Chen Mo walked vigilantly in the mist, looking for that strange figure.

"Chen Siniang said that this fog can not only confuse people, but also confuse monsters, but the figure just now can move here so quickly and with ease, maybe it has something to do with the fog here!"

Chen Mo pondered slightly while walking.

It's a pity that he doesn't have any special power, and he can only see a distance of about five meters. Walking in such a place is extremely dangerous!If he encounters a monster that is not too strong but can ignore the fog here, his fighting pressure will be greatly increased!

But it was very strange, Chen Mo kept walking forward, at least he felt that he had been walking forward, and 10 minutes passed without any movement!Even that figure has never touched him, it's very strange!

Suddenly Chen Mo's footsteps stopped, because he vaguely saw through the fog about seven or eight meters, maybe ten meters or so, a white figure squatting beside a tree, as if sobbing.

The normal viewing distance is five meters, that is to say, five meters can basically see clearly, but it does not mean that everything beyond five meters is invisible, it just blurs!But when Chen Mo heard a slight cry, he was sure that it was indeed a person!

To be honest, it's kind of weird!

In a forest that is so quiet that there are not even the sounds of insects and birds, surrounded by thick fog, a figure that looks like a girl is squatting there crying in a white gauze skirt. This scene is a bit scary. If it is night Even more terrifying!

But Chen Mo will definitely not be scared. After several years of darkness, is there anything more terrifying than this?At least you can see the light, that's enough!

Chen Mo walked over slowly, his steps were so light that no sound could be heard at all, and the sword of disaster was tightly held in his hand!Obviously, a girl crying here is obviously abnormal!

After approaching, Chen Mo released the scrying technique!

As he expected, it was indeed abnormal!

? ? ? :grade:? ? ? ,grade:? ? ? ,life value:? ? , profile: ? ? ?

Skill:? ? ?

That's right!All question marks!

All the question marks are very simple, just five levels higher than Chen Mo!In other words, she is at least level fourteen!villagers?

No, it's not that simple!If it was the villagers, they would have lost their minds long ago!

Chen Mo walked behind her, she seemed to hear footsteps, the squatting back raised her head, and the sobbing became much quieter.

"who are you?"

Chen Mo frowned. Although she didn't look like a monster, Chen Mo wasn't sure if she was an enemy or harmless!So Chen Mo kept a distance of two meters from her, which was enough for Chen Mo to react.

The minimum level is fourteen. Even if Chen Mo's defense is not low, if he is hit by her, he will drop a lot of blood!

Currently, Chen Mo can't go to the village. If he can't go to the village, he can't buy health recovery potion. Monsters won't drop this, and Chen Mo doesn't have a life recovery buff. Never miss these!

It is true for players to leave the village at level ten, but going to the sea of ​​death at level ten will have experience!Only by living and passing the experience can you leave the village!In addition, he had to upgrade two levels, during which he would normally be attacked by monsters.

In front, the girl stood up slowly, and then slowly turned her head!

When Chen Mo saw her, he subconsciously wanted to take a step back for a moment!

It can't be said to be afraid, it's mainly because of surprise!

She is human!But now it's not human!

About fifteen or sixteen years old, she was still a young girl with a pretty face, but her face was so pale that it was unimaginable, there was no life at all, and her lips didn't have any rosiness. She died?Is it a spirit body?A living person can't be like this!

For Chen Mo, killing monsters would have almost no psychological burden, but killing him would!Of course, it depends on whether you deserve to die or not!He is not a god of killing, he hopes to simply play games, without any hatred, without any fetters, just to be happy, to fight for the things he likes.

"Brother, can you do me a favor?"

The girl looked at Chen Mo and said slightly.


Chen Mo asked!

Then her face suddenly became grim.

"Give me your life!"

After all, the girl rushed over and slapped Chen Mo.

Chen Mo's pupils shrank suddenly!Luckily he was always on the lookout!Her body suddenly flashed to the side, she slapped the air with her palm, and then Chen Mo stabbed with a sword.


The figure groaned in pain!

It's a little strange, this girl is indeed a spirit body, but Chen Mo can attack, is it because this is a game?That's the only way!

The girl looked surprised after being attacked by Chen Mo, probably because she was shocked by Chen Mo's strength!

In fact, Chen Mo didn't have much strength, but she just said that she had never met someone in the village who could be so flexible!She didn't quite know what adventurers from another world were, so she was surprised.

In fact, Chen Mo likes to fight this kind of human monsters the most, because he is human, so her fighting skills can only be human skills, and Chen Mo is not afraid of this!Even if the skill is released, it is released in a human way.

There are blood bars on her head, and Chen Mo's 180 damage is about one-tenth of her, that is to say, her blood volume is around [-]!

If this is just an ordinary person, as long as Chen Mo can break through her defense, that is to say, if the gap is not too big, seal the throat or something, as long as the attack is fatal, Chen Mo can hit how many times his own attack power and instantly kill her. !Just like in reality!And that's where this game is all about!

As for other virtual online games, how should I put it, although there will be no broken limbs and arms, this is just an example to show that other virtual online games are not real. If you have an attack power of 180, even if you cut off its head, he will just lose it. 180 blood!Of course, this will not be possible in other virtual online games, because there will be no broken limbs and no blood, just to explain.

After Chen Mo attacked once, he immediately fixed his body, and suddenly exerted force on his right foot. Before the girl could even turn around, she was stabbed by Chen Mo again!

"Ding, you have stolen the mind control technique."

Chapter 38 The Big Secret in Novice Village

The girl was attacked twice by Chen Mo so quickly, she knew she was not the other party's opponent!And Chen Mo can also see that she doesn't know how to fight at all. If she doesn't have levels and skills, she is completely the kind of weak woman who has no power to restrain a chicken!

This is not quite right.

Seeing this, the girl turned around quickly, her hands quickly gathered a certain seal, and then a pink force shot at Chen Mo.

The speed of this force was so fast that Chen Mo had no time to dodge and could react, but his body couldn't dodge!

"Ding, you are immune to mind control!"

Chen Mo: ""

Well, I finally won a skill, and it was a negative control skill that I was immune to.

At the same time, Chen Mo also realized that controlling the fog is also controlling!So could this fog be made by the girl in front of him?

The girl thought that Chen Mo must be controlled by herself, and then stared at Chen Mo with a ferocious expression!

"In that sinful village, there are people who can ignore the phantom mist. I don't know how many other people are there besides him. If there are more, it will be bad."

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