly pushed away, and the tumbling white waves refracted strange rays of light in the dazzling sunlight. A huge monster's head slowly rose from the bottom of the sea. Like a heavy rain, there were little ripples.

It was the head of a big snake comparable to the size of a [-]-ton giant ship, and the terrified appearance of all the sailors on the deck of the ship was reflected in a pair of suffocatingly fierce pupils.

"Joyce, you son of a bitch, quickly pull your Lord Samba Mujinga up." Samba Mujinga shouted loudly, holding the life buoy in one hand and the rescue rope in the other.

The sailor called Joyce lost the rescue rope in horror, and ran to the cabin in a scrambling manner.

"Above Maria."

"Oh my god."

The sailors on the deck woke up as if they had just woken up from a dream, and they all hated that they had lost a few hands and feet and ran into the cabin.

Samba Mujinga in the sea looked at his colleagues running away in a panic. For the first time, he knew that his colleagues were running so fast that they were almost ready to participate in the [-]-meter sprint in the Olympics.

But why the hell are you running, who else can help me, I can't climb up by myself.

He was about to take out his mobile phone to call the captain's mate when he suddenly felt the current of the sea behind him rushing, as if a wave was coming.

"got windy?"

Samba Mujinga turned his head and looked over, and then he saw the most terrifying scene in the world.


"Samba Mujinga is still out there."

Joyce and the other sailors hid in the cabin. The sealed cabin and the cold steel plates gave them a little sense of security. Although their reason told them that these things would not work, fuck their reason.

"Leave him alone, there are monsters outside, Samba Mujinga is dead, someone will notify the captain and tell him to leave here quickly, I don't want to stay here for a moment."

"I can't walk anymore. My feet are weak and I have no strength at all. You guys go."

A sailor collapsed on the ground and said.

"I've just been so lame, my feet hurt so much, I can't walk at all, Joyce, why don't you go."

"Ah, my leg hurts so much, I sprained my foot too."

Joyce covered his legs and growled in a low voice. He didn't want to go out at all. Who knows if the sea monster has arrived on the boat now, maybe it will become a snack for the sea monster if he goes out.

"Don't talk nonsense, whoever is going to call, my phone fell out, Maria, there are really sea monsters in this world, I will apply to work in a farm when I go back, I will never come to the sea again .”

"I have a phone, you call."

"Benevolent Egil, the great god of the deep sea, please protect me from being eaten by sea monsters. From now on, I will definitely offer a sacrifice that satisfies you before I go to sea. If you are not satisfied, I will not go to sea. "

The sealed cabin became agitated, but no matter how agitated, the sailors spoke in a low voice and did not shout.

No one knew if yelling would attract the sea monster's attention.

The loudest people in monster movies tend to die the fastest.

The panic and panic of colleagues also affected Yoshii Hui.

The sea monster that appeared suddenly made him immediately think of God's punishment.

It must be the slander of my colleagues that aroused the wrath of God, so God sent sea monsters to punish them, it must be like this, absolutely right.

"Great Lord of the Heavens, my colleagues don't believe you and slander you, that's why they have this disaster. This is what they should do, but I am innocent, so please don't let sea monsters eat me."

He held the guard tightly in his hand, and prayed nervously in his heart, hoping that God could hear his heart.

In the captain's room, the captain Yano Michihiko said in a low voice: "Old Jill, haven't you contacted the Icelandic Coast Guard yet?"

Knowing that the moment the sea monster first appeared, the captain Michihiko Yano had already knelt down to prevent himself from being seen by the sea monster.

"Contacted, but they suggested I see a psychiatrist."

Old Jill was wronged.

Yano Michihiko was stunned: "What did you say to them?"

"I told them we had a sea monster."

"You." Captain Yano Michihiko almost cursed, "Tell them about sea monsters, just say that we are in a shipwreck and ask for help."

"Let people come here first, and then call for help from agencies similar to the Coast Guard in other countries. I will bear the consequences!"

Chapter 25: Serpent Jormungandr

Calling the sea monster a shipwreck, someone will definitely be held accountable afterwards, and he might face a huge fine and confinement, but this is the time, who cares about the consequences.

"Besides, I can also push the responsibility out."

Yano Michihiko looked at the old Jill who was on the phone with a gloomy gaze.

Iceland, Coast Guard Headquarters.

The telephone operator hung up the phone and laughed with his colleagues, "James, do you know? Someone called just now, saying that he encountered a sea monster and asked for help."

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