"Look, there are words!"

Everyone looked over.

"Each person can only take one piece of everything in this temple, or you will bear the consequences!"

That's right, this is the line of writing in the air, obviously left by the lover.


Seeing this line of words, everyone's ecstatic expressions froze immediately.

Originally thought that this place could be emptied, but I didn't expect that everyone could only take one piece!

But even if you can only take one thing away, it's enough, and it's better than nothing.

"If there is no such rule here, then I am afraid that few of the people present will survive."

Qingcheng said lightly.

Chen Mo nodded, agreeing with her opinion.

You know, no matter what pill or whatever, it is very cherished by this group of strong people, and there are more than 500 people here, are they willing to share everything in it with these people?Obviously impossible, so how to do it?

If you kill them all, you or just a few top powerhouses will swallow the inside, or even the strongest one will survive, and no one can let it go, because once it goes out, it will spread, so it will definitely die!Yes, this is human nature!

It can be seen that after reading this line of words, the murderous intent that flickered in the eyes of those heavenly forbidden powerhouses has also helplessly disappeared.

"Let's go find what we need too." Chen Mo said to them.

Chapter 484 Infinite Flash

More than 500 people gathered in this huge hall, rummaging through boxes and cabinets, looking at everything on the table and in the corners, since each person can only take one, they must try to take the most precious or the most suitable for them , rather than casually.

Chen Mo also let Shui Shui and Long Xiaorou out, and said to them: "You three girls, go together, and take whatever you like, but remember, each person can only take one."

Chen Mo doesn't make decisions for them, what they get is their own, but he won't let them take what Chen Mo is optimistic about but can't get anymore, never like this.

"alright, I got it!"

They nodded their heads, and then held hands in this hall looking for something they like, and what they like is basically good-looking.

Knowing that they were obedient, Chen Mo let them go by themselves. He said that he could only take one thing, so he could only take one. They must be obedient.

Then Chen Mo also went to find what he wanted.

"Well... I really want it."

In front of her, Zhao Yingmeng seemed to have chosen her own things, but she was looking at something on a table eagerly.

Chen Mo leaned over, and what she was looking at was a skill, the so-called sky-rank martial skill among the warriors in Tianlin Continent, which belonged to the top martial skills, most of the big moves Chen Mo stole from the strong were also sky-rank Yes, only those who are very strong can steal above the sky rank. For players, what is the level of this skill?

Of course it can't reach the level of Asura's Heaven's Punishment, but it shouldn't be a problem to hit 10,000+ in terms of damage. Anyway, it is a very top skill.

"Take it if you like it."

Chen Mo said to her.

"But I have something else in my hand." Zhao Yingmeng took out an assassin's hidden job scroll.

"Don't you have a hidden job?"

Chen Mo asked.

"I prepared this for my sister. My sister is working now, but she will work hard to level up in the future. If she has a hidden job as an assassin, it will be no problem to come from behind."

Chen Mo nodded, and then walked away. This is her business, her choice, and Chen Mo doesn't have to choose for her.

Chen Mo's first choice is the player's skills. There are also many powerful skills here, but Chen Mo suddenly thought about it, no, he has infinite big moves. In a sense, he does not lack any skills, and the lack is also lacking. But there are infinite big moves, which is not more lacking, so what is he lacking?


That's right!

Chen Mo basically invested all the money he could have, and what he got was Fengshenzong, but the construction has not yet been completed. The current Fengshenzong is about one third away from the complete body on the blueprint. What is the concept of one part?Hundreds of billions.

The current Fengshenzong can live in people, but it is still far away from being able to recruit students. Even Chen Mo thought about taking advantage of the next enrollment time to recruit Fengshenzong, and then he gave up. It is impossible. No reputation, secondly, no background, thirdly, the construction has not yet been completed, tens of thousands of people, how much is the daily salary?Millions!This is also a huge number.

and so……

Chen Mo focused on the most valuable thing here.

The most valuable thing, Chen Mo, never thinks about the equipment, nor does he think about selling it to players. The most valuable thing must be sold to NPCs!

But Chen Mo doesn't know which things are the most valuable here. You may be able to tell by the grade, but it may not be the most valuable.

and so……

Chen Mo walked towards Han Jiangxue.

"Senior Sister Han Jiangxue, there is something I would like to ask for your help."

Han Jiangxue looked at Chen Mo suspiciously.

"Please say."

"Senior sister, do you know what is the most valuable thing here?"

Han Jiangxue; "..."


Chen Mo nodded.

"You want to take the most valuable thing?"

Crazy, this Chen Mo has a different brain circuit from others. In such a place, there are countless treasures, and everyone chooses only one standard, that is, the one that suits them best and improves them the most. Find... the most valuable...


Han Jiangxue said: "The most valuable ones should be elixirs or crystals. In terms of rarity, spirit tools are much rarer than elixirs. After all, elixirs can be manufactured, and If you use one spar, you will lose one, spar, some spar should be the most precious."

"Then don't know which crystals are the most precious?"

Han Jiangxue said, "I'll help you find it."

"Thank you, Sister."

"Should be."

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