The intensity of electromagnetic waves decays exponentially with distance. The higher the frequency, the greater the damage. The lower the frequency, the lower the energy of electromagnetic waves. If the energy absorbed when penetrating the human body is not enough to ionize the electrons of molecules or atoms, it will almost no harm.

But like X-rays, they have an ionizing effect, and long-term exposure will damage the electrical properties of cells, causing cells to find damage, disease, and cancer.Because water absorbs a lot of electromagnetic waves.

The human body has 70% water, but the amount of electromagnetic radiation in the air is very small. Electromagnetic waves of some bands, such as very hot terahertz electromagnetic waves, are similar to the vibrations of organic substances and macromolecules in the human body, and the amount of radiation is small and almost harmless. , There is no doubt that it is an excellent choice for wireless power transmission.

Terahertz coupled resonance is a new wireless power transmission method, that is, the tunneling effect of electromagnetic energy.

In the terahertz band, a horn waveguide generates an attenuated electromagnetic wave, and if the receiving waveguide supports the correspondingly efficient electromagnetic wave mode, that is, the attenuated field propagation mode, the energy is transmitted from one medium to another in a tunneling manner.

In other words, evanescent wave coupling is a concrete embodiment of the tunneling effect in the electromagnetic field.

In essence, this process is the same as quantum tunneling, except that electromagnetic waves replace the wave function in quantum mechanics.

This is terahertz resonant inductive coupling, which is different from ordinary electromagnetic inductive coupling. It uses a single-layer coil, and a flat capacitor is placed at both ends to form a resonant circuit to reduce energy waste.

Li Linfei sent the list of required equipment to the purchasing department, and then asked them to transport all the purchased materials to the research institute.

A week passed quickly, and the procurement department had prepared all the materials and experimental equipment Li Linfei needed, and handed them over to the terahertz coupling resonance technology research team of the institute.

The terahertz coupled resonance technology is a complete set of complex technical systems, and each research team only gets a part of the manufacturing task, and knows nothing about other modules.

Naturally, Li Linfei will not ignore the issue of technical confidentiality. On the other hand, there is also a team that is working on part of the patent registration issue. Commercialization cannot bypass this link. Failure to build patent barriers will result in heavy losses.

If the real core technology cannot even be imitated, then of course there is no need to patent it.

Chapter 1000 Two hundred and nineteen goals, kill Qualcomm

Half a month later, the first research institute, the third terahertz research room of the peripheral core.

Li Linfei and several researchers are focusing on the structure of the mathematical model on the holographic projection.

Terahertz coupling resonance, the principle of this wireless power transmission device requires two major resonance systems, transmitting and receiving, which can be made of induction coils respectively.

By adjusting the transmitting frequency to make the transmitting end vibrate at a specific frequency, what it produces is not ordinary electromagnetic waves permeating everywhere, but a magnetic field, that is, converting electrical energy into a magnetic field, forming an energy channel between the two coils.

The natural frequency of the receiving end is kept at the same frequency as the transmitting end, thereby establishing resonance.With each resonance, more voltage is generated in the receiving inductor.

A researcher is skillfully operating on the holographic display, confirming that he is trying to verify the theoretical model.

Li Linfei silently watched the evolution of holographic imaging.

After generating multiple resonances, the surface of the sensor gathers enough energy, so that the receiving end receives energy in the magnetic field, thereby completing the conversion of magnetic energy and electrical energy, thereby realizing wireless transmission of electrical energy.

The unaccepted energy will be reabsorbed by the transmitter.The main process of the entire wireless transmission system is the initial power supply terahertz generator transmitter resonator transmitter antenna receiver resonator rectifier power transformation grid or terminal electrical products.

The core technology is the terahertz generator, transmitting and receiving resonators, and other large modules can be imitated by many top scientific research institutions in the world.

The working principle of terahertz coupled resonance power transmission is the same thing, it is the problem of energy conversion, but without the core technology, it is helpless, just like the principle of atomic bomb or hydrogen bomb, one fission and one fusion, but without mastering the core technology and equipment, it is impossible to create come out.

To realize terahertz coupled resonance wireless power transmission, all major modules are indispensable, especially the terahertz generator.

Terahertz itself can be regarded as a large branch in the field of optics or electronics, and the application of terahertz is far from limited to this.

In this wireless power transmission system developed by Li Linfei, the biggest purpose of using a terahertz generator is that wireless power transmission will not cause harm to the human body.

In comparison, wireless power transmission is just one of the application scenarios of terahertz, and there are broader application prospects on the same level as it.

It is no exaggeration to say that the mainstream of wireless communication in the next decade will be terahertz communication, which is recognized all over the world, or the application of 6g and 7g wireless communication is terahertz technology.

Wireless power transmission is the rest of Nikola Tesla's play, and terahertz is the body and the soul.

Terahertz wireless communication chips will play one of the most important roles in the future ICT and integrated circuit industries.

When the quantum computer was being simulated and verified, Li Linfei was not idle, and started to construct the relevant patent barriers of terahertz technology, and learned from the front row of Qualcomm humbly. His goal is to become a new generation of patent trolls. Perhaps it is not unreasonable to kill Qualcomm. sure.

New technologies in the terahertz field are basically high-end application scenarios, or more appropriately, high-end consumer application scenarios and technology monopoly scenarios.

Terahertz-related technologies can be applied in the field of radio astronomy. In the universe, a large amount of matter is emitting terahertz electromagnetic waves. There is no doubt that this will make the application potential of terahertz in astronomical remote sensing very attractive.

It can be applied in the field of air defense and security inspection. Terahertz can easily penetrate non-polar and metal materials such as plastics, clothing, and cartons.It can be applied to medicine and imaging. Traditional human body fluoroscopy and filming all use X-rays, but X-rays will have side effects on the human body.

Terahertz waves also have the penetrating ability of X-rays, but their photon energy is small, and the radiation energy to the human body is 100 million times smaller than that of X-rays, so it will not cause radiation damage to the human body.

It is precisely because it will not cause radiation damage to the human body that it can be used in wireless power transmission.There is also crucial wireless communication.

This may be the biggest application scenario. Terahertz wave is a very good broadband information carrier, and its application prospects in network communication have unlimited imagination space, especially in wireless communication between satellites, between satellites and ground, and high-speed local area network communication. Advantage.

The frequency of terahertz waves is about 1000 times that of the current mobile phone communication frequency. The use of terahertz waves to realize super broadband high-speed wireless communication is a necessary communication module for Coastline's fourth-generation fist-level electrical products.That's right, Li Linfei has already started the layout.

The second-generation PHC2.0 product of Coastline has just been launched, the third-generation product has not yet been released, and the fourth-generation product is already quietly being laid out.

Currently, the International Communications Union has formulated the next-generation terrestrial wireless communication frequency band of 0.12THz. In other words, terahertz technology will become the basis of 6G or 7G communication.

In addition to wireless communication, terahertz radar detection is another major application. Compared with microwave radar, terahertz radar can detect smaller targets, achieve more accurate positioning, and have stronger confidentiality and anti-stealth capabilities;

Compared with lidar, terahertz radar can achieve a wider detection field of view and better search capabilities, and can work around the clock in severe weather conditions such as fog, haze, rain, and sand.

The system also suggests: "According to the host's current classification of the five major system applications for the 'terahertz project, terahertz technology, as a new technology with great development potential, will have inestimable impact on many fields such as technological innovation, national economic development, and national military security strategy." Impact.

"Perhaps you should set up a related new subsidiary company, which will make more sense for the commercialization of terahertz technology in the near future."

Li Linfei couldn't help but nodded. This system's suggestion is really too flawed. Separate the terahertz technology and set up a new subsidiary company. The lowest level of growth in the future will be a company that is not weaker than IBM, Verizon, and Comcast. An industry giant of this size.

It is not to belittle or look down on these world-class giants, but the application scenarios of terahertz technology are broader, and it may be more appropriate to change to a comparative level.

That is Future Technology itself. Future Technology started with chips, and its subsidiaries are all extensions of chip technology application scenarios.

Chapter 1000 Two hundred and twenty decisions in the city

On the day he came back from the research institute, Li Linfei suddenly proposed to meet the city, and the company immediately notified the city.


The next day, the city leaders of Xiangzhong City learned that Li Linfei from the Future Technology Group had come to visit in person and wanted to meet and talk.

In the morning, Li Linfei received warm hospitality as soon as he came to the city government. It can be said that he is the God of Wealth of Xiangzhong City. Because of the future technology, Xiangzhong City has become a new star in the global semiconductor industry, and the economy of Xiangzhong City will take off in the future. It is a fact that has been accepted, and no one can refute it.

"Long time no see, Boss Li."

"Happy meeting secretary."

In a reception room of the municipal government building, Secretary Xi and several other city leaders warmly received Li Linfei who had just arrived.

After the two parties exchanged a few polite words, Xi Changlin got straight to the point, and asked with a smile: "Boss Li, why are you a busy man in the technology industry coming here when you are free?"

Li Linfei smiled and said, "It's Secretary Xi like this. A while ago, at our company's high-level regular meeting, I heard that the city is going to have a big new city vision plan. I hope that future technology can express some opinions."

Chairman Changlin nodded slowly, and said with a smile: "That's right, after careful research by the city, it was reported to the provincial government for discussion, and finally established and strengthened the determination of Xiangzhong City to transform into a high-tech industry in an all-round way."

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