If something goes wrong at this time, it is definitely not good news.

Chapter 829 Sheng Yun'er's Expectation

That Sheng Yuhai looked at them and said: "Those four little girls look very cute. It is really a very happy thing to have such cute and innocent girls playing together in this era, isn't it?" ?”

The person who blamed them before that heard Sheng Yuhai's words, suddenly smiled bitterly, and said: "What the Lord Saint King said is very true."

The beautiful woman next to Sheng Yuhai looked at them, her face slightly frustrated, but also a little envious.

"Okay, let's talk more, it's not more restrained."

After Sheng Yuhai finished speaking, he took the beautiful woman beside him and walked away, and the people around him also dispersed.

The four girls walked to Chen Mo's side silently, feeling a little aggrieved.

"It's okay, as long as you don't make a lot of noise, that person said it too. I don't blame you."

Hearing Chen Mo's words, they showed happy expressions again.

They are not afraid of causing trouble, especially Huanghuang, how could she be afraid of causing trouble?

But they knew that Chen Mo came here for a very important matter, and what they were afraid of was messing up Chen Mo's affairs because of their own reasons. They were relieved when Chen Mo said it was fine.

And at this time, many people went to strike up a conversation with Ye Yuhan!

It was not easy for them to strike up a conversation before, but now they can, because there are many topics, and now Ye Yuhan is the king of a certain power in their eyes, so there are more topics for them to strike up a conversation with, for example, I am the king of a certain power Son, what about my influence, getting to know you, etc., will help both of us in the future...

Ye Yuhan was also quite helpless. After all, with her status here, she had to cover for Mr. Chen Mo, so she just exchanged polite greetings, nodded, and smiled...

"Miss Ye, it turns out that you are the king of power, so the young master from before may not be Miss Ye's partner, right?"

Liu Feng smiled and walked to Ye Yuhan's side and asked.


Ye Yuhan said lightly.

Liu Feng was dubious, and then asked: "Why? With such a high status, Miss Ye is willing to find a man who is not even a king?"

"Is there a connection between the two?"

Ye Yuhan asked.


Liu Feng thought about it, and it was true!There really doesn't have to be any connection between the two, but common sense is that how can a woman be willing to find a man whose status and strength are lower than hers?This cannot be justified.

Is it really love?He doesn't believe it, you are not a good man, at most you have a little appearance, you can't attract girls, even girls, so why are you with him?

On the other side, Sheng Yuhai and his wife Sheng Yun'er walked to a place where no one was there.

"What's the matter, ma'am?"

Sheng Yuhai naturally felt the strangeness of his wife.

"It's okay, I just thought of something."

Sheng Yun'er shook her head and said slightly.

"Did you think of our daughter?"


Sheng Yuner sighed.Qiankun listen

"Husband, do you think we can still find our daughter?"

Sheng Yun'er raised her head and asked him in confusion.

Sheng Yuhai hugged his wife, and said: "Don't worry, although we have been in the inner domain of Xianhai these years, I have sent many experts to look for it outside. I believe that as long as my daughter has appeared in the eyes of the world and used With some strength, we can find it."


Sheng Yun'er sighed again.

"what happened again?"

"It's been 1000 years, I think... if our daughter grows up normally, she will be as old as those beautiful girls outside... she must be as beautiful as them."

Sheng Yun'er said with a sigh.

Thousands of years ago, their family also encountered some relatively big things. In that incident, their daughter was taken away by a foreign race, and their life and death were uncertain. After many years, they became stronger, found the foreign race, and the news they got was theirs. Their daughter escaped, and they didn't know whether to believe it or not. They could only hope to believe it, and hoped that their daughter would be fine.

But a thousand years have passed, and in a thousand years, they have developed into a top-level existence, but there is still no news of their daughter.

Sometimes the stronger a person is, the more infatuated he is, because that woman was with you when you were weak, and has been with you until today. She is extraordinary to you.

"I also like those girls, they are very spiritual, and do you feel it? Three of them have very strong blood power. Although I don't know what race they are, they must be the blood of the top monster race. Naturally, talent is not necessary. Say more, and look pure and kind, if you like it, let's see if we... accept one as a foster daughter?"


"Our daughter is still looking for it. You are always absent-minded these days. I think you will miss your daughter even more after seeing those girls. There must be someone to distract you. Don't you like it?"

Sheng Yuhai asked.

In their family, a woman can only conceive once in a lifetime, so it is really difficult to have another one.

"But... isn't this too abrupt?"

"Ask is it all right?"

Sheng Yuhai smiled.

He can see that his wife likes those girls very much, they are cute, beautiful, kind, simple... He also likes them very much.

"Then...shall I ask?"

"Do you still want to go for your husband? Wouldn't it be a little bad for me to go? And it depends on how you feel, do you want one or all four?"

"I'll ask."

Sheng Yun'er nodded slightly, and then walked out slowly.

Sheng Yuhai stood behind and looked at her back with a smile, then sighed softly.

How could he not miss his daughter?But as a man, he can't show how much he misses Sheng Yun'er, can he?

When their daughter was taken away, she had just learned to walk, so she must not remember anything. When they returned to the alien race, it was already 30 years later. In 30 years, his daughter could really live in the alien race. survived?Are they really not going to kill her?Disaster!

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