After a while, Chu Naihe came back with Zhao Yingmeng.

"Hee hee, Brother Chen Mo, we're sending it."

Zhao Yingmeng said with a smile.

"You can give these to your sister when the time comes. The money from the sale will probably be enough for me. The golden utensils will be worthless once they are put away. It's not bad now!"

Chen Mo said to Zhao Yingmeng.

"Wow! Really!"

Zhao Yingmeng's big eyes twinkled with little stars.

Chen Mo nodded.

"Brother Chenmo, you are so kind."

Zhao Yingmeng believes that their studio suddenly produced thousands of gold artifacts, which would cause a sensation among players!Although gold weapons are not as rare as before, these are basically gold weapons above level 90. Gold weapons of this level are the most popular now, and what is the value of each? .

"Master Chenmo, we found the teleportation array, it's very close."

"Let's go, the next floor!"

I can unleash infinitely

I can unleash infinitely

Chapter 531 Nether Lightning Leopard

To tell the truth, Chen Mo is quite grateful to Chu Naihe. He was directly promoted to level 42. I don’t know how many levels he will have in the future, but it saves him a lot of time for leveling. Such a map is all high-level. Bosses are all bosses, it's really cool to group them together!Level up is also fast.

But they were even more grateful to Chen Mo, they felt like they had come over to make some soy sauce and then gradually upgraded.

Soon they came to the white teleportation formation in the dark, Chen Mo probably guessed that it should be time for everyone to fight together, this Qingqiu can't let her come in vain.

Then they stepped into it.

The light flashed by, and then they appeared on a piece of grassland. Obviously, there are one small world after another in Lei Ling Pagoda. Each floor is a small world, otherwise you can't be in one of them Is there a grassland that can't be seen at a glance?

There are even blue skies and clear lake water.

"It's so beautiful, it's really nice to have light!"

Zhao Yingmeng opened her arms and exclaimed.

"Yeah, it's really good to have light, but it's really uncomfortable and depressing in a dark environment, everything is unknown."

Chu Naihe also sighed.

On the other hand, Chen Mo was very calm. He had been in the dark environment for several years, and he was used to it.

After Qingqiu came to this area, Dai Mei frowned suddenly.

Like some places where monsters are sealed, Lei Lingta is not the monsters here, they are ordinary, definitely not ordinary, although she doesn't know what is the main seal here, but there must be a very powerful existence here, and someone even needs to guard it outside of!It's just that Lei Ling Pagoda is relatively common, and it's normal to create a small world in such a place, but why did it create such a beautiful place?Seal the monster and come in for a vacation?

So this is not normal. The darkness on that layer just now is the environment that goes along with sealing the monsters. Although it is beautiful here, with blue sky and white clouds, full of lawns, and the sun and air are very good, it does not fit!

The Leiling Tower itself is definitely not like this, so here is because of other reasons, the reason she can think of is... This is where the most powerful monster is located, and it is also the top floor of the Leiling Tower, because only the A monster of this level may have the ability to change this place after many years!and……

In the first four floors, she didn't feel any spiritual power fluctuations, that is to say, there is no spiritual power of heaven and earth in Leiling Pagoda. Think about it, if you seal the monsters here, you still have the spiritual power of heaven and earth for them to cultivate , for them to become stronger?That's bullshit!But here, the spiritual power of heaven and earth is flowing in the air. Although it is weak, it is absolutely abnormal in a place where monsters are sealed!It's dangerous here.

"Senior Brother Chen Mo, this place may be very dangerous."

Qingqiu still wanted to remind Chen Mo.

"I know."

"Sister Qingqiu, don't be so nervous. Didn't you see God Chenmo's operation just now? You are a strong yuppie, the danger is certain. There are probably tens of thousands of monsters, so what's the matter? Let's There is God Chenmo." Chu Naihe said with a smile.

"Good licking!"

Zhao Yingmeng gave Chu Naihe a thumbs up.

"Go, go, go, it's from the heart, not licking."

Qingqiu looked at the two girls who had already started catching butterflies, and felt that there was no panic at all, and said, "I mean, this is probably where the strongest monster in Leiling Tower is located!"

Chen Mo frowned. Chen Mo probably knew what she was. Since she said so, Chen Mo would definitely believe it. She had already reminded her.

"Why do you say that?"

Then Qingqiu roughly expressed her thoughts, which can be explained by the fact that she traveled to the mainland at a young age and has rich experience, and it will not reveal anything.

"Shui Shui, Xiaorou!"

Chen Mo quickly called them over, and the two girls put down the butterflies, ran over obediently, and stood quietly beside them.

"Ready to fight!"

Chen Mo's eyes saw dust rising far ahead, as if there were many monsters galloping towards this place.

All of them sacrificed their weapons and waited for the arrival of the monster.

About 1 minute later, the monster appeared in their line of sight. Since Qingqiu said that, Chen Mo would naturally pay extra attention during the battle. According to what she said, the monster might have reached the Shenhuang level!Shenhuang level is the lowest.

"All the monsters here are of thunder attribute and have the strongest attack power. Pay attention to yourself, Shuishui, Xiaorou, fight at will, pay attention to protect yourself, Shuishui, watch Xiaorou as much as possible!"

"Shui Shui understands!"

They also got serious.

Long Xiaorou is similar to a mage, and will be much weaker if a monster gets close, but Shui Shui's close combat ability is also quite good.

In front of them, there were thousands of monsters galloping towards them, but there was only one kind of monster among them, one race, one kind of leopard covered in dark blue!They rushed over extremely fast.

Nether Lightning Leopard-level gold boss, level 40, HP 450000, a very vicious and cruel race, if it appeared on the mainland, a Nether Lightning Leopard might have slaughtered a village, not for food, but Just for the sake of killing, the speed is extremely fast, and the control of thunder and lightning is an extremely difficult existence.

The skill Lightning Strike's own figure is like a ghost and cannot be caught. It will instantly rush to a unit, and may launch a lightning attack from any direction in all directions, causing damage, and has a 10 chance of paralyzing the opponent for two seconds.Cooldown 30 seconds.

The sky thunder flashes with a long cry, locks a unit and then sends down thunder, causing damage to the hit unit, with a 30 chance of causing paralysis for three seconds.Cooldown time 1 minute.

Eye of the Nether Lights up the eye of the nether world and releases the nether light. If it hits the target, it will ignore the level and weaken all attributes of the target by 10 points (excluding HP), and the cooling time will be one day.

Thunder Roar releases thunder from the mouth to bombard an area with an area of ​​100 meters, causing damage and paralysis for 10 to [-] seconds to the units hit.Cooling time [-] minutes,

Weak ignition

This is the attribute of this group of monsters, a group of gold bosses around level [-], thousands of them, one is not strong, but the combined skills of a thousand of them are very strong.

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